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-- ** irrelevant version of Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation

-- {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
module Prelude.Irrelevance.List.Permutation where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.DecEq.Core
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Bifunctor

open import Prelude.Lists.Permutations
open import Prelude.Lists.MapMaybe

open import Prelude.Irrelevance.Core
open import Prelude.Irrelevance.Empty
open import Prelude.Irrelevance.List.Membership

private pattern 𝟙 = L.Fst.[ refl ]; pattern 𝟚 x = x  L.Fst.[ refl ]

module _ {A : Type } where

  private variable
    x y : A
    xs ys zs : List A
    P : Pred A ℓ′

  infix 3 _·↭_
  data _·↭_ : Rel (List A)  where
    [] :
      [] ·↭ []

    _∷_ :  (x∈ : x ·∈ ys) 
      xs ·↭ ys  x∈
      x  xs ·↭ ys

    ··↭ : ·² _·↭_
    ··↭ .∀≡ []       []        = refl
    ··↭ .∀≡ (x∈  p) (x∈′  q) rewrite ∀≡ x∈ x∈′ | ∀≡ p q = refl

    Dec-·↭ :  DecEq A   _·↭_ ⁇²
    Dec-·↭ {[]}{[]} .dec = yes []
    Dec-·↭ {[]}{_  _} .dec = no λ ()
    Dec-·↭ {x  xs}{ys} .dec
      with ¿ x ·∈ ys ¿
    ... | no x∉ = no λ where (x∈  _)  ⊥-elim $ x∉ x∈
    ... | yes x∈
      with ¿ xs ·↭ ys  x∈ ¿
    ... | no ¬IH = no λ where
      (_  IH)  ⊥-elim $ ¬IH $ subst    xs ·↭ ys  ) (∀≡ _ _) IH
    ... | yes IH = yes (x∈  IH)

  ·↭-prep :  x  xs ·↭ ys  x  xs ·↭ x  ys
  ·↭-prep _ = 𝟙 ∷_

  ·↭-drop-∷ :  x  x  xs ·↭ x  ys  xs ·↭ ys
  ·↭-drop-∷ x (𝟙  p) = p
  ·↭-drop-∷ x ((x≢x  _)  _) = ·⊥-elim $ x≢x refl

  ·↭-refl :  xs  xs ·↭ xs
  ·↭-refl [] = []
  ·↭-refl (_  xs) = ·↭-prep _ (·↭-refl xs)

  ·↭-─ :  (x∈ : x ·∈ xs)  x  (xs  x∈) ·↭ xs
  ·↭-─ 𝟙 = ·↭-refl _
  ·↭-─ p@(_  _) = p  ·↭-prep _ (·↭-refl _)

  ↭-─ :  (x∈ : x ·∈ xs)  x  (xs  x∈)  xs
  ↭-─ 𝟙 = ↭-refl
  ↭-─ {x}{y  xs} (  x∈) =
      x  y  (xs  x∈)
    ↭⟨ ↭-swap x y ↭-refl 
      y  x  (xs  x∈)
    ↭⟨ ↭-prep y $ ↭-─ x∈ 
      y  xs
     where open PermutationReasoning

  ·↭⇒↭ : xs ·↭ ys  xs  ys
  ·↭⇒↭ {[]} [] = ↭-refl
  ·↭⇒↭ {x  xs}{ys} (x∈  p) =
      x  xs
    ↭⟨ ↭-prep _ $ ·↭⇒↭ p 
      x  (ys  x∈)
    ↭⟨ ↭-─ x∈ 
     where open PermutationReasoning

  Any-resp-·↭ : Any P Respects _·↭_
  Any-resp-·↭ = L.Perm.Any-resp-↭  ·↭⇒↭

  module _  _ : DecEq A  where
    ·↭-swap :  x y  xs ·↭ ys  x  y  xs ·↭ y  x  ys
    ·↭-swap x y p with x  y
    ... | yes refl = 𝟙  𝟙  p
    ... | no ≢x = 𝟚 (¬⇒·¬ ≢x)  𝟙  p

