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-- Types of actions.
open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Lists

open import BitML.BasicTypes

module BitML.Semantics.Action ( : ) (let open  ) where

open import BitML.Contracts.Types  hiding (A; B)

data Action : Type where

  -- commit secrets to stipulate {G}C
  ♯▷_ : Ad  Action

  -- spend x to stipulate {G}C
  _▷ˢ_ : Id  Ad  Action

  -- take branch
  _▷_ : Id  Branch  Action

  -- join deposits
  _↔_▷⟨_,_⟩ : Id  Id  Participant  Value  Action

  -- divide a deposit
  _▷⟨_,_,_⟩ : Id  Participant  Value  Value  Action

  -- donate deposit to participant
  _▷ᵈ_ : Id  Participant  Action

  -- destroy i-th deposit in xs through y
  _,_▷ᵈˢ_ : (xs : Ids)  Index xs  Id  Action

unquoteDecl DecEq-Action = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Action , DecEq-Action ]

Actions = List Action

  act act′ : Action
  acts acts′ : Actions

open import Prelude.General; open MultiTest
module _ (ad : Ad) d ds (let c = d  ds) (A B : Participant) where
  _ = Action
   ∋⋮ ♯▷ ad                        -- commit secret
     "x" ▷ˢ ad                    -- spend
     "x"  (c  0F)               -- take branch
     "x"  "y" ▷⟨ A , 10         -- join
     "x" ▷⟨ A , 33 , 67          -- divide
     "x" ▷ᵈ B                     -- donate
     [ "x₀"  "x₁" ] , 1F ▷ᵈˢ "y" -- destroy