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-- The Agda standard library
-- Some Vec-related properties

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Vec.Properties where

open import Algebra.Definitions
open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.Fin.Base as Fin using (Fin; zero; suc; toℕ; fromℕ)
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List)
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-assoc; ≤-step)
open import Data.Product as Prod
  using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂; <_,_>; uncurry)
open import Data.Sum.Base using ([_,_]′)
open import Data.Sum.Properties using ([,]-map-commute)
open import Data.Vec.Base
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Inverse using (_↔_; inverse)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary as B hiding (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
  using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; _≗_; cong₂)
open P.≡-Reasoning
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; does; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (map′)
open import Relation.Nullary.Product using (_×-dec_)

    a b c d p : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    C : Set c
    D : Set d

-- Properties of propositional equality over vectors

module _ {n} {x y : A} {xs ys : Vec A n} where

 ∷-injectiveˡ : x  xs  y  ys  x  y
 ∷-injectiveˡ refl = refl

 ∷-injectiveʳ : x  xs  y  ys  xs  ys
 ∷-injectiveʳ refl = refl

 ∷-injective : (x  xs)  (y  ys)  x  y × xs  ys
 ∷-injective refl = refl , refl

≡-dec : B.Decidable _≡_   {n}  B.Decidable {A = Vec A n} _≡_
≡-dec _≟_ []       []       = yes refl
≡-dec _≟_ (x  xs) (y  ys) =
  map′ (uncurry (cong₂ _∷_)) ∷-injective
       (x  y ×-dec ≡-dec _≟_ xs ys)

-- _[_]=_

[]=-injective :  {n} {xs : Vec A n} {i x y} 
                xs [ i ]= x  xs [ i ]= y  x  y
[]=-injective here          here          = refl
[]=-injective (there xsᵢ≡x) (there xsᵢ≡y) = []=-injective xsᵢ≡x xsᵢ≡y

-- See also Data.Vec.Properties.WithK.[]=-irrelevant.

-- take

unfold-take :  n {m} x (xs : Vec A (n + m))  take (suc n) (x  xs)  x  take n xs
unfold-take n x xs with splitAt n xs
unfold-take n x .(xs ++ ys) | xs , ys , refl = refl

take-distr-zipWith :  {m n}  (f : A  B  C) 
                     (xs : Vec A (m + n))  (ys : Vec B (m + n)) 
                     take m (zipWith f xs ys)  zipWith f (take m xs) (take m ys)
take-distr-zipWith {m = zero}  f  xs       ys = refl
take-distr-zipWith {m = suc m} f (x  xs) (y  ys) = begin
    take (suc m) (zipWith f (x  xs) (y  ys))
    take (suc m) (f x y  (zipWith f xs ys))
  ≡⟨ unfold-take m (f x y) (zipWith f xs ys) 
    f x y  take m (zipWith f xs ys)
  ≡⟨ P.cong (f x y ∷_) (take-distr-zipWith f xs ys) 
    f x y  (zipWith f (take m xs) (take m ys))
    zipWith f (x  (take m xs)) (y  (take m ys))
  ≡˘⟨ P.cong₂ (zipWith f) (unfold-take m x xs) (unfold-take m y ys) 
    zipWith f (take (suc m) (x  xs)) (take (suc m) (y  ys))

take-distr-map :  {n}  (f : A  B)  (m : )  (xs : Vec A (m + n)) 
                 take m (map f xs)  map f (take m xs)
take-distr-map f zero xs = refl
take-distr-map f (suc m) (x  xs) =
    take (suc m) (map f (x  xs)) ≡⟨⟩
    take (suc m) (f x  map f xs) ≡⟨ unfold-take m (f x) (map f xs) 
    f x  (take m (map f xs))     ≡⟨ P.cong (f x ∷_) (take-distr-map f m xs) 
    f x  (map f (take m xs))     ≡⟨⟩
    map f (x  take m xs)         ≡˘⟨ P.cong (map f) (unfold-take m x xs) 
    map f (take (suc m) (x  xs)) 

-- drop

unfold-drop :  n {m} x (xs : Vec A (n + m))  drop (suc n) (x  xs)  drop n xs
unfold-drop n x xs with splitAt n xs
unfold-drop n x .(xs ++ ys) | xs , ys , refl = refl

drop-distr-zipWith :  {m n}  (f : A  B  C) 
                     (x : Vec A (m + n))  (y : Vec B (m + n)) 
                     drop m (zipWith f x y)  zipWith f (drop m x) (drop m y)
drop-distr-zipWith {m = zero} f   xs       ys = refl
drop-distr-zipWith {m = suc m} f (x  xs) (y  ys) = begin
    drop (suc m) (zipWith f (x  xs) (y  ys))
    drop (suc m) (f x y  (zipWith f xs ys))
  ≡⟨ unfold-drop m (f x y) (zipWith f xs ys) 
    drop m (zipWith f xs ys)
  ≡⟨ drop-distr-zipWith f xs ys 
    zipWith f (drop m xs) (drop m ys)
  ≡˘⟨ P.cong₂ (zipWith f) (unfold-drop m x xs) (unfold-drop m y ys) 
    zipWith f (drop (suc m) (x  xs)) (drop (suc m) (y  ys))

