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-- The Agda standard library
-- Decidable setoid membership over vectors.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Relation.Binary using (DecSetoid)

module Data.Vec.Membership.DecSetoid {c } (DS : DecSetoid c ) where

open import Data.Vec.Base using (Vec)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any using (any?)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec)
open DecSetoid DS renaming (Carrier to A)

-- Re-export contents of propositional membership

open import Data.Vec.Membership.Setoid setoid public

-- Other operations

infix 4 _∈?_

_∈?_ :  x {n} (xs : Vec A n)  Dec (x  xs)
x ∈? xs = any? (x ≟_) xs