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-- Basic UTxO types.
{-# OPTIONS --auto-inline #-}
module UTxO.Types where

open import Prelude.Init hiding (_∋_)
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Maybes
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Applicative
open import Prelude.Foldable
open import Prelude.Traversable
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Ord
open import Prelude.Unsafe using (fromℕ∘toℕ; toℕ∘fromℕ; fromList∘toList; toList∘fromList)

open import UTxO.Hashing.Base
open import UTxO.Value

-- Basic types.

Time : Set
Time = 

Address : Set
Address = HashId

-- First-order data values.

data DATA : Set where
 I      :   DATA
 H      : HashId  DATA
 MAP    : List (DATA × DATA)  DATA
unquoteDecl DecEq-Data = DERIVE DecEq [ quote DATA , DecEq-Data ]

record IsData (A : Set) : Set where
    toData   : A  DATA
    fromData : DATA  Maybe A
    from∘to  :  x  fromData (toData x)  just x
    from-inj :  dx x  fromData dx  just x  dx  toData x
open IsData {{...}} public

from-injs :  {A : Set} {{_ : IsData A}} ds xs
           sequenceA (map (fromData {A}) ds)  just xs  ds  map (toData {A}) xs
from-injs {_} []       .[] refl = refl
from-injs {A} (d  ds) xs₀ eq
  with fromData {A} d | inspect (fromData {A}) d
... | nothing | _ = case eq of λ()
... | just y  | ≡[ from≡ ]
  with sequenceA (map (fromData {A}) ds) | inspect sequenceA (map (fromData {A}) ds)
... | nothing  | _         = case eq of λ()
... | just xs′ | ≡[ seq≡ ]
  rewrite sym (M.just-injective eq)
        | from-injs ds xs′ seq≡
        | from-inj d y from≡
        = refl

  IsDataˡ :  {A : Set}  {{_ : IsData A}}  IsData (List A)
  toData   {{IsDataˡ}} = LIST  map toData

  fromData {{IsDataˡ}} = λ{ (LIST xs)  sequenceA (map fromData xs) ; _  nothing }

  from∘to  {{IsDataˡ}} []       = refl
  from∘to  {{IsDataˡ}} (x  xs) rewrite from∘to x | from∘to xs = refl

  from-inj {{IsDataˡ {A}}} (LIST ds) ys p rewrite from-injs ds ys p = refl
  IsDataᶜ : IsData Char
  toData   {{IsDataᶜ}}           = I  +_  Ch.toℕ

  fromData {{IsDataᶜ}} (I (+ z)) = just (Ch.fromℕ z)
  fromData {{IsDataᶜ}} _         = nothing

  from∘to  {{IsDataᶜ}} c rewrite fromℕ∘toℕ c = refl

  from-inj {{IsDataᶜ}} (I (+ z))      x from≡ = cong (I  +_) (trans (sym (toℕ∘fromℕ z))
                                                              (cong Ch.toℕ (M.just-injective from≡)))

  IsDataˢ : IsData String
  toData   {{IsDataˢ}} = toData  Str.toList

  fromData {{IsDataˢ}} = fmap Str.fromList  fromData

  from∘to  {{IsDataˢ}} xs rewrite from∘to (Str.toList xs) | fromList∘toList xs = refl

  from-inj {{IsDataˢ}} (LIST ds) xs p
    with sequenceA (map (fromData {Char}) ds) | inspect sequenceA (map (fromData {Char}) ds)
  ... | nothing  | _         = case p of λ()
  ... | just xs′ | ≡[ seq≡ ]
    with cong Str.toList (M.just-injective p)
  ... | p′
    rewrite from-injs ds xs′ seq≡
          | toList∘fromList xs′
          | p′
          = refl

-- Valid intervals (slot ranges).

data Bound : Set where
  -∞ +∞ : Bound
  t=_   : Time  Bound
unquoteDecl DecEq-Bound = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Bound , DecEq-Bound ]

data SlotRange : Set where
  _⋯_ : Bound  Bound  SlotRange
unquoteDecl DecEq-SlotRange = DERIVE DecEq [ quote SlotRange , DecEq-SlotRange ]

-- NB: Bounds are inclusive and refer to the length of the existing ledger, before submitting a new transaction.
_∋_ : SlotRange    Bool
+∞    _     _ = false
_     -∞    _ = false
-∞    +∞    _ = true
-∞    t= r  n =  n ≤? r 
t= l  +∞    n =  l ≤? n 
t= l  t= r  n =  l ≤? n    n ≤? r 

infix 4 _∋_
infix 5 _⋯_
infix 6 t=_

-- Output references.

