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{-# OPTIONS -v DecEq:100 #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
module Prelude.DecEq.Derive where

open import Prelude.Init
open Meta
import Reflection.Argument as RArg
open import Reflection.Name renaming (_≟_ to _≟ₙ_)
open import Reflection.Term renaming (_≟_ to _≟ₜ_)
open import Reflection.Argument.Visibility renaming (_≟_ to _≟ᵥ_)

open import Prelude.Generics using (DERIVE) public
open import Prelude.Generics
open Debug ("DecEq" , 100)
open import Prelude.Lists.Indexed
open import Prelude.Lists.Combinatorics
open import Prelude.Show
open import Prelude.Semigroup
open import Prelude.Monoid
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Monad
open import Prelude.ToN

open import Prelude.DecEq.Core
open import Prelude.DecEq.WithK

-- ** Generic deriving of DecEq

pattern `yes x  = quote _because_ ◆⟦ quote true    quote ofʸ ◆⟦ x  
pattern ``yes x = quote _because_ ◇⟦ quote true    quote ofʸ ◇⟦ x  
pattern `no x   = quote _because_ ◆⟦ quote false   quote ofⁿ ◆⟦ x  
pattern ``no x  = quote _because_ ◇⟦ quote false   quote ofⁿ ◇⟦ x  

compatible? : Type  Type  TC Bool
compatible? ty ty′ = do
  -- print $ show ty ◇ " ≈? " ◇ show ty′
  b  runSpeculative $ (_, false) <$>
    catchTC (unify (varsToUnknown ty) (varsToUnknown ty′) >> return true)
            (return false)
  -- print $ "  ——→ " ◇ show b
  return b

`λ∅∅ = `λ⦅ [ "()" , vArg? ] ⦆∅

module _ (toDrop : ) {- module context -} where
  derive-DecEq : Definition  TC Term
  derive-DecEq (data-type _  []) = return `λ∅∅
  derive-DecEq (data-type ps cs) = do
    print $ "DATATYPE {pars = "  show ps  "; cs = "  show cs  "}"
    cls  concatMap L.fromMaybe <$> mapM f (allPairs cs)
    return $ pat-lam cls []
      go :   List ( × Arg Type)  Term
      go _ []              = `yes (quote refl )
      go n ((x , _)  xs) =
        let i = n  suc x in
        quote case_of_
          ∙⟦ quote _≟_ ∙⟦  (i + n)   i 
           `λ⟦ ``no (Pattern.var 0 {-"¬p"-})
                 [ "¬p" , vArg? ] ⦆⇒
                `no (`λ⟦ (quote refl )
                           [] ⦆⇒ ( 0  quote refl  )
               ``yes (quote refl )
                 [] ⦆⇒ go n xs

      bumpFreeVars : (  )  List ( × Arg Type)  List ( × Arg Type)
      bumpFreeVars bump = go′ 0
          go′ :   List ( × Arg Type)  List ( × Arg Type)
          go′ _ []            = []
          go′ x ((i , p)  ps) = (bump i , fmap (mapFreeVars bump x) p)  go′ (suc x) ps

      f : Name × Name  TC (Maybe Clause)
      f (c , c′) = do
        _ , n , pvs , pc   mkPattern toDrop c
        -- print $ "pvs: " ◇ show pvs
        _ , n′ , pvs′ , pc′  mkPattern toDrop c′
        -- print $ "pvs′: " ◇ show pvs′
          tel = map  (i , argTy)  ("v"  show i) , argTy) (pvs ++ bumpFreeVars (_+ n) pvs′)
          PC  = mapVariables  i  n + n′  suc i) pc
          PC′ = mapVariables  i  n′  suc i) pc′
        -- print $ "tel: " ◇ show tel
        -- print $ "pc: " ◇ show PC
        -- print $ "pc′: " ◇ show PC′
        ty   reduce =<< getType c
        ty′  reduce =<< getType c′
        b    compatible? (resultTy ty) (resultTy ty′)
        return $
          if b then just ( PC  PC′  tel ⦆⇒ if c == c′ then go n (filter (isVisible?  proj₂) pvs)
                                                        else `no `λ∅∅ )
              else nothing
  derive-DecEq (record-type rn fs) = do
    print $ "RECORD {name = "  show rn  "; fs = "  show fs  "}"
    return $ `λ⟦ "r"  "r′"  go fs 
      go : List (Arg Name)  Term
      go [] = `yes (quote refl )
      go (arg (arg-info _ (modality relevant _)) n  args) =
        quote case_of_
          ∙⟦ quote _≟_ ∙⟦ n ∙⟦  1   n ∙⟦  0  
           `λ⟦ ``no (Pattern.var 0 {-"¬p"-})
               [ "¬p" , vArg? ] ⦆⇒
                  `no (`λ⟦ (quote refl )
                           [] ⦆⇒ ( 0  quote refl  )
               ``yes (quote refl )
               [] ⦆⇒ go args
      go (arg (arg-info _ _) _  args) = go args
  derive-DecEq _ = error "[not supported] not a data type or record"