    ·∈-resp-·↭ : (x ·∈_) Respects _·↭_
    ·∈-resp-·↭ = ·∈-resp-↭  ·↭⇒↭

    ∈-resp-·↭ : (x L.Mem.∈_) Respects _·↭_
    ∈-resp-·↭ = L.Perm.∈-resp-↭  ·↭⇒↭

    ·↭-∈-resp :
       (x∈ : x ·∈ xs) 
       (p : xs ·↭ ys) 
        xs  x∈ ·↭ ys  ·∈-resp-·↭ p x∈
    ·↭-∈-resp {xs = _  xs}{ys} 𝟙 (x∈  p) =
      subst    _ ·↭ _  ) (∀≡ x∈ (·∈-resp-·↭ (x∈  p) 𝟙)) p
    ·↭-∈-resp {x = x}{xs = z  xs}{ys} (z·≢x  x∈xs) (z∈ys  p)
      = z∈
        z≢x = ·¬⇒¬ z·≢x

        x∈ys : x ·∈ ys
        x∈ys = ·∈-resp-·↭ (z∈ys  p) (z·≢x  x∈xs)

        z∈ : z ·∈ (ys  x∈ys)
        z∈ = ·∈-─⁺ x∈ys z≢x z∈ys

        IH : xs  x∈xs ·↭ ys  z∈ys  ·∈-resp-·↭ p x∈xs
        IH = ·↭-∈-resp x∈xs p

        QED : xs  x∈xs ·↭ (ys  x∈ys)  z∈
        QED = subst    _ ·↭ ) (sym $ ─∘─ x∈ys z∈ys z≢x)
            $ subst    _ ·↭ _  )
                    (∀≡ (·∈-resp-·↭ p x∈xs) (·∈-─⁺ z∈ys (≢-sym z≢x) x∈ys))

    ·↭-trans : xs ·↭ ys  ys ·↭ zs  xs ·↭ zs
    ·↭-trans [] q = q
    ·↭-trans (x∈  p) q = ·∈-resp-·↭ q x∈
                         ·↭-trans p (·↭-∈-resp x∈ q)

    ↭⇒·↭ : xs  ys  xs ·↭ ys
    ↭⇒·↭ {[]} p rewrite L.Perm.↭-empty-inv (↭-sym p) = []
    ↭⇒·↭ ↭-refl = ·↭-refl _
    ↭⇒·↭ (↭-prep _ p) = ·↭-prep _ (↭⇒·↭ p)
    ↭⇒·↭ (↭-swap _ _ p) = ·↭-swap _ _ (↭⇒·↭ p)
    ↭⇒·↭ (↭-trans xs↭ ↭zs) = ·↭-trans (↭⇒·↭ xs↭) (↭⇒·↭ ↭zs)

    ·↭-sym : xs ·↭ ys  ys ·↭ xs
    ·↭-sym = ↭⇒·↭  ↭-sym  ·↭⇒↭

    ·↭-reflexive : _≡_ ⇒² _·↭_
    ·↭-reflexive refl = ·↭-refl _

    ·↭-isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _·↭_
    ·↭-isEquivalence = record {refl = ·↭-refl _; sym = ·↭-sym; trans = ·↭-trans}

    ·↭-setoid : Setoid _ _
    ·↭-setoid = record {isEquivalence = ·↭-isEquivalence}

    module ·↭-Reasoning where

      import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as EqReasoning
      private module Base = EqReasoning ·↭-setoid

      open EqReasoning ·↭-setoid public
        hiding (step-≈; step-≈˘)

      infixr 2 step-↭  step-↭˘ step-swap step-prep

      step-↭  = Base.step-≈
      step-↭˘ = Base.step-≈˘

      -- Skip reasoning on the first element
      step-prep :  x xs {ys zs : List A}  (x  ys) IsRelatedTo zs 
                  xs ·↭ ys  (x  xs) IsRelatedTo zs
      step-prep x xs rel xs↭ys = relTo (·↭-trans (·↭-prep x xs↭ys) (begin rel))