drop-distr-map :  {n}  (f : A  B)  (m : )  (x : Vec A (m + n)) 
                 drop m (map f x)  map f (drop m x)
drop-distr-map f zero x = refl
drop-distr-map f (suc m) (x  xs) = begin
  drop (suc m) (map f (x  xs)) ≡⟨⟩
  drop (suc m) (f x  map f xs) ≡⟨ unfold-drop m (f x) (map f xs) 
  drop m (map f xs)             ≡⟨ drop-distr-map f m xs 
  map f (drop m xs)             ≡⟨ P.cong (map f) (P.sym (unfold-drop m x xs)) 
  map f (drop (suc m) (x  xs)) 

-- take and drop together

take-drop-id :  {n}  (m : )  (x : Vec A (m + n))  take m x ++ drop m x  x
take-drop-id zero x = refl
take-drop-id (suc m) (x  xs) = begin
    take (suc m) (x  xs) ++ drop (suc m) (x  xs)
  ≡⟨ cong₂ _++_ (unfold-take m x xs) (unfold-drop m x xs) 
    (x  take m xs) ++ (drop m xs)
    x  (take m xs ++ drop m xs)
  ≡⟨ P.cong (x ∷_) (take-drop-id m xs) 
    x  xs

-- lookup

[]=⇒lookup :  {n} {x : A} {xs} {i : Fin n} 
             xs [ i ]= x  lookup xs i  x
[]=⇒lookup here            = refl
[]=⇒lookup (there xs[i]=x) = []=⇒lookup xs[i]=x

lookup⇒[]= :  {n} (i : Fin n) {x : A} xs 
             lookup xs i  x  xs [ i ]= x
lookup⇒[]= zero    (_  _)  refl = here
lookup⇒[]= (suc i) (_  xs) p    = there (lookup⇒[]= i xs p)

[]=↔lookup :  {n i} {x} {xs : Vec A n} 
             xs [ i ]= x  lookup xs i  x
[]=↔lookup {i = i} =
  inverse []=⇒lookup (lookup⇒[]= _ _)
          lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup ([]=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= _ i)
  lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup :
     {n x xs} {i : Fin n} (p : xs [ i ]= x) 
    lookup⇒[]= i xs ([]=⇒lookup p)  p
  lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup here      = refl
  lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup (there p) =
    P.cong there (lookup⇒[]=∘[]=⇒lookup p)

  []=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= :
     {n} xs (i : Fin n) {x} (p : lookup xs i  x) 
    []=⇒lookup (lookup⇒[]= i xs p)  p
  []=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= (x  xs) zero    refl = refl
  []=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= (x  xs) (suc i) p    =
    []=⇒lookup∘lookup⇒[]= xs i p

lookup-inject≤-take :  m {n} (m≤m+n : m  m + n) (i : Fin m) (xs : Vec A (m + n)) 
                      lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i m≤m+n)  lookup (take m xs) i
lookup-inject≤-take (suc m) m≤m+n zero (x  xs)
  rewrite unfold-take m x xs = refl
lookup-inject≤-take (suc (suc m)) m≤m+n (suc zero) (x  x'  xs)
  rewrite unfold-take (suc m) x (x'  xs) | unfold-take m x' xs = refl
lookup-inject≤-take (suc (suc m)) (s≤s (s≤s m≤m+n)) (suc (suc i)) (x  x'  xs)
  rewrite unfold-take (suc m) x (x'  xs) | unfold-take m x' xs = lookup-inject≤-take m m≤m+n i xs

-- updateAt (_[_]%=_)

-- (+) updateAt i actually updates the element at index i.

updateAt-updates :  {n} (i : Fin n) {f : A  A} (xs : Vec A n) {x : A} 
                   xs [ i ]= x  (updateAt i f xs) [ i ]= f x
updateAt-updates zero    (x  xs) here        = here
updateAt-updates (suc i) (x  xs) (there loc) = there (updateAt-updates i xs loc)

-- (-) updateAt i does not touch the elements at other indices.

updateAt-minimal :  {n} (i j : Fin n) {f : A  A} {x : A} (xs : Vec A n) 
                   i  j  xs [ i ]= x  (updateAt j f xs) [ i ]= x
updateAt-minimal zero    zero    (x  xs) 0≢0 here        = ⊥-elim (0≢0 refl)
updateAt-minimal zero    (suc j) (x  xs) _   here        = here
updateAt-minimal (suc i) zero    (x  xs) _   (there loc) = there loc
updateAt-minimal (suc i) (suc j) (x  xs) i≢j (there loc) =
  there (updateAt-minimal i j xs (i≢j  P.cong suc) loc)

-- The other properties are consequences of (+) and (-).
-- We spell the most natural properties out.
-- Direct inductive proofs are in most cases easier than just using
-- the defining properties.

