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-- The Agda standard library
-- A categorical view of Maybe

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Maybe.Categorical where

open import Data.Maybe.Base
open import Category.Functor
open import Category.Applicative
open import Category.Monad
import Function.Identity.Categorical as Id
open import Function

-- Maybe applicative functor

functor :  {f}  RawFunctor {f} Maybe
functor = record
  { _<$>_ = map

applicative :  {f}  RawApplicative {f} Maybe
applicative = record
  { pure = just
  ; _⊛_  = maybe map (const nothing)

applicativeZero :  {f}  RawApplicativeZero {f} Maybe
applicativeZero = record
  { applicative = applicative
  ;            = nothing

alternative :  {f}  RawAlternative {f} Maybe
alternative = record
  { applicativeZero = applicativeZero
  ; _∣_             = _<∣>_

-- Maybe monad transformer

monadT :  {f}  RawMonadT {f} (_∘′ Maybe)
monadT M = record
  { return = M.return  just
  ; _>>=_  = λ m f  m M.>>= maybe f (M.return nothing)
  where module M = RawMonad M

-- Maybe monad

monad :  {f}  RawMonad {f} Maybe
monad = monadT Id.monad

monadZero :  {f}  RawMonadZero {f} Maybe
monadZero = record
  { monad           = monad
  ; applicativeZero = applicativeZero

monadPlus :  {f}  RawMonadPlus {f} Maybe
monadPlus {f} = record
  { monad       = monad
  ; alternative = alternative

-- Get access to other monadic functions

module TraversableA {f F} (App : RawApplicative {f} F) where

  open RawApplicative App

  sequenceA :  {A}  Maybe (F A)  F (Maybe A)
  sequenceA nothing  = pure nothing
  sequenceA (just x) = just <$> x

  mapA :  {a} {A : Set a} {B}  (A  F B)  Maybe A  F (Maybe B)
  mapA f = sequenceA  map f

  forA :  {a} {A : Set a} {B}  Maybe A  (A  F B)  F (Maybe B)
  forA = flip mapA

module TraversableM {m M} (Mon : RawMonad {m} M) where

  open RawMonad Mon

  open TraversableA rawIApplicative public
    ( sequenceA to sequenceM
    ; mapA      to mapM
    ; forA      to forM