      -- Skip reasoning about the first two elements
      step-swap :  x y xs {ys zs : List A}  (y  x  ys) IsRelatedTo zs 
                  xs ·↭ ys  (x  y  xs) IsRelatedTo zs
      step-swap x y xs rel xs↭ys = relTo (·↭-trans (·↭-swap x y xs↭ys) (begin rel))

      syntax step-↭  x y↭z x↭y = x ↭⟨  x↭y  y↭z
      syntax step-↭˘ x y↭z y↭x = x ↭˘⟨  y↭x  y↭z
      syntax step-prep x xs y↭z x↭y = x  xs <⟨ x↭y  y↭z
      syntax step-swap x y xs y↭z x↭y = x  y  xs <<⟨ x↭y  y↭z

    ·↭-empty-inv : xs ·↭ []  xs  []
    ·↭-empty-inv = L.Perm.↭-empty-inv  ·↭⇒↭

    ¬x∷xs·↭[] : ¬ ((x  xs) ·↭ [])
    ¬x∷xs·↭[] {x}{xs} = L.Perm.¬x∷xs↭[] {x = x}{xs}  ·↭⇒↭

    ·↭-singleton-inv : xs ·↭ L.[ x ]  xs  L.[ x ]
    ·↭-singleton-inv = L.Perm.↭-singleton-inv  ·↭⇒↭

    ·↭-sym-involutive : (p : xs ·↭ ys)  ·↭-sym (·↭-sym p)  p
    ·↭-sym-involutive _ = ∀≡ _ _

private variable A : Type ; B : Type ℓ′

module _  _ : DecEq B  (f : A  B) {xs ys : List A} where

  ·↭-map⁺ : xs ·↭ ys  map f xs ·↭ map f ys
  ·↭-map⁺ = ↭⇒·↭⁺ f  ·↭⇒↭

  ∈-map-resp-·↭ : xs ·↭ ys  map f xs  map f ys
  ∈-map-resp-·↭ p = ∈-resp-·↭ (·↭-map⁺ p)

module _  _ : DecEq A  {xss yss : List (List A)} where

  ·↭-concat⁺ : xss ·↭ yss  concat xss ·↭ concat yss
  ·↭-concat⁺ = ↭⇒·↭  ↭-concat⁺  ·↭⇒↭

module _  _ : DecEq B  (f : A  List B) {xs ys : List A} where
  ·↭-concatMap⁺ : xs ·↭ ys  concatMap f xs ·↭ concatMap f ys
  ·↭-concatMap⁺ = ·↭-concat⁺  ·↭-map⁺ f

module _  _ : DecEq B  (f : A  Maybe B) {xs ys : List A} where
  mapMaybe-·↭ : xs ·↭ ys  mapMaybe f xs ·↭ mapMaybe f ys
  mapMaybe-·↭ = ↭⇒·↭  mapMaybe-↭ f  ·↭⇒↭

-- ** meta-properties

open L.Mem

module _  _ : DecEq A  where postulate
  Any-map∘∈-resp-·↭ :  {x y : A} {xs ys : List A} 
    (f : (x ≡_) ⊆¹ (y ≡_))
    (p : xs ·↭ ys)
    (x∈ : x  xs)
     ( f -- y ∈ ys
       ∈-resp-·↭ p -- x ∈ ys
      ) x∈          -- x ∈ xs
     ( ∈-resp-·↭ p -- y ∈ ys f -- y ∈ xs
      ) x∈          -- x ∈ xs

module _  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B  where postulate
  ∈-map⁻∘∈-resp-·↭∘map⁺ :  (f : A  B) {xs ys : List A} {y : B} 
    (p : xs ·↭ ys)
    (y∈ : y  map f xs)
     ( ∈-map⁻ f                -- ∃x. (x ∈ ys) × (y ≡ f x)
       ∈-resp-·↭ (·↭-map⁺ f p) -- y ∈ map f ys
      ) y∈                      -- y ∈ map f xs
     ( map₂′ (map₁ $ ∈-resp-·↭ p) -- ∃x. (x ∈ ys) × (y ≡ f x)
       ∈-map⁻ f                   -- ∃x. (x ∈ xs) × (y ≡ f x)
      ) y∈                         -- y ∈ map f xs