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{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
module Prelude.Lists.PermutationsMeta where
open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open L.Mem using (_∈_; mapWith∈; ∈-map⁻)
open L.Perm hiding (trans)
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Lists.Permutations
open import Prelude.Lists.Membership
open import Prelude.Lists.Concat
open import Prelude.Lists.MapMaybe
private variable
A : Type ℓ
B : Type ℓ′
x y : A
xs ys zs ws : List A
xss yss : List (List A)
open ≡-Reasoning
sym∘cong : ∀ {x y : A} (f : A → B) (eq : x ≡ y)
→ sym (cong f eq) ≡ cong f (sym eq)
sym∘cong _ refl = refl
↭-trans∘reflˡ : (p↭ : xs ↭ ys) → L.Perm.↭-trans refl p↭ ≡ p↭
↭-trans∘reflˡ _ = refl
↭-trans∘reflʳ : (p↭ : xs ↭ ys) → L.Perm.↭-trans p↭ refl ≡ p↭
↭-trans∘reflʳ = λ where
refl → refl
(prep _ _) → refl
(swap _ _ _) → refl
(↭-trans _ _) → refl
↭-sym∘↭-reflexive :
(eq : xs ≡ ys)
→ ↭-sym (↭-reflexive eq)
≡ ↭-reflexive (sym eq)
↭-sym∘↭-reflexive refl = refl
IsRefl : Pred₀ (xs ↭ ys)
IsRefl = λ where
refl → ⊤
_ → ⊥
IsRefl? : Decidable¹ (IsRefl {xs = xs}{ys})
IsRefl? = λ where
refl → yes tt
(↭-prep _ _) → no λ ()
(swap _ _ _) → no λ ()
(↭-trans _ _) → no λ ()
↭-trans≗trans : ∀ (p : xs ↭ ys) (q : ys ↭ zs) →
∙ ¬ IsRefl p
∙ ¬ IsRefl q
L.Perm.↭-trans p q
≡ _↭_.trans p q
↭-trans≗trans refl _ p≢ _ = ⊥-elim (p≢ tt)
↭-trans≗trans _ refl _ q≢ = ⊥-elim (q≢ tt)
↭-trans≗trans (prep _ _) (↭-prep _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (prep _ _) (swap _ _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (prep _ _) (↭-trans _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (swap _ _ p) (↭-prep _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (swap _ _ p) (swap _ _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (swap _ _ p) (↭-trans _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (↭-trans _ _) (prep _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (↭-trans _ _) (swap _ _ _) _ _ = refl
↭-trans≗trans (↭-trans _ _) (↭-trans _ _) _ _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-map : ∀ {P : Pred A ℓ} {Q : Pred A ℓ′}
(f : P ⊆¹ Q)
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P xs) →
( Any-resp-↭ xs↭
∘ f
) x∈
≡ ( f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-map f xs↭ x∈
with xs↭ | x∈
... | refl | _ = refl
... | prep _ xs↭ | here _ = refl
... | prep _ xs↭ | there x∈ = cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-map f xs↭ x∈
... | swap _ _ xs↭ | here _ = refl
... | swap _ _ xs↭ | there (here _) = refl
... | swap _ _ xs↭ | there (there x∈) = cong (there ∘′ there) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-map f xs↭ x∈
... | ↭-trans p q | x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘Any-map f p x∈
= Any-resp-↭∘Any-map f q (Any-resp-↭ p x∈)
Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ : ∀ {A : Type} {x y : A} {xs ys : List A}
(f : (x ≡_) ⊆¹ (y ≡_))
(p : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : x ∈ xs)
→ ( f
∘ ∈-resp-↭ p
) x∈
≡ ( ∈-resp-↭ p
∘ f
) x∈
Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ _ refl _ = refl
Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ f (↭-trans p p′) x∈
rewrite sym $ Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ f p x∈
| sym $ Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ f p′ (∈-resp-↭ p x∈)
= refl
Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ f (prep x p) x∈ with x∈
... | here _ = refl
... | there x∈ = cong there $ Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ f p x∈
Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ f (swap x y p) x∈ with x∈
... | here _ = refl
... | there (here _) = refl
... | there (there x∈) = cong there $ cong there $ Any-map∘∈-resp-↭ f p x∈
module _ {P : Pred A ℓ} where
find∘Any-resp-↭ :
(p : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( find
∘ Any-resp-↭ p
) x∈
≡ ( map₂′ (map₁ $ Any-resp-↭ p)
∘ find
) x∈
find∘Any-resp-↭ refl x∈ = refl
find∘Any-resp-↭ (prep x p) x∈ with x∈
... | here _ = refl
... | there x∈ rewrite find∘Any-resp-↭ p x∈ = refl
find∘Any-resp-↭ (swap x y p) x∈ with x∈
... | here _ = refl
... | there (here _) = refl
... | there (there x∈) rewrite find∘Any-resp-↭ p x∈ = refl
find∘Any-resp-↭ (↭-trans p p′) x∈
rewrite find∘Any-resp-↭ p′ (Any-resp-↭ p x∈)
| find∘Any-resp-↭ p x∈
= refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P xs) →
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs xs↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ {zs = zs} xs↭ x∈
with xs↭ | x∈
... | refl | _ = refl
... | ↭-prep _ xss↭ | here _ = refl
... | ↭-prep _ xss↭ | there x∈ = cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ xss↭ x∈
... | swap _ _ xss↭ | here _ = refl
... | swap _ _ xss↭ | there (here _) = refl
