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-- The Agda standard library
-- Sublist-related properties

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Properties
  {a} {A : Set a} where

open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_;  map)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties
  using (here-injective; there-injective)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional
  hiding (map)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid.Properties
  as SetoidProperties
open import Data.Product using (; _,_; proj₂)
open import Function.Base
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary using (_Respects_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)

    b  : Level
    B : Set b

-- Re-exporting setoid properties

open SetoidProperties (setoid A) public
  hiding (map⁺)

map⁺ :  {as bs} (f : A  B)  as  bs  map f as  map f bs
map⁺ {B = B} f =⁺ (setoid A) (setoid B) (cong f)

-- Category laws for _⊆_

⊆-trans-idˡ :  {xs ys : List A} {τ : xs  ys} 
              ⊆-trans ⊆-refl τ  τ
⊆-trans-idˡ {_}     {τ = []    } = refl
⊆-trans-idˡ {_}     {τ = _   _} = cong (_ ∷_ ) ⊆-trans-idˡ
⊆-trans-idˡ {[]}    {τ = _ ∷ʳ _} = cong (_ ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-idˡ
⊆-trans-idˡ {_  _} {τ = _ ∷ʳ _} = cong (_ ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-idˡ

⊆-trans-idʳ :  {xs ys : List A} {τ : xs  ys} 
              ⊆-trans τ ⊆-refl  τ
⊆-trans-idʳ {τ = []      } = refl
⊆-trans-idʳ {τ = _ ∷ʳ _  } = cong (_  ∷ʳ_ ) ⊆-trans-idʳ
⊆-trans-idʳ {τ = refl  _} = cong (refl ∷_) ⊆-trans-idʳ

-- Note: The associativity law is oriented such that rewriting with it
-- may trigger reductions of ⊆-trans, which matches first on its
-- second argument and then on its first argument.

⊆-trans-assoc :  {ws xs ys zs : List A}
                {τ₁ : ws  xs} {τ₂ : xs  ys} {τ₃ : ys  zs} 
                ⊆-trans τ₁ (⊆-trans τ₂ τ₃)  ⊆-trans (⊆-trans τ₁ τ₂) τ₃
⊆-trans-assoc {τ₁ = _}        {_}      {_ ∷ʳ _} = cong (_ ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-assoc
⊆-trans-assoc {τ₁ = _}        {_ ∷ʳ _} {_   _} = cong (_ ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-assoc
⊆-trans-assoc {τ₁ = _ ∷ʳ _  } {_   _} {_   _} = cong (_ ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-assoc
⊆-trans-assoc {τ₁ = refl  _} {_   _} {_   _} = cong (_ ∷_ ) ⊆-trans-assoc
⊆-trans-assoc {τ₁ = []}       {[]}     {[]}     = refl

-- Laws concerning ⊆-trans and ∷ˡ⁻

⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ᵣ :  {y} {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs  ys} {σ : (y  ys)  zs} 
               ⊆-trans τ (∷ˡ⁻ σ)  ⊆-trans (y ∷ʳ τ) σ
⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ᵣ {σ = x  σ} = refl
⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ᵣ {σ = y ∷ʳ σ} = cong (y ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ᵣ

⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ₗ :  {x} {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : (x  xs)  ys} {σ : ys  zs} 
              ⊆-trans (∷ˡ⁻ τ) σ  ∷ˡ⁻ (⊆-trans τ σ)
⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ₗ                {σ = y   ∷ʳ σ} = cong (y ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ₗ
⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ₗ {τ = y   ∷ʳ τ} {σ = refl  σ} = cong (y ∷ʳ_) ⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ₗ
⊆-trans-∷ˡ⁻ₗ {τ = refl  τ} {σ = refl  σ} = refl

⊆-∷ˡ⁻trans-∷ :  {y} {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs  ys} {σ : (y  ys)  zs} 
               ∷ˡ⁻ (⊆-trans (refl  τ) σ)  ⊆-trans (y ∷ʳ τ) σ
⊆-∷ˡ⁻trans-∷ {σ = y   ∷ʳ σ} = cong (y ∷ʳ_) ⊆-∷ˡ⁻trans-∷
⊆-∷ˡ⁻trans-∷ {σ = refl  σ} = refl

-- Relationships to other predicates

-- All P is a contravariant functor from _⊆_ to Set.

All-resp-⊆ : {P : Pred A }  (All P) Respects _⊇_
All-resp-⊆ []          []       = []
All-resp-⊆ (_    ∷ʳ p) (_  xs) = All-resp-⊆ p xs
All-resp-⊆ (refl   p) (x  xs) = x  All-resp-⊆ p xs

-- Any P is a covariant functor from _⊆_ to Set.

Any-resp-⊆ : {P : Pred A }  (Any P) Respects _⊆_
Any-resp-⊆ = lookup

-- Functor laws for All-resp-⊆

-- First functor law: identity.

