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-- Collectors for contracts, preconditions and advertisments.
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.Lists.Collections
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Null

open import BitML.BasicTypes
open import BitML.Predicate

module BitML.Contracts.Collections  (let open  ) where

open import BitML.Contracts.Types  hiding (C)
open import BitML.Contracts.Induction 

-- T0D0 use Type'.nub on all results? or only on use-sites

private variable X Y : Type

mkCollect : (∀ e  (∀ e′  e′  D e  List X)  List X)    List X
mkCollect {X = X} mk = ≺-rec _ go
    go :  c  (∀ c′  c′  c  List X)  List X
    go = λ where
      (D c)   f  mk c f
      (C cs)  f  concat $ mapWith∈ cs (f (D _)  ≺-∈)
      (V vcs) f  concat $ mapWith∈ (map proj₂ vcs) (f (C _)  ≺-∈ᵛ)

mkCollect′ :  Toℂ X   (∀ e  (∀ e′  e′  D e  List Y)  List Y)  X  List Y
mkCollect′ mk = mkCollect mk  toℂ

  -- Hℂ : ⦃ _ : Branch has X ⦄ → ℂ has X
  -- Hℂ .collect = mkCollect (λ e _ → collect e)

  Hℂ :  _ : Branch has X   _ : Contract has X   _ : VContracts has X    has X
  Hℂ .collect 𝕔 with 𝕔
  ... | D d   = collect d
  ... | C c   = collect c
  ... | V vcs = collect vcs

-- participants

participantsℂ :   List Participant
participantsℂ = mkCollect go
    go :  e  (∀ e′  e′  D e  List Participant)  List Participant
    go d f with d
    ... | put _ &reveal _ if _  c = f (C c) ≺-put
    ... | withdraw p               = [ p ]
    ... | split vcs                = f (V vcs) ≺-split
    ... | p  d′                   = p  f (D d′) ≺-auth
    ... | after _  d′             = f (D d′) ≺-after

  HPᵈ : Branch has Participant
  HPᵈ .collect = participantsℂ  D

  HPᶜ : Contract has Participant
  HPᶜ .collect = participantsℂ  C

  HPᵛ : VContracts has Participant
  HPᵛ .collect = participantsℂ  V

  HPᵖ : Precondition has Participant
  HPᵖ .collect pr with pr
  ... | p :? _ at _ = [ p ]
  ... | p :! _ at _ = [ p ]
  ... | p :secret _ = [ p ]
  ... | p₁  p₂     = collect p₁ ++ collect p₂

  HPᵃ : Ad has Participant
  -- HPᵃ .collect (⟨ g ⟩ c) = collect g ++ collect c
  HPᵃ .collect = collect  G

participants nub-participants :  _ :  X has Participant   X  List Participant
participants = collect
nub-participants = nub  participants

-- names

namesℂ :   List Name
namesℂ = mkCollect go
    go :  e  (∀ e′  e′  D e  List Name)  List Name
    go d f with d
    ... | put xs &reveal as if _  c = map inj₂ xs ++ map inj₁ as ++ f (C c) ≺-put
    ... | withdraw _                 = []
    ... | split vcs                  = f (V vcs) ≺-split
    ... | _  d′                     = f (D d′) ≺-auth
    ... | after _  d′               = f (D d′) ≺-after

  HNᵈ : Branch has Name
  HNᵈ .collect = namesℂ  D

  HNᶜ : Contract has Name
  HNᶜ .collect = namesℂ  C

  HNᵛ : VContracts has Name
  HNᵛ .collect = namesℂ  V

  HNᵖ : Precondition has Name
  HNᵖ .collect pr with pr
  ... | _ :? _ at x = [ inj₂ x ]
  ... | _ :! _ at x = [ inj₂ x ]
  ... | _ :secret a = [ inj₁ a ]
  ... | p₁  p₂     = collect p₁ ++ collect p₂

  HNᵃ : Ad has Name
  -- HNᵃ .collect (⟨ g ⟩ c) = collect g ++ collect c
  HNᵃ .collect = collect  G