... | swap _ _ xss↭ | there (there x∈) = cong (there ∘′ there) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ xss↭ x∈
... | ↭-trans p q | x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ {zs = zs} p x∈
= Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ {zs = zs} q (Any-resp-↭ p x∈)
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P xs) →
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ zs xs↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ zs
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ zs
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ {zs = zs} xs↭ x∈ with zs
... | [] = refl
... | _ ∷ zs rewrite Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ {zs = zs} xs↭ x∈ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P zs) →
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ zs xs↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ xs↭ = λ where
(here _) → refl
(there x∈) → cong there (Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ xs↭ x∈)
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P zs) →
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs xs↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈
≡ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ refl = λ _ → refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ (↭-prep _ xs↭) = cong there ∘ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ xs↭
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ (swap _ _ xs↭) = cong there ∘ cong there ∘ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ xs↭
Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ (↭-trans xs↭ ↭ys) x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ xs↭ x∈ = Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ ↭ys x∈
Any-++⁺ˡ∘here :
(px : P x)
→ ( L.Any.++⁺ˡ {ys = ys}
∘ here {P = P} {xs = xs}
) px
≡ here {x = x}
Any-++⁺ˡ∘here _ = refl
Any-++⁺ˡ∘there :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( L.Any.++⁺ˡ {ys = ys}
∘ there {x = x}
) x∈
≡ ( there {x = x}
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-++⁺ˡ∘there _ = refl
Any-resp-↭-prep∘here :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(px : P x)
→ Any-resp-↭ (prep x xs↭)
(here {P = P} px)
≡ here px
Any-resp-↭-prep∘here _ _ = refl
Any-resp-↭-prep∘there :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (prep x xs↭)
∘ there
) x∈
≡ ( there
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭-prep∘there _ _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘here :
(px : P x)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ shift x ys xs)
) (here {P = P} px)
≡ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
(here px)
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘here {ys = []} _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘here {ys = _ ∷ _} px = cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘here px
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘++⁺ˡ∘there :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ shift y xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ there
) x∈
≡ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘++⁺ˡ∘there {x ∷ xs} = λ where
(here _) → refl
(there x∈) → cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘++⁺ˡ∘there x∈
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘++⁺ʳ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ shift x ys xs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ (x ∷ ys)
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ there
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘++⁺ʳ {ys = []} _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘++⁺ʳ {ys = _ ∷ _} px = cong there (Any-resp-↭∘˘shift∘++⁺ʳ px)
Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans :
∀ (x∈ : Any P xs) (p : xs ↭ ys) (q : ys ↭ zs)
→ Any-resp-↭ (L.Perm.↭-trans p q) x∈
≡ Any-resp-↭ q (Any-resp-↭ p x∈)
Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans {xs = xs}{ys} x∈ p q
with p | IsRefl? p
... | refl | yes tt = refl
... | p | no p≢
with q | IsRefl? q
... | refl | yes tt rewrite ↭-trans∘reflʳ p = refl
... | q | no q≢ rewrite ↭-trans≗trans p q p≢ q≢ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
(eq : xs ≡ ys)
→ Any-resp-↭ (↭-reflexive eq)
≡ subst (Any P) eq
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive _ refl = refl
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘here :
(px : P x)
(eq : xs ≡ ys)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-reflexive (cong (x ∷_) eq))
∘ here {P = P}
) px
≡ here
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘here _ refl = refl
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
(eq : xs ≡ ys)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-reflexive (cong (x ∷_) eq))
∘ there
) x∈
≡ ( there
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-reflexive eq)