All-resp-⊆-refl :  {P : Pred A } {xs : List A} 
                  All-resp-⊆ ⊆-refl  id {A = All P xs}
All-resp-⊆-refl []       = refl
All-resp-⊆-refl (p  ps) = cong (p ∷_) (All-resp-⊆-refl ps)

-- Second functor law: composition.

All-resp-⊆-trans :  {P : Pred A } {xs ys zs} {τ : xs  ys} (τ′ : ys  zs) 
                   All-resp-⊆ {P = P} (⊆-trans τ τ′)  All-resp-⊆ τ  All-resp-⊆ τ′
All-resp-⊆-trans                (_    ∷ʳ τ′) (p  ps) = All-resp-⊆-trans τ′ ps
All-resp-⊆-trans {τ = _ ∷ʳ _  } (refl   τ′) (p  ps) = All-resp-⊆-trans τ′ ps
All-resp-⊆-trans {τ = refl  _} (refl   τ′) (p  ps) = cong (p ∷_) (All-resp-⊆-trans τ′ ps)
All-resp-⊆-trans {τ = []      } ([]        ) []       = refl

-- Functor laws for Any-resp-⊆ / lookup

-- First functor law: identity.

Any-resp-⊆-refl :  {P : Pred A } {xs} 
                  Any-resp-⊆ ⊆-refl  id {A = Any P xs}
Any-resp-⊆-refl (here p)  = refl
Any-resp-⊆-refl (there i) = cong there (Any-resp-⊆-refl i)

lookup-⊆-refl = Any-resp-⊆-refl

-- Second functor law: composition.

Any-resp-⊆-trans :  {P : Pred A } {xs ys zs} {τ : xs  ys} (τ′ : ys  zs) 
                   Any-resp-⊆ {P = P} (⊆-trans τ τ′)  Any-resp-⊆ τ′  Any-resp-⊆ τ
Any-resp-⊆-trans                (_ ∷ʳ τ′) i         = cong there (Any-resp-⊆-trans τ′ i)
Any-resp-⊆-trans {τ = _   ∷ʳ _} (_   τ′) i         = cong there (Any-resp-⊆-trans τ′ i)
Any-resp-⊆-trans {τ = _     _} (_   τ′) (there i) = cong there (Any-resp-⊆-trans τ′ i)
Any-resp-⊆-trans {τ = refl  _} (_   τ′) (here _)  = refl
Any-resp-⊆-trans {τ = []      } []        ()

lookup-⊆-trans = Any-resp-⊆-trans

-- The `lookup` function for `xs ⊆ ys` is injective.
-- Note: `lookup` can be seen as a strictly increasing reindexing function
-- for indices into `xs`, producing indices into `ys`.

lookup-injective :  {P : Pred A } {xs ys} {τ : xs  ys} {i j : Any P xs} 
                   lookup τ i  lookup τ j  i  j
lookup-injective {τ = _  ∷ʳ _}                     = lookup-injective ∘′ there-injective
lookup-injective {τ = x≡y  _} {here  _} {here  _} = cong here ∘′ subst-injective x≡y ∘′ here-injective
  -- Note: instead of using subst-injective, we could match x≡y against refl on the lhs.
  -- However, this turns the following clause into a non-strict match.
lookup-injective {τ = _    _} {there _} {there _} = cong there ∘′ lookup-injective ∘′ there-injective

-- from∈ ∘ to∈ turns a sublist morphism τ : x∷xs ⊆ ys into a morphism
-- [x] ⊆ ys.  The same morphism is obtained by pre-composing τ with
-- the canonial morphism [x] ⊆ x∷xs.
-- Note: This lemma does not hold for Sublist.Setoid, but could hold for
-- a hypothetical Sublist.Groupoid where trans refl = id.

from∈∘to∈ :  {x : A} {xs ys} (τ : x  xs  ys) 
            from∈ (to∈ τ)  ⊆-trans (refl  minimum xs) τ
from∈∘to∈ (x≡y  τ) = cong (x≡y ∷_) ([]⊆-irrelevant _ _)
from∈∘to∈ (y  ∷ʳ τ) = cong (y  ∷ʳ_) (from∈∘to∈ τ)

from∈∘lookup : ∀{x : A} {xs ys} (τ : xs  ys) (i : x  xs) 
               from∈ (lookup τ i)  ⊆-trans (from∈ i) τ
from∈∘lookup (y   ∷ʳ τ)  i          = cong (y ∷ʳ_) (from∈∘lookup τ i)
from∈∘lookup (_     τ) (there i)   = cong (_ ∷ʳ_) (from∈∘lookup τ i)
from∈∘lookup (refl  τ) (here refl) = cong (refl ∷_) ([]⊆-irrelevant _ _)

-- Weak pushout (wpo)

-- A raw pushout is a weak pushout if the pushout square commutes.