-- In the explanations, we make use of shorthand  f = g ↾ x
-- meaning that f and g agree at point x, i.e.  f x ≡ g x.

-- updateAt i  is a morphism from the monoid of endofunctions  A → A
-- to the monoid of endofunctions  Vec A n → Vec A n

-- 1a. relative identity:  f = id ↾ (lookup xs i)
--                implies  updateAt i f = id ↾ xs

updateAt-id-relative :  {n} (i : Fin n) {f : A  A} (xs : Vec A n) 
                       f (lookup xs i)  lookup xs i 
                       updateAt i f xs  xs
updateAt-id-relative zero    (x  xs) eq = P.cong (_∷ xs) eq
updateAt-id-relative (suc i) (x  xs) eq = P.cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-id-relative i xs eq)

-- 1b. identity:  updateAt i id ≗ id

updateAt-id :  {n} (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n) 
              updateAt i id xs  xs
updateAt-id i xs = updateAt-id-relative i xs refl

-- 2a. relative composition:  f ∘ g = h ↾ (lookup xs i)
--                   implies  updateAt i f ∘ updateAt i g = updateAt i h ↾ xs

updateAt-compose-relative :  {n} (i : Fin n) {f g h : A  A} (xs : Vec A n) 
                            f (g (lookup xs i))  h (lookup xs i) 
                            updateAt i f (updateAt i g xs)  updateAt i h xs
updateAt-compose-relative zero    (x  xs) fg=h = P.cong (_∷ xs) fg=h
updateAt-compose-relative (suc i) (x  xs) fg=h =
  P.cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-compose-relative i xs fg=h)

-- 2b. composition:  updateAt i f ∘ updateAt i g ≗ updateAt i (f ∘ g)

updateAt-compose :  {n} (i : Fin n) {f g : A  A} 
                   updateAt i f  updateAt i g  updateAt i (f  g)
updateAt-compose i xs = updateAt-compose-relative i xs refl

-- 3. congruence:  updateAt i  is a congruence wrt. extensional equality.

-- 3a.  If    f = g ↾ (lookup xs i)
--      then  updateAt i f = updateAt i g ↾ xs

updateAt-cong-relative :  {n} (i : Fin n) {f g : A  A} (xs : Vec A n) 
                         f (lookup xs i)  g (lookup xs i) 
                         updateAt i f xs  updateAt i g xs
updateAt-cong-relative zero    (x  xs) f=g = P.cong (_∷ xs) f=g
updateAt-cong-relative (suc i) (x  xs) f=g = P.cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-cong-relative i xs f=g)

-- 3b. congruence:  f ≗ g → updateAt i f ≗ updateAt i g

updateAt-cong :  {n} (i : Fin n) {f g : A  A} 
                f  g  updateAt i f  updateAt i g
updateAt-cong i f≗g xs = updateAt-cong-relative i xs (f≗g (lookup xs i))

-- The order of updates at different indices i ≢ j does not matter.

-- This a consequence of updateAt-updates and updateAt-minimal
-- but easier to prove inductively.

updateAt-commutes :  {n} (i j : Fin n) {f g : A  A}  i  j 
                    updateAt i f  updateAt j g  updateAt j g  updateAt i f
updateAt-commutes zero    zero    0≢0 (x  xs) = ⊥-elim (0≢0 refl)
updateAt-commutes zero    (suc j) i≢j (x  xs) = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) zero    i≢j (x  xs) = refl
updateAt-commutes (suc i) (suc j) i≢j (x  xs) =
  P.cong (x ∷_) (updateAt-commutes i j (i≢j  P.cong suc) xs)

-- lookup after updateAt reduces.

-- For same index this is an easy consequence of updateAt-updates
-- using []=↔lookup.

lookup∘updateAt :  {n} (i : Fin n) {f : A  A} 
                   xs  lookup (updateAt i f xs) i  f (lookup xs i)
lookup∘updateAt i xs =
  []=⇒lookup (updateAt-updates i xs (lookup⇒[]= i _ refl))

-- For different indices it easily follows from updateAt-minimal.

lookup∘updateAt′ :  {n} (i j : Fin n) {f : A  A}  i  j 
                    xs  lookup (updateAt j f xs) i  lookup xs i
lookup∘updateAt′ i j xs i≢j =
  []=⇒lookup (updateAt-minimal i j i≢j xs (lookup⇒[]= i _ refl))

-- Aliases for notation _[_]%=_

[]%=-id :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n)  xs [ i ]%= id  xs
[]%=-id xs i = updateAt-id i xs

[]%=-compose :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) {f g : A  A} 
     xs [ i ]%= f
        [ i ]%= g
    xs [ i ]%= g  f
[]%=-compose xs i = updateAt-compose i xs

-- _[_]≔_ (update)
-- _[_]≔_ is defined in terms of updateAt, and all of its properties
-- are special cases of the ones for updateAt.

