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-- BitML datatypes: Contracts & Ads
open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.DecEq

open import BitML.BasicTypes
open import BitML.Predicate

module BitML.Contracts.Types  (let open  ) where

variable A B A′ B′ : Participant

-- Contracts

data Branch : Type
Contract    = List Branch
Contracts   = List Contract
VContracts  = List (Value × Contract)
VIContracts = List (Value × Contract × Id)

data Branch where

  -- collect deposits and secrets
  put_&reveal_if_⇒_ : Ids  Secrets  Predicate  Contract  Branch

  -- transfer the balance to a participant
  withdraw : Participant  Branch

  -- split the balance
  -- T0D0: phrase as percentages to mitigate the need for `Validity.splitsOK`
  split : VContracts  Branch

  -- wait for participant's authorization
  _∶_ : Participant  Branch  Branch

  -- wait of a period of time
  after_∶_ : Time  Branch  Branch

unquoteDecl DecEq-Branch = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Branch , DecEq-Branch ]

  d d′ d″ : Branch
  ds ds′ ds″ c c′ c″ : Contract
  cs cs′ cs″ : Contracts
  vcs vcs′ vcs″ : VContracts

pattern put_&reveal_⇒_ xs as c = put xs &reveal as if `true  c
pattern put_⇒_ xs c            = put xs &reveal []           c
pattern put_if_⇒_ xs p c       = put xs &reveal [] if p      c
pattern reveal_if_⇒_ as p c    = put [] &reveal as if p      c
pattern reveal_⇒_ as c         = put [] &reveal as           c

-- Contract preconditions.

data Precondition : Type where

  -- volatile deposit
  _:?_at_ : Participant  Value  Id  Precondition

  -- persistent deposit
  _:!_at_ : Participant  Value  Id  Precondition

  -- committed secret (random nonce) by <Participant>
  _:secret_ : Participant  Secret  Precondition

  -- composition
  _∣_ : Op₂ Precondition

unquoteDecl DecEq-PreC = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Precondition , DecEq-PreC ]

variable g g′ g″ : Precondition

-- Advertisements.

record Ad : Type where
  constructor ⟨_⟩_
    G : Precondition
    C : Contract
open Ad public
unquoteDecl DecEq-Ad = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Ad , DecEq-Ad ]

variable ad ad′ ad″ : Ad

-- Auxiliary types.

data DepositType : Type where
  volatile persistent : DepositType

DepositRef   = Participant × Value × Id
DepositRefs  = List DepositRef
TDepositRef  = DepositType × DepositRef
TDepositRefs = List TDepositRef

PutComponent = Ids × Secrets × Predicate

-- Notation.

private variable X Y Z : Type

import Prelude.Lists.NoNil as NN
open NN using (List?; toL) public
  ⊕-notation-𝕃 = NN.Pick𝕃
  ⊕-notation-ℝ = NN.Pickℝ
_⊕_ = NN._⊕_ {X = Branch}
_⊗_ = Op₂ VContracts  _++_

_⊸_ : Value  X   List? Branch X   VContracts
v  c = [ v , toL c ]

open import Prelude.General; open MultiTest
module _ (b b′ : Branch) (c c′ : Contract) where
  _ = Contract
   ∋⋮ b  b′
     b  c
     c  b
     c  c′

module _  _ : List? Id X   _ : List? Secret Y   _ : List? Branch Z  where
  put_&reveal_if_._ : X  Y  Predicate  Z  Branch
  put xs &reveal as if p  bs = put toL xs &reveal toL as if p  toL bs

  put_&reveal_._ : X  Y  Z  Branch
  put xs &reveal as  bs = put toL xs &reveal toL as  toL bs

  infix 8 put_&reveal_if_._ put_&reveal_._

module _  _ : List? String X   _ : List? Branch Y  where
  put_._ reveal_._ : X  Y  Branch
  put    xs  bs = put    toL xs  toL bs
  reveal as  bs = reveal toL as  toL bs

  put_if_._ reveal_if_._ : X  Predicate  Y  Branch
  put    xs if p  bs = put    toL xs if p  toL bs
  reveal as if p  bs = reveal toL as if p  toL bs

  infix 8 put_._ put_if_._ reveal_._ reveal_if_._

infix  7 _:?_at_ _:!_at_ _:secret_
infixl 6 _∣_
infix  0 ⟨_⟩_

infixr 9 _∶_ after_∶_
infix  8 put_&reveal_if_⇒_ put_&reveal_⇒_ put_⇒_ put_if_⇒_ reveal_⇒_ reveal_if_⇒_
infixr 5 _⊕_
infix  4 _⊸_
infixr 3 _⊗_

-- Examples.

module _ (A B : Participant) where
  _ = Contract
   ∋⋮ [ withdraw A ]
     A  withdraw A
     put []  withdraw A
     [ put "x"  withdraw A ]
     A  withdraw B
     B  split ( 2  withdraw A
                 3  after 100  withdraw B
                     after 200  withdraw A
                 0  put "y"  (A  withdraw B))

  _ = Ad
   ∋⋮  B :! 2 at "x"  A :! 3 at "y"  B :? 100 at "z" 
      [ put "z"  withdraw A ]