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-- The Agda standard library
-- Showing natural numbers

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Nat.Show where

open import Data.Bool.Base using (_∧_)
open import Data.Char.Base as Char using (Char)
open import Data.Digit using (showDigit; toDigits; toNatDigits)
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Effectful using (module TraversableA)
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; _<∣>_; when)
import Data.Maybe.Effectful as Maybe
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product.Base using (proj₁)
open import Data.String.Base using (toList; fromList; String)
open import Function.Base using (_∘′_; _∘_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (True)

-- Read

readMaybe :  base {base≤16 : True (base ≤? 16)}  String  Maybe 
readMaybe _ "" = nothing
readMaybe base = convert
              ∘′ TraversableA.mapA Maybe.applicative readDigit
              ∘′ toList


    convert : List   
    convert = List.foldl  acc d  base * acc + d) 0

    char0 = Char.toℕ '0'
    char9 = Char.toℕ '9'
    chara = Char.toℕ 'a'
    charf = Char.toℕ 'f'

    readDigit : Char  Maybe 
    readDigit c = digit Maybe.>>= λ n  when (n <ᵇ base) n where

      charc = Char.toℕ c

      dec = when ((char0 ≤ᵇ charc)  (charc ≤ᵇ char9)) (charc  char0)
      hex = when ((chara ≤ᵇ charc)  (charc ≤ᵇ charf)) (10 + charc  chara)
      digit = dec <∣> hex

-- Show

-- Decimal notation
-- Time complexity is O(log₁₀(n))

toDigitChar :   Char
toDigitChar n = Char.fromℕ (n + Char.toℕ '0')

toDecimalChars :   List Char
toDecimalChars = toDigitChar ∘′ toNatDigits 10

show :   String
show = fromList ∘′ toDecimalChars

-- Arbitrary base betwen 2 & 16.
-- Warning: when compiled the time complexity of `showInBase b n` is
-- O(n) instead of the expected O(log(n)).

charsInBase : (base : )
              {base≥2 : True (2 ≤? base)}
              {base≤16 : True (base ≤? 16)} 
                List Char
charsInBase base {base≥2} {base≤16} = (showDigit {base≤16 = base≤16})
                                     toDigits base {base≥2 = base≥2}

showInBase : (base : )
             {base≥2 : True (2 ≤? base)}
             {base≤16 : True (base ≤? 16)} 
showInBase base {base≥2} {base≤16} = fromList
                                    charsInBase base {base≥2} {base≤16}