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module UTxO.TxUtilities where

open import Data.List.Properties
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties using (∈-++⁻; ∈-filter⁻)

open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Postulates
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Sets
open import Prelude.Membership hiding (_∈_)
open L.Mem using (_∈_)
open import Prelude.ToN
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Monad

open import UTxO.Hashing
open import UTxO.Value
open import UTxO.Types

record UTXO : Set where
    outRef   : TxOutputRef
    out      : TxOutput
    prevTx   : Tx

open UTXO public

mkUtxo :  {out} tx  out  outputs tx  UTXO
outRef (mkUtxo tx out∈)   = (tx ♯ₜₓ) indexed-at toℕ (L.Any.index out∈)
out    (mkUtxo {out} _ _) = out
prevTx (mkUtxo tx _ )     = tx

utxo : Ledger  List UTXO
utxo []       = []
utxo (tx  l) = filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (utxo l)
             ++ mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx)

open ≡-Reasoning

map-out≡ :  tx  map out (mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx))  outputs tx
map-out≡ tx =
  begin map out (mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx)) ≡⟨ map∘mapWith∈ out (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx) 
        mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (out  mkUtxo tx)     ≡⟨⟩
        mapWith∈ (outputs tx)  {o} _  o)         ≡⟨ mapWith∈-id {xs = outputs tx} 
        outputs tx                                  

∑utxo≥∑out :  tx l  T $  (utxo $ tx  l) (value  out) ≥ᶜ  (outputs tx) value
∑utxo≥∑out tx l
  rewrite ∑-++ {xs = filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (utxo l)}
               {ys = mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx)} {fv = value  out}
        = ≥ᶜ-+ᶜ {x = x} {y = y} {z = z} (≥ᶜ-refl′ ∑≡)
    x =  (filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (utxo l)) (value  out)
    y =  (mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx)) (value  out)
    z =  (outputs tx) value
    ∑≡ : y  z
    ∑≡ rewrite map-compose {g = value} {f = out} (mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx))
             | map-out≡ tx
             = refl

∈utxo⇒outRef≡ :  {u l}
   u  utxo l
   prevTx u  l
  × Σ[ out∈  (out u  outputs (prevTx u)) ]
      outRef u  ((prevTx u) ♯ₜₓ) indexed-at toℕ (L.Any.index out∈)
∈utxo⇒outRef≡ {l = tx  l} u∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (utxo l)) u∈
... | inj₁ u∈ˡ = map₁ there (∈utxo⇒outRef≡ (proj₁ (∈-filter⁻ ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) u∈ˡ)))
... | inj₂ u∈ʳ = (mapWith∈-∀ {P = λ u  prevTx u  (tx  l)
                                      × Σ[ out∈  (out u  outputs (prevTx u)) ]
                                          outRef u  ((prevTx u) ♯ₜₓ) indexed-at toℕ (L.Any.index out∈)}
                              x∈  here refl , x∈ , refl))

-- Pending transactions (i.e. parts of the transaction being passed to a validator).

-- auxiliary functions (from spec)

_⟨_⟩ : Ledger  TxOutputRef  Maybe Tx
[]  or  = nothing
(tx  l)  or 
  with hid or  tx ♯ₜₓ
... | yes _ = just tx
... | no  _ = l  or 

⟨⟩≡just :  {l or tx}
   l  or   just tx
   hid or  tx ♯ₜₓ
⟨⟩≡just {l = []}              ()
⟨⟩≡just {l = tx′  l}{or}{tx} eq
  with hid or  tx′ ♯ₜₓ | eq
... | yes refl | refl = refl
... | no  _    | eq′  = ⟨⟩≡just {l}{or}{tx} eq′

utxo-outRef↔prevTx :  {u l}
   u  utxo l
   hid (outRef u)  prevTx u ♯ₜₓ
utxo-outRef↔prevTx {u} {l} u∈
  rewrite proj₂ (proj₂ (∈utxo⇒outRef≡ {u} {l} u∈))
        = refl

utxo-∈ʳ :  {u tx}
   u  mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx)
   tx  prevTx u
utxo-∈ʳ {u} {tx} = mapWith∈-∀ {P = (tx ≡_)  prevTx} λ _  refl

utxo-≢ :  {l u tx}
   u  utxo (tx  l)
   hid (outRef u)  tx ♯ₜₓ
   u  utxo l
utxo-≢ {l} {u} {tx} u∈ ¬p
  with ∈-++⁻ (filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (utxo l)) u∈
... | inj₁ u∈ˡ
    = proj₁ (∈-filter⁻ ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) {v = u} {xs = utxo l} u∈ˡ)
... | inj₂ u∈ʳ
    = ⊥-elim (¬p (trans (utxo-outRef↔prevTx {u} {tx  l} u∈) (sym (cong _♯ₜₓ (utxo-∈ʳ {u} {tx} u∈ʳ)))))

utxo-[] :  {l u}
   u  utxo l
   l  outRef u   just (prevTx u)
utxo-[] {l = tx  l} {u} u∈
  with hid (outRef u)  tx ♯ₜₓ
... | yes p
  rewrite injective♯ₜₓ {x = prevTx u} {y = tx} (trans (sym (utxo-outRef↔prevTx {u} {tx  l} u∈)) p)
    = refl
... | no ¬p = utxo-[] {l} (utxo-≢ {l} {u} {tx} u∈ ¬p)