[]≔-idempotent :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) {x₁ x₂ : A} 
                 (xs [ i ]≔ x₁) [ i ]≔ x₂  xs [ i ]≔ x₂
[]≔-idempotent xs i = updateAt-compose i xs

[]≔-commutes :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i j : Fin n) {x y : A}  i  j 
               (xs [ i ]≔ x) [ j ]≔ y  (xs [ j ]≔ y) [ i ]≔ x
[]≔-commutes xs i j i≢j = updateAt-commutes j i (i≢j  P.sym) xs

[]≔-updates :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) {x : A} 
              (xs [ i ]≔ x) [ i ]= x
[]≔-updates xs i = updateAt-updates i xs (lookup⇒[]= i xs refl)

[]≔-minimal :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i j : Fin n) {x y : A}  i  j 
              xs [ i ]= x  (xs [ j ]≔ y) [ i ]= x
[]≔-minimal xs i j i≢j loc = updateAt-minimal i j xs i≢j loc

[]≔-lookup :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) 
             xs [ i ]≔ lookup xs i  xs
[]≔-lookup xs i = updateAt-id-relative i xs refl

[]≔-++-inject+ :  {m n x} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i 
                 (xs ++ ys) [ Fin.inject+ n i ]≔ x  (xs [ i ]≔ x) ++ ys
[]≔-++-inject+ (x  xs) ys zero    = refl
[]≔-++-inject+ (x  xs) ys (suc i) =
  P.cong (x ∷_) $ []≔-++-inject+ xs ys i

lookup∘update :  {n} (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n) x 
                lookup (xs [ i ]≔ x) i  x
lookup∘update i xs x = lookup∘updateAt i xs

lookup∘update′ :  {n} {i j : Fin n}  i  j   (xs : Vec A n) y 
                 lookup (xs [ j ]≔ y) i  lookup xs i
lookup∘update′ {i = i} {j} i≢j xs y = lookup∘updateAt′ i j i≢j xs

-- map

map-id :  {n}  map {A = A} {n = n} id  id
map-id []       = refl
map-id (x  xs) = P.cong (x ∷_) (map-id xs)

map-cong :  {n} {f g : A  B}  f  g  map {n = n} f  map g
map-cong f≗g []       = refl
map-cong f≗g (x  xs) = P.cong₂ _∷_ (f≗g x) (map-cong f≗g xs)

map-∘ :  {n} (f : B  C) (g : A  B) 
        map {n = n} (f  g)  map f  map g
map-∘ f g []       = refl
map-∘ f g (x  xs) = P.cong (f (g x) ∷_) (map-∘ f g xs)

lookup-map :  {n} (i : Fin n) (f : A  B) (xs : Vec A n) 
             lookup (map f xs) i  f (lookup xs i)
lookup-map zero    f (x  xs) = refl
lookup-map (suc i) f (x  xs) = lookup-map i f xs

map-updateAt :  {n} {f : A  B} {g : A  A} {h : B  B}
               (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) 
               f (g (lookup xs i))  h (f (lookup xs i)) 
               map f (updateAt i g xs)  updateAt i h (map f xs)
map-updateAt (x  xs) zero    eq = P.cong (_∷ _) eq
map-updateAt (x  xs) (suc i) eq = P.cong (_ ∷_) (map-updateAt xs i eq)

map-[]≔ :  {n} (f : A  B) (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin n) {x : A} 
          map f (xs [ i ]≔ x)  map f xs [ i ]≔ f x
map-[]≔ f xs i = map-updateAt xs i refl

-- _++_

module _ {m} {ys ys′ : Vec A m} where

  -- See also Data.Vec.Properties.WithK.++-assoc.

  ++-injectiveˡ :  {n} (xs xs′ : Vec A n) 
                  xs ++ ys  xs′ ++ ys′  xs  xs′
  ++-injectiveˡ []       []         _  = refl
  ++-injectiveˡ (x  xs) (x′  xs′) eq =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (∷-injectiveˡ eq) (++-injectiveˡ _ _ (∷-injectiveʳ eq))

  ++-injectiveʳ :  {n} (xs xs′ : Vec A n) 
                  xs ++ ys  xs′ ++ ys′  ys  ys′
  ++-injectiveʳ []       []         eq = eq
  ++-injectiveʳ (x  xs) (x′  xs′) eq =
    ++-injectiveʳ xs xs′ (∷-injectiveʳ eq)