  HSᵃʳ : Arith has Name
  HSᵃʳ .collect ar with ar
  ... |  _    = []
  ... |  s   = [ inj₁ s ]
  ... | x `+ y = collect x ++ collect y
  ... | x `- y = collect x ++ collect y

  Hᵖʳ :  _ :  Arith has X   Predicate has X
  Hᵖʳ .collect pr with pr
  ... | `true   = []
  ... | x `∧ y  = collect x ++ collect y
  ... |  x    = collect x
  ... | x `= y  = collect x ++ collect y
  ... | x `< y  = collect x ++ collect y

names :  _ :  X has Name   X  Names
names = collect

namesˡ :  _ :  X has Name   X  Secrets
namesˡ = filter₁  names

namesʳ :  _ :  X has Name   X  Ids
namesʳ = filter₂  names

secrets = namesˡ
ids     = namesʳ

ids-put≡ :  {xs as} (p : Predicate) (cs : Contract) 
  ids (Branch  put xs &reveal as if p  cs)  xs ++ ids cs
ids-put≡ {xs}{as} p cs =
    ids (Branch  put xs &reveal as if p  cs)
    mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₂ xs ++ map inj₁ as ++ names cs)
  ≡⟨ mapMaybe-++ isInj₂ (map inj₂ xs) _ 
    mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₂ xs) ++ mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₁ as ++ names cs)
  ≡⟨ cong (_++ _) $ mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ xs 
    xs ++ mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₁ as ++ names cs)
  ≡⟨ cong (xs ++_) $ mapMaybe-++ isInj₂ (map inj₁ as) _ 
    xs ++ mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₁ as) ++ ids cs
  ≡⟨ cong    xs ++  ++ _) $ mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ as 
    xs ++ [] ++ ids cs
  ≡⟨ cong (xs ++_) $ sym $ L.++-identityˡ _ 
    xs ++ ids cs
   where open ≡-Reasoning

-- put components

putComponentsℂ :   List PutComponent
putComponentsℂ = mkCollect go
    go :  d  (∀ d′  d′  D d  List PutComponent)  List PutComponent
    go d f with d
    ... | put xs &reveal as if p  c = (xs , as , p)  f (C c) ≺-put
    ... | withdraw _                 = []
    ... | split vcs                  = f (V vcs) ≺-split
    ... | _  d′                     = f (D d′) ≺-auth
    ... | after _  d′               = f (D d′) ≺-after

  HPCᵈ : Branch has PutComponent
  HPCᵈ .collect = putComponentsℂ  D

  HPCᶜ : Contract has PutComponent
  HPCᶜ .collect = putComponentsℂ  C

  HPCᵛ : VContracts has PutComponent
  HPCᵛ .collect = putComponentsℂ  V

putComponents :  _ :  X has PutComponent   X  List PutComponent
putComponents = collect

-- deposits

  -- HD⇒HD : ⦃ _ : X has TDepositRef ⦄ → X has DepositRef
  -- HD⇒HD ⦃ hd ⦄ .collect = map proj₂ ∘ collect ⦃ hd ⦄

  HTDᵖ : Precondition has TDepositRef
  HTDᵖ .collect pr with pr
  ... | p :? v at x = [ volatile   , p , v , x ]
  ... | p :! v at x = [ persistent , p , v , x ]
  ... | _ :secret _ = []
  ... | p₁  p₂     = collect p₁ ++ collect p₂

  HDᵖ : Precondition has DepositRef
  HDᵖ .collect = map proj₂  collect

  HTDᵃ : Ad has TDepositRef
  HTDᵃ .collect = collect  G

  HDᵃ : Ad has DepositRef
  HDᵃ .collect = map proj₂  collect

tdeposits :  _ :  X has TDepositRef   X  List TDepositRef
tdeposits = collect

deposits :  _ :  X has DepositRef   X  List DepositRef
deposits  hd  = collect  hd 

  -- ** check that we get all accessors we want
  ∀C : Type  Type
  ∀C A = (Branch  List A) × (Contract  List A) × (VContracts  List A)

  ∀P : Type  Type
  ∀P A = (Precondition  List A) × (Ad  List A)

