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-- {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open L.Any using (index)
open L.Mem using (∈-map⁺; ∈-map⁻)
open L.All using (lookup; ¬All⇒Any¬; ¬Any⇒All¬)
open L.Perm using (drop-∷; drop-mid; ∈-resp-↭)
open import Prelude.DecEq.Core
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.Ord
open import Prelude.Lists.Indexed
open import Prelude.Lists.Membership
open import Prelude.Lists.Subsets
open import Prelude.Lists.Interleaving
open import Prelude.Lists.Count

module Prelude.Lists.Dec {a} {A : Type a}  _ : DecEq A  where

private variable
  x y z : A
  xs ys zs : List A

¬∉⇒∈ : ¬ (x  xs)  x  xs
¬∉⇒∈ {x}{xs = []}      ¬x∉ = ⊥-elim $ ¬x∉ λ ()
¬∉⇒∈ {x}{xs = x′  xs} ¬x∉ with x  x′
... | yes refl = here refl
... | no ¬p    = there (¬∉⇒∈  x∉  ¬x∉  { (here refl)  ⊥-elim $ ¬p refl; (there x∈)  x∉ x∈})))

  Dec-⊆ : _⊆_ {A = A} ⁇²
  Dec-⊆ {x = []}     {y = ys} .dec = yes λ ()
  Dec-⊆ {x = x  xs} {y = ys} .dec = case x ∈? ys of λ where
    (no  x∉ys)  no λ xs⊆ys  x∉ys (xs⊆ys (here refl))
    (yes x∈ys)  case ¿ xs  ys ¿ of λ where
      (no  xs⊈ys)  no λ xs⊆ys  xs⊈ys  {x} z  xs⊆ys (there z))
      (yes xs⊆ys)  yes λ{ (here refl)  x∈ys
                          ; (there x∈)   xs⊆ys x∈ }

  Dec-⊆′ : _⊆′_ {A = A} ⁇²
  Dec-⊆′ {x = xs}{ys} .dec
    with ¿ xs  ys ¿
  ... | yes p = yes $ mk⊆ p
  ... | no ¬p = no  $ ⊥-elim  ¬p  unmk⊆

  Dec-Disjoint : Disjoint {A = A} ⁇²
  Dec-Disjoint {x = xs} {y = ys} .dec with all? (_∉? ys) xs
  ... | yes p = yes  {v} (v∈ , v∈′)  lookup p v∈ v∈′ )
  ... | no ¬p = let (x , x∈ , Px) = find $ ¬All⇒Any¬ (_∉? ys) _ ¬p
                in no λ p  p {x} (x∈ , ¬∉⇒∈ Px)

infix 4 _⊆?_ _⊆′?_
_⊆?_      = ¿ _⊆_  {A = A} ¿²
_⊆′?_     = ¿ _⊆′_ {A = A} ¿²
disjoint? = ¿ Disjoint {A = A} ¿²
unique?   = ¿ Unique {A = A} ¿¹

-- ** nub

nub : List A  List A
nub [] = []
nub (x  xs) with x ∈? xs
... | yes _ = nub xs
... | no  _ = x  nub xs

nub-⊆⁺ : xs  nub xs
nub-⊆⁺ {xs = x  xs} (here refl)
  with x ∈? xs
... | yes x∈ = nub-⊆⁺ {xs = xs} x∈
... | no  _  = here refl
nub-⊆⁺ {xs = x  xs} (there y∈)
  with x ∈? xs
... | yes _ = nub-⊆⁺ {xs = xs} y∈
... | no  _ = there $ nub-⊆⁺ {xs = xs} y∈

nub-⊆⁻ : nub xs  xs
nub-⊆⁻ {xs = x  xs}
  with x ∈? xs
... | yes x∈ = there  nub-⊆⁻ {xs = xs}
... | no  _  = λ where
  (here refl)  here refl
  (there y∈)   there $ nub-⊆⁻ {xs = xs} y∈

open import Prelude.General
private variable p : Level; P : Pred A p

All-nub⁺ : All P xs  All P (nub xs)
All-nub⁺ {xs = []}     []       = []
All-nub⁺ {xs = x  xs} (p  ps) with x ∈? xs
... | yes _ = All-nub⁺ ps
... | no  _ = p  All-nub⁺ ps