  ++-injective  :  {n} (xs xs′ : Vec A n) 
                  xs ++ ys  xs′ ++ ys′  xs  xs′ × ys  ys′
  ++-injective xs xs′ eq =
    (++-injectiveˡ xs xs′ eq , ++-injectiveʳ xs xs′ eq)

lookup-++-< :  {m n} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) 
               i (i<m : toℕ i < m) 
              lookup (xs ++ ys) i   lookup xs (Fin.fromℕ< i<m)
lookup-++-< (x  xs) ys zero    (s≤s z≤n)       = refl
lookup-++-< (x  xs) ys (suc i) (s≤s (s≤s i<m)) =
  lookup-++-< xs ys i (s≤s i<m)

lookup-++-≥ :  {m n} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) 
               i (i≥m : toℕ i  m) 
              lookup (xs ++ ys) i  lookup ys (Fin.reduce≥ i i≥m)
lookup-++-≥ []       ys i       i≥m       = refl
lookup-++-≥ (x  xs) ys (suc i) (s≤s i≥m) = lookup-++-≥ xs ys i i≥m

lookup-++ˡ :  {m n} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i 
             lookup (xs ++ ys) (Fin.inject+ n i)  lookup xs i
lookup-++ˡ (x  xs) ys zero    = refl
lookup-++ˡ (x  xs) ys (suc i) = lookup-++ˡ xs ys i

lookup-++ʳ :  {m n} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i 
             lookup (xs ++ ys) (Fin.raise m i)  lookup ys i
lookup-++ʳ []       ys       zero    = refl
lookup-++ʳ []       (y  xs) (suc i) = lookup-++ʳ [] xs i
lookup-++ʳ (x  xs) ys       i       = lookup-++ʳ xs ys i

lookup-splitAt :  m {n} (xs : Vec A m) (ys : Vec A n) i 
                lookup (xs ++ ys) i  [ lookup xs , lookup ys ]′
                (Fin.splitAt m i)
lookup-splitAt zero    []       ys i       = refl
lookup-splitAt (suc m) (x  xs) ys zero    = refl
lookup-splitAt (suc m) (x  xs) ys (suc i) = P.trans
  (lookup-splitAt m xs ys i)
  (P.sym ([,]-map-commute (Fin.splitAt m i)))

-- zipWith

module _ {f : A  A  A} where

  zipWith-assoc : Associative _≡_ f   {n} 
                  Associative _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f)
  zipWith-assoc assoc []       []       []       = refl
  zipWith-assoc assoc (x  xs) (y  ys) (z  zs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (assoc x y z) (zipWith-assoc assoc xs ys zs)

  zipWith-idem : Idempotent _≡_ f   {n} 
                 Idempotent _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f)
  zipWith-idem idem []       = refl
  zipWith-idem idem (x  xs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (idem x) (zipWith-idem idem xs)

module _ {f : A  A  A} {e : A} where

  zipWith-identityˡ : LeftIdentity _≡_ e f   {n} 
                      LeftIdentity _≡_ (replicate e) (zipWith {n = n} f)
  zipWith-identityˡ idˡ []       = refl
  zipWith-identityˡ idˡ (x  xs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (idˡ x) (zipWith-identityˡ idˡ xs)

  zipWith-identityʳ : RightIdentity _≡_ e f   {n} 
                      RightIdentity _≡_ (replicate e) (zipWith {n = n} f)
  zipWith-identityʳ idʳ []       = refl
  zipWith-identityʳ idʳ (x  xs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (idʳ x) (zipWith-identityʳ idʳ xs)

  zipWith-zeroˡ : LeftZero _≡_ e f   {n} 
                  LeftZero _≡_ (replicate e) (zipWith {n = n} f)
  zipWith-zeroˡ zeˡ []       = refl
  zipWith-zeroˡ zeˡ (x  xs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (zeˡ x) (zipWith-zeroˡ zeˡ xs)

  zipWith-zeroʳ : RightZero _≡_ e f   {n} 
                  RightZero _≡_ (replicate e) (zipWith {n = n} f)
  zipWith-zeroʳ zeʳ []       = refl
  zipWith-zeroʳ zeʳ (x  xs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (zeʳ x) (zipWith-zeroʳ zeʳ xs)

  zipWith-inverseˡ :  {⁻¹}  LeftInverse _≡_ e ⁻¹ f   {n} 
                     LeftInverse _≡_ (replicate {n = n} e) (map ⁻¹) (zipWith f)
  zipWith-inverseˡ invˡ []       = refl
  zipWith-inverseˡ invˡ (x  xs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (invˡ x) (zipWith-inverseˡ invˡ xs)

  zipWith-inverseʳ :  {⁻¹}  RightInverse _≡_ e ⁻¹ f   {n} 
                     RightInverse _≡_ (replicate {n = n} e) (map ⁻¹) (zipWith f)
  zipWith-inverseʳ invʳ []       = refl
  zipWith-inverseʳ invʳ (x  xs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (invʳ x) (zipWith-inverseʳ invʳ xs)

module _ {f g : A  A  A} where

  zipWith-distribˡ : _DistributesOverˡ_ _≡_ f g   {n} 
                     _DistributesOverˡ_ _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f) (zipWith g)
  zipWith-distribˡ distribˡ []        []      []       = refl
  zipWith-distribˡ distribˡ (x  xs) (y  ys) (z  zs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (distribˡ x y z) (zipWith-distribˡ distribˡ xs ys zs)