_⟦_⟧ : {X : Set}  List X    Maybe X
_⟦_⟧ = _⁉_

utxo-⟨⟩ :  {l u}
   u  utxo l
   outputs (prevTx u)  index (outRef u)   just (out u)
utxo-⟨⟩ {tx  l} {u} u∈
  with ∈-++⁻ (filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (utxo l)) u∈
... | inj₁ u∈ˡ
    = utxo-⟨⟩ {l} {u} (proj₁ (∈-filter⁻ ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) {v = u} {xs = utxo l} u∈ˡ))
... | inj₂ u∈ʳ
    = mapWith∈-∀ {P = λ u  outputs (prevTx u)  index (outRef u)   just (out u)}
                  x∈  trans (sym (‼→⁉ {xs = outputs tx} {ix = L.Any.index x∈})) (cong just (‼-index x∈))) u∈ʳ

getSpentOutputRef : Ledger  TxOutputRef  Maybe TxOutput
getSpentOutputRef l oRef =
  outputs <$> (l  oRef ) >>= _⟦ index oRef 

getSpentOutput : Ledger  TxInput  Maybe TxOutput
getSpentOutput l i = getSpentOutputRef l (outputRef i)

utxo-getSpent :  {l u}
   u  utxo l
   getSpentOutputRef l (outRef u)  just (out u)
utxo-getSpent {l} {u} u∈
  rewrite utxo-[] {l} {u} u∈
        | utxo-⟨⟩ {l} {u} u∈
        = refl

utxo-getSpentᵛ :  {l u i}
   u  utxo l
   outRef u  outputRef i
   (value <$> getSpentOutput l i)  just (value $ out u)
utxo-getSpentᵛ {l} {u} {i} u∈ refl = cong (_<$>_ value) (utxo-getSpent {l} {u} u∈)
-- BUG: `cong (value <$>_)` leads to unresolved instances...


mkInputInfo : Ledger  TxInput  InputInfo
mkInputInfo l i = record
  { outputRef     = outputRef i
  ; validatorHash = (validator i) 
  ; datumHash     = (datum i) ♯ᵈ
  ; redeemerHash  = (redeemer i) ♯ᵈ
  ; value         = maybe value [] (getSpentOutput l i) }

mkTxInfo : Ledger  Tx  TxInfo
mkTxInfo l tx = record
  { inputInfo      = map (mkInputInfo l) (inputs tx)
  ; outputInfo     = outputs tx
  ; datumWitnesses = datumWitnesses tx
  ; range          = range tx
  ; policies       = map _♯ (policies tx)
  ; forge          = forge tx }

toPendingTx : Ledger  (tx : Tx)  Index (inputs tx)  PendingTx
toPendingTx l tx i = record
  { thisTx = ‼-map {xs = inputs tx} {f = mkInputInfo l} i
  ; txInfo = mkTxInfo l tx }

toPendingMPS : Ledger  Tx  HashId  PendingMPS
toPendingMPS l tx i = record
  { thisTx = i
  ; txInfo = mkTxInfo l tx }


ptx-‼ :  {l tx i} {i∈ : i  inputs tx} 
  let ptx = toPendingTx l tx (L.Any.index i∈)
  in  (TxInfo.inputInfo (txInfo ptx)  thisTx ptx)  mkInputInfo l i
ptx-‼ {l = l} {i∈ = i∈} rewrite map-‼ {f = mkInputInfo l} i∈ = refl

∑₁ᶜ :  {H : Value  Set}  List ( H)  Value
∑₁ᶜ = flip  proj₁

∑ᵥ : List TxOutput  Value
∑ᵥ = flip  value

outRef∈txi :  {tx l o}
   o  map InputInfo.outputRef (TxInfo.inputInfo $ mkTxInfo l tx)
   o  outputRefs tx
outRef∈txi {tx}{l}{o} o∈ with inputs tx | o∈
... | []     | ()
... | i  is | here refl = here refl
... | i  is | there o∈′ = there (outRef∈txi {tx = record tx {inputs = is}}{l} o∈′)

lookup-⟨⟩ :  {tx l i}
   Is-just (getSpentOutput l i)
   hid (outputRef i)  tx ♯ₜₓ
   l  outputRef i   just tx
lookup-⟨⟩ {tx}{l}{i@(record{outputRef = or})} getSpent≡ id≡
  with l       | getSpent≡
... | []       | ()
... | tx′  l′ | getSpent≡′
  with hid or  tx′ ♯ₜₓ
... | yes refl
  rewrite injective♯ₜₓ {x = tx′} {y = