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-- {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module UTxO.Value where

open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Sets
-- open import Prelude.Membership
open L.Mem
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Applicative
open import Prelude.Monad
open import Prelude.Ord

open import UTxO.Hashing.Base

-- Interface

CurrencySymbol = HashId
TokenName      = HashId
Quantity       = 

TokenClass = CurrencySymbol × TokenName

-- Values are maps from currency identifiers to maps from tokens to quantities.
--   1) A traditional currency will have a single token with infinite supply.
--   2) A non-fungible-token (NFT) currency will have many singular tokens.

-- Users works with a list representation of the underlying maps/trees.
SubValue = List (TokenName × Quantity)
Value = List (CurrencySymbol × SubValue)

currencies : Value  List 
currencies = map proj₁

singleToken : TokenClass  Value
singleToken (c , t) = [ c , [ t , 1 ] ]

$0 : Value
$0 = []

ex-map : Value
ex-map = (1 , (0 , 50)  [])
        (2 , (0 , 77)  (1 , 23)  [])

-- Implementation

open import Data.Tree.AVL.Map Nat.<-strictTotalOrder
  using    (Map; empty; unionWith; lookup)
  renaming (map to mapᵛ; fromList to fromListᵛ; toList to toListᵛ)

TokenMap    = Map Quantity
CurrencyMap = Map TokenMap

mapᶜ :  {A B C : Set}  (B  C)  List (A × B)  List (A × C)
mapᶜ f = map (map₂ f)

toListᶜ : CurrencyMap  Value
toListᶜ m = toListᵛ (mapᵛ toListᵛ m)

fromListᶜ : Value  CurrencyMap
fromListᶜ = fromListᵛ  mapᶜ fromListᵛ

infixl 6 _+ᵛ′_
_+ᵛ′_ : TokenMap  TokenMap  TokenMap
_+ᵛ′_ = unionWith  v v′  v + M.fromMaybe 0 v′)

infixl 6 _+ᵛ_
_+ᵛ_ : CurrencyMap  CurrencyMap  CurrencyMap
_+ᵛ_ = unionWith  v v′  v +ᵛ′ M.fromMaybe empty v′)

infixl 6 _+ᶜ_
_+ᶜ_ : Value  Value  Value
c +ᶜ c′ = toListᶜ (fromListᶜ c +ᵛ fromListᶜ c′)

sumᶜ : List Value  Value
sumᶜ = foldr _+ᶜ_ $0

lookupQuantity : TokenClass  Value  Quantity
lookupQuantity (c , t) v = M.fromMaybe 0 (lookup c (fromListᶜ v) >>= lookup t)

infix 5 _◇_
_◇_ : Value  TokenClass  Quantity
_◇_ = flip lookupQuantity

infix 4 _≥ᶜ_
_≥ᶜ_ : Value  Value  Bool
c ≥ᶜ c′ =
  and (map (λ{ ( k₁ , vs ) 
    and (map (λ{ (k₂ , v)   lookupQuantity (k₁ , k₂) c ≥? v }) vs)}) c′)

infix 4 _≤ᶜ_
_≤ᶜ_ : Value  Value  Bool
_≤ᶜ_ = flip _≥ᶜ_

-- Sum notation

 :  {A : Set}  List A  (A  Value)  Value
 xs f = sumᶜ (map f xs)

∑∈ :  {A : Set}   (xs : List A)  (∀ {x}  x  xs  Value)  Value
∑∈ xs f = sumᶜ (mapWith∈ xs f)

∑M :  {A : Set}  List (Maybe A)  (A  Value)  Maybe Value
∑M xs f = (flip  f) <$> seqM xs
    -- if one fails everything fails
    seqM :  {A : Set}  List (Maybe A)  Maybe (List A)
    seqM []       = just []
    seqM (x  xs) =  x  seqM xs 

-- _-contributesTo_

tokenClasses : Value  List TokenClass
tokenClasses []             = []
tokenClasses ((c , sv)  v) = go sv ++ tokenClasses v
    go : SubValue  List TokenClass
    go []                 = []
    go ((t , 0)      sv) = go sv
    go ((t , suc _)  sv) = (c , t)  go sv