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there _ refl = refl
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘++-identityʳ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ Any-resp-↭ (↭-reflexive $ sym $ L.++-identityʳ xs) x∈
≡ L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘++-identityʳ {xs = x ∷ xs} x∈
with x∈
... | here px
rewrite sym∘cong (x L.∷_) (L.++-identityʳ xs)
= Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘here px (sym $ L.++-identityʳ xs)
... | there x∈
rewrite sym∘cong (x L.∷_) (L.++-identityʳ xs)
| Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there {x = x} x∈ (sym $ L.++-identityʳ xs)
= cong there (Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘++-identityʳ x∈)
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡˡ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡˡ {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys} {zs} (here px)
rewrite L.++-assoc xs ys zs
= refl
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡˡ {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys} {zs} (there x∈)
with IH ← Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡˡ {xs = xs} {ys} {zs} x∈
= trans (Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there (L.Any.++⁺ˡ $ L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) (L.++-assoc xs ys zs))
(cong there IH)
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡʳ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡʳ {ys = []} _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡʳ {xs = xs} {y ∷ ys} {zs} x∈
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc (y ∷ ys) xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ {ys = zs}
∘ there
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there (L.Any.++⁺ˡ {ys = zs} $ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys x∈) (L.++-assoc ys xs zs) ⟩
( there
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ {ys = zs}
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡʳ {ys = ys} x∈ ⟩
( there
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocˡ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocˡ {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys} {zs} x∈
with x∈
... | here px
rewrite L.++-assoc xs ys zs = refl
... | there x∈
with IH ← Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocˡ {xs = xs} {ys} {zs} x∈
rewrite ↭-sym∘↭-reflexive (cong (x ∷_) (L.++-assoc xs ys zs))
| ↭-sym∘↭-reflexive (L.++-assoc xs ys zs)
| sym∘cong (x L.∷_) (L.++-assoc xs ys zs)
| Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there {x = x} (L.Any.++⁺ˡ {ys = ys ++ zs} x∈)
(sym (L.++-assoc xs ys zs))
= cong there IH
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳˡ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳˡ {ys = []} _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳˡ {xs = xs}{y ∷ ys}{zs} x∈
rewrite ↭-sym∘↭-reflexive (cong (y ∷_) (L.++-assoc ys xs zs))
| sym∘cong (y L.∷_) (L.++-assoc ys xs zs)
| Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there {x = y} (L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys $ L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) (sym $ L.++-assoc ys xs zs)
| sym $ ↭-sym∘↭-reflexive (L.++-assoc ys xs zs)
= cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳˡ {ys = ys} x∈
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocʳ :
(x∈ : Any P zs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ (xs ++ ys)
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocʳ {xs = []} _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘++-assocʳ {zs = zs}{x ∷ xs}{ys} x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there {x = x} (L.Any.++⁺ʳ (xs ++ ys) x∈)
(L.++-assoc xs ys zs)
= cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘++-assocʳ {zs = zs}{xs}{ys} x∈
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳʳ :
(x∈ : Any P zs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ (xs ++ ys)
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳʳ {xs = []} _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳʳ {zs = zs}{x ∷ xs}{ys} x∈
rewrite ↭-sym∘↭-reflexive (cong (x ∷_) (L.++-assoc xs ys zs))
| sym∘cong (x L.∷_) (L.++-assoc xs ys zs)
| Any-resp-↭∘↭-reflexive∘there {x = x}
(L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs $ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys x∈) (sym $ L.++-assoc xs ys zs)
| sym $ ↭-sym∘↭-reflexive (L.++-assoc xs ys zs)
= cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳʳ {zs = zs}{xs}{ys} x∈
Any-resp-↭∘++-commˡ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (++-comm xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
Any-resp-↭∘++-commʳ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (++-comm ys xs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
Any-resp-↭∘shifts : ∀ xs ys zs →
