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-- The Agda standard library
-- Bundles for types of functions

-- The contents of this file should usually be accessed from `Function`.

-- Note that these bundles differ from those found elsewhere in other
-- library hierarchies as they take Setoids as parameters. This is
-- because a function is of no use without knowing what its domain and
-- codomain is, as well which equalities are being considered over them.
-- One consequence of this is that they are not built from the
-- definitions found in `Function.Structures` as is usually the case in
-- other library hierarchies, as this would duplicate the equality
-- axioms.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Function.Bundles where

open import Function.Base using (_∘_)
open import Function.Definitions
import Function.Structures as FunctionStructures
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; suc)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_Preserves_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as 
  using (_≡_)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as 
open import Function.Consequences.Propositional
open Setoid using (isEquivalence)

    a b ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level

-- Setoid bundles

module _ (From : Setoid a ℓ₁) (To : Setoid b ℓ₂) where

  open Setoid From using () renaming (Carrier to A; _≈_ to _≈₁_)
  open Setoid To   using () renaming (Carrier to B; _≈_ to _≈₂_)
  open FunctionStructures _≈₁_ _≈₂_

-- Bundles with one element

  -- Called `Func` rather than `Function` in order to avoid clashing
  -- with the top-level module.
  record Func : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to   : A  B
      cong : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to

    isCongruent : IsCongruent to
    isCongruent = record
      { cong           = cong
      ; isEquivalence₁ = isEquivalence From
      ; isEquivalence₂ = isEquivalence To

    open IsCongruent isCongruent public
      using (module Eq₁; module Eq₂)

  record Injection : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to          : A  B
      cong        : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      injective   : Injective _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to

    function : Func
    function = record
      { to   = to
      ; cong = cong

    open Func function public
      hiding (to; cong)

    isInjection : IsInjection to
    isInjection = record
      { isCongruent = isCongruent
      ; injective   = injective

  record Surjection : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to         : A  B
      cong       : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      surjective : Surjective _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to

    function : Func
    function = record
      { to   = to
      ; cong = cong

    open Func function public
      hiding (to; cong)

    isSurjection : IsSurjection to
    isSurjection = record
      { isCongruent = isCongruent
      ; surjective  = surjective

    open IsSurjection isSurjection public
      ( strictlySurjective

    to⁻ : B  A
    to⁻ = proj₁  surjective

    to∘to⁻ :  x  to (to⁻ x) ≈₂ x
    to∘to⁻ = proj₂  strictlySurjective

  record Bijection : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to        : A  B
      cong      : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      bijective : Bijective _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to

    injective : Injective _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
    injective = proj₁ bijective

    surjective : Surjective _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
    surjective = proj₂ bijective

    injection : Injection
    injection = record
      { cong      = cong
      ; injective = injective

    surjection : Surjection
    surjection = record
      { cong       = cong
      ; surjective = surjective

    open Injection  injection  public using (isInjection)
    open Surjection surjection public using (isSurjection; to⁻;  strictlySurjective)

    isBijection : IsBijection to
    isBijection = record
      { isInjection = isInjection
      ; surjective  = surjective

    open IsBijection isBijection public using (module Eq₁; module Eq₂)

-- Bundles with two elements

module _ (From : Setoid a ℓ₁) (To : Setoid b ℓ₂) where

  open Setoid From using () renaming (Carrier to A; _≈_ to _≈₁_)
  open Setoid To   using () renaming (Carrier to B; _≈_ to _≈₂_)
  open FunctionStructures _≈₁_ _≈₂_

  record Equivalence : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to        : A  B
      from      : B  A
      to-cong   : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      from-cong : Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ from

    toFunction : Func From To
    toFunction = record
      { to = to
      ; cong = to-cong

    open Func toFunction public
      using (module Eq₁; module Eq₂)
      renaming (isCongruent to to-isCongruent)

    fromFunction : Func To From
    fromFunction = record
      { to = from
      ; cong = from-cong

    open Func fromFunction public
      using ()
      renaming (isCongruent to from-isCongruent)

  record LeftInverse : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to        : A  B
      from      : B  A
      to-cong   : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      from-cong : Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ from
      inverseˡ  : Inverseˡ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to from

    isCongruent : IsCongruent to
    isCongruent = record
      { cong           = to-cong
      ; isEquivalence₁ = isEquivalence From
      ; isEquivalence₂ = isEquivalence To

    isLeftInverse : IsLeftInverse to from
    isLeftInverse = record
      { isCongruent = isCongruent
      ; from-cong   = from-cong
      ; inverseˡ    = inverseˡ

    open IsLeftInverse isLeftInverse public
      using (module Eq₁; module Eq₂; strictlyInverseˡ; isSurjection)

