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-- The Agda standard library
-- Nondependent heterogeneous N-ary products

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Product.Nary.NonDependent where

-- Concrete examples can be found in README.Nary. This file's comments
-- are more focused on the implementation details and the motivations
-- behind the design decisions.

open import Level using (Level)
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit
open import Data.Product.Base as Prod
import Data.Product.Properties as Prodₚ
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc; pred)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Function.Base using (const; _∘′_; _∘_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core using (Dec; yes; no; _×-dec_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; cong₂)

open import Function.Nary.NonDependent.Base

-- Provided n Levels and a corresponding "vector" of `n` Sets, we can
-- build a big right-nested product type packing a value for each one
-- of these Sets.
-- We have two distinct but equivalent definitions:
-- the first which is always ⊤-terminated
-- the other which has a special case for n = 1 because we want our
-- `(un)curryₙ` functions to work for user-written functions and
-- products and they rarely are ⊤-terminated.

Product⊤ :  n {ls}  Sets n ls  Set ( n ls)
Product⊤ zero    as       = 
Product⊤ (suc n) (a , as) = a × Product⊤ n as

Product :  n {ls}  Sets n ls  Set ( n ls)
Product 0       _        = 
Product 1       (a , _)  = a
Product (suc n) (a , as) = a × Product n as

-- Pointwise lifting of a relation on products

Allₙ : (∀ {a} {A : Set a}  Rel A a) 
         n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} (l r : Product n as)  Sets n ls
Allₙ R 0               l       r       = _
Allₙ R 1               a       b       = R a b , _
Allₙ R (suc n@(suc _)) (a , l) (b , r) = R a b , Allₙ R n l r

Equalₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} (l r : Product n as)  Sets n ls
Equalₙ = Allₙ _≡_

-- Generic Programs

-- Once we have these type definitions, we can write generic programs
-- over them. They will typically be split into two or three definitions:

-- 1. action on the vector of n levels (if any)
-- 2. action on the corresponding vector of n Sets
-- 3. actual program, typed thank to the function defined in step 2.

-- see Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality for congₙ and substₙ, two
-- equality-related generic programs.

-- equivalence of Product and Product⊤

toProduct :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls}  Product⊤ n as  Product n as
toProduct 0               _        = _
toProduct 1               (v , _)  = v
toProduct (suc n@(suc _)) (v , vs) = v , toProduct n vs

toProduct⊤ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls}  Product n as  Product⊤ n as
toProduct⊤ 0               _        = _
toProduct⊤ 1               v        = v , _
toProduct⊤ (suc n@(suc _)) (v , vs) = v , toProduct⊤ n vs

-- (un)curry

-- We start by defining `curryₙ` and `uncurryₙ` converting back and forth
-- between `A₁ → ⋯ → Aₙ → B` and `(A₁ × ⋯ × Aₙ) → B` by induction on `n`.

curryₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {r} {b : Set r} 
         (Product n as  b)  as  b
curryₙ 0               f = f _
curryₙ 1               f = f
curryₙ (suc n@(suc _)) f = curryₙ n ∘′ curry f

uncurryₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {r} {b : Set r} 
           as  b  (Product n as  b)
uncurryₙ 0               f = const f
uncurryₙ 1               f = f
uncurryₙ (suc n@(suc _)) f = uncurry (uncurryₙ n ∘′ f)

-- Variants for Product⊤

curry⊤ₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {r} {b : Set r} 
          (Product⊤ n as  b)  as  b
curry⊤ₙ zero    f = f _
curry⊤ₙ (suc n) f = curry⊤ₙ n ∘′ curry f

uncurry⊤ₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {r} {b : Set r} 
            as  b  (Product⊤ n as  b)
uncurry⊤ₙ zero    f = const f
uncurry⊤ₙ (suc n) f = uncurry (uncurry⊤ₙ n ∘′ f)

-- decidability

Product⊤-dec :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls}  Product⊤ n (Dec <$> as)  Dec (Product⊤ n as)
Product⊤-dec zero    _          = yes _
Product⊤-dec (suc n) (p? , ps?) = p? ×-dec Product⊤-dec n ps?

Product-dec :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls}  Product n (Dec <$> as)  Dec (Product n as)
Product-dec 0               _          = yes _
Product-dec 1               p?         = p?
Product-dec (suc n@(suc _)) (p? , ps?) = p? ×-dec Product-dec n ps?

-- pointwise liftings

toEqualₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {l r : Product n as} 
           l  r  Product n (Equalₙ n l r)
toEqualₙ 0               eq = _
toEqualₙ 1               eq = eq
toEqualₙ (suc n@(suc _)) eq = Prod.map₂ (toEqualₙ n) (Prodₚ.,-injective eq)

fromEqualₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {l r : Product n as} 
             Product n (Equalₙ n l r)  l  r
fromEqualₙ 0               eq = refl
fromEqualₙ 1               eq = eq
fromEqualₙ (suc n@(suc _)) eq = uncurry (cong₂ _,_) (Prod.map₂ (fromEqualₙ n) eq)

-- projection of the k-th component

-- To know at which Set level the k-th projection out of an n-ary
-- product lives, we need to extract said level, by induction on k.

Levelₙ :  {n}  Levels n  Fin n  Level
Levelₙ (l , _)  zero    = l
Levelₙ (_ , ls) (suc k) = Levelₙ ls k

-- Once we have the Sets used in the product, we can extract the one we
-- are interested in, once more by induction on k.