(x∈ : Any P (xs ++ ys ++ zs))
→ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs}) x∈
≡ ( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs)
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘shifts xs ys zs x∈
rewrite ↭-trans∘reflʳ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans x∈
(↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs)
(L.Perm.↭-trans (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys) (++-assoc ys xs zs))
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans (Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs) x∈)
(++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
(++-assoc ys xs zs)
= refl
Any-resp-↭∘shiftsˡ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘shiftsˡ {xs}{ys}{zs} x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘shifts xs ys zs (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈)
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs) ∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)) $ Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocˡ x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ (++-comm xs ys) (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-comm xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs) ∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ) $′ Any-resp-↭∘++-commˡ {ys = ys} x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡʳ x∈ ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳˡ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (shifts ys xs {zs})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳˡ {xs}{ys}{zs} x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘shifts ys xs zs (L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys $ L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈)
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm ys xs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs) ∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm ys xs)) $ Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳˡ x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm ys xs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs)) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ (++-comm ys xs) (L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys x∈) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-comm ys xs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs) ∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ) $ Any-resp-↭∘++-commʳ x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡˡ x∈ ⟩
L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳʳ :
(x∈ : Any P zs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳʳ {zs}{xs}{ys} x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘shifts xs ys zs (L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs $ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys x∈)
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs) ∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)) $ Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocʳʳ {xs = xs} x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ (xs ++ ys)
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳʳ (++-comm xs ys) x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ (ys ++ xs)
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘++-assocʳ {xs = ys} x∈ ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘ˡshiftsˡ :
(x∈ : Any P xs)
(p↭ : xs ++ zs ↭ xs ++ ws)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ p↭
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘ˡshiftsˡ {xs} {zs} {ws} {ys} x∈ p↭
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘shifts xs ys zs (L.Any.++⁺ˡ {ys = ys ++ zs} x∈)
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-sym $ ++-assoc xs ys zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong ( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
) $ Any-resp-↭∘˘++-assocˡ x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ʳ zs $ ++-comm xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong ( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ʳˡ (++-comm xs ys) (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-comm xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭) ∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs) ∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ)
$ Any-resp-↭∘++-commˡ {ys = ys} x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++-assoc ys xs zs)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)) $ Any-resp-↭∘++-assocˡʳ x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ p↭ (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ p↭
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘ˡˡshifts :
(x∈ : Any P (xs ++ ys ++ zs))
(p↭ : zs ↭ ws)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs})
