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{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
-- assumption: try to solve the goal with one of the available assumptions

module Tactic.Assumption where

open import Meta.Prelude
open import Meta.Init

open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadError.Instances
open import Class.MonadReader.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances

open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI

  _ = Functor-M

solve :  TCOptions   Term  Tactic
solve t = initTac $ runSpeculative $ do
  inj₁ goal  reader TCEnv.goal
    where _  error1 "solve: Goal is not a term!"
  metas  findMetas <$> checkType t goal
  if null metas
    then (_, true)  <$> unify goal t
    else (_, false) <$> error1 "Unsolved metavariables remaining!"

assumption' : ITactic
assumption' = inDebugPath "assumption" do
  c  getContext
  foldl  x k  do
    catch (unifyWithGoal ( k) >> debugLog ("Success with: " ∷ᵈ  k ∷ᵈ []))  _  x))
    (logAndError1 "No valid assumption!") (downFrom $ length c)

module _  _ : TCOptions  where
    assumption = initTac assumption'
    assumptionOpts = initTacOpts assumption'

  open import Tactic.Defaults
  module Test where
    test₁ : {A B : Set}  A  B  A
    test₁ a b = assumption

    test₂ : {A B : Set}  A  B  B
    test₂ a b = assumption