All-nub⁻ : All P (nub xs)  All P xs
All-nub⁻ {xs = []} [] = []
All-nub⁻ {xs = x  xs} p with x ∈? xs | p
... | yes x∈ | p = let IH = All-nub⁻ p in lookup IH x∈  IH
... | no  _  | p  ps = p  All-nub⁻ ps

All-nub : All P xs  All P (nub xs)
All-nub = All-nub⁺ , All-nub⁻

Any-nub⁺ : Any P xs  Any P (nub xs)
Any-nub⁺ {xs = x  xs} (here px)
  with x ∈? xs
... | yes x∈ = Any-nub⁺ $  where refl  px) x∈
... | no  _  = here px
Any-nub⁺ {xs = x  xs} (there p)
  with IHAny-nub⁺ p
  with x ∈? xs
... | yes _ = IH
... | no  _ = there IH

Any-nub⁻ : Any P (nub xs)  Any P xs
Any-nub⁻ {xs = x  xs} with x ∈? xs
... | yes _ = there  Any-nub⁻ {xs = xs}
... | no  _ = λ where (here px)  here px; (there p)  there (Any-nub⁻ p)

Any-nub : Any P xs  Any P (nub xs)
Any-nub = Any-nub⁺ , Any-nub⁻

Unique-nub : Unique (nub xs)
Unique-nub {[]} = []
Unique-nub {x  xs} with x ∈? xs
... | yes _ = Unique-nub {xs}
... | no x∉ = All-nub⁺ (¬Any⇒All¬ xs x∉)  Unique-nub {xs}

nub-from∘to : Unique xs  nub xs  xs
nub-from∘to {[]}     _ = refl
nub-from∘to {x  xs} u@(_  Uxs) with x ∈? xs
... | no  _    = cong (x ∷_) (nub-from∘to Uxs)
... | yes x∈xs = ⊥-elim (unique-∈ u x∈xs)

unique-nub-∈ : Unique xs  (x  nub xs)  (x  xs)
unique-nub-∈ uniq rewrite nub-from∘to uniq = refl

∈-nub⁻ : x  nub xs  x  xs
∈-nub⁻ {x}{x′  xs} x∈
  with x′ ∈? xs
... | yes _ = there (∈-nub⁻ x∈)
... | no ¬p
  with x∈
... | (here refl) = here refl
... | (there x∈ˢ) = there (∈-nub⁻ x∈ˢ)

∈-nub⁺ : x  xs  x  nub xs
∈-nub⁺ {x}{.x  xs} (here refl)
  with x ∈? xs
... | yes x∈ = ∈-nub⁺ x∈
... | no  _  = here refl
∈-nub⁺ {x}{x′  xs} (there x∈)
  with x′ ∈? xs
... | yes x∈ˢ = ∈-nub⁺ x∈
... | no  _   = there $ ∈-nub⁺ x∈

∉-nub⁻ : x  nub xs  x  xs
∉-nub⁻ = _∘ ∈-nub⁺

∉-nub⁺ : x  xs  x  nub xs
∉-nub⁺ = _∘ ∈-nub⁻

∈-map∘nub⁻ :  {B : Type } (f : A  B) x xs 
  f x L.Mem.∈ map f (nub xs)  f x L.Mem.∈ map f xs
∈-map∘nub⁻ f _ []       fx∈ = fx∈
∈-map∘nub⁻ f x (y  xs) fx∈ with y ∈? xs
... | yes y∈ = there $ ∈-map∘nub⁻ f x xs fx∈
... | no  y∉ with fx∈
... | here  eq   = here eq
... | there fx∈′ = there $ ∈-map∘nub⁻ f x xs fx∈′

‼-nub⁺ : Index xs  Index (nub xs)
‼-nub⁺ {x  xs} i with x ∈? xs
... | yes x∈ = ‼-nub⁺ {xs} $ L.Any.index x∈
... | no  _ = case i of λ where
  0F  0F
  (fsuc j)  fsuc $ ‼-nub⁺ {xs} j

