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module Prelude.Lists.Count where
open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open Nat.Ord
open Nat using (_≤_)
open import Prelude.Maybes
open import Prelude.Null
open import Prelude.Lists.Empty
private variable
A B : Type ℓ
x : A; xs ys : List A
count : ∀ {P : Pred A ℓ} → Decidable¹ P → List A → ℕ
count P? = length ∘ filter P?
module _ {P : Pred A ℓ} (P? : Decidable¹ P) where
count-step≤ : count P? xs ≤ count P? (x ∷ xs)
count-step≤ {xs = xs} {x = x} with P? x
... | yes _ = Nat.≤-step Nat.≤-refl
... | no _ = Nat.≤-refl
count-++ : ∀ xs {ys} → count P? (xs ++ ys) ≡ count P? xs + count P? ys
count-++ xs = trans (cong length $ L.filter-++ P? xs _)
(L.length-++ $ filter P? xs)
length-count : count P? xs ≤ length xs
length-count {xs = xs} = L.length-filter P? xs
module _ (f : A → Maybe B) where
countNothing countJust : List A → ℕ
countNothing = count (is-nothing? ∘ f)
countJust = count (is-just? ∘ f)
count-⊤⊥ : length xs ≡ countJust xs + countNothing xs
count-⊤⊥ {xs = []} = refl
count-⊤⊥ {xs = x ∷ xs}
with IH ← count-⊤⊥ {xs = xs}
with f x
... | just _ = cong suc IH
... | nothing
rewrite Nat.+-suc (countJust xs) (countNothing xs)
= cong suc IH