) x∈
≡ ( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs $ ++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘ˡˡshifts {xs}{ys}{zs}{ws} x∈ p↭
with destruct-Any-++² {xs = xs}{ys}{zs} x∈
... | inj₁ (x∈xs , refl)
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈xs
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)) $ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsˡ x∈xs ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈xs
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ (++⁺ˡ xs p↭) (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈xs) ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈xs
≡⟨ cong (L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ p↭ x∈xs ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈xs
≡˘⟨ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsˡ x∈xs ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈xs
≡˘⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭) x∈xs ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs $ ++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈xs
... | inj₂ (inj₁ (x∈ys , refl))
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈ys
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)) $ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳˡ {ys = xs} x∈ys ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈ys
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ (++⁺ˡ xs p↭) x∈ys ⟩
L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈ys
≡˘⟨ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳˡ {ys = xs} x∈ys ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈ys
≡˘⟨ (cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws}) ∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs)
$ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ p↭ x∈ys) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈ys
≡˘⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws}))
$ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭) (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈ys) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs $ ++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈ys
... | inj₂ (inj₂ (x∈zs , refl))
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {zs})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈zs
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)) $ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳʳ {xs = xs} x∈zs ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈zs
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ (++⁺ˡ xs p↭) (L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs x∈zs) ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈zs
≡⟨ cong (L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ p↭ x∈zs ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ Any-resp-↭ p↭
) x∈zs
≡˘⟨ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳʳ {zs = ws}{xs}{ys} (Any-resp-↭ p↭ x∈zs) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ p↭
) x∈zs
≡˘⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws}) ∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs)
$ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ p↭ x∈zs ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈zs
≡˘⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws}))
$ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭) (L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys x∈zs) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {ws})
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs $ ++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈zs
Any-resp-↭∘shifts∘++⁺ˡ :
∀ (x∈ : Any P zs) (p↭ : xs ++ zs ↭ xs ++ ws)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (L.Perm.↭-trans (shifts xs ys) (++⁺ˡ ys p↭))
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡ ( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ p↭
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘shifts∘++⁺ˡ {zs}{xs}{ws}{ys} x∈ p↭ =
( Any-resp-↭ (L.Perm.↭-trans (shifts xs ys) (++⁺ˡ ys p↭))
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans (L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs $ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys x∈) (shifts xs ys) (++⁺ˡ ys p↭) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)) (Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳʳ {xs = xs}{ys} x∈) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys p↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ p↭ (L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs x∈) ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ p↭
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ :
(xss↭ : xss ↭ yss)
(xs∈ : Any (Any P) xss) →
( Any-resp-↭ (↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) xs∈
≡ ( L.Any.concat⁺
∘ Any-resp-↭ xss↭
