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-- The Agda standard library
-- Heterogeneous N-ary Functions

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Function.Nary.NonDependent where

-- Concrete examples can be found in README.Nary. This file's comments
-- are more focused on the implementation details and the motivations
-- behind the design decisions.

open import Level using (Level; 0ℓ; _⊔_; Lift)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_)
open import Data.Product.Nary.NonDependent
  using (Product; uncurryₙ; Equalₙ; curryₙ; fromEqualₙ; toEqualₙ)
open import Function.Base using (_∘′_; _$′_; const; flip)
open import Relation.Unary using (IUniversal)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
  using (_≡_; cong)

    a b r : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- Re-exporting the basic operations

open import Function.Nary.NonDependent.Base public

-- Additional operations on Levels

ltabulate :  n  (Fin n  Level)  Levels n
ltabulate zero    f = _
ltabulate (suc n) f = f zero , ltabulate n (f ∘′ suc)

lreplicate :  n  Level  Levels n
lreplicate n  = ltabulate n (const )

0ℓs : ∀[ Levels ]
0ℓs = lreplicate _ 0ℓ

-- Congruence

module _ n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {R : Set r} (f : as  R) where

    g : Product n as  R
    g = uncurryₙ n f

-- Congruentₙ : ∀ n. ∀ a₁₁ a₁₂ ⋯ aₙ₁ aₙ₂ →
--                   a₁₁ ≡ a₁₂ → ⋯ → aₙ₁ ≡ aₙ₂ →
--                   f a₁₁ ⋯ aₙ₁ ≡ f a₁₂ ⋯ aₙ₂

  Congruentₙ : Set (r Level.⊔  n ls)
  Congruentₙ =  {l r}  Equalₙ n l r  (g l  g r)

  congₙ : Congruentₙ
  congₙ = curryₙ n (cong g ∘′ fromEqualₙ n)

-- Congruence at a specific location

module _ m n {ls ls′} {as : Sets m ls} {bs : Sets n ls′}
         (f : as  (A  bs  B)) where

    g : Product m as  A  Product n bs  B
    g vs a ws = uncurryₙ n (uncurryₙ m f vs a) ws

  congAt :  {vs ws a₁ a₂}  a₁  a₂  g vs a₁ ws  g vs a₂ ws
  congAt {vs} {ws} = cong  a  g vs a ws)

-- Injectivity

module _ n {ls} {as : Sets n ls} {R : Set r} (con : as  R) where

-- Injectiveₙ : ∀ n. ∀ a₁₁ a₁₂ ⋯ aₙ₁ aₙ₂ →
--                   con a₁₁ ⋯ aₙ₁ ≡ con a₁₂ ⋯ aₙ₂ →
--                   a₁₁ ≡ a₁₂ × ⋯ × aₙ₁ ≡ aₙ₂

    c : Product n as  R
    c = uncurryₙ n con

  Injectiveₙ : Set (r Level.⊔  n ls)
  Injectiveₙ =  {l r}  c l  c r  Product n (Equalₙ n l r)

  injectiveₙ : (∀ {l r}  c l  c r  l  r)  Injectiveₙ
  injectiveₙ con-inj eq = toEqualₙ n (con-inj eq)