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-- Singleton predicate for various kinds of lists.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Prelude.Lists.Singletons where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open Nat using (_≤_)
open L.Mem using (_∈_; mapWith∈)
open L.NE using (toList)
open import Prelude.Null
open import Prelude.Lists.Count
open import Prelude.Lists.Combinatorics
open import Prelude.Lists.Empty
open import Prelude.Lists.NonEmpty

private variable
  A : Type 
  B : Type ℓ′
  x : A
  xs : List A
  xss : List (List A)

Singleton : List A  Type
Singleton []       = 
Singleton (_  []) = 
Singleton (_  _)  = 

construct-Singleton : ∃[ x ] (xs  x  [])  Singleton xs
construct-Singleton (_ , refl) = tt

destruct-Singleton : Singleton xs   λ x  xs  [ x ]
destruct-Singleton {xs = []}          ()
destruct-Singleton {xs = _  []}      tt = _ , refl
destruct-Singleton {xs = _  (_  _)} ()

Singleton⇒len≡ : Singleton xs  length xs  1
Singleton⇒len≡ s-xs rewrite proj₂ $ destruct-Singleton s-xs = refl

len≡⇒Singleton : length xs  1  Singleton xs
len≡⇒Singleton {xs = []}        ()
len≡⇒Singleton {xs = _  []}    refl = tt
len≡⇒Singleton {xs = _  _  _} ()

singleton-map :  {f : A  B}
   Singleton xs
   Singleton (map f xs)
singleton-map {xs = []}        ()
singleton-map {xs = _  []}    tt = tt
singleton-map {xs = _  _  _} ()

singleton-subseqs : Singleton xs  subsequences xs  []  xs  []
singleton-subseqs {xs = []}        ()
singleton-subseqs {xs = _  []}    tt = refl
singleton-subseqs {xs = _  _  _} ()

singleton-mapWith∈  :  {x : A} {xs : List A} {x′ : B} {f :  {x}  x  xs  B}
   (∀ x∈  f {x} x∈  x′)
   xs  [ x ]
   mapWith∈ xs f  [ x′ ]
singleton-mapWith∈ f≡ refl rewrite f≡ (here refl) = refl

singleton∈ :  {xs : List A}
   (s-xs : Singleton xs)
   proj₁ (destruct-Singleton s-xs)  xs
singleton∈ s-xs with _ , refldestruct-Singleton s-xs = here refl

singleton-concat :  {x : A} {xss : List (List A)}
   xss  [ [ x ] ]
   Singleton (concat xss)
singleton-concat refl = tt

All-singleton : {x : A} {xs : List A} {P : A  Type}
  xs  [ x ]
  All P xs
  P x
All-singleton refl (Px  []) = Px


AtMostSingleton : Pred₀ (List A)
AtMostSingleton []          = 
AtMostSingleton (_  [])    = 
AtMostSingleton (_  _  _) = 

ams-single :  {x : A} {xs : List A}
   AtMostSingleton (x  xs)
   xs  []
ams-single {xs = []}    _ = refl
ams-single {xs = _  _} ()

ams-∈ :  {x : A} {xs : List A}
   AtMostSingleton xs
   x  xs
   xs  [ x ]
ams-∈ {xs = []}        _  ()
ams-∈ {xs = x  []}    _  (here refl) = refl
ams-∈ {xs = _  _  _} () _

ams-filter⁺ :  {xs : List A} {P : A  Type} {P? : Decidable¹ P}
   AtMostSingleton xs
   AtMostSingleton (filter P? xs)
ams-filter⁺ {xs = []}                  tt = tt
ams-filter⁺ {xs = x  []}    {P? = P?} tt with P? x
... | yes _ = tt
... | no  _ = tt
ams-filter⁺ {xs = _  _  _}           ()

am-¬null⇒singleton :  {xs : List A}
   AtMostSingleton xs
   ¬Null xs
   Singleton xs
am-¬null⇒singleton {xs = []         } tt ¬p = ⊥-elim (¬p refl)
am-¬null⇒singleton {xs = (_  [])   } _  _  = tt
am-¬null⇒singleton {xs = (_  _  _)} ()


Singleton⁺ : List⁺ A  Type
Singleton⁺ (_  []) = 
Singleton⁺ (_  _)  = 

destruct-Singleton⁺ :  {xs : List⁺ A}
   Singleton⁺ xs
    λ x  xs  [ x ]
destruct-Singleton⁺ {xs = _  []}      tt = _ , refl
destruct-Singleton⁺ {xs = _  (_  _)} ()

singleton⁺ :  {A : Type } {xs : List A}
   AtMostSingleton xs
   (xs≢[] : ¬Null xs)
   Singleton⁺ (toList⁺ xs xs≢[])
singleton⁺ {xs = []}        tt xs≢[] = ⊥-elim $ xs≢[] refl
singleton⁺ {xs = _  []}    tt xs≢[] = tt
singleton⁺ {xs = _  _  _} ()

singleton-concatMap  :  {h : List⁺ A} {f : A  List B}
   Singleton⁺ h
   (∀ x  Singleton (f x))
   Singleton $ concatMap f (toList h)
singleton-concatMap {f = f} h⁺ s-f
  with h , refldestruct-Singleton⁺ h⁺
  rewrite L.++-identityʳ (f h)
    = s-f h

singleton⇒singleton⁺ :  {A : Type } {xs : List A} {xs≢[] : ¬ Null xs}
   Singleton xs
   Singleton⁺ (toList⁺ xs xs≢[])
singleton⇒singleton⁺ p rewrite destruct-Singleton p .proj₂ = tt


Singleton² : Pred (List (List A)) _
Singleton² xss = Singleton xss × All Singleton xss

construct-Singleton² :
    xss  [ [ x ] ]
   Singleton² xss
construct-Singleton² refl = tt , tt  []

destruct-Singleton² : Singleton² xss   λ x  xss  [ [ x ] ]
destruct-Singleton² (tt , s-xs  [])
  with x , refldestruct-Singleton s-xs
     = x , refl

singleton-concat⁺ : Singleton² xss  Singleton (concat xss)
singleton-concat⁺ {xss = []}                  (()   , _)
singleton-concat⁺ {xss = []           []}    (_    , ()  _)
singleton-concat⁺ {xss = (_  [])     []}    (_    , _)      = tt
singleton-concat⁺ {xss = (_  _  _)  []}    (_    , ()  _)
singleton-concat⁺ {xss = _            _  _} (()   , _)