) xs∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ refl _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ (↭-prep {xs = xss}{yss} xs xss↭) xs∈
with xs∈
... | here x∈ = Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ {zs = xs} (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) x∈
... | there xs∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ {zs = xs} (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) (L.Any.concat⁺ xs∈)
| Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ xss↭ xs∈
= refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ (↭-trans p q) x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ p x∈
= Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ q (Any-resp-↭ p x∈)
Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ {xss = .xs ∷ .ys ∷ xss} {yss = .ys ∷ .xs ∷ yss} (swap xs ys xss↭) xs∈
rewrite ↭-trans∘reflʳ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
with xs∈
... | here x∈
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ ( L.Perm.↭-trans (shifts xs ys)
$ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) (shifts xs ys) (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {concat xss})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘ˡˡshifts {xs = xs} (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs $ ++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {concat yss})) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭) x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys {concat yss})
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsˡ x∈ ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
... | there (here x∈)
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ ( L.Perm.↭-trans (shifts xs ys)
$ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans _ (shifts xs ys) (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘ˡˡshifts {xs = xs} (L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈)) (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs $ ++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭) (L.Any.++⁺ˡ x∈) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys) ∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡˡ (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) x∈ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ˡ
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳˡ {ys = xs} x∈ ⟩
... | there (there xs∈)
= begin
( Any-resp-↭ ( L.Perm.↭-trans (shifts xs ys)
$ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) xs∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘↭-trans _ (shifts xs ys) (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ++⁺ˡ xs $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) xs∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘ˡˡshifts {xs = xs} (L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs $ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys $ L.Any.concat⁺ xs∈) (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ xs $ ++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) xs∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭) _ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ Any-resp-↭ (++⁺ˡ ys $ ↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) xs∈
≡⟨ cong (Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys) ∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-++⁺ˡʳ (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) _ ⟩
( Any-resp-↭ (shifts xs ys)
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) xs∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘shiftsʳʳ {xs = xs} (Any-resp-↭ (↭-concat⁺ xss↭) $ L.Any.concat⁺ xs∈) ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ Any-resp-↭ (↭-concat⁺ xss↭)
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) xs∈
≡⟨ cong (L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys ∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ xss↭ xs∈ ⟩
( L.Any.++⁺ʳ ys
∘ L.Any.++⁺ʳ xs
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
∘ Any-resp-↭ xss↭
) xs∈
↭-sym∘shifts : ∀ (xs ys zs : List A)
→ ↭-sym (shifts xs ys {zs})
≡ shifts ys xs
↭-sym∘concat⁺ :
(p : xss ↭ yss)
→ ↭-sym (↭-concat⁺ p)
≡ ↭-concat⁺ (↭-sym p)
module _ {f : A → B} {P : Pred B ℓ} where
Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any (P ∘ f) xs) →
( Any-resp-↭ {P = P} (map⁺ f xs↭)
∘⁺ {f = f}
) x∈
≡ (⁺ {f = f}
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ xs↭ x∈
with xs↭ | x∈
... | refl | _ = refl
... | ↭-prep _ xs↭ | here _ = refl
... | ↭-prep _ xs↭ | there x∈ = cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ xs↭ x∈
... | swap _ _ xs↭ | here _ = refl
... | swap _ _ xs↭ | there (here _) = refl
... | swap _ _ xs↭ | there (there x∈) = cong (there ∘′ there) $ Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ xs↭ x∈
