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-- {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Prelude.Show where

open import Data.String using (_<+>_; parensIfSpace)

open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Semigroup
open import Prelude.Monoid
open import Prelude.ToN

open Meta hiding (module Show)

record Show (A : Set ) : Set  where
  field show : A  String
open Show ⦃...⦄ public

  -- add appropriate parens depending on the given visibility
  visibilityParen : Visibility  String  String
  visibilityParen visible   s = parensIfSpace s
  visibilityParen hidden    s = braces s
  visibilityParen instance′ s = braces (braces s)

private variable A : Set ; B : Set ℓ′

  Show-⊤ : Show 
  Show-⊤ .show tt = "tt"

  Show-Char : Show Char
  Show-Char .show =

  Show-String : Show String
  Show-String .show x = x

  Show-Bool : Show Bool
  Show-Bool .show =

  Show-ℕ : Show 
  Show-ℕ .show =

  Show-Fin :  {n}  Show (Fin n)
  Show-Fin .show = ("# " ◇_)  show  toℕ

  Show-Float : Show Float
  Show-Float .show =

  Show-× :  Show A    Show B   Show (A × B)
  Show-× .show (x , y) = parens $ show x <> " , " <> show y

  Show-List :  Show A   Show (List A)
  Show-List .show = braces  Str.intersperse ", "  map show

  Show-Maybe :  Show A   Show (Maybe A)
  Show-Maybe .show = λ where
    nothing  "nothing"
    (just x)  "just "  show x

  Show-Name : Show Name
  Show-Name .show = removeQualifiers  showName
      String∗ = List Char

      apply∗ : (String∗  String∗)  (String  String)
      apply∗ f = Str.fromList  f  Str.toList

      words∗ : String∗  List (String∗ × String∗)
      words∗ [] = []
      words∗ s  =
          ws , s′ = L.span (T?  Ch.isSpace) s
          w , s″ = L.span (T?  not  Ch.isSpace) s′
          (ws , w)  words∗ s″
      words = map (map₁₂ Str.fromList)  words∗  Str.toList

      unwords∗ : List (String∗ × String∗)  String∗
      unwords∗ = concatMap (uncurry _++_)

      _ : words "a horse  and a    sheep" 
        ( ("" , "a")
         (" " , "horse")
         ("  " , "and")
         (" " , "a")
         ("    " , "sheep")
      _ = refl

      mapWords∗ : (String∗  String∗)  String∗  String∗
      mapWords∗ f = unwords∗  map (map₂ f)  words∗

      mapWords : (String∗  String∗)  String  String
      mapWords = apply∗  mapWords∗

      removeQualifiers∗ : String∗  String∗
      removeQualifiers∗ = L.reverse  go  L.reverse
          go : String∗  String∗
          go s = case takeWhile (¬?  ('.' Ch.≟_)) s of λ where
            []          s
            s′@(_  _)  s′

      removeQualifiers : String  String
      removeQualifiers = mapWords removeQualifiers∗

      _ : removeQualifiers "open import Agda.Builtin.Char public -- hmm..."
         "open import Char public -- hmm..."
      _ = refl

  Show-Meta : Show Meta
  Show-Meta .show = showMeta

  ShowLiteral : Show Literal
  ShowLiteral . show = λ where
    (nat x)     show x
    (word64 x)  show (toℕ x)
    (float x)   show x
    (char x)    show x
    (string x)  show x
    (name x)    show x
    (meta x)    show x

  Show-Vis : Show Visibility
  Show-Vis .show = λ where visible  "𝕧"; hidden  "𝕙"; instance′  "𝕚"

  Show-Arg :  Show A   Show (Arg A)
  Show-Arg .show (arg (arg-info v _) x) = show v  show x
  -- Show-Arg .show = show ∘ unArg

  Show-Abs :  Show A   Show (Abs A)
  Show-Abs .show (abs s x) = "abs "  show s  " "  show x

    {-# TERMINATING #-}
    Show-Term : Show Term
    Show-Term .show = λ where
      (var x args)          "var" <+> show x <+> show args
      (con c args)          show c <+> show args
      (def f args)          show f <+> show args
      (lam v (abs s x))     "λ" <+> visibilityParen v s <+> "→" <+> show x
      (pat-lam cs args)     "λ {" <+> show cs <+> "}" <+> show args
      (Π[ x  arg i a ] b)  "Π ("  visibilityParen (Meta.Argument.visibility i) x <+> ":"
                         <+> parensIfSpace (show a)  ")" <+> parensIfSpace (show b)
      (sort s)              show s
      (lit l)               show l
      (meta x args)         show x <+> show args
      unknown               "unknown"

    Show-Clause : Show Clause
    Show-Clause .show = λ where
      (clause _ ps t)       show ps <+> "→" <+> show t
      (absurd-clause _ ps)  show ps

    Show-Sort : Show Sort
    Show-Sort .show = λ where
      (set t)      "Set" <+> parensIfSpace (show t)
      (lit n)      "Set"  show n -- no space to disambiguate from set t
      (prop t)     "Prop" <+> parensIfSpace (show t)
      (propLit n)  "Prop"  show n -- no space to disambiguate from prop t
      (inf n)      "Setω"  show n
      unknown      "unknown"

    ShowPattern : Show Pattern
    ShowPattern .show = λ where
      (Pattern.con c [])  show c
      (Pattern.con c ps)  parens (show c <+> show ps)
      ( t)     "."  parens (show t)
      (Pattern.var x)     "pat-var" <+> show x
      (Pattern.lit l)     show l
      (Pattern.proj f)    show f
      (Pattern.absurd _)  "()"

  open import Reflection.Definition
  Show-Definition : Show Definition
  Show-Definition .show = λ where
    (function cs)        "function" <+> braces (show cs)
    (data-type pars cs)  "datatype" <+> show pars <+> braces (intersperse ", " (map show cs))
    (record′ c fs)       "record" <+> show c <+> braces (intersperse ", " (map (show ∘′ unArg) fs))
    (constructor′ d)     "constructor" <+> show d
    axiom                "axiom"
    primitive′           "primitive"