_-contributesTo-_ : Rel Value 0ℓ
v′ -contributesTo- v = ¬ Disjoint (tokenClasses v′) (tokenClasses v)

_-contributesTo?-_ : Decidable² _-contributesTo-_
v′ -contributesTo?- v = ¬? $ disjoint? (tokenClasses v′) (tokenClasses v)

_∈ᶜ_ : TokenClass  Value  Set
nft ∈ᶜ v = v  nft > 0

_∈?ᶜ_ : Decidable² _∈ᶜ_
nft ∈?ᶜ v = v  nft >? 0

-- Properties

    A B C : Set
    xs ys : List A
    v     : List ( × A)
    m     : Map B

open Alg≡

  -- Properties of _+ᶜ_
  +ᶜ-comm  : Commutative _+ᶜ_
  +ᶜ-assoc : Associative _+ᶜ_
  +ᶜ-≡⇒≥ᶜ  :  {x z w}  T $ x ≥ᶜ z +ᶜ w  T $ x ≥ᶜ w
  +ᶜ-≡⇒≤ᶜ :  {v v₁ v₂}  v  v₁ +ᶜ v₂  T $ v₂ ≤ᶜ v

  -- Properties of _≥ᶜ_
  ≥ᶜ-refl  :  v  T (v ≥ᶜ v)
  ≥ᶜ-trans :  {x y z}  T (x ≥ᶜ y)  T (y ≥ᶜ z)  T (x ≥ᶜ z)
  ≥ᶜ-+ᶜ    :  {x y z}  T (y ≥ᶜ z)  T (x +ᶜ y ≥ᶜ z)
  $0-≥ᶜ    :  v  T ($0 ≥ᶜ v)  v  $0

  -- Properties of ∑
  ∑-++ :  {fv : A  Value}
      (xs ++ ys) fv   xs fv +ᶜ  ys fv
  ∑-mapWith∈ :  {fv : A  Value} {gv : B  A} {f :  {x : A}  x  xs  B}
     (∀ {x}  (x∈ : x  xs)  gv (f x∈)  x)
      (mapWith∈ xs f) (fv  gv)   xs fv
  ∑-filter :  {P : A  Set} {q : (x : A)  Dec (P x)} {f : A  Value} {x y : Value}
     x +ᶜ  (filter q xs) f  y +ᶜ  xs f
     x  y +ᶜ  (filter (¬?  q) xs) f
  ∑-∘ :  {xs : List A} {g :  {x}  x  xs  B} {g′ : B  C} {f : C  Value}
      (mapWith∈ xs (g′  g)) f
      (mapWith∈ xs g) (f  g′)
  ∑-++-≥ᶜ :  {fv : A  Value} {v₁ v₂ : Value} {xs ys : List A}
     T $  xs fv ≥ᶜ v₁
     T $  ys fv ≥ᶜ v₂
     T $  (xs ++ ys) fv ≥ᶜ v₁ +ᶜ v₂
  ∑-≥ᶜ :  {x : A} {xs : List A} {fv : A  Value}
     x  xs
     T $  xs fv ≥ᶜ fv x
  ∑filter :  {P : Value  Set} {xs : List ( P)} {v : Value}
     T $  xs proj₁ ≥ᶜ v
     T $  (filter ((_-contributesTo?- v)  proj₁) xs) proj₁ ≥ᶜ v

  -- Properties of ∑M
  ∑M-just :  {m : A  Maybe B} {f : B  Value} {g :  {x}  x  xs  B}
     (∀ {x} (x∈ : x  xs)  m x  just (g {x} x∈))
     ∑M (map m xs) f  just ( (mapWith∈ xs g) f)

  -- Properties from Data.AVL.Properties
  toListᵛ∘fromListᵛ : toListᵛ (fromListᵛ v)  v
  unionWith-identityʳ :  {f : B  Maybe B  B}  unionWith f m empty  mapᵛ  x  f x nothing) m
  mapᵛ-id           :  {f : B  B}  (∀ {x}  f x  x)  mapᵛ f m  m