... | ↭-trans p q | x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ p x∈
= Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ q (Any-resp-↭ p x∈)
Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ :
(p : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P (map f xs))
→ (⁻
∘ Any-resp-↭ (map⁺ f p)
) x∈
≡ ( Any-resp-↭ p
) x∈
Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ refl y∈ = refl
Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ (↭-prep x p) y∈ with y∈
... | here _ = refl
... | there y∈ rewrite Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ p y∈ = refl
Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ (swap x y p) y∈ with y∈
... | here _ = refl
... | there (here _) = refl
... | there (there y∈) rewrite Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ p y∈ = refl
Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ (↭-trans p p′) y∈
rewrite Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ p′ (Any-resp-↭ (map⁺ f p) y∈)
| Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ p y∈
= refl
module _ {A B : Type} (f : A → B) where
∈-map⁻∘∈-resp-↭∘map⁺ : ∀ {y : B} {xs ys : List A}
(p : xs ↭ ys)
(y∈ : y ∈ map f xs)
→ ( ∈-map⁻ f
∘ ∈-resp-↭ (map⁺ f p)
) y∈
≡ ( map₂′ (map₁ $ ∈-resp-↭ p)
∘ ∈-map⁻ f
) y∈
∈-map⁻∘∈-resp-↭∘map⁺ {y = y} p y∈
rewrite Any-map⁻∘Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ {P = y ≡_} p y∈
| find∘Any-resp-↭ p (⁻ y∈)
= refl
module _ {f : A → List B} where
Any-resp-↭∘Any-concatMap⁺ : ∀ {P : Pred B ℓ}
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any (Any P ∘ f) xs) →
( Any-resp-↭ (↭-concatMap⁺ f xs↭)
∘ Any-concatMap⁺ f
) x∈
≡ ( Any-concatMap⁺ f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-concatMap⁺ xs↭ x∈ =
( Any-resp-↭ (↭-concatMap⁺ f xs↭)
∘ Any-concatMap⁺ f
) x∈
( Any-resp-↭ (↭-concat⁺ $ map⁺ f xs↭)
∘ L.Any.concat⁺
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any-concat⁺ (map⁺ f xs↭) (⁺ x∈) ⟩
( L.Any.concat⁺
∘ Any-resp-↭ (map⁺ f xs↭)
) x∈
≡⟨ cong L.Any.concat⁺ $ Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ xs↭ x∈ ⟩
( L.Any.concat⁺
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
( Any-concatMap⁺ f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
∈-resp-↭∘∈-concatMap⁺ :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any (λ x → y ∈ f x) xs) →
( ∈-resp-↭ (↭-concatMap⁺ f xs↭)
∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ f
) x∈
≡ ( ∈-concatMap⁺ f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
∈-resp-↭∘∈-concatMap⁺ = Any-resp-↭∘Any-concatMap⁺
↭-sym∘concatMap⁺ :
(f : A → List B)
(p : xs ↭ ys)
→ ↭-sym (↭-concatMap⁺ f p)
≡ ↭-concatMap⁺ f (↭-sym p)
↭-sym∘concatMap⁺ f p
rewrite ↭-sym∘concat⁺ (map⁺ f p)
| ↭-sym∘map⁺ f p
= refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ : ∀ {P : Pred A ℓ″}
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any (M.Any.Any P) xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (catMaybes-↭ xs↭)
∘ Any-catMaybes⁺
) x∈
≡ ( Any-catMaybes⁺
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ refl x∈ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (↭-trans xs↭ ↭ys) x∈
rewrite Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ xs↭ x∈
| Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ ↭ys (Any-resp-↭ xs↭ x∈)
= refl
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (↭-prep (just _) xs↭) x∈
with x∈
... | here (M.Any.just _) = refl
... | there x∈ = cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ xs↭ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (↭-prep nothing xs↭) (there x∈)
= Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ xs↭ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (swap (just _) (just _) xs↭) x∈
with x∈
... | here (M.Any.just _) = refl
... | there (here (M.Any.just _)) = refl
... | there (there x∈) = cong (there ∘′ there) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ xs↭ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (swap (just _) nothing xs↭) x∈
with x∈
... | here (M.Any.just _) = refl
... | there (there x∈) = cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ xs↭ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (swap nothing (just _) xs↭) (there x∈)
with x∈
... | here (M.Any.just _) = refl
... | there x∈ = cong there $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ xs↭ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (swap nothing nothing xs↭) (there (there x∈))
= Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ xs↭ x∈
subst-ƛ : ∀ {X : Type ℓ′} {Y : Type ℓ″} {y z : Y} {P : Pred Y ℓ}
(eq : y ≡ z)
(p : X → P y)
(x : X)
→ subst (λ ◆ → X → P ◆) eq p x
≡ subst P eq (p x)
subst-ƛ refl _ _ = refl
module _ {P : Pred A ℓ} where
Any-resp-↭∘subst :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(eq : ys ≡ zs)
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ Any-resp-↭ (subst (xs ↭_) eq xs↭) x∈
