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-- The Agda standard library
-- The lifting of a non-strict order to incorporate new extrema

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

-- This module is designed to be used with
-- Relation.Nullary.Construct.Add.Extrema

open import Relation.Binary

module Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Extrema.NonStrict
  {a } {A : Set a} (_≤_ : Rel A ) where

open import Function.Base
open import Relation.Nullary.Construct.Add.Extrema
import Relation.Nullary.Construct.Add.Infimum as I
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Infimum.NonStrict as AddInfimum
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Supremum.NonStrict as AddSupremum
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Extrema.Equality as Equality

-- Definition

  module Inf = AddInfimum _≤_
  module Sup = AddSupremum Inf._≤₋_

open Sup using () renaming (_≤⁺_ to _≤±_) public

-- Useful pattern synonyms

pattern ⊥±≤⊥±    = Sup.[ Inf.⊥₋≤ I.⊥₋ ]
pattern ⊥±≤[_] l = Sup.[ Inf.⊥₋≤ I.[ l ] ]
pattern [_] p    = Sup.[ Inf.[ p ] ]
pattern ⊥±≤⊤±    = ⊥±    Sup.≤⊤⁺
pattern [_]≤⊤± k = [ k ] Sup.≤⊤⁺
pattern ⊤±≤⊤±    = ⊤±    Sup.≤⊤⁺

⊥±≤_ :  k  ⊥± ≤± k
⊥±≤ ⊥±    = ⊥±≤⊥±
⊥±≤ [ k ] = ⊥±≤[ k ]
⊥±≤ ⊤±    = ⊥±≤⊤±

_≤⊤± :  k  k ≤± ⊤±
⊥±    ≤⊤± = ⊥±≤⊤±
[ k ] ≤⊤± = [ k ]≤⊤±
⊤±    ≤⊤± = ⊤±≤⊤±

-- Relational properties

[≤]-injective :  {k l}  [ k ] ≤± [ l ]  k  l
[≤]-injective = Inf.[≤]-injective ∘′ Sup.[≤]-injective

≤±-trans : Transitive _≤_  Transitive _≤±_
≤±-trans = Sup.≤⁺-trans ∘′ Inf.≤₋-trans

≤±-minimum : Minimum _≤±_ ⊥±
≤±-minimum = ⊥±≤_

≤±-maximum : Maximum _≤±_ ⊤±
≤±-maximum = _≤⊤±

≤±-dec : Decidable _≤_  Decidable _≤±_
≤±-dec = Sup.≤⁺-dec ∘′ Inf.≤₋-dec

≤±-total : Total _≤_  Total _≤±_
≤±-total = Sup.≤⁺-total ∘′ Inf.≤₋-total

≤±-irrelevant : Irrelevant _≤_  Irrelevant _≤±_
≤±-irrelevant = Sup.≤⁺-irrelevant ∘′ Inf.≤₋-irrelevant

-- Relational properties + propositional equality

≤±-reflexive-≡ : (_≡_  _≤_)  (_≡_  _≤±_)
≤±-reflexive-≡ = Sup.≤⁺-reflexive-≡ ∘′ Inf.≤₋-reflexive-≡

≤±-antisym-≡ : Antisymmetric _≡_ _≤_  Antisymmetric _≡_ _≤±_
≤±-antisym-≡ = Sup.≤⁺-antisym-≡ ∘′ Inf.≤₋-antisym-≡

-- Relational properties + setoid equality

module _ {e} {_≈_ : Rel A e} where

  open Equality _≈_

  ≤±-reflexive : (_≈_  _≤_)  (_≈±_  _≤±_)
  ≤±-reflexive = Sup.≤⁺-reflexive ∘′ Inf.≤₋-reflexive

  ≤±-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_  Antisymmetric _≈±_ _≤±_
  ≤±-antisym = Sup.≤⁺-antisym ∘′ Inf.≤₋-antisym

-- Structures + propositional equality

≤±-isPreorder-≡ : IsPreorder _≡_ _≤_  IsPreorder _≡_ _≤±_
≤±-isPreorder-≡ = Sup.≤⁺-isPreorder-≡ ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isPreorder-≡

≤±-isPartialOrder-≡ : IsPartialOrder _≡_ _≤_  IsPartialOrder _≡_ _≤±_
≤±-isPartialOrder-≡ = Sup.≤⁺-isPartialOrder-≡ ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isPartialOrder-≡

≤±-isDecPartialOrder-≡ : IsDecPartialOrder _≡_ _≤_  IsDecPartialOrder _≡_ _≤±_
≤±-isDecPartialOrder-≡ = Sup.≤⁺-isDecPartialOrder-≡ ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isDecPartialOrder-≡

≤±-isTotalOrder-≡ : IsTotalOrder _≡_ _≤_  IsTotalOrder _≡_ _≤±_
≤±-isTotalOrder-≡ = Sup.≤⁺-isTotalOrder-≡ ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isTotalOrder-≡

≤±-isDecTotalOrder-≡ : IsDecTotalOrder _≡_ _≤_  IsDecTotalOrder _≡_ _≤±_
≤±-isDecTotalOrder-≡ = Sup.≤⁺-isDecTotalOrder-≡ ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isDecTotalOrder-≡

-- Structures + setoid equality

module _ {e} {_≈_ : Rel A e} where

  open Equality _≈_

  ≤±-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_  IsPreorder _≈±_ _≤±_
  ≤±-isPreorder = Sup.≤⁺-isPreorder ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isPreorder

  ≤±-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_  IsPartialOrder _≈±_ _≤±_
  ≤±-isPartialOrder = Sup.≤⁺-isPartialOrder ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isPartialOrder

  ≤±-isDecPartialOrder : IsDecPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_  IsDecPartialOrder _≈±_ _≤±_
  ≤±-isDecPartialOrder = Sup.≤⁺-isDecPartialOrder ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isDecPartialOrder

  ≤±-isTotalOrder : IsTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_  IsTotalOrder _≈±_ _≤±_
  ≤±-isTotalOrder = Sup.≤⁺-isTotalOrder ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isTotalOrder

  ≤±-isDecTotalOrder : IsDecTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_  IsDecTotalOrder _≈±_ _≤±_
  ≤±-isDecTotalOrder = Sup.≤⁺-isDecTotalOrder ∘′ Inf.≤₋-isDecTotalOrder