  zipWith-distribʳ : _DistributesOverʳ_ _≡_ f g   {n} 
                     _DistributesOverʳ_ _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f) (zipWith g)
  zipWith-distribʳ distribʳ []        []      []       = refl
  zipWith-distribʳ distribʳ (x  xs) (y  ys) (z  zs) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (distribʳ x y z) (zipWith-distribʳ distribʳ xs ys zs)

  zipWith-absorbs : _Absorbs_ _≡_ f g   {n} 
                   _Absorbs_ _≡_ (zipWith {n = n} f) (zipWith g)
  zipWith-absorbs abs []       []       = refl
  zipWith-absorbs abs (x  xs) (y  ys) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (abs x y) (zipWith-absorbs abs xs ys)

module _ {f : A  A  B} where

  zipWith-comm : (∀ x y  f x y  f y x)   {n}
                 (xs ys : Vec A n)  zipWith f xs ys  zipWith f ys xs
  zipWith-comm comm []       []       = refl
  zipWith-comm comm (x  xs) (y  ys) =
    P.cong₂ _∷_ (comm x y) (zipWith-comm comm xs ys)

zipWith-map₁ :  {n} (_⊕_ : B  C  D) (f : A  B)
               (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec C n) 
               zipWith _⊕_ (map f xs) ys  zipWith  x y  f x  y) xs ys
zipWith-map₁ _⊕_ f []       []       = refl
zipWith-map₁ _⊕_ f (x  xs) (y  ys) =
  P.cong (f x  y ∷_) (zipWith-map₁ _⊕_ f xs ys)

zipWith-map₂ :  {n} (_⊕_ : A  C  D) (f : B  C)
               (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) 
               zipWith _⊕_ xs (map f ys)  zipWith  x y  x  f y) xs ys
zipWith-map₂ _⊕_ f []       []       = refl
zipWith-map₂ _⊕_ f (x  xs) (y  ys) =
  P.cong (x  f y ∷_) (zipWith-map₂ _⊕_ f xs ys)

lookup-zipWith :  (f : A  B  C) {n} (i : Fin n) xs ys 
                 lookup (zipWith f xs ys) i  f (lookup xs i) (lookup ys i)
lookup-zipWith _ zero    (x  _)  (y  _)   = refl
lookup-zipWith _ (suc i) (_  xs) (_  ys)  = lookup-zipWith _ i xs ys

-- zip

lookup-zip :  {n} (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) 
             lookup (zip xs ys) i  (lookup xs i , lookup ys i)
lookup-zip = lookup-zipWith _,_

-- map lifts projections to vectors of products.

map-proj₁-zip :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) 
                map proj₁ (zip xs ys)  xs
map-proj₁-zip []       []       = refl
map-proj₁-zip (x  xs) (y  ys) = P.cong (x ∷_) (map-proj₁-zip xs ys)

map-proj₂-zip :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) 
                map proj₂ (zip xs ys)  ys
map-proj₂-zip []       []       = refl
map-proj₂-zip (x  xs) (y  ys) = P.cong (y ∷_) (map-proj₂-zip xs ys)

-- map lifts pairing to vectors of products.

map-<,>-zip :  {n} (f : A  B) (g : A  C) (xs : Vec A n) 
              map < f , g > xs  zip (map f xs) (map g xs)
map-<,>-zip f g []       = P.refl
map-<,>-zip f g (x  xs) = P.cong (_ ∷_) (map-<,>-zip f g xs)

map-zip :  {n} (f : A  B) (g : C  D) (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec C n) 
          map ( f g) (zip xs ys)  zip (map f xs) (map g ys)
map-zip f g []       []       = refl
map-zip f g (x  xs) (y  ys) = P.cong (_ ∷_) (map-zip f g xs ys)

-- unzip

lookup-unzip :  {n} (i : Fin n) (xys : Vec (A × B) n) 
               let xs , ys = unzip xys
               in (lookup xs i , lookup ys i)  lookup xys i
lookup-unzip ()      []
lookup-unzip zero    ((x , y)  xys) = refl
lookup-unzip (suc i) ((x , y)  xys) = lookup-unzip i xys

map-unzip :  {n} (f : A  B) (g : C  D) (xys : Vec (A × C) n) 
            let xs , ys = unzip xys
            in (map f xs , map g ys)  unzip (map ( f g) xys)
map-unzip f g []              = refl
map-unzip f g ((x , y)  xys) =
  P.cong ( (f x ∷_) (g y ∷_)) (map-unzip f g xys)

-- Products of vectors are isomorphic to vectors of products.

unzip∘zip :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) 
            unzip (zip xs ys)  (xs , ys)
unzip∘zip [] []             = refl
unzip∘zip (x  xs) (y  ys) =
  P.cong ( (x ∷_) (y ∷_)) (unzip∘zip xs ys)

zip∘unzip :  {n} (xys : Vec (A × B) n) 
            uncurry zip (unzip xys)  xys
zip∘unzip []              = refl
zip∘unzip ((x , y)  xys) = P.cong ((x , y) ∷_) (zip∘unzip xys)