‼-nub⁻ : Index (nub xs)  Index xs
‼-nub⁻ {x  xs} i with x ∈? xs
... | yes x∈ = fsuc $ ‼-nub⁻ {xs} i
... | no  _ = case i of λ where
  0F  0F
  (fsuc j)  fsuc $ ‼-nub⁻ {xs} j

-- ** nubBy

module _ {B : Type } where

  -- NB: right-biased, e.g. nubBy ∣_∣ [-1,0,1] = [0,1]
  nubBy : (B  A)  List B  List B
  nubBy f [] = []
  nubBy f (x  xs) with f x ∈? map f xs
  ... | yes _ = nubBy f xs
  ... | no  _ = x  nubBy f xs

  All-nubBy :  {p}{P : Pred B p} (f : B  A) xs  All P xs  All P (nubBy f xs)
  All-nubBy f []       []       = []
  All-nubBy f (x  xs) (p  ps) with f x ∈? map f xs
  ... | yes _ = All-nubBy f xs ps
  ... | no  _ = p  All-nubBy f xs ps

  module _ (f : B  A) where
    ∈-nubBy⁻ :  (x : B) xs  x  nubBy f xs  x  xs
    ∈-nubBy⁻ x (y  xs) x∈ with f y ∈? map f xs
    ... | yes _ = there (∈-nubBy⁻ x xs x∈)
    ... | no  _ with x∈
    ... | here refl = here refl
    ... | there x∈′ = there (∈-nubBy⁻ x xs x∈′)

    ∈-map∘nubBy⁻ :  (x : B) xs  f x  map f (nubBy f xs)  f x  map f xs
    ∈-map∘nubBy⁻ _ []       fx∈ = fx∈
    ∈-map∘nubBy⁻ x (y  xs) fx∈ with f y ∈? map f xs
    ... | yes y∈ = there $ ∈-map∘nubBy⁻ x xs fx∈
    ... | no  y∉ with fx∈
    ... | here  eq   = here eq
    ... | there fx∈′ = there $ ∈-map∘nubBy⁻ x xs fx∈′

    -- ∈-nubBy⁺ : ∀ (xs : List B) → x ∈ xs → x ∈ nubBy f xs
    -- ∈-nubBy⁺ (y ∷ xs) x∈ with f y ∈? map f xs
    -- ∈-nubBy⁺ (y ∷ xs) x∈ | yes fy∈ with x∈
    -- ... | here refl with x′ , fx∈ , eq ← ∈-map⁻ f fy∈ = ∈-nubBy⁺ xs {!!}
    -- ... | there x∈′ = ∈-nubBy⁺ xs x∈′
    -- ∈-nubBy⁺ (y ∷ xs) x∈ | no  _ with x∈
    -- ... | here refl = here refl
    -- ... | there x∈′ = there (∈-nubBy⁺ xs x∈′)

    Unique-nubBy :  xs  Unique (nubBy f xs)
    Unique-nubBy [] = []
    Unique-nubBy (x  xs) with f x ∈? map f xs
    ... | yes _  = Unique-nubBy xs
    ... | no fx∉ = All-nubBy f xs (¬Any⇒All¬ xs (fx∉  ∈-map⁺ f))
                  Unique-nubBy xs

    Unique-map∘nubBy :  xs  Unique $ map f (nubBy f xs)
    Unique-map∘nubBy [] = []
    Unique-map∘nubBy (x  xs) with f x ∈? map f xs
    ... | yes _  = Unique-map∘nubBy xs
    ... | no fx∉ = ¬Any⇒All¬ (map f (nubBy f xs)) (fx∉  ∈-map∘nubBy⁻ x xs )
                  Unique-map∘nubBy xs

-- ** deletion

_\\_ : List A  List A  List A
xs \\ [] = xs
xs \\ (x  ys) with x ∈? xs
... | no _     = xs \\ ys
... | yes x∈xs = (remove xs (index x∈xs)) \\ ys

\\-left : []  [] \\ xs
\\-left {[]}     = refl
\\-left {x  ys} with x ∈? (List _  [])
... | no _ = \\-left {ys}
... | yes ()