  ∀∀ : Type  Type
  ∀∀ A = ∀C A × ∀P A

  _ : ∀∀ Name
  _ = (names , names , names) , (names , names)

  _ : ∀∀ Secret
  _ = (secrets , secrets , secrets) , (secrets , secrets)

  _ : ∀∀ Participant
  _ = (participants , participants , participants) , (participants , participants)

  _ : ∀C PutComponent
  _ = putComponents , putComponents , putComponents

  _ : ∀P TDepositRef
  _ = tdeposits , tdeposits

  _ : ∀P DepositRef
  _ = deposits , deposits

secretsOfᵖ : Participant  Precondition  Secrets
secretsOfᵖ A = go
    go : Precondition  Secrets
    go (B :secret s) with A  B
    ... | yes _ = [ s ]
    ... | no  _ = []
    go (l  r ) = go l ++ go r
    go _        = []

namesˡ⇒part : a  namesˡ g  Σ Participant (_∈ nub-participants g)
namesˡ⇒part {a}{A :secret .a} (here refl) = -, here refl
namesˡ⇒part {a}{l  r} a∈
  rewrite mapMaybe-++ isInj₁ (names l) (names r)
  with L.Mem.∈-++⁻ (namesˡ l) a∈
... | inj₁ a∈ˡ = map₂′ (∈-nub⁺  L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ {xs = participants l}  ∈-nub⁻) $ namesˡ⇒part {g = l} a∈ˡ
... | inj₂ a∈ʳ = map₂′ (∈-nub⁺  L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ (participants l)  ∈-nub⁻) $ namesˡ⇒part {g = r} a∈ʳ

names⊆secretsOf : (a∈ : a  namesˡ g)  a  secretsOfᵖ (proj₁ $ namesˡ⇒part {g = g} a∈) g
names⊆secretsOf {a}{g = A :secret .a} (here refl) rewrite ≟-refl A = here refl
names⊆secretsOf {a}{g = l  r} a∈
  rewrite mapMaybe-++ isInj₁ (names l) (names r)
  with L.Mem.∈-++⁻ (namesˡ l) a∈
... | inj₁ a∈ˡ = L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ (names⊆secretsOf {g = l} a∈ˡ)
... | inj₂ a∈ʳ = L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ _ (names⊆secretsOf {g = r} a∈ʳ)

-- Deposits

isVolatile isPersistent : TDepositRef  Maybe DepositRef
isVolatile = λ where
  (volatile   , d)  just d
  (persistent , _)  nothing
isPersistent = λ where
  (volatile   , _)  nothing
  (persistent , d)  just d

volatileDeposits persistentDeposits : Precondition  List DepositRef
volatileDeposits   = mapMaybe isVolatile    tdeposits
persistentDeposits = mapMaybe isPersistent  tdeposits

persistentValue : Precondition  Value
persistentValue = ∑ℕ  map (proj₁  proj₂)  persistentDeposits

volatileParticipants persistentParticipants : Precondition  List Participant
volatileParticipants   = map proj₁  volatileDeposits
persistentParticipants = map proj₁  persistentDeposits

volatileIds persistentIds : Precondition  Ids
volatileIds   = map (proj₂  proj₂)  volatileDeposits
persistentIds = map (proj₂  proj₂)  persistentDeposits

volatileIds⊆ : volatileIds g  ids g
volatileIds⊆ {g = A :? v at x} n∈ = n∈
volatileIds⊆ {g = l  r}  {n} n∈
  with (p , v , .n) , d∈ , refl∈-map⁻ (proj₂  proj₂) n∈
  with _ , d∈ , d≡∈-mapMaybe⁻ isVolatile {xs = tdeposits (l  r)} d∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (tdeposits l) d∈
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ
  with (_ , m∈ , m≡)∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ {xs = names l} $ volatileIds⊆ {g = l}
                     $ ∈-map⁺ (proj₂  proj₂)
                     $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isVolatile d∈ˡ d≡
  = ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ {xs = names (l  r)} (∈-++⁺ˡ m∈) m≡
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ
  with (_ , m∈ , m≡)∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ {xs = names r} $ volatileIds⊆ {g = r}
                     $ ∈-map⁺ (proj₂  proj₂)
                     $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isVolatile d∈ʳ d≡
  = ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ {xs = names (l  r)} (∈-++⁺ʳ (names l) m∈) m≡

