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{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Prelude.Semigroup where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Setoid
open import Prelude.Lift

record Semigroup (A : Type ) : Type  where
  infixr 5 _◇_ _<>_
  field _◇_ : A  A  A
  _<>_ = _◇_
open Semigroup ⦃...⦄ public

record SemigroupLaws (A : Type )
   _ : Semigroup A 
  -- ⦃ _ : LawfulSetoid A ⦄
   _ : ISetoid A   _ : SetoidLaws A 
  : Type ( ⊔ₗ relℓ) where
  open Alg≈
  field ◇-comm   : Commutative _◇_
        ◇-assocʳ : Associative _◇_
  ◇-assocˡ :  (x y z : A)  (x  (y  z))  ((x  y)  z)
  ◇-assocˡ x y z = ≈-sym (◇-assocʳ x y z)
open SemigroupLaws ⦃...⦄ public

private variable A : Type ; B : Type ℓ′

-- specialize to propositional equality _≡_
module _ where
  instance _ = mkISetoid≡; _ = mkSetoidLaws≡

  SemigroupLaws≡ : (A : Type )   _ : Semigroup A   Type 
  SemigroupLaws≡ A = SemigroupLaws A

  module _  _ : Semigroup A   _ : SemigroupLaws≡ A  where
    open SemigroupLaws it public
      renaming (◇-comm to ◇-comm≡; ◇-assocʳ to ◇-assocʳ≡; ◇-assocˡ to ◇-assocˡ≡)

record LawfulSemigroup (A : Type )  _ : LawfulSetoid A  : Typeω where
  field  is  : Semigroup A
         obeys  : SemigroupLaws A
  mkLawful-Semigroup :
     _ : LawfulSetoid A   _ : Semigroup A 
      SemigroupLaws A   LawfulSemigroup A
  mkLawful-Semigroup = record {}
open LawfulSemigroup ⦃...⦄ using () public

record LawfulSemigroup≡ (A : Type ) : Typeω where
  field  is  : Semigroup A
         obeys  : SemigroupLaws≡ A
  mkLawful-Semigroup≡ :  _ : Semigroup A    SemigroupLaws≡ A   LawfulSemigroup≡ A
  mkLawful-Semigroup≡ = record {}
open LawfulSemigroup≡ ⦃...⦄ using () public

  Semigroup-List : Semigroup (List A)
  Semigroup-List ._◇_ = _++_

  -- AssocSemigroup-List : AssociativeSemigroup (List A) _≡_
  -- AssocSemigroup-List = record {◇-assocʳ = L.++-assoc}

  Semigroup-List⁺ : Semigroup (List⁺ A)
  Semigroup-List⁺ ._◇_ = _⁺++⁺_

  Semigroup-∃Vec : Semigroup ( (Vec A))
  Semigroup-∃Vec ._◇_ (_ , v) (_ , v′) = _ , (v V.++ v′)

  Semigroup-String : Semigroup String
  Semigroup-String ._◇_ = Str._++_

module _  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Semigroup B  where instance
  Semigroup-× : Semigroup (A × B)
  Semigroup-× ._◇_ (a , b) (a′ , b′) = (a  a′ , b  b′)

  SemigroupLaws-× :  SemigroupLaws≡ A    SemigroupLaws≡ B 
                   SemigroupLaws≡ (A × B)
  SemigroupLaws-× = record {◇-assocʳ = p; ◇-comm = q}
      open Alg≡

      p : Associative (_◇_ {A = A × B})
      p (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) rewrite ◇-assocʳ≡ a c e | ◇-assocʳ≡ b d f = refl

      q : Commutative (_◇_ {A = A × B})
      q (a , b) (c , d) rewrite ◇-comm≡ a c | ◇-comm≡ b d = refl

module _ where instance
  open import Prelude.Setoid.Maybe

  Semigroup-Maybe :  Semigroup A   Semigroup (Maybe A)
  Semigroup-Maybe ._◇_ = λ where
    (just x) (just y)  just (x  y)
    (just x) nothing   just x
    nothing  m         m

  SemigroupLaws≡-Maybe :  _ : Semigroup A   _ : SemigroupLaws≡ A 
     SemigroupLaws≡ (Maybe A)
  SemigroupLaws≡-Maybe = record
    { ◇-assocʳ = λ where
        (just x) (just y) (just z)  cong just $ ◇-assocʳ≡ x y z
        (just x) (just y) nothing   refl
        (just x) nothing  z         refl
        nothing  (just y) z         refl
        nothing  nothing  z         refl
    ; ◇-comm = λ where
        (just x) (just y)  cong just $ ◇-comm≡ x y
        (just x) nothing   refl
        nothing  (just y)  refl
        nothing  nothing   it

  SemigroupLaws-Maybe :
    -- ⦃ _ : LawfulSetoid A ⦄
     _ : ISetoid A   _ : SetoidLaws A 
     _ : LawfulSemigroup A 
     SemigroupLaws (Maybe A)
  SemigroupLaws-Maybe = record
    { ◇-assocʳ = λ where
        (just x) (just y) (just z)  ◇-assocʳ x y z
        (just x) (just y) nothing   ≈-refl {x = x  y}
        (just x) nothing  z         ≈-refl {x = just x  z}
        nothing  (just y) z         ≈-refl {x = just y  z}
        nothing  nothing  z         ≈-refl {x = z}
    ; ◇-comm = λ where
        (just x) (just y)  ◇-comm x y
        (just x) nothing   ≈-refl {x = x}
        nothing  (just y)  ≈-refl {x = y}
        nothing  nothing   it

instance _ = mkISetoid≡; _ = mkSetoidLaws≡

-- ** nats
module _ where
  open Nat

  Semigroup-ℕ-+ = Semigroup   λ where ._◇_  _+_
  -- AssocSemigroup-ℕ-+ = AssociativeSemigroup ℕ _≡_ ∋ record {◇-assocʳ = +-assoc}
  --   where instance _ = Semigroup-ℕ-+
  -- CommSemigroup-ℕ-+ = CommutativeSemigroup ℕ _≡_ ∋ record {◇-comm = +-comm}
  --   where instance _ = Semigroup-ℕ-+
  SemigroupLaws-ℕ-+ = SemigroupLaws  
    record {◇-assocʳ = +-assoc; ◇-comm = +-comm}
    where instance _ = Semigroup-ℕ-+

  Semigroup-ℕ-* = Semigroup   λ where ._◇_  _*_
  -- AssocSemigroup-ℕ-* = AssociativeSemigroup ℕ _≡_ ∋ record {◇-assocʳ = *-assoc}
  --   where instance _ = Semigroup-ℕ-*
  -- CommSemigroup-ℕ-* = CommutativeSemigroup ℕ _≡_ ∋ record {◇-comm = *-comm}
  --   where instance _ = Semigroup-ℕ-*
  SemigroupLaws-ℕ-* = SemigroupLaws   record {◇-assocʳ = *-assoc; ◇-comm = *-comm}
    where instance _ = Semigroup-ℕ-*

-- ** integers
module _ where
  open Integer

  Semigroup-ℤ-+ = Semigroup   λ where ._◇_  Integer._+_
  SemigroupLaws-ℤ-+ = SemigroupLaws  
    record {◇-assocʳ = +-assoc; ◇-comm = +-comm}
    where instance _ = Semigroup-ℤ-+

  Semigroup-ℤ-* = Semigroup   λ where ._◇_  Integer._*_
  SemigroupLaws-ℤ-* = SemigroupLaws  
    record {◇-assocʳ = *-assoc; ◇-comm = *-comm}
    where instance _ = Semigroup-ℤ-*