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{-# OPTIONS --safe --with-K #-}

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.DecEq.Core

module Prelude.DecEq.WithK {A : Type }  _ : DecEq A  where

≟-refl :  (x : A)  (x  x)  yes refl
≟-refl x with refl , pdec-yes (x  x) refl = p

==-refl :  (x : A)  T (x == x)
==-refl _ = subst (T  isYes) (sym $ ≟-refl _) tt

  DecEq-List⁺ : DecEq (List⁺ A)
  DecEq-List⁺ ._≟_ (x  xs) (y  ys)
    with x  y
  ... | no x≢y = no λ where refl  x≢y refl
  ... | yes refl
    with xs  ys
  ... | no xs≢ys = no λ where refl  xs≢ys refl
  ... | yes refl = yes refl

  DecEq-Σ :  {B : A  Type ℓ′}  _ :  {x}  DecEq (B x)   DecEq (Σ A B)
  DecEq-Σ ._≟_ (x , y) (x′ , y′)
    with x  x′
  ... | no ¬p = no λ where refl  ¬p refl
  ... | yes refl
    with y  y′
  ... | no ¬p    = no λ where refl  ¬p refl
  ... | yes refl = yes refl