    equivalence : Equivalence
    equivalence = record
      { to-cong   = to-cong
      ; from-cong = from-cong

    isSplitSurjection : IsSplitSurjection to
    isSplitSurjection = record
      { from = from
      ; isLeftInverse = isLeftInverse

    surjection : Surjection From To
    surjection = record
      { to = to
      ; cong = to-cong
      ; surjective = λ y  from y , inverseˡ

  record RightInverse : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to        : A  B
      from      : B  A
      to-cong   : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      from-cong : from Preserves _≈₂_  _≈₁_
      inverseʳ  : Inverseʳ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to from

    isCongruent : IsCongruent to
    isCongruent = record
      { cong           = to-cong
      ; isEquivalence₁ = isEquivalence From
      ; isEquivalence₂ = isEquivalence To

    isRightInverse : IsRightInverse to from
    isRightInverse = record
      { isCongruent = isCongruent
      ; from-cong   = from-cong
      ; inverseʳ    = inverseʳ

    open IsRightInverse isRightInverse public
      using (module Eq₁; module Eq₂; strictlyInverseʳ)

    equivalence : Equivalence
    equivalence = record
      { to-cong   = to-cong
      ; from-cong = from-cong

  record Inverse : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to        : A  B
      from      : B  A
      to-cong   : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      from-cong : Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ from
      inverse   : Inverseᵇ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to from

    inverseˡ : Inverseˡ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to from
    inverseˡ = proj₁ inverse

    inverseʳ : Inverseʳ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to from
    inverseʳ = proj₂ inverse

    leftInverse : LeftInverse
    leftInverse = record
      { to-cong   = to-cong
      ; from-cong = from-cong
      ; inverseˡ  = inverseˡ

    rightInverse : RightInverse
    rightInverse = record
      { to-cong   = to-cong
      ; from-cong = from-cong
      ; inverseʳ  = inverseʳ

    open LeftInverse leftInverse   public using (isLeftInverse; strictlyInverseˡ)
    open RightInverse rightInverse public using (isRightInverse; strictlyInverseʳ)

    isInverse : IsInverse to from
    isInverse = record
      { isLeftInverse = isLeftInverse
      ; inverseʳ      = inverseʳ

    open IsInverse isInverse public using (module Eq₁; module Eq₂)

-- Bundles with three elements

  record BiEquivalence : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to         : A  B
      from₁      : B  A
      from₂      : B  A
      to-cong    : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      from₁-cong : Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ from₁
      from₂-cong : Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ from₂

  record BiInverse : Set (a  b  ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
      to          : A  B
      from₁       : B  A
      from₂       : B  A
      to-cong     : Congruent _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to
      from₁-cong  : Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ from₁
      from₂-cong  : Congruent _≈₂_ _≈₁_ from₂
      inverseˡ  : Inverseˡ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to from₁
      inverseʳ  : Inverseʳ _≈₁_ _≈₂_ to from₂

    to-isCongruent : IsCongruent to
    to-isCongruent = record
      { cong           = to-cong
      ; isEquivalence₁ = isEquivalence From
      ; isEquivalence₂ = isEquivalence To

    isBiInverse : IsBiInverse to from₁ from₂
    isBiInverse = record
      { to-isCongruent = to-isCongruent
      ; from₁-cong     = from₁-cong
      ; from₂-cong     = from₂-cong
      ; inverseˡ       = inverseˡ
      ; inverseʳ       = inverseʳ

    biEquivalence : BiEquivalence
    biEquivalence = record
      { to-cong    = to-cong
      ; from₁-cong = from₁-cong
      ; from₂-cong = from₂-cong

-- Other

  -- A left inverse is also known as a “split surjection”.
  -- As the name implies, a split surjection is a special kind of
  -- surjection where the witness generated in the domain in the
  -- function for elements `x₁` and `x₂` are equal if `x₁ ≈ x₂` .
  -- The difference is the `from-cong` law --- generally, the section
  -- (called `⁻` or `SplitSurjection.from`) of a surjection
  -- need not respect equality, whereas it must in a split surjection.
  -- The two notions coincide when the equivalence relation on `B` is
  -- propositional equality (because all functions respect propositional
  -- equality).
  -- For further background on (split) surjections, one may consult any
  -- general mathematical references which work without the principle
  -- of choice. For example:
  -- The connection to set-theoretic notions with the same names is
  -- justified by the setoid type theory/homotopy type theory
  -- observation/definition that (∃x : A. P) = ∥ Σx : A. P ∥ --- i.e.,
  -- we can read set-theoretic ∃ as squashed/propositionally truncated Σ.
  -- We see working with setoids as working in the MLTT model of a setoid
  -- type theory, in which ∥ X ∥ is interpreted as the setoid with carrier
  -- set X and the equivalence relation that relates all elements.
  -- All maps into ∥ X ∥ respect equality, so in the idiomatic definitions
  -- here, we drop the corresponding trivial `cong` field completely.