  -- Properties of UTxO.Value.mapᶜ
  mapᵛ-fromListᵛ      :  {f : A  B}  mapᵛ f (fromListᵛ v)  fromListᵛ (mapᶜ f v)
  mapᶜ∘mapᶜ         :  {g : A  B} {f : B  C}  (mapᶜ f  mapᶜ g) v  mapᶜ (f  g) v
  mapᶜ-id          :  {f : A  A}  (∀ {x}  f x  x)  mapᶜ f v  v

module FocusTokenClass (tk : TokenClass) where

  _◆ : Value  Quantity
  _◆ = lookupQuantity tk

  1◆   = singleToken tk
  ◆∈_  = tk ∈ᶜ_
  ◆∈?_ = tk ∈?ᶜ_

  -- Properties of focusing values (lookupQuantity/_◇_/_◆)
    +ᶜ-◆ :  {x y}  (x +ᶜ y)   x  + y 
    ≥ᶜ-◆ :  {x y}  T $ x ≥ᶜ y  x   y 
    ◆-+ᶜ-reject :  {v vs}  ¬ ◆∈ v  (v +ᶜ vs)   vs 
    ∑◆≤1⇒count≤1 :  {vs}  (sumᶜ vs)   1  count ◆∈?_ vs  1
    ◆-≤-weaken :  {v vs n}  (v +ᶜ vs)   (suc n)  ◆∈ v  vs   n
    ∑◆≡0⇒count≡0 :  {vs}  sumᶜ vs   0  count ◆∈?_ vs  0
    ◆-currencies∈ :  {v}  ◆∈ v  proj₁ tk  currencies v
    ◆>0⇒◆∈ :  {v n}  v   n  n > 0  ◆∈ v
    ◆-≥ :  {v v′}  v   v′   ◆∈ v′  ◆∈ v
    ≡0⇒◆∉ :  {v}  v   0  ¬ ◆∈ v
    ◆-single :  {n}  [ proj₁ tk , [ proj₂ tk , n ] ]   n

    ∑-◆ :  {xs : List A} {f : A  Value}
        xs f   sum (map (_◆  f) xs)

    ∑-mapMaybe :  {X : Set} {xs : List A} {fm : A  Maybe X} {g : A  Value} {fv : X  Quantity}
       (∀ x  Is-nothing (fm x)  g x   0)
       (∀ x v  fm x  just v  g x   fv v)
       sum (map (_◆  g) xs)  sum (map fv $ mapMaybe fm xs)

    ∑-filter-◆ :  {xs : List A} {fv : A  Value}
        (filter (◆∈?_  fv) xs) fv 
        xs fv 

≥ᶜ-refl′ :  {v v′}
   v  v′
   T $ v ≥ᶜ v′
≥ᶜ-refl′ {v} refl = ≥ᶜ-refl v

toListᶜ∘fromListᶜ :  {v}  toListᶜ (fromListᶜ v)  v
toListᶜ∘fromListᶜ {v}
  rewrite mapᵛ-fromListᵛ {v = mapᶜ fromListᵛ v} {f = toListᵛ}
        | mapᶜ∘mapᶜ {v = v} {g = fromListᵛ} {f = toListᵛ}
        | mapᶜ-id {v = v} {f = toListᵛ  fromListᵛ} toListᵛ∘fromListᵛ
        | toListᵛ∘fromListᵛ {v = v}
        = refl

unionWith-empty-id :  {m : Map A} {f : A  Maybe A  A}
   (∀ {x}  f x nothing  x)
   unionWith f m empty  m
unionWith-empty-id {m = m} {f = f} f≡
  rewrite unionWith-identityʳ {m = m} {f = f}
        | mapᵛ-id {m = m} {f = λ x  f x nothing} f≡
        = refl

x+ᶜ′0≡x :  {m}  m +ᵛ′ empty  m
x+ᶜ′0≡x {m}
  rewrite unionWith-empty-id {m = m} {f = λ v v′  v + M.fromMaybe 0 v′}  {x}  Nat.+-identityʳ x)
                  = refl

