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module POV where

open import Prelude
open import UTxO

data _⊢_—⟨_∣POV⟩→_ : SSRel TxInfo Value Value where

  UpdateValTotal : let i = mint txi in
    txi  v —⟨ i ∣POV⟩→ (v + i)

LEDGER-reifies-POV : _⊢_—⟨_∣LEDGER⟩→_  _⊢_—⟨_∣POV⟩→_
LEDGER-reifies-POV = record
  { πₛ = π
  ; πᵢ = forge
  ; implements = proof
    π = totalValue

    proof :  Γ s i s′  Γ  s —⟨ i ∣LEDGER⟩→ s′  Γ  π s —⟨ i .forge ∣POV⟩→ π s′
    proof txi s tx .(applyTx tx s) (ApplyTx p)
      with isValidTx? tx s
    ... | yes valid with txi  mkTxInfo tx (resolved valid) | p
    ... | yes refl | _
      = QED
        H : π (applyTx tx s)  π s + tx .forge
        H =
            π (applyTx tx s)
            π ((s ─ᵏˢ outputRefs tx)  utxoTx tx)
          ≡⟨ nextValue≡ valid 
            (π s + outs)  ins
          ≡˘⟨ cong    (π s + )  ins) $ preservesValues valid 
            (π s + (tx .forge + ins))  ins
          ≡˘⟨ cong (_∸ ins) $ Nat.+-assoc (π s) _ _ 
            ((π s + tx .forge) + ins)  ins
          ≡⟨ Nat.m+n∸n≡m _ ins 
            π s + tx .forge
           where open ≡-Reasoning
                  ins =  (resolvedInputs valid) (value  proj₂)
                  outs =  (tx .outputs) value

        QED : txi  π s —⟨ tx .forge ∣POV⟩→ π (applyTx tx s)
        QED rewrite H = UpdateValTotal {txi = txi} {v = π s}

  txi  utxos —⟨ tx ∣LEDGER⟩→ utxos′
  totalValue utxos′  totalValue utxos + tx .forge
POV = viewPOV  LEDGER-reifies-POV .implements _ _ _ _
    viewPOV : txi  v —⟨ v″ ∣POV⟩→ v′  v′  v + v″
    viewPOV UpdateValTotal = refl