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open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Coercions
open import BitML.BasicTypes
module BitML.Semantics.Configurations.Types (⋯ : ⋯) (let open ⋯ ⋯) where
open import BitML.Contracts.Types ⋯
open import BitML.Semantics.Action ⋯
data Cfg : Type where
∅ᶜ : Cfg
`_ : (ad : Ad) → Cfg
⟨_,_⟩at_ : (c : Contract) → (v : Value) → (x : Id) → Cfg
⟨_has_⟩at_ : (A : Participant) → (v : Value) → (x : Id) → Cfg
_auth[_] : (A : Participant) → (a : Action) → Cfg
⟨_∶_♯_⟩ : (A : Participant) → (s : Secret) → (mn : Maybe ℕ) → Cfg
_∶_♯_ : (A : Participant) → (s : Secret) → (n : ℕ) → Cfg
_∣_ : Op₂ Cfg
unquoteDecl DecEqᶜᶠ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Cfg , DecEqᶜᶠ ]
variable Γ Γ′ Γ″ Γ₀ Γ₀′ Γ₀″ Δ Δ′ Δ″ L L′ L″ M M′ M″ : Cfg
||_ : List Cfg → Cfg
|| [] = ∅ᶜ
|| (Γ ∷ []) = Γ
|| (Γ ∷ Γs) = Γ ∣ || Γs
record Cfgᵗ : Type where
constructor _at_
field cfg : Cfg
time : Time
open Cfgᵗ public
unquoteDecl DecEqᵗᶜᶠ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Cfgᵗ , DecEqᵗᶜᶠ ]
variable Γₜ Γₜ′ Γₜ″ Γₜ₀ Γₜ₀′ Γₜ₀″ Δₜ Δₜ′ Δₜ″ : Cfgᵗ
infix 11 ⟨_,_⟩at_
infix 10 ⟨_has_⟩at_
infix 8 _auth[_]
infix 7 ||_
infixl 6 _∣_
infix 5 _at_
∅ᵗ : Cfgᵗ
∅ᵗ = ∅ᶜ at 0
ActiveContract = Contract × Value × Id
data BaseCfg : Type where
``_ : (ad : Ad) → BaseCfg
`⟨_,_⟩at_ : (c : Contract) → (v : Value) → (x : Id) → BaseCfg
`⟨_has_⟩at_ : (A : Participant) → (v : Value) → (x : Id) → BaseCfg
_`auth[_] : (A : Participant) → (a : Action) → BaseCfg
`⟨_∶_♯_⟩ : (A : Participant) → (s : Secret) → (mn : Maybe ℕ) → BaseCfg
_`∶_♯_ : (A : Participant) → (s : Secret) → (n : ℕ) → BaseCfg
unquoteDecl DecEqᵇᶜᶠ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote BaseCfg , DecEqᵇᶜᶠ ]
variable Γ¹ Γ¹′ Γ¹″ Δ¹ Δ¹′ Δ¹″ : BaseCfg
Cfg′ = List BaseCfg
pattern `∅ᶜ = []
BaseCfg↝Cfg : BaseCfg ↝ Cfg
BaseCfg↝Cfg .to = λ where
(`` ad) → ` ad
(`⟨ c , v ⟩at x) → ⟨ c , v ⟩at x
(`⟨ A has v ⟩at x) → ⟨ A has v ⟩at x
( A `auth[ a ]) → A auth[ a ]
`⟨ A ∶ s ♯ mn ⟩ → ⟨ A ∶ s ♯ mn ⟩
(A `∶ s ♯ n) → A ∶ s ♯ n
Cfg′↝Cfg : Cfg′ ↝ Cfg
Cfg′↝Cfg .to = ||_ ∘ map to
Cfg↝Cfg′ : Cfg ↝ Cfg′
Cfg↝Cfg′ .to = λ where
∅ᶜ → []
(` ad) → [ `` ad ]
(⟨ c , v ⟩at x) → [ `⟨ c , v ⟩at x ]
(⟨ A has v ⟩at x) → [ `⟨ A has v ⟩at x ]
(A auth[ a ]) → [ A `auth[ a ] ]
⟨ A ∶ s ♯ mn ⟩ → [ `⟨ A ∶ s ♯ mn ⟩ ]
(A ∶ s ♯ n) → [ A `∶ s ♯ n ]
(l ∣ r) → to l ++ to r