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{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Prelude.Lists.Sublists where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType

module L-Sublists where
  open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional public
  open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Properties public

open L-Sublists using ([]) renaming
  ( _⊆_ to _⊑_
  ; _⊈_ to _⋢_
  ; _⊇_ to _⊒_
  ; _⊉_ to _⋣_
  ; _∷ʳ_ to keep⊑
  ; _∷_  to drop⊑
  ) public
pattern drop≡ x p = drop⊑ {x} refl p

map⊑ :  {X : Type } {xs ys : List X}  Op₁ X  ys  xs  List X
map⊑ f = λ where
  []           []
  (keep⊑ x p)  f x  map⊑ f p
  (drop≡ x p)  x    map⊑ f p

remove⊑ :  {X : Type } {xs ys : List X}  Op₁ X  ys  xs  List X
remove⊑ f = λ where
  []           []
  (keep⊑ _ p)  remove⊑ f p
  (drop≡ x p)  x  remove⊑ f p