≡ subst (Any P) eq (Any-resp-↭ xs↭ x∈)
Any-resp-↭∘subst _ refl _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘subst² :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(eq : ys ≡ zs)
(eq′ : xs ≡ ws)
(x∈ : Any P ws)
→ Any-resp-↭ (subst (_↭ zs) eq′ $ subst (xs ↭_) eq xs↭) x∈
≡ subst (Any P) eq (Any-resp-↭ (subst (_↭ ys) eq′ xs↭) x∈)
Any-resp-↭∘subst² _ refl refl _ = refl
Any-resp-↭∘subst∘subst :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(eq : xs ≡ zs)
(x∈ : Any P xs)
→ Any-resp-↭ (subst (_↭ ys) eq xs↭) (subst (Any P) eq x∈)
≡ Any-resp-↭ xs↭ x∈
Any-resp-↭∘subst∘subst _ refl _ = refl
module _ (f : A → Maybe B) where
Any-resp-↭∘Any-mapMaybe′⁺ : ∀ {P : Pred B ℓ″}
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any (M.Any.Any P ∘ f) xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭)
∘ Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f
) x∈
≡ ( Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-mapMaybe′⁺ xs↭ x∈
= trans (Any-resp-↭∘Any-catMaybes⁺ (map⁺ f xs↭) (⁺ x∈))
(cong Any-catMaybes⁺ (Any-resp-↭∘map⁺ xs↭ x∈))
Any-resp-↭∘Any⇒ : ∀ {P : Pred B ℓ″}
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any P (mapMaybe′ f xs))
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭)
∘ Any[_]⇒_ f xs
) x∈
≡ ( Any[_]⇒_ f ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭)
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any⇒ {xs = xs} {ys = ys} xs↭ x∈ =
( Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭)
∘ Any[_]⇒_ f xs
) x∈
( Any-resp-↭ ( subst (_↭ _) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs)
$ subst (_ ↭_) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f ys)
$ mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭
∘ Any[_]⇒_ f xs
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘subst² (mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f ys) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs)
$ Any[_]⇒_ f xs x∈ ⟩
( Any[_]⇒_ f ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ ( subst (_↭ _) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs)
$ mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭
∘ Any[_]⇒_ f xs
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any[_]⇒_ f ys) (Any-resp-↭∘subst∘subst (mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs) x∈) ⟩
( Any[_]⇒_ f ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭)
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-mapMaybe⁺ : ∀ {P : Pred B ℓ″}
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(x∈ : Any (M.Any.Any P ∘ f) xs)
→ ( Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭)
∘ Any-mapMaybe⁺ f
) x∈
≡ ( Any-mapMaybe⁺ f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
Any-resp-↭∘Any-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {P = P} xs↭ x∈ =
( Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭)
∘ Any-mapMaybe⁺ f
) x∈
( Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭)
∘ Any[_]⇒_ f xs
∘ Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f
) x∈
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any⇒ xs↭ (Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f x∈) ⟩
( Any[_]⇒_ f ys
∘ Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe′-↭ f xs↭)
∘ Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f
) x∈
≡⟨ cong (Any[_]⇒_ f ys) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-mapMaybe′⁺ xs↭ x∈ ⟩
( Any[_]⇒_ f ys
∘ Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
( Any-mapMaybe⁺ f
∘ Any-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
∈-resp-↭∘∈-mapMaybe⁺ :
(xs↭ : xs ↭ ys)
(eq : f x ≡ just y)
(x∈ : x ∈ xs)
→ ( ∈-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭)
∘ flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ f) eq
) x∈
≡ ( flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ f) eq
∘ ∈-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
∈-resp-↭∘∈-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs} {ys = ys} xs↭ eq x∈
= begin
( ∈-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭)
∘ flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ f) eq
) x∈
∈-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭) (∈-mapMaybe⁺ f x∈ eq)
Any-resp-↭ (mapMaybe-↭ f xs↭) (Any-mapMaybe⁺ f $ (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)
≡⟨ Any-resp-↭∘Any-mapMaybe⁺ xs↭ $ (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈ ⟩
Any-mapMaybe⁺ f (Any-resp-↭ xs↭ $ (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)
≡⟨ cong (Any-mapMaybe⁺ f) $ Any-resp-↭∘Any-map (≡just⇒MAny f eq) xs↭ x∈ ⟩
Any-mapMaybe⁺ f ( (≡just⇒MAny f eq) $ Any-resp-↭ xs↭ x∈)
∈-mapMaybe⁺ f (∈-resp-↭ xs↭ x∈) eq
( flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ f) eq
∘ ∈-resp-↭ xs↭
) x∈
↭-sym∘mapMaybe⁺ :
(f : A → Maybe B)
(p : xs ↭ ys)
→ ↭-sym (mapMaybe-↭ f p)
≡ mapMaybe-↭ f (↭-sym p)