×v↔v× :  {n}  (Vec A n × Vec B n)  Vec (A × B) n
×v↔v× = inverse (uncurry zip) unzip (uncurry unzip∘zip) zip∘unzip

-- _⊛_

lookup-⊛ :  {n} i (fs : Vec (A  B) n) (xs : Vec A n) 
           lookup (fs  xs) i  (lookup fs i $ lookup xs i)
lookup-⊛ zero    (f  fs) (x  xs) = refl
lookup-⊛ (suc i) (f  fs) (x  xs) = lookup-⊛ i fs xs

map-is-⊛ :  {n} (f : A  B) (xs : Vec A n) 
           map f xs  (replicate f  xs)
map-is-⊛ f []       = refl
map-is-⊛ f (x  xs) = P.cong (_ ∷_) (map-is-⊛ f xs)

⊛-is-zipWith :  {n} (fs : Vec (A  B) n) (xs : Vec A n) 
               (fs  xs)  zipWith _$_ fs xs
⊛-is-zipWith []       []       = refl
⊛-is-zipWith (f  fs) (x  xs) = P.cong (f x ∷_) (⊛-is-zipWith fs xs)

zipWith-is-⊛ :  {n} (f : A  B  C) (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec B n) 
               zipWith f xs ys  (replicate f  xs  ys)
zipWith-is-⊛ f []       []       = refl
zipWith-is-⊛ f (x  xs) (y  ys) = P.cong (_ ∷_) (zipWith-is-⊛ f xs ys)

-- foldr

-- See also Data.Vec.Properties.WithK.foldr-cong.

-- The (uniqueness part of the) universality property for foldr.

foldr-universal :  {A : Set a} (B :   Set b)
                  (f :  {n}  A  B n  B (suc n)) {e}
                  (h :  {n}  Vec A n  B n) 
                  h []  e 
                  (∀ {n} x  h  (x ∷_)  f {n} x  h) 
                   {n}  h  foldr B {n} f e
foldr-universal B f {_} h base step []       = base
foldr-universal B f {e} h base step (x  xs) = begin
  h (x  xs)
    ≡⟨ step x xs 
  f x (h xs)
    ≡⟨ P.cong (f x) (foldr-universal B f h base step xs) 
  f x (foldr B f e xs)
  where open P.≡-Reasoning

foldr-fusion :  {A : Set a}
               {B :   Set b} {f :  {n}  A  B n  B (suc n)} e
               {C :   Set c} {g :  {n}  A  C n  C (suc n)}
               (h :  {n}  B n  C n) 
               (∀ {n} x  h  f {n} x  g x  h) 
                {n}  h  foldr B {n} f e  foldr C g (h e)
foldr-fusion {B = B} {f} e {C} h fuse =
  foldr-universal C _ _ refl  x xs  fuse x (foldr B f e xs))

idIsFold :  {n}  id  foldr (Vec A) {n} _∷_ []
idIsFold = foldr-universal _ _ id refl  _ _  refl)

-- sum

sum-++-commute :  {m n} (xs : Vec  m) {ys : Vec  n} 
                 sum (xs ++ ys)  sum xs + sum ys
sum-++-commute []       {_}  = refl
sum-++-commute (x  xs) {ys} = begin
  x + sum (xs ++ ys)     ≡⟨ P.cong (x +_) (sum-++-commute xs) 
  x + (sum xs + sum ys)  ≡⟨ P.sym (+-assoc x (sum xs) (sum ys)) 
  sum (x  xs) + sum ys  
  where open P.≡-Reasoning

-- replicate

lookup-replicate :  {n} (i : Fin n) (x : A) 
                   lookup (replicate x) i  x
lookup-replicate zero    = λ _  refl
lookup-replicate (suc i) = lookup-replicate i

map-replicate :   (f : A  B) (x : A) n 
                 map f (replicate x)  replicate {n = n} (f x)
map-replicate f x zero = refl
map-replicate f x (suc n) = P.cong (f x ∷_) (map-replicate f x n)

zipWith-replicate :  {n : } (_⊕_ : A  B  C) (x : A) (y : B) 
                    zipWith {n = n} _⊕_ (replicate x) (replicate y)  replicate (x  y)
zipWith-replicate {n = zero} _⊕_ x y = refl
zipWith-replicate {n = suc n} _⊕_ x y = P.cong (x  y ∷_) (zipWith-replicate _⊕_ x y)

zipWith-replicate₁ :  {n} (_⊕_ : A  B  C) (x : A) (ys : Vec B n) 
                     zipWith _⊕_ (replicate x) ys  map (x ⊕_) ys
zipWith-replicate₁ _⊕_ x []       = refl
zipWith-replicate₁ _⊕_ x (y  ys) =
  P.cong (x  y ∷_) (zipWith-replicate₁ _⊕_ x ys)

zipWith-replicate₂ :  {n} (_⊕_ : A  B  C) (xs : Vec A n) (y : B) 
                     zipWith _⊕_ xs (replicate y)  map (_⊕ y) xs
zipWith-replicate₂ _⊕_ []       y = refl
zipWith-replicate₂ _⊕_ (x  xs) y =
  P.cong (x  y ∷_) (zipWith-replicate₂ _⊕_ xs y)