record TxOutputRef : Set where
  constructor _indexed-at_
    hid   : HashId -- hash of the referenced transaction
    index :       -- index into its outputs
unquoteDecl DecEqᵒʳ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote TxOutputRef , DecEqᵒʳ ]
open TxOutputRef public

-- Pending transactions (i.e. parts of the transaction being passed to a validator).

record InputInfo : Set where
    outputRef     : TxOutputRef
    validatorHash : HashId
    datumHash     : HashId
    redeemerHash  : HashId
    value         : Value

record TxOutput : Set where
    address   : Address -- ≡ hash of the input's validator
    value     : Value
    datumHash : HashId  -- ≡ hash of the input's datum
unquoteDecl DecEqᵒ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote TxOutput , DecEqᵒ ]
open TxOutput public

record TxInfo : Set where
    inputInfo      : List InputInfo
    outputInfo     : List TxOutput
    forge          : Value
    policies       : List CurrencySymbol
    range          : SlotRange
    datumWitnesses : List (HashId × DATA)

record Pending (I : TxInfo  Set) : Set where
    txInfo : TxInfo
    thisTx : I txInfo

open Pending public

PendingTx  = Pending (Index  TxInfo.inputInfo)
PendingMPS = Pending (const HashId)

lookupDatum : HashId  List (HashId × DATA)  Maybe DATA
lookupDatum h = toMaybe  map proj₂  filter ((h ≟_) proj₁)

lookupDatumPtx :  {I}  HashId  Pending I  Maybe DATA
lookupDatumPtx h = lookupDatum h  TxInfo.datumWitnesses  txInfo

thisValidator : PendingTx  HashId
thisValidator record {thisTx = i; txInfo = record {inputInfo = is}} = InputInfo.validatorHash (is  i)

valueSpent : TxInfo  Value
valueSpent = sumᶜ  map InputInfo.value  TxInfo.inputInfo

inputsAt : HashId  TxInfo  List InputInfo
inputsAt  = filter (( ≟_)  InputInfo.validatorHash)  TxInfo.inputInfo

outputsAt : HashId  TxInfo  List TxOutput
outputsAt  = filter (( ≟_)  address)  TxInfo.outputInfo

getContinuingOutputs : PendingTx  List TxOutput
getContinuingOutputs ptx = outputsAt (thisValidator ptx) (txInfo ptx)

valueAtⁱ : HashId  TxInfo  Value
valueAtⁱ  = sumᶜ  map InputInfo.value  inputsAt 

valueAtᵒ : HashId  TxInfo  Value
valueAtᵒ  = sumᶜ  map value  outputsAt 

propagates : Value  PendingTx  Bool
propagates v ptx@(record {txInfo = txi})
  = (valueAtⁱ  txi ≥ᶜ v)
   (valueAtᵒ  txi ≥ᶜ v)
  where  = thisValidator ptx

outputsOf :  {I}  (CurrencySymbol × TokenName)  Pending I  List TxOutput
outputsOf (c , t) = filter (◆∈?_  value)  TxInfo.outputInfo  txInfo
  where open FocusTokenClass (c , t)

-- Inputs, outputs and ledgers.

Validator : Set
Validator = PendingTx -- ^ parts of the currently validated transaction
           DATA      -- ^ result value of the redeemer script
           DATA      -- ^ result value of the data script

MonetaryPolicy : Set
MonetaryPolicy = PendingMPS  Bool

-- Values that hold the full monetary policies, rather than just their hashes.
ValueS = List (MonetaryPolicy × SubValue)

toValue : ValueS  Value
toValue = map (map₁ _♯)

record TxInput : Set where
    outputRef : TxOutputRef
    validator : Validator
    redeemer  : DATA
    datum     : DATA
open TxInput public

record Tx : Set where
    inputs         : List TxInput -- Set⟨ TxInput ⟩, but this is ensured by condition `noDoubleSpending`
    outputs        : List TxOutput
    forge          : Value
    policies       : List MonetaryPolicy
    range          : SlotRange
    datumWitnesses : List (HashId × DATA)
open Tx public

Ledger : Set
Ledger = List Tx

runValidation : PendingTx  TxInput  Bool
runValidation ptx i = validator i ptx (redeemer i) (datum i)

outputRefs : Tx  List TxOutputRef
outputRefs = map outputRef  inputs

lookupDatumTx : HashId  Tx  Maybe DATA
lookupDatumTx h = lookupDatum h  datumWitnesses