+ᶜ-identityˡ : LeftIdentity $0 _+ᶜ_
+ᶜ-identityˡ v = toListᶜ∘fromListᶜ {v = v}

+ᶜ-identityʳ : RightIdentity $0 _+ᶜ_
+ᶜ-identityʳ v rewrite unionWith-empty-id {m = fromListᶜ v} {f = λ v v′  v +ᵛ′ M.fromMaybe empty v′} x+ᶜ′0≡x
                 | toListᶜ∘fromListᶜ {v = v}
                 = refl

+ᶜ-identity : Identity $0 _+ᶜ_
+ᶜ-identity = +ᶜ-identityˡ , +ᶜ-identityʳ

sum-single :  {v}  sumᶜ [ v ]  v
sum-single {v} rewrite +ᶜ-identityʳ v = refl

x+ᶜy+ᶜ0≡x+ᶜy+0 :  {x y}  x +ᶜ (y +ᶜ $0)  x +ᶜ y +ᶜ $0
x+ᶜy+ᶜ0≡x+ᶜy+0 {x} {y}
  rewrite +ᶜ-identityʳ y
        | +ᶜ-identityʳ (x +ᶜ y)
        = refl

∑M≡just :  {x : A} {mx : Maybe A} {P : A  Set}
  mx  just x
  M.Any.Any P mx
  P x
∑M≡just refl (M.Any.just p) = p

∑M-[] :  {f : A  Value}
   ∑M [] f  just $0
∑M-[] = refl

drop₂ :  {P Q : A  Set}
   ∃[ v ] (P v × Q v)
   ∃[ v ] Q v
drop₂ (v , _ , q) = v , q

drop₃ :  {P Q : A  Set}
   ∃[ v ] (P v × Q v)
   ∃[ v ] P v
drop₃ (v , p , _) = v , p

  ∑M-help :  {xs : List A}
              {f : A  Maybe B}
              {g : B  Value}
              {R : Set}
              {go :  {x}  x  xs  R}
              {r : R  Value}
     (∀ {x}  (x∈ : x  xs)  (g <$> f x)  just (r $ go x∈))
     ∑M (map f xs) g  just ( (mapWith∈ xs go) r)

-- ∑prevs≡ : ∀ {tx l} (vl : ValidLedger l) (vtx : IsValidTx tx l)
--         → ∑M (map (getSpentOutput l) (inputs tx)) value ≡ just (∑ (prevs vl vtx) resValue)
∑prevs-∷ : ∀ {tx l} {vl : ValidLedger l} {vtx : IsValidTx tx l}
  → inputs tx ≡ i ∷ is
  → ∑ (prevs vl vtx) resValue ≡ ? ∷ ?
∑prevs-∷ refl = refl

∑prevs≡ {tx@(record {inputs = []})}     {l} vl vtx = refl
∑prevs≡ {tx@(record {inputs = i ∷ is})} {l} vl vtx
  with getSpentOutput l i | preservesValues vtx
... | nothing | ()
... | just _  | _ = {!!}

  ∑M-help : ∀ {H : Value → Set} {xs : List A} {f : A → Maybe B} {g : B → Value}
    → (p : ∀ {x} → x ∈ xs → ∃[ v ] ( H v
                                 × ((g <$> f x) ≡ just v) ))
    → ∑M (map f xs) g ≡ just (∑ (mapWith∈ xs (drop₃ ∘ p)) proj₁)
  ∑M-help {xs = []}     {f = f} {g} p = refl
  ∑M-help {xs = x ∷ xs} {f = f} {g} p
    with p {x} (here refl)
  ... | v , hv , gfx≡
    with f x | gfx≡
  ... | nothing | ()
  ... | just fx | refl

    rewrite ∑M-help {xs = xs} {f = f} {g} (p ∘ there)
    = {!cong (v +ᶜ_) ?!}

    = begin
        ∑M (map f (x ∷ xs)) g
      ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
      --   ((v +ᶜ_) <$> ∑M (map f xs) g)
      -- ≡⟨ ? ⟩
      --   ((v +ᶜ_) <$> just (∑ (mapWith∈ xs (drop₃ ∘ p)) proj₁))
      -- ≡⟨ ? ⟩
        just (∑ (mapWith∈ (x ∷ xs) (drop₃ ∘ p)) proj₁)
      ∎ where open ≡-Reasoning