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-- The Agda standard library
-- Converting reflection machinery to strings

-- Note that Reflection.termErr can also be used directly in tactic
-- error messages.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Reflection.AST.Show where

import Data.Char.Base as Char
import Data.Float.Base as Float
open import Data.List.Base hiding (_++_; intersperse)
import Data.Nat.Show as 
open import Data.String.Base as String using (String; _++_; intersperse; braces; parens; _<+>_)
open import Data.String as String using (parensIfSpace)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_)
import Data.Word64.Base as Word64
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘′_; case_of_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core using (yes; no)

open import Reflection.AST.Abstraction hiding (map)
open import Reflection.AST.Argument hiding (map)
open import Reflection.AST.Argument.Quantity
open import Reflection.AST.Argument.Relevance
open import Reflection.AST.Argument.Visibility
open import Reflection.AST.Argument.Modality
open import Reflection.AST.Argument.Information
open import Reflection.AST.Definition
open import Reflection.AST.Literal
open import Reflection.AST.Pattern
open import Reflection.AST.Term

-- Re-export primitive show functions

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection public
  using () renaming
  ( primShowMeta  to showMeta
  ; primShowQName to showName

-- Non-primitive show functions

showRelevance : Relevance  String
showRelevance relevant   = "relevant"
showRelevance irrelevant = "irrelevant"

showRel : Relevance  String
showRel relevant   = ""
showRel irrelevant = "."

showVisibility : Visibility  String
showVisibility visible   = "visible"
showVisibility hidden    = "hidden"
showVisibility instance′ = "instance"

showQuantity : Quantity  String
showQuantity quantity-0 = "quantity-0"
showQuantity quantity-ω = "quantity-ω"

showLiteral : Literal  String
showLiteral (nat x)    = ℕ.show x
showLiteral (word64 x) = ℕ.show (Word64.toℕ x)
showLiteral (float x)  = x
showLiteral (char x)   = x
showLiteral (string x) = x
showLiteral (name x)   = showName x
showLiteral (meta x)   = showMeta x

  -- add appropriate parens depending on the given visibility
  visibilityParen : Visibility  String  String
  visibilityParen visible   s = parensIfSpace s
  visibilityParen hidden    s = braces s
  visibilityParen instance′ s = braces (braces s)


  showTerms : List (Arg Term)  String
  showTerms []             = ""
  showTerms (arg i t  ts) = visibilityParen (visibility i) (showTerm t) <+> showTerms ts

  showTerm : Term  String
  showTerm (var x args)         = "var" <+> ℕ.show x <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (con c args)         = showName c <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (def f args)         = showName f <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (lam v (abs s x))    = "λ" <+> visibilityParen v s <+> "→" <+> showTerm x
  showTerm (pat-lam cs args)    =
    "λ {" <+> showClauses cs <+> "}" <+> showTerms args
  showTerm (Π[ x  arg i a ] b) =
    "Π (" ++ visibilityParen (visibility i) x <+> ":" <+>
    parensIfSpace (showTerm a) ++ ")" <+> parensIfSpace (showTerm b)
  showTerm (sort s)             = showSort s
  showTerm (lit l)              = showLiteral l
  showTerm (meta x args)        = showMeta x <+> showTerms args
  showTerm unknown              = "unknown"

  showSort : Sort  String
  showSort (set t) = "Set" <+> parensIfSpace (showTerm t)
  showSort (lit n) = "Set" ++ ℕ.show n -- no space to disambiguate from set t
  showSort (prop t) = "Prop" <+> parensIfSpace (showTerm t)
  showSort (propLit n) = "Prop" ++ ℕ.show n -- no space to disambiguate from prop t
  showSort (inf n) = "Setω" ++ ℕ.show n
  showSort unknown = "unknown"

  showPatterns : List (Arg Pattern)  String
  showPatterns []       = ""
  showPatterns (a  ps) = showArg a <+> showPatterns ps
    -- Quantities are ignored.
    showArg : Arg Pattern  String
    showArg (arg (arg-info h (modality r _)) p) =
      braces? (showRel r ++ showPattern p)
      braces? = case h of λ where
        visible    id
        hidden     braces
        instance′  braces ∘′ braces

  showPattern : Pattern  String
  showPattern (con c []) = showName c
  showPattern (con c ps) = parens (showName c <+> showPatterns ps)
  showPattern (dot t)    = "." ++ parens (showTerm t)
  showPattern (var x)    = "pat-var" <+> ℕ.show x
  showPattern (lit l)    = showLiteral l
  showPattern (proj f)   = showName f
  showPattern (absurd _) = "()"

  showClause : Clause  String
  showClause (clause tel ps t)      = "[" <+> showTel tel <+> "]" <+> showPatterns ps <+> "→" <+> showTerm t
  showClause (absurd-clause tel ps) = "[" <+> showTel tel <+> "]" <+> showPatterns ps

  showClauses : List Clause  String
  showClauses []       = ""
  showClauses (c  cs) = showClause c <+> ";" <+> showClauses cs

  showTel : List (String × Arg Type)  String
  showTel [] = ""
  showTel ((x , arg i t)  tel) = visibilityParen (visibility i) (x <+> ":" <+> showTerm t) ++ showTel tel

showDefinition : Definition  String
showDefinition (function cs)       = "function" <+> braces (showClauses cs)
showDefinition (data-type pars cs) =
 "datatype" <+> ℕ.show pars <+> braces (intersperse ", " (map showName cs))
showDefinition (record′ c fs)      =
 "record" <+> showName c <+> braces (intersperse ", " (map (showName ∘′ unArg) fs))
showDefinition (constructor′ d q)  = "constructor" <+> showName d <+> showQuantity q
showDefinition axiom               = "axiom"
showDefinition primitive′          = "primitive"