  SplitSurjection : Set _
  SplitSurjection = LeftInverse

  module SplitSurjection (splitSurjection : SplitSurjection) =
    LeftInverse splitSurjection

-- Infix abbreviations for oft-used items

-- Same naming convention as used for propositional equality below, with
-- appended ₛ (for 'S'etoid).

infixr 0 _⟶ₛ_
_⟶ₛ_ : Setoid a ℓ₁  Setoid b ℓ₂  Set _
_⟶ₛ_ = Func

-- Bundles specialised for propositional equality

infix 3 _⟶_ _↣_ _↠_ _⤖_ _⇔_ _↩_ _↪_ _↩↪_ _↔_
_⟶_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = Func (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_↣_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = Injection (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_↠_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = Surjection (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_⤖_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = Bijection (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_⇔_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = Equivalence (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_↩_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = LeftInverse (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_↪_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = RightInverse (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_↩↪_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A ↩↪ B = BiInverse (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

_↔_ : Set a  Set b  Set _
A  B = Inverse (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

-- We now define some constructors for the above that
-- automatically provide the required congruency proofs.

module _ {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where

  mk⟶ : (A  B)  A  B
  mk⟶ to = record
    { to        = to
    ; cong      = ≡.cong to

  mk↣ :  {to : A  B}  Injective _≡_ _≡_ to  A  B
  mk↣ {to} inj = record
    { to         = to
    ; cong      = ≡.cong to
    ; injective = inj

  mk↠ :  {to : A  B}  Surjective _≡_ _≡_ to  A  B
  mk↠ {to} surj = record
    { to         = to
    ; cong       = ≡.cong to
    ; surjective = surj

  mk⤖ :  {to : A  B}  Bijective _≡_ _≡_ to  A  B
  mk⤖ {to} bij = record
    { to        = to
    ; cong      = ≡.cong to
    ; bijective = bij

  mk⇔ :  (to : A  B) (from : B  A)  A  B
  mk⇔ to from = record
    { to        = to
    ; from      = from
    ; to-cong   = ≡.cong to
    ; from-cong = ≡.cong from

  mk↩ :  {to : A  B} {from : B  A}  Inverseˡ _≡_ _≡_ to from  A  B
  mk↩ {to} {from} invˡ = record
    { to        = to
    ; from      = from
    ; to-cong   = ≡.cong to
    ; from-cong = ≡.cong from
    ; inverseˡ  = invˡ

  mk↪ :  {to : A  B} {from : B  A}  Inverseʳ _≡_ _≡_ to from  A  B
  mk↪ {to} {from} invʳ = record
    { to        = to
    ; from      = from
    ; to-cong   = ≡.cong to
    ; from-cong = ≡.cong from
    ; inverseʳ  = invʳ

  mk↩↪ :  {to : A  B} {from₁ : B  A} {from₂ : B  A} 
         Inverseˡ _≡_ _≡_ to from₁  Inverseʳ _≡_ _≡_ to from₂  A ↩↪ B
  mk↩↪ {to} {from₁} {from₂} invˡ invʳ = record
    { to         = to
    ; from₁      = from₁
    ; from₂      = from₂
    ; to-cong    = ≡.cong to
    ; from₁-cong = ≡.cong from₁
    ; from₂-cong = ≡.cong from₂
    ; inverseˡ   = invˡ
    ; inverseʳ   = invʳ

  mk↔ :  {to : A  B} {from : B  A}  Inverseᵇ _≡_ _≡_ to from  A  B
  mk↔ {to} {from} inv = record
    { to        = to
    ; from      = from
    ; to-cong   = ≡.cong to
    ; from-cong = ≡.cong from
    ; inverse   = inv

  -- Strict variant of the above.
  mk↠ₛ :  {to : A  B}  StrictlySurjective _≡_ to  A  B
  mk↠ₛ = mk↠  strictlySurjective⇒surjective

  mk↔ₛ′ :  (to : A  B) (from : B  A) 
          StrictlyInverseˡ _≡_ to from 
          StrictlyInverseʳ _≡_ to from 
          A  B
  mk↔ₛ′ to from invˡ invʳ = mk↔ {to} {from}
    ( strictlyInverseˡ⇒inverseˡ to invˡ
    , strictlyInverseʳ⇒inverseʳ to invʳ

-- Other

-- Alternative syntax for the application of functions

module _ {From : Setoid a ℓ₁} {To : Setoid b ℓ₂} where
  open Setoid

  infixl 5 _⟨$⟩_
  _⟨$⟩_ : Func From To  Carrier From  Carrier To
  _⟨$⟩_ =