persistentIds⊆ : persistentIds g  ids g
persistentIds⊆ {g = A :! v at x} n∈ = n∈
persistentIds⊆ {g = l  r}  {n} n∈
  with (p , v , .n) , d∈ , refl∈-map⁻ (proj₂  proj₂) n∈
  with _ , d∈ , d≡∈-mapMaybe⁻ isPersistent {xs = tdeposits (l  r)} d∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (tdeposits l) d∈
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ
  with (_ , m∈ , m≡)∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ {xs = names l} $ persistentIds⊆ {g = l}
                     $ ∈-map⁺ (proj₂  proj₂)
                     $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isPersistent d∈ˡ d≡
  = ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ {xs = names (l  r)} (∈-++⁺ˡ m∈) m≡
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ
  with (_ , m∈ , m≡)∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ {xs = names r} $ persistentIds⊆ {g = r}
                     $ ∈-map⁺ (proj₂  proj₂)
                     $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isPersistent d∈ʳ d≡
  = ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ {xs = names (l  r)} (∈-++⁺ʳ (names l) m∈) m≡

volatileParticipants⊆ : volatileParticipants g  participants g
volatileParticipants⊆ {g = A :? _ at _} p∈ = p∈
volatileParticipants⊆ {g = l  r} {p} p∈
  with (.p , v , x) , d∈ , refl∈-map⁻ proj₁ p∈
  with _ , d∈ , d≡∈-mapMaybe⁻ isVolatile {xs = tdeposits (l  r)} d∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (tdeposits l) d∈
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ = ∈-++⁺ˡ (volatileParticipants⊆ {g = l} $ ∈-map⁺ proj₁ $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isVolatile d∈ˡ d≡)
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (participants l) (volatileParticipants⊆ {g = r} $ ∈-map⁺ proj₁ $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isVolatile d∈ʳ d≡)

persistentParticipants⊆ : persistentParticipants g  participants g
persistentParticipants⊆ {g = A :! _ at _} p∈ = p∈
persistentParticipants⊆ {g = l  r} {p} p∈
  with (.p , v , x) , d∈ , refl∈-map⁻ proj₁ p∈
  with _ , d∈ , d≡∈-mapMaybe⁻ isPersistent {xs = tdeposits (l  r)} d∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (tdeposits l) d∈
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ = ∈-++⁺ˡ (persistentParticipants⊆ {g = l} $ ∈-map⁺ proj₁ $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isPersistent d∈ˡ d≡)
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (participants l) (persistentParticipants⊆ {g = r} $ ∈-map⁺ proj₁ $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isPersistent d∈ʳ d≡)

getDeposit : ids g  (Σ[ d  DepositRef ] (proj₁ d  participants g))
getDeposit {g = A :? v at x} (here refl) = (A , v , x) , here refl
getDeposit {g = A :! v at x} (here refl) = (A , v , x) , here refl
getDeposit {g = _ :secret _} ()
getDeposit {g = l  r}       x∈
  with _ , y∈ , y≡∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ {xs = names l ++ names r} x∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (names l) y∈
... | inj₁ x∈ˡ = map₂′ ∈-++⁺ˡ $ getDeposit {g = l} (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ x∈ˡ y≡)
... | inj₂ x∈ʳ = map₂′ (∈-++⁺ʳ (participants l)) $ getDeposit {g = r} (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ x∈ʳ y≡)

checkDeposit : DepositType  Id  Precondition  Maybe Value
checkDeposit ty x
  = L.head  map (proj₁  proj₂)  filter ((_≟ x)  proj₂  proj₂)
   (case ty of λ{ persistent  persistentDeposits; volatile  volatileDeposits })

getName : (A , v , x)  persistentDeposits g
         x  ids g
getName {g = _ :! _ at _} (here refl) = here refl
getName {g = _ :! _ at _} (there ())
getName {g = l  r}       d∈
  with _ , td∈ , td≡∈-mapMaybe⁻ isPersistent {xs = tdeposits (l  r)} d∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (tdeposits l) td∈
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ =
  let _ , y∈ , y≡ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ {xs = names l} (getName {g = l} $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isPersistent d∈ˡ td≡)
  in ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ (∈-++⁺ˡ y∈) y≡
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ =
  let _ , y∈ , y≡ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ isInj₂ {xs = names r} (getName {g = r} $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isPersistent d∈ʳ td≡)
  in ∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ (∈-++⁺ʳ (names l) y∈) y≡

-- Decorations

removeTopDecorations : Branch  Branch
removeTopDecorations = λ where
  (_        d)  removeTopDecorations d
  (after _  d)  removeTopDecorations d
  d              d

removeTopDecorations-idemp : Alg≡.IdempotentFun removeTopDecorations
removeTopDecorations-idemp = λ where
  (_  d)        removeTopDecorations-idemp d
  (after _  d)  removeTopDecorations-idemp d
  (withdraw _)                refl
  (put _ &reveal _ if _  _)  refl
  (split _)                   refl

decorations⊎ : Branch  List (Participant  Time)
decorations⊎ (A        d) = inj₁ A  decorations⊎ d
decorations⊎ (after t  d) = inj₂ t  decorations⊎ d
decorations⊎ _             = []

decorations : Branch  List Participant × List Time
decorations c = partitionSums (decorations⊎ c)

authDecorations : Branch  List Participant
authDecorations = proj₁  decorations

timeDecorations : Branch  List Time
timeDecorations = proj₂  decorations

auth⊆part : authDecorations d  participants d
auth⊆part {d = d₀} with d₀
... | put _ &reveal _ if _  _ = λ ()
... | withdraw _               = λ ()
... | split _                  = λ ()
... | p  d                    = λ{ (here refl)  here refl; (there p∈)   there $ auth⊆part {d = d} p∈ }
... | after _  d              = auth⊆part {d = d}

decorations∘remove≡[] : decorations⊎ (removeTopDecorations d)  []
decorations∘remove≡[] {_  d}       = decorations∘remove≡[] {d}
decorations∘remove≡[] {after _  d} = decorations∘remove≡[] {d}
decorations∘remove≡[] {withdraw _} = refl
decorations∘remove≡[] {split _} = refl
decorations∘remove≡[] {put _ &reveal _ if _  _} = refl

authDecorations∘remove≡[] : Null $ authDecorations $ removeTopDecorations d
authDecorations∘remove≡[] {d} rewrite decorations∘remove≡[] {d} = refl

timeDecorations∘remove≡[] : Null $ authDecorations $ removeTopDecorations d
timeDecorations∘remove≡[] {d} rewrite decorations∘remove≡[] {d} = refl

infix 0 _≡⋯∶_
_≡⋯∶_ : Rel₀ Branch
d ≡⋯∶ d′ = removeTopDecorations d  d′

remove-putComponents : (putComponents d)  putComponents (removeTopDecorations d)
remove-putComponents {_        d} rewrite remove-putComponents {d} = refl
remove-putComponents {after _  d} rewrite remove-putComponents {d} = refl
remove-putComponents {put _ &reveal _ if _  _} = refl
remove-putComponents {withdraw _}               = refl
remove-putComponents {split _}                  = refl

remove-names : names d  names (removeTopDecorations d)
remove-names {_        d} rewrite remove-names {d} = refl
remove-names {after _  d} rewrite remove-names {d} = refl
remove-names {put _ &reveal _ if _  _} = refl
remove-names {withdraw _}               = refl
remove-names {split _}                  = refl

d∗≢auth : removeTopDecorations d  A  d′
d∗≢auth {_  d}       eq = d∗≢auth {d} eq
d∗≢auth {after _  d} eq = d∗≢auth {d} eq

d∗≢time : removeTopDecorations d  after t  d′
d∗≢time {_  d}       eq = d∗≢time {d} eq
d∗≢time {after _  d} eq = d∗≢time {d} eq