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-- The Agda standard library
-- The TC (Type Checking) monad

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Reflection.TCM where

import Agda.Builtin.Reflection as Builtin

open import Reflection.AST.Term
import Reflection.TCM.Format as Format

-- Type errors

open Builtin public
  using (ErrorPart; strErr; termErr; nameErr)

-- The monad

open Builtin public
  ( TC; bindTC; unify; typeError; inferType; checkType
  ; normalise; reduce
  ; catchTC; quoteTC; unquoteTC
  ; getContext; extendContext; inContext; freshName
  ; declareDef; declarePostulate; defineFun; getType; getDefinition
  ; blockOnMeta; commitTC; isMacro; withNormalisation
  ; debugPrint; noConstraints; runSpeculative
  ; Blocker; blockerMeta; blockerAny; blockerAll; blockTC
  renaming (returnTC to pure)

open Format public
  using (typeErrorFmt; debugPrintFmt; errorPartFmt)

-- Utility functions

newMeta : Type  TC Term
newMeta = checkType unknown