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-- Module macros for working with BitML contracts.
open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.Lists.Indexed

open import BitML.BasicTypes
open import BitML.Predicate

module BitML.Contracts.ModuleMacros  (let open  ) where

open import BitML.Contracts.Types  hiding (d; C; G)
open import BitML.Contracts.Collections 

-- selecting a sub-contract and stripping decorations
module ∣SELECT (c : Contract) (i : Index c) where
  d  = c  i
  d∗ = removeTopDecorations d

-- opening an advertisement to get the underlying contract and preconditions,
-- as well as the involved participants
module ∣AD (ad : Ad) where
  C = ad .Ad.C
  G = ad .Ad.G
  partG = nub-participants G