  Derivable-DecEq : DERIVABLE DecEq 1
  Derivable-DecEq .derive xs = do
    print "*************************************************************************"
    (record-type c _)  getDefinition (quote DecEq)
      where _  error "impossible"

    ys  forM xs λ (n , f)  do
      print $ "Deriving "  parens (show f  " : DecEq "  show n)
      f′  freshName (show {A = Name} f)
      T  getType n
      ctx  getContext
      print $ "  Context: "  show ctx
      print $ "  Type: "  show T
      d  getDefinition n

      let tel = tyTele T
          n′ = apply⋯ tel n
          is = argTys T
      print $ "  Parameters: "  show (parameters d)
      print $ "  Indices: "  show is
      print $ "  n′: "  show n′
      let mctx = take (parameters d  length ctx) is
          mtel = map ("_" ,_) mctx
          pc = map  where (i , _)  hArg (` toℕ i) ) (enumerate mctx)
      print $ "  Mctx: "  show mctx

      -- fᵢ′ : ∀ ⋯ → Decidable² {A = Tᵢ ⋯} _≡_
      let ty′ = ∀indices⋯ tel
              $ def (quote Decidable²) (hArg?  hArg n′  vArg (quote _≡_ )  [])
      print $ "  Ty′: "  show ty′
      declareDef (vArg f′) ty′

      -- instance fᵢ : ∀ ⋯ → DecEq (Tᵢ ⋯)
      let ty = ∀indices⋯ tel
             $ quote DecEq ∙⟦ n′ 
      print $ "  Ty: "  show ty
      declareDef (iArg f) ty
      -- fᵢ ⋯ = λ where ._≟_ → fᵢ′
      defineFun f [ clause mtel pc (c ◆⟦ f′  ) ]

      -- fᵢ′ ⋯ = λ where
      --    (c₀ x y) (c₀ x′ y′) → case x ≟ x′ of ⋯
      --    ⋯
      t  inContext (L.reverse mtel) $ do
        ctx  getContext
        print $ "  Context′: "  show ctx
        derive-DecEq (length mtel) d
      -- print $ "  Term: " ◇ show t

      return (f′ , (pc , mtel) , t)

    return⊤ $ forM ys λ (f′ , (pc , mtel) , t) 
      defineFun f′ [ clause mtel pc t ]
      -- defineFun f′ [ ⟦⇒ t ⟧ ]

-- Example


-- ** record types

  record R⁰ : Set where
  unquoteDecl r⁰ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote R⁰ , r⁰ ]

  record  : Set where
      x : 
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

  record  : Set where
      x :  × 
      y :   Bool
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

-- ** inductive datatypes

  data X⁰ : Set where
  unquoteDecl x⁰ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote X⁰ , x⁰ ]

  data  : Set where
    x : 
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

  data  : Set where
    x y : 
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

  data XX : Set where
    c₂ : List   XX
    c₁ :     XX
  unquoteDecl xx = DERIVE DecEq [ quote XX , xx ]

  data XXX : Set where
    c₂′  : List   XXX
    _⊗⊗_ : Op₂ XXX
  unquoteDecl xxx = DERIVE DecEq [ quote XXX , xxx ]

-- ** recursive datatypes

  data ℕ′ : Set where
    O : ℕ′
    S : ℕ′  ℕ′
  unquoteDecl DecEq-ℕ′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote ℕ′ , DecEq-ℕ′ ]

-- ** list recursion

  data Nats : Set where
    O : Nats
    S : List Nats  Nats

{- *** T0D0: figure out how to pass termination checker

  go : Decidable² {A = Nat} _≡_
    dn : DecEq Nat
    dn ._≟_ = go
  go = λ
    { O O → yes refl
    ; O (S x0) → no (λ { () })
    ; (S x0) O → no (λ { () })
    ; (S x0) (S x0′)
        → case _≟_ ⦃ DecEq-List ⦃ dn ⦄ ⦄ x0 x0′ of λ
            { (no ¬p) → no λ { refl → ¬p refl }
            ; (yes refl) → yes refl  ⦄
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Nats = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Nats , DecEq-Nats ]

-- ** mutually recursive datatypes

  data M₁ : Set
  data M₂ : Set
  data M₁ where
    m₁ : M₁
    m₂→₁ : M₂  M₁
  data M₂ where
    m₂ : M₂
    m₁→₂ : M₁  M₂
  unquoteDecl DecEq-M₁ DecEq-M₂ = DERIVE DecEq $ (quote M₁ , DecEq-M₁)  (quote M₂ , DecEq-M₂)  []

-- ** make sure all derivations were successful
  open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
  _ : All  x  Decidable² {A = x} _≡_) (R⁰      X⁰      XX  ℕ′  M₁  M₂  [])
  _ = _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  []