Projₙ :  {n ls}  Sets n ls   k  Set (Levelₙ ls k)
Projₙ (a , _)  zero    = a
Projₙ (_ , as) (suc k) = Projₙ as k

-- Finally, provided a Product of these sets, we can extract the k-th
-- value. `projₙ` takes both `n` and `k` explicitly because we expect
-- the user will be using a concrete `k` (potentially manufactured
-- using `Data.Fin`'s `#_`) and it will not be possible to infer `n`
-- from it.

projₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} k  Product n as  Projₙ as k
projₙ 1               zero    v        = v
projₙ (suc n@(suc _)) zero    (v , _)  = v
projₙ (suc n@(suc _)) (suc k) (_ , vs) = projₙ n k vs
projₙ 1 (suc ()) v

-- zip

zipWith :  n {lsa lsb lsc}
          {as : Sets n lsa} {bs : Sets n lsb} {cs : Sets n lsc} 
          (∀ k  Projₙ as k  Projₙ bs k  Projₙ cs k) 
          Product n as  Product n bs  Product n cs
zipWith 0               f _        _        = _
zipWith 1               f v        w        = f zero v w
zipWith (suc n@(suc _)) f (v , vs) (w , ws) =
  f zero v w , zipWith n  k  f (suc k)) vs ws

-- removal of the k-th component

Levelₙ⁻ :  {n}  Levels n  Fin n  Levels (pred n)
Levelₙ⁻               (_ , ls) zero    = ls
Levelₙ⁻ {suc (suc _)} (l , ls) (suc k) = l , Levelₙ⁻ ls k
Levelₙ⁻ {1} _ (suc ())

Removeₙ :  {n ls}  Sets n ls   k  Sets (pred n) (Levelₙ⁻ ls k)
Removeₙ               (_ , as) zero    = as
Removeₙ {suc (suc _)} (a , as) (suc k) = a , Removeₙ as k
Removeₙ {1} _ (suc ())

removeₙ :  n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} k 
          Product n as  Product (pred n) (Removeₙ as k)
removeₙ (suc zero)          zero    _        = _
removeₙ (suc (suc _))       zero    (_ , vs) = vs
removeₙ (suc (suc zero))    (suc k) (v , _)  = v
removeₙ (suc (suc (suc _))) (suc k) (v , vs) = v , removeₙ _ k vs
removeₙ (suc zero) (suc ()) _

-- insertion of a k-th component

Levelₙ⁺ :  {n}  Levels n  Fin (suc n)  Level  Levels (suc n)
Levelₙ⁺         ls       zero    l⁺ = l⁺ , ls
Levelₙ⁺ {suc _} (l , ls) (suc k) l⁺ = l , Levelₙ⁺ ls k l⁺
Levelₙ⁺ {0} _ (suc ())

Insertₙ :  {n ls l⁺}  Sets n ls   k (a⁺ : Set l⁺)  Sets (suc n) (Levelₙ⁺ ls k l⁺)
Insertₙ         as       zero    a⁺ = a⁺ , as
Insertₙ {suc _} (a , as) (suc k) a⁺ = a , Insertₙ as k a⁺
Insertₙ {zero} _ (suc ()) _

insertₙ :  n {ls l⁺} {as : Sets n ls} {a⁺ : Set l⁺} k (v⁺ : a⁺) 
          Product n as  Product (suc n) (Insertₙ as k a⁺)
insertₙ 0               zero    v⁺ vs       = v⁺
insertₙ (suc n)         zero    v⁺ vs       = v⁺ , vs
insertₙ 1               (suc k) v⁺ vs       = vs , insertₙ 0 k v⁺ _
insertₙ (suc n@(suc _)) (suc k) v⁺ (v , vs) = v , insertₙ n k v⁺ vs
insertₙ 0 (suc ()) _ _

-- update of a k-th component

Levelₙᵘ :  {n}  Levels n  Fin n  Level  Levels n
Levelₙᵘ (_ , ls) zero    lᵘ = lᵘ , ls
Levelₙᵘ (l , ls) (suc k) lᵘ = l , Levelₙᵘ ls k lᵘ

Updateₙ :  {n ls lᵘ} (as : Sets n ls) k (aᵘ : Set lᵘ)  Sets n (Levelₙᵘ ls k lᵘ)
Updateₙ (_ , as) zero    aᵘ = aᵘ , as
Updateₙ (a , as) (suc k) aᵘ = a , Updateₙ as k aᵘ

updateₙ :  n {ls lᵘ} {as : Sets n ls} k {aᵘ : _  Set lᵘ} (f :  v  aᵘ v)
          (vs : Product n as)  Product n (Updateₙ as k (aᵘ (projₙ n k vs)))
updateₙ 1               zero    f v        = f v
updateₙ (suc (suc _))   zero    f (v , vs) = f v , vs
updateₙ (suc n@(suc _)) (suc k) f (v , vs) = v , updateₙ n k f vs
updateₙ 1 (suc ()) _ _

updateₙ′ :  n {ls lᵘ} {as : Sets n ls} k {aᵘ : Set lᵘ} (f : Projₙ as k  aᵘ) 
           Product n as  Product n (Updateₙ as k aᵘ)
updateₙ′ n k = updateₙ n k