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-- The Agda standard library
-- Types and functions which are used to keep track of height
-- invariants in AVL Trees

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Tree.AVL.Height where

open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)

ℕ₂ = Fin 2
pattern 0# = zero
pattern 1# = suc zero
pattern ## = suc (suc ())

-- Addition.

infixl 6 _⊕_

_⊕_ : ℕ₂    
0#  n = n
1#  n = 1 + n

-- pred[ i ⊕ n ] = pred (i ⊕ n).

pred[_⊕_] : ℕ₂    
pred[ i  zero  ] = 0
pred[ i  suc n ] = i  n

infix 4 _∼_⊔_

-- If i ∼ j ⊔ m, then the difference between i and j is at most 1,
-- and the maximum of i and j is m. _∼_⊔_ is used to record the
-- balance factor of the AVL trees, and also to ensure that the
-- absolute value of the balance factor is never more than 1.

data _∼_⊔_ :       Set where
  ∼+ :  {n}      n  1 + n  1 + n
  ∼0 :  {n}      n  n      n
  ∼- :  {n}  1 + n  n      1 + n

-- Some lemmas.

max∼ :  {i j m}  i  j  m  m  i  m
max∼ ∼+ = ∼-
max∼ ∼0 = ∼0
max∼ ∼- = ∼0

∼max :  {i j m}  i  j  m  j  m  m
∼max ∼+ = ∼0
∼max ∼0 = ∼0
∼max ∼- = ∼+