-- tabulate

lookup∘tabulate :  {n} (f : Fin n  A) (i : Fin n) 
                  lookup (tabulate f) i  f i
lookup∘tabulate f zero    = refl
lookup∘tabulate f (suc i) = lookup∘tabulate (f  suc) i

tabulate∘lookup :  {n} (xs : Vec A n)  tabulate (lookup xs)  xs
tabulate∘lookup []       = refl
tabulate∘lookup (x  xs) = P.cong (x ∷_) (tabulate∘lookup xs)

tabulate-∘ :  {n} (f : A  B) (g : Fin n  A) 
             tabulate (f  g)  map f (tabulate g)
tabulate-∘ {n = zero}  f g = refl
tabulate-∘ {n = suc n} f g = P.cong (f (g zero) ∷_) (tabulate-∘ f (g  suc))

tabulate-cong :  {n} {f g : Fin n  A}  f  g  tabulate f  tabulate g
tabulate-cong {n = zero}  p = refl
tabulate-cong {n = suc n} p = P.cong₂ _∷_ (p zero) (tabulate-cong (p  suc))

-- allFin

lookup-allFin :  {n} (i : Fin n)  lookup (allFin n) i  i
lookup-allFin = lookup∘tabulate id

allFin-map :  n  allFin (suc n)  zero  map suc (allFin n)
allFin-map n = P.cong (zero ∷_) $ tabulate-∘ suc id

tabulate-allFin :  {n} (f : Fin n  A)  tabulate f  map f (allFin n)
tabulate-allFin f = tabulate-∘ f id

-- If you look up every possible index, in increasing order, then you
-- get back the vector you started with.

map-lookup-allFin :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) 
                    map (lookup xs) (allFin n)  xs
map-lookup-allFin {n = n} xs = begin
  map (lookup xs) (allFin n) ≡˘⟨ tabulate-∘ (lookup xs) id 
  tabulate (lookup xs)       ≡⟨ tabulate∘lookup xs 
  where open P.≡-Reasoning

-- count

module _ {P : Pred A p} (P? : Decidable P) where

  count≤n :  {n} (xs : Vec A n)  count P? xs  n
  count≤n []       = z≤n
  count≤n (x  xs) with does (P? x)
  ... | true  = s≤s (count≤n xs)
  ... | false = ≤-step (count≤n xs)

-- insert

insert-lookup :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) 
                lookup (insert xs i v) i  v
insert-lookup xs       zero     v = refl
insert-lookup (x  xs) (suc i)  v = insert-lookup xs i v

insert-punchIn :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A)
                 (j : Fin n) 
                 lookup (insert xs i v) (Fin.punchIn i j)  lookup xs j
insert-punchIn xs       zero     v j       = refl
insert-punchIn (x  xs) (suc i)  v zero    = refl
insert-punchIn (x  xs) (suc i)  v (suc j) = insert-punchIn xs i v j

remove-punchOut :  {n} (xs : Vec A (suc n))
                  {i : Fin (suc n)} {j : Fin (suc n)} (i≢j : i  j) 
                  lookup (remove xs i) (Fin.punchOut i≢j)  lookup xs j
remove-punchOut (x  xs) {zero} {zero} i≢j = ⊥-elim (i≢j refl)
remove-punchOut (x  xs) {zero} {suc j} i≢j = refl
remove-punchOut (x  y  xs) {suc i} {zero} i≢j = refl
remove-punchOut (x  y  xs) {suc i} {suc j} i≢j =
  remove-punchOut (y  xs) (i≢j  P.cong suc)

-- remove

remove-insert :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (i : Fin (suc n)) (v : A) 
                remove (insert xs i v) i  xs
remove-insert xs           zero           v = refl
remove-insert (x  xs)     (suc zero)     v = refl
remove-insert (x  y  xs) (suc (suc i))  v =
  P.cong (x ∷_) (remove-insert (y  xs) (suc i) v)

insert-remove :  {n} (xs : Vec A (suc n)) (i : Fin (suc n)) 
                insert (remove xs i) i (lookup xs i)  xs
insert-remove (x  xs)     zero     = refl
insert-remove (x  y  xs) (suc i)  =
  P.cong (x ∷_) (insert-remove (y  xs) i)

-- Conversion function

toList∘fromList : (xs : List A)  toList (fromList xs)  xs
toList∘fromList List.[]       = refl
toList∘fromList (x List.∷ xs) = P.cong (x List.∷_) (toList∘fromList xs)

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 1.1

lookup-++-inject+ = lookup-++ˡ
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE lookup-++-inject+
"Warning: lookup-++-inject+ was deprecated in v1.1.
Please use lookup-++ˡ instead."
lookup-++-+′ = lookup-++ʳ
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE lookup-++-+′
"Warning: lookup-++-+′ was deprecated in v1.1.
Please use lookup-++ʳ instead."