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{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
-- eta: unify with an eta-expanded version of the argument

module Tactic.Eta where

open import Meta.Prelude
open import Meta.Init

open import Data.List
open import Data.Fin

open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances
open import Class.Semigroup
open import Class.Show

open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI

saturate : Term  Args Type  TC Term
saturate f as = case f of λ where
  (def c as′)  return $ def c (as′ ++ as)
  _            error1 $ "cannot saturate arbitrary expressions, only definitions"

  η :  TCOptions   Term  Tactic
  η f = initTac $ inDebugPath "eta" do
    debugLog ("f: " ∷ᵈ f ∷ᵈ [])
    ty  inferType f -- =<< reduce f
    debugLog ("ty: " ∷ᵈ ty ∷ᵈ [])
    let as , _ = viewTy′ ty
    debugLog ("as: " ∷ᵈ show as ∷ᵈ [])
    f′  saturate f $ flip map (enumerate as) $ λ where
      (n , arg i _)  arg i ( (length as  suc n))
    debugLog ("f′: " ∷ᵈ show f′ ∷ᵈ [])
    unifyWithGoal $ foldr  x t  Π[ "_"  x ] t) f′ as

  module Test where
    open import Tactic.Defaults

    p : Set
    p =  {n}  Fin n

    ∀p :  {n}  Set
    ∀p {n} = Fin n

    _ : Set
    _ = η ∀p

    ∀kp :  (m : ) {n}  Set
    ∀kp _ {n} = Fin n

    _ : Set
    _ = η (∀kp 0)

    ∀k2p :  (m : ) {k : } {n}  Set
    ∀k2p _ {n = n} = Fin n

    _ : Set
    _ = η (∀k2p 0 {1})