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-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of membership of vectors based on propositional equality.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Vec.Membership.Propositional.Properties where

open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (_,_; ; _×_; -,_)
open import Data.Vec hiding (here; there)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there)
open import Data.List.Base using ([]; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.Vec.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
  using () renaming (_∈_ to _∈ₗ_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; id)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong)

    a b p : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- lookup

∈-lookup :  {n} i (xs : Vec A n)  lookup xs i  xs
∈-lookup zero    (x  xs) = here refl
∈-lookup (suc i) (x  xs) = there (∈-lookup i xs)

index-∈-lookup :  {n} (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n)  Any.index (∈-lookup i xs)  i
index-∈-lookup zero (x  xs) = refl
index-∈-lookup (suc i) (x  xs) = cong suc (index-∈-lookup i xs)

-- map

∈-map⁺ : (f : A  B)   {m v} {xs : Vec A m}  v  xs  f v  map f xs
∈-map⁺ f (here refl)  = here refl
∈-map⁺ f (there x∈xs) = there (∈-map⁺ f x∈xs)

-- _++_

∈-++⁺ˡ :  {m n v} {xs : Vec A m} {ys : Vec A n}  v  xs  v  xs ++ ys
∈-++⁺ˡ (here refl)  = here refl
∈-++⁺ˡ (there x∈xs) = there (∈-++⁺ˡ x∈xs)

∈-++⁺ʳ :  {m n v} (xs : Vec A m) {ys : Vec A n}  v  ys  v  xs ++ ys
∈-++⁺ʳ []       x∈ys = x∈ys
∈-++⁺ʳ (x  xs) x∈ys = there (∈-++⁺ʳ xs x∈ys)

-- tabulate

∈-tabulate⁺ :  {n} (f : Fin n  A) i  f i  tabulate f
∈-tabulate⁺ f zero    = here refl
∈-tabulate⁺ f (suc i) = there (∈-tabulate⁺ (f  suc) i)

-- allFin

∈-allFin⁺ :  {n} (i : Fin n)  i  allFin n
∈-allFin⁺ = ∈-tabulate⁺ id

-- allPairs

∈-allPairs⁺ :  {m n x y} {xs : Vec A m} {ys : Vec B n} 
             x  xs  y  ys  (x , y)  allPairs xs ys
∈-allPairs⁺ {xs = x  xs} (here refl)  = ∈-++⁺ˡ  ∈-map⁺ (x ,_)
∈-allPairs⁺ {xs = x  _}  (there x∈xs) =
  ∈-++⁺ʳ (map (x ,_) _)  ∈-allPairs⁺ x∈xs

-- toList

∈-toList⁺ :  {n} {v : A} {xs : Vec A n}  v  xs  v ∈ₗ toList xs
∈-toList⁺ (here refl) = here refl
∈-toList⁺ (there x∈)  = there (∈-toList⁺ x∈)

∈-toList⁻ :  {n} {v : A} {xs : Vec A n}  v ∈ₗ toList xs  v  xs
∈-toList⁻ {xs = x  xs} (here refl)  = here refl
∈-toList⁻ {xs = x  xs} (there v∈xs) = there (∈-toList⁻ v∈xs)

-- fromList

∈-fromList⁺ :  {v : A} {xs}  v ∈ₗ xs  v  fromList xs
∈-fromList⁺ (here refl) = here refl
∈-fromList⁺ (there x∈)  = there (∈-fromList⁺ x∈)

∈-fromList⁻ :  {v : A} {xs}  v  fromList xs  v ∈ₗ xs
∈-fromList⁻ {xs = _  _} (here refl)  = here refl
∈-fromList⁻ {xs = _  _} (there v∈xs) = there (∈-fromList⁻ v∈xs)

-- Relationship to Any

module _ {P : Pred A p} where

  fromAny :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}  Any P xs   λ x  x  xs × P x
  fromAny (here px) = -, here refl , px
  fromAny (there v) = Prod.map₂ (Prod.map₁ there) (fromAny v)

  toAny :  {n x} {xs : Vec A n}  x  xs  P x  Any P xs
  toAny (here refl) px = here px
  toAny (there v)   px = there (toAny v px)