\\-head : []  [ x ] \\ (x  xs)
\\-head {x = x} {xs = xs} with x ∈? L.[ x ]
... | no ¬p = ⊥-elim (¬p (here refl))
... | yes p with index p
... | 0F = \\-left {xs = xs}
... | fsuc ()

\\-‼ :  {i : Index xs}
       []  [ xs  i ] \\ xs
\\-‼ {xs = []} {()}
\\-‼ {xs = x  xs} {0F} with x ∈? L.[ x ]
... | no ¬p = ⊥-elim (¬p (here refl))
... | yes (here relf) = \\-left {xs = xs}
... | yes (there ())
\\-‼ {xs = x  xs} {fsuc i} with x ∈? L.[ xs  i ]
... | no ¬p = \\-‼ {xs = xs} {i}
... | yes (here refl) = \\-left {xs = xs}
... | yes (there ())

postulate \\-⊆ : xs \\ ys  xs

-- ** permutation binary relation

  ¬[]↭ : ¬ ([]  x  xs)
  ¬[]↭ (↭-trans {.[]} {[]}     {.(_  _)} []↭ []↭₁) = ¬[]↭ []↭₁
  ¬[]↭ (↭-trans {.[]} {x  ys} {.(_  _)} []↭ []↭₁) = ¬[]↭ []↭

  ↭-remove :   {x∈ : x  ys}  x  remove ys (index x∈)  ys
  ↭-remove {x} {.(x  _)}       {here refl}          = ↭-refl
  ↭-remove {x} {(y  x  _)}    {there (here refl)}  = ↭-swap x y ↭-refl
  ↭-remove {x} {(x₁  x₂  ys)} {there (there x∈ys)} = ↭-trans h₁ h₂
      ys′ : List A
      ys′ = remove ys (index x∈ys)

      h₁ : x  x₁  x₂  ys′  x₁  x₂  x  ys′
      h₁ = ↭-trans (↭-swap x x₁ ↭-refl) (↭-prep x₁ (↭-swap x x₂ ↭-refl))

      h₂ : x₁  x₂  x  ys′  x₁  x₂  ys
      h₂ = ↭-prep x₁ (↭-prep x₂ ↭-remove)

  ↭-helper→ :  {x∈ : x  ys}
     xs  remove ys (index x∈)
     x  xs  ys
  ↭-helper→ {x} {xs} {ys} h = ↭-trans (↭-prep x h) ↭-remove

  ↭-helper← :  {x∈ : x  ys}
     x  xs  ys
     xs  remove ys (index x∈)
  ↭-helper← {x} {x  _}        {x∈ = here refl}          = drop-∷
  ↭-helper← {x} {y  x  _}    {x∈ = there (here refl)}  = drop-mid [] [ y ]
  ↭-helper← {x} {x₁  x₂  ys} {x∈ = there (there x∈ys)} = drop-∷  flip ↭-trans h
      ys′ = remove ys (index x∈ys)

      h′ : x₂  ys  x  x₂  ys′
      h′ = ↭-trans (↭-prep x₂ $ ↭-sym ↭-remove) (↭-swap x₂ x ↭-refl)

      h : x₁  x₂  ys  x  x₁  x₂  ys′
      h = ↭-trans (↭-prep x₁ h′) (↭-swap x₁ x ↭-refl)

  Dec-↭ : _↭_ {A = A} ⁇²
  Dec-↭ {x = xs} {y = ys} .dec with xs | ys
  ... | []      | []    = yes ↭-refl
  ... | []      | _  _ = no ¬[]↭
  ... | x  xs′ | ys′   with x ∈? ys′
  ... | no  x∉          = no λ x∷xs↭  x∉ (∈-resp-↭ x∷xs↭ (here refl))
  ... | yes x∈          with ¿ xs′  remove ys′ (index x∈) ¿
  ... | no ¬xs↭         = no (¬xs↭  ↭-helper←)
  ... | yes xs↭         = yes (↭-helper→ xs↭)

