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{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.First as Fst using (_∷_)

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.InferenceRules

open import Prelude.Irrelevance.Core
open import Prelude.Irrelevance.Empty
open import Prelude.Irrelevance.List.Membership

module Prelude.Irrelevance.List.Subset {A : Type } where

infix 4 _·⊆_ -- _·⊇_ _·⊈_ _·⊉_

  variable x y : A; xs ys : List A
  pattern 𝟘 = here refl
  pattern 𝟙 = Fst.[ refl ]
  pattern 𝟚 x = x  Fst.[ refl ]

module _  _ : DecEq A  where
  ∈⇒·∈ : x L.Mem.∈ xs  x ·∈ xs
  ∈⇒·∈ (here refl) = 𝟙
  ∈⇒·∈ {x = x} (there {x = y} p)
    with x  y
  ... | yes refl = 𝟙
  ... | no  = ¬⇒·¬   ∈⇒·∈ p

data _·⊆_ : Rel (List A)  where

  [] : [] ·⊆ xs

  _∷_ :  (x∈ : x ·∈ ys) 
    xs ·⊆ (ys  x∈)
    (x  xs) ·⊆ ys

  ··⊆ : ·² _·⊆_
  ··⊆ .∀≡ [] [] = refl
  ··⊆ .∀≡ (x∈  p) (x∈₁  q) rewrite ∀≡ x∈ x∈₁ | ∀≡ p q = refl

  Dec-·⊆ :  DecEq A   _·⊆_ ⁇²
  Dec-·⊆ {x = []} {ys} .dec = yes []
  Dec-·⊆ {x = x  xs} {ys} .dec
    with ¿ x ·∈ ys ¿
  ... | no x∉ = no λ where (x∈  _)  ⊥-elim $ x∉ x∈
  ... | yes x∈
    with ¿ xs ·⊆ (ys  x∈) ¿
  ... | no ¬IH = no λ where
    (_  IH)  ⊥-elim $ ¬IH $ subst    xs ·⊆ (ys  )) (∀≡ _ _) IH
  ... | yes IH = yes (x∈  IH)

·⊆⇒·∈ : xs ·⊆ ys  (∀ x  x ·∈ xs  x ·∈ ys)
·⊆⇒·∈ (x∈  p) x Fst.[ refl ] = x∈
·⊆⇒·∈ (x∈  p) x (  x∈′) =
  ·∈-─⁻ x∈ (≢-sym $ ·¬⇒¬ ) (·⊆⇒·∈ p x x∈′)

-- ·⊆⇒∈ : xs ·⊆ ys → (∀ x → x ∈ xs → x ∈ ys)
-- ·⊆⇒∈ (x∈ ∷ p) x Fst.[ refl ] = x∈
-- ·⊆⇒∈ (x∈ ∷ p) x (≢ ∷ x∈′) =
--   ·∈-─⁻ x∈ (≢-sym $ ·¬⇒¬ ≢) (·⊆⇒·∈ p x x∈′)

infix 4 _·⊆′_
_·⊆′_ : Rel (List A) _
xs ·⊆′ ys = _·∈ xs ⊆¹ _·∈ ys

·⊆⇒·⊆′ : xs ·⊆ ys  xs ·⊆′ ys
·⊆⇒·⊆′ {x  _} (x∈  p) {.x} 𝟙 = x∈
·⊆⇒·⊆′ {x  _} (x∈  p) {y} (  y∈)
  = ·∈-─⁻ _ (≢-sym $ ·¬⇒¬ ) $ ·⊆⇒·⊆′ p y∈

·⊆-∷ :
  x  xs ·⊆ x  ys
  xs ·⊆ ys
·⊆-∷ (𝟙  p) = p
·⊆-∷ ((x≢x  _)  _) = ·⊥-elim $ x≢x refl

module _  _ : DecEq A  where
  ·⊆⇒⊆ : xs ·⊆ ys  xs  ys
  ·⊆⇒⊆ {[]} [] = λ ()
  ·⊆⇒⊆ {x  xs}{ys} (x∈ys  p) = λ where
    (here refl)  ·∈⇒∈ x∈ys
    (there x∈′)  ·∈⇒∈
                $ ·∈-─⁻′ x∈ys
                $ ·⊆⇒·∈ p _
                $ ∈⇒·∈ x∈′