IsWeakPushout : ∀{xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs  ys} {σ : xs  zs} 
                RawPushout τ σ  Set a
IsWeakPushout {τ = τ} {σ = σ} rpo =
  ⊆-trans τ (RawPushout.leg₁ rpo) 
  ⊆-trans σ (RawPushout.leg₂ rpo)

-- Joining two list extensions with ⊆-pushout produces a weak pushout.

⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo : ∀{xs ys zs : List A} (τ : xs  ys) (σ : xs  zs) 
                    IsWeakPushout (⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ)
⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo [] σ
  rewrite ⊆-trans-idʳ {τ = σ}
        = ⊆-trans-idˡ {xs = []}
⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo (y   ∷ʳ τ) σ          = cong (y   ∷ʳ_) (⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo τ σ)
⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo (x≡y   τ) (z   ∷ʳ σ) = cong (z   ∷ʳ_) (⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo (x≡y  τ) σ)
⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo (refl  τ) (refl  σ) = cong (refl ∷_) (⊆-pushoutˡ-is-wpo τ σ)

-- Properties of disjointness

-- From τ₁ ⊎ τ₂ = τ, compute the injection ι₁ such that τ₁ = ⊆-trans ι₁ τ.

DisjointUnion-inj₁ :  {xs ys zs xys : List A} {τ₁ : xs  zs} {τ₂ : ys  zs} {τ : xys  zs} 
                      DisjointUnion τ₁ τ₂ τ   λ (ι₁ : xs  xys)  ⊆-trans ι₁ τ  τ₁
DisjointUnion-inj₁ []         = []       , refl
DisjointUnion-inj₁ (y   ∷ₙ d) = _        , cong (y  ∷ʳ_) (proj₂ (DisjointUnion-inj₁ d))
DisjointUnion-inj₁ (x≈y ∷ₗ d) = refl  _ , cong (x≈y ∷_) (proj₂ (DisjointUnion-inj₁ d))
DisjointUnion-inj₁ (x≈y ∷ᵣ d) = _ ∷ʳ _   , cong (_  ∷ʳ_) (proj₂ (DisjointUnion-inj₁ d))

-- From τ₁ ⊎ τ₂ = τ, compute the injection ι₂ such that τ₂ = ⊆-trans ι₂ τ.

DisjointUnion-inj₂ :  {xs ys zs xys : List A} {τ₁ : xs  zs} {τ₂ : ys  zs} {τ : xys  zs} 
                      DisjointUnion τ₁ τ₂ τ   λ (ι₂ : ys  xys)  ⊆-trans ι₂ τ  τ₂
DisjointUnion-inj₂ []         = []       , refl
DisjointUnion-inj₂ (y   ∷ₙ d) = _        , cong (y  ∷ʳ_) (proj₂ (DisjointUnion-inj₂ d))
DisjointUnion-inj₂ (x≈y ∷ᵣ d) = refl  _ , cong (x≈y ∷_) (proj₂ (DisjointUnion-inj₂ d))
DisjointUnion-inj₂ (x≈y ∷ₗ d) = _ ∷ʳ _   , cong (_  ∷ʳ_) (proj₂ (DisjointUnion-inj₂ d))

-- A sublist σ disjoint to both τ₁ and τ₂ is an equalizer
-- for the separators of τ₁ and τ₂.

equalize-separators :  {us xs ys zs : List A}
  {σ : us  zs} {τ₁ : xs  zs} {τ₂ : ys  zs} (let s = separateˡ τ₁ τ₂) 
  Disjoint σ τ₁  Disjoint σ τ₂ 
  ⊆-trans σ (Separation.separator₁ s) 
  ⊆-trans σ (Separation.separator₂ s)
equalize-separators [] [] = refl
equalize-separators (y    ∷ₙ d₁) (.y   ∷ₙ d₂) = cong (y ∷ʳ_) (equalize-separators d₁ d₂)
equalize-separators (y    ∷ₙ d₁) (refl ∷ᵣ d₂) = cong (y ∷ʳ_) (equalize-separators d₁ d₂)
equalize-separators (refl ∷ᵣ d₁) (y    ∷ₙ d₂) = cong (y ∷ʳ_) (equalize-separators d₁ d₂)
equalize-separators {τ₁ = refl  _} {τ₂ = refl  _}  -- match here to work around deficiency of Agda's forcing translation
                    (_    ∷ᵣ d₁) (_   ∷ᵣ d₂) = cong (_ ∷ʳ_) (cong (_ ∷ʳ_) (equalize-separators d₁ d₂))
equalize-separators (x≈y  ∷ₗ d₁) (.x≈y ∷ₗ d₂) = cong (trans x≈y refl ∷_) (equalize-separators d₁ d₂)