_↭?_ = ¿ _↭_ {A = A} ¿²

-- ** interleaving ternary relation

  Dec-Interleaving : _∥_≡_ {A = A} ⁇³
  Dec-Interleaving {x = xs} {y = ys} {z = zs} .dec
    with xs | ys | zs
  ... | []     | []     | []    = yes []
  ... | []     | []     | _  _ = no λ ()
  ... | _  _  | _      | []    = no λ ()
  ... | _      | _  _  | []    = no λ ()
  ... |   l | []     | x  l↔r
      = case   x of λ where
          (yes refl)  case ¿ l  []  l↔r ¿ of λ where
            (yes p)  yes (keepˡ p)
            (no ¬p)  no  where (keepˡ p)  ¬p p)
          (no x≢)  no λ where (keepˡ _)  x≢ refl
  ... | [] |   r | x  l↔r
      = case   x of λ where
          (yes refl)  case ¿ []  r  l↔r ¿ of λ where
            (yes p)  yes (keepʳ p)
            (no ¬p)  no  where (keepʳ p)  ¬p p)
          (no x≢)  no λ where (keepʳ _)  x≢ refl
  ... |   l |   r | x  l↔r
    with ¿ (  x) × (l  (  r)  l↔r) ¿
  ... | yes (refl , p) = yes (keepˡ p)
  ... | no x≢׬pˡ
    with ¿ (  x) × ((  l)  r  l↔r) ¿
  ... | yes (refl , p) = yes (keepʳ p)
  ... | no x≢׬pʳ = no λ where
      (keepˡ l↔r′)  x≢׬pˡ (refl , l↔r′)
      (keepʳ l↔r′)  x≢׬pʳ (refl , l↔r′)

_∥_≟_ = ¿ _∥_≡_ {A = A} ¿³

-- ** bag inclusion
_⊆[bag]_ _⊈[bag]_ : Rel (List A) _
xs ⊆[bag] ys = All  x  count (_≟ x) xs  count (_≟ x) ys) (nub xs)
_⊈[bag]_ = ¬_ ∘₂ _⊆[bag]_

_⊆[bag]?_ = Decidable² _⊆[bag]_  dec²

  ⊆[bag]⇒⊆ : xs ⊆[bag] ys  xs  ys
  ⊆[bag]-++ˡ : xs ⊆[bag] (xs ++ ys)
  ⊆[bag]-++ʳ : ys ⊆[bag] (xs ++ ys)

⊆[bag]-trans : Transitive (Rel (List A) _  _⊆[bag]_)
⊆[bag]-trans {i = i}{j}{k} p q =
  L.All.tabulate  {x} x∈ 
    Nat.≤-trans (L.All.lookup p {x} x∈)
                (lookup q {x} (∈-nub⁺ {xs = j} $ ⊆[bag]⇒⊆ p (∈-nub⁻ {xs = i} x∈))))

bag-mergeWith : Op₂   Op₂ (List A)
bag-mergeWith _⊗_ xs ys
  = flip concatMap (nub xs)
  $ λ x  L.replicate (count (_≟ x) xs  count (_≟ x) ys) x

_+[bag]_ _∸[bag]_ _*[bag]_ : Op₂ (List A)
_+[bag]_ = bag-mergeWith _+_
_∸[bag]_ = bag-mergeWith _∸_
_*[bag]_ = bag-mergeWith _*_

module _ (_⊗_ : Op₂ ) (⊗-mono :  n m  n  m  n  m) {xs ys} where
  private xys = bag-mergeWith _⊗_ xs ys

  postulate ⊆[bag]-mergeWith : (xs ⊆[bag] xys) × (ys ⊆[bag] xys)
  ⊆[bag]-mergeWithˡ = ⊆[bag]-mergeWith .proj₁
  ⊆[bag]-mergeWithʳ = ⊆[bag]-mergeWith .proj₂

module _  _ : Ord A   _ : DecOrd A   _ : OrdLaws A  where postulate
  Sorted-nub⁺ : Sorted xs  Sorted (nub xs)
  Sorted-bag-mergeWith⁺ :  (_⊗_ : Op₂ ) 
    Sorted xs  Sorted (bag-mergeWith _⊗_ xs ys)