-- ** indexed types

  data Fin′ :   Set where
    O :  {n}  Fin′ (suc n)
    S :  {n}  Fin′ n  Fin′ (suc n)
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Fin′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Fin′ , DecEq-Fin′ ]
  _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = Fin′ n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data λExprℕ (n : ) : Set where
    ƛ_ : Fin n  λExprℕ n
  unquoteDecl DecEq-λExprℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote λExprℕ , DecEq-λExprℕ ]

  data Boolℕ : Bool    Set where
    O : Boolℕ true 0
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Boolℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Boolℕ , DecEq-Boolℕ ]
  _ :  {b n}  Decidable² {A = Boolℕ b n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data Boolℕ² : Bool    Set where
    O : Boolℕ² false 0
    I : Boolℕ² true  1
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Boolℕ² = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Boolℕ² , DecEq-Boolℕ² ]
  _ :  {b n}  Decidable² {A = Boolℕ² b n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data Wrapℕ : Set where
    Mk :   Wrapℕ
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Wrapℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Wrapℕ , DecEq-Wrapℕ ]

    n : 
    wn : Wrapℕ

  data Exprℕ : Wrapℕ  Set where
    var : Fin n  Exprℕ (Mk n)
     :  {x}    Exprℕ x
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Exprℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Exprℕ , DecEq-Exprℕ ]

  data Enum : Set where
    I II : Enum
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Enum = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Enum , DecEq-Enum ]

  variable en : Enum

  Time = 

  data Exprℕ′ : Wrapℕ  Enum  Set where
    var : Fin n  Exprℕ′ (Mk n) I
     :   Exprℕ′ wn II
    _`+_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II
    _`-_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II
    _`=_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn I
    _`<_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn I

    `if_then_else_ : Exprℕ′ wn I  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en

    -- Size
    ∣_∣ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II

    -- Hashing
    hash : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II

    -- Signature verification
    versig : List   List (Fin n)  Exprℕ′ (Mk n) I

    -- Temporal constraints
    absAfter_⇒_ : Time  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en
    relAfter_⇒_ : Time  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en

  unquoteDecl DecEq-Exprℕ′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Exprℕ′ , DecEq-Exprℕ′ ]

-- ** parametrized datatypes
  data Expr (A : Set) : Set where
    Con : A → Expr A
    _⊕_ : Expr A → Expr A → Expr A
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Expr  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Expr , DecEq-Expr ]
  _ : ∀ {A} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ → Decidable² {A = Expr A} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data Exprℤ : ℤ → Set where
    Con : ∀ {n} → ℤ → Exprℤ n
    _⊕_ : ∀ {x y z} → Exprℤ x → Exprℤ y → Exprℤ z
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Exprℤ  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Exprℤ , DecEq-Exprℤ ]
  _ : ∀ {n} → Decidable² {A = Exprℤ n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

-- ** indexed records

  record Pos (n : ) : Set where
      pos : Fin n
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Pos  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Pos , DecEq-Pos ]
  _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = Pos n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

-- ** datatypes inside module

  module Test₁ (A : Set)  _ : DecEq A  (B : Set)  _ : DecEq B  where

    data X :   Set where
      x₀ y₀ z₀ : X 0
      x₁ y₁ z₁ : X 1
      fromA    :  {n}  A  X n
      fromB    :  {n}  B  X n
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1X = DERIVE DecEq [ quote X , DecEq-Test1X ]

    _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = X n} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

    record R : Set where
        r₁ : A
        r₂ : B
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R = DERIVE DecEq [ quote R , DecEq-Test1R ]
    _ : Decidable² {A = R} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

    record R′ : Set where
        r₁ : A × B
        r₂ : X 0
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote R′ , DecEq-Test1R′ ]
    _ : Decidable² {A = R′} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

  module _ (A : Set)  _ : DecEq A  {B : Set}  _ : DecEq B  where
    open Test₁ A B

    _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = X n} _≡_
    _ = _≟_
    _ : Decidable² {A = R} _≡_
    _ = _≟_
    _ : Decidable² {A = R′} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

  unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Test₁.R , DecEq-Test1R ]
  _ :  {A : Set}  _ : DecEq A  {B : Set}  _ : DecEq B 
     Decidable² {A = Test₁.R A B} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  -- unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Test₁.R′ , DecEq-Test1R′ ]
  -- _ : ∀ {A : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ {B : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq B ⦄
  --   → Decidable² {A = Test₁.R′ A B} _≡_
  -- _ = _≟_

  data λExprℕ′ (mn : Wrapℕ) : Set where
    ƛ_ : Exprℕ′ mn II  λExprℕ′ mn
  unquoteDecl DecEq-λExprℕ′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote λExprℕ′ , DecEq-λExprℕ′ ]

  module Test₂ (A : Set)  _ : DecEq A  where
    data Label : Set where
      auth-divide : A        Label
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Label = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Label , DecEq-Label ]