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-- BitML contract examples (from §2 and §A.1 of BitML paper)
module BitML.Example.Contracts where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.Semigroup
open import Prelude.Ord
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.Validity
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec

open import BitML.BasicTypes
  hiding (a; t; t′; v)
open import BitML.Predicate

data Participant : Type where
  A B M : Participant
unquoteDecl DecEqₚ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Participant , DecEqₚ ]
Honest = List⁺ Participant  [ A ]

open import BitML.Contracts  Participant , Honest 
  hiding (A; B)

-- constants (to unblock computation on closed formulas)
a = "a"; b = "b"
t = 10; t′ = 20

-- ** contracts

-- §2

PayOrRefund : Contract
PayOrRefund = A  withdraw B
             B  withdraw A

Resolve : Value  Value  Branch
Resolve v v′ =
  split $ v   withdraw M
         v′  M  withdraw A
              M  withdraw B

Escrow : Contract
Escrow = PayOrRefund
        A  Resolve 1 9
        B  Resolve 1 9

TC : Contract
TC = reveal a  withdraw A
    after t  withdraw B

EscrowPut : Contract
EscrowPut = PayOrRefund
           after t  withdraw B
           put "x" 
              put "y" 
                  Resolve 2 10
                 after t′  withdraw A

-- §A.1
postulate instance _ : Ord Float
postulate _∗_ : Float    

1-_ : Float  Float
1- f = 1.0 Float.- f

IsPercentage : Pred₀ Float
IsPercentage f = (0.0  f) × (f  1.0)

module _ (v : Value) (Z : List Float) {_ : All IsPercentage Z} where

  VariableResolve : Float  Branch
  VariableResolve ζ =
    split $ ζ  v       withdraw A
           (1- ζ)  v  withdraw B

  VariableEscrow : Contract
    = PayOrRefund
     map  ζ  M  VariableResolve ζ) Z

-- ** advertisements

-- §2

PayOrRefundAd : Ad
PayOrRefundAd =
   A :! 1 at "𝔸"  B :! 0 at "𝔹" 

_ = Valid PayOrRefundAd  auto

OddsEvens : Ad
OddsEvens =
   A :! 3 at "x"  B :! 3 at "y"
   A :secret a    B :secret b
  [ split $ 2  reveal b if  0ℤ `≤  b  `≤  1ℤ  withdraw B
               after t  withdraw A
           2  reveal a  withdraw A
               after t  withdraw B
           2  reveal [ a  b ] if  a  `=  b   withdraw A
               reveal [ a  b ] if  a  `≠  b   withdraw B ]

_ = Valid OddsEvens  auto

EscrowPutAd : Ad
EscrowPutAd =
   A :! 10 at "𝔸"  B :! 0 at "𝔹"  M :! 0 at "𝕄"
   A :? 1  at "x"  B :? 1 at "y"

_ = Valid EscrowPutAd  auto

-- §A.1

vᵇ = 2; vᶜ = 3

IntermediatedPayment : Ad
IntermediatedPayment =
   A :! vᵇ + vᶜ at "x"
   M :! 0 at "y"
    split ( vᵇ  withdraw A
           vᶜ  withdraw M)
   after t  withdraw A

_ = Valid IntermediatedPayment  auto

v = 10

MutualTC : Ad
MutualTC =
   A :! v at "x"  A :secret a
   B :! v at "y"  B :secret b
    reveal a 
        reveal b 
            split ( v  withdraw A
                   v  withdraw B)
           after t′  withdraw A
       after t′  withdraw A
   after t  withdraw B

_ = Valid MutualTC  auto

ZeroCollateralLottery : Ad
ZeroCollateralLottery =
   A :! 1 at "x"  A :secret a
   B :! 1 at "y"  B :secret b
    reveal b if  0ℤ `≤  b  `≤  1ℤ 
        reveal [ a  b ] if  a  `=  b   withdraw A
       reveal [ a  b ] if  a  `≠  b   withdraw B
       after t′  withdraw B
   after t  withdraw A

_ = Valid ZeroCollateralLottery  auto

RockPaperScissors : Ad
RockPaperScissors =
   A :! 3 at "x"  A :secret a
   B :! 3 at "y"  B :secret b
  [ split $ 2  reveal b if  0ℤ `≤  b  `≤  2ℤ  withdraw B
               after t  withdraw A
           2  reveal a if  0ℤ `≤  a  `≤  2ℤ  withdraw A
               after t  withdraw B
           2  reveal [ a  b ] if w  a   b    withdraw A
               reveal [ a  b ] if w  b   a    withdraw B
               reveal [ a  b ] if  a  `=  b   split ( 1  withdraw A
                                                            1  withdraw B) ]
    w : Arith  Arith  Predicate
    w n m = (n `=  0ℤ `∧ m `=  2ℤ)
         `∨ (n `=  2ℤ `∧ m `=  1ℤ)
         `∨ (n `=  1ℤ `∧ m `=  0ℤ)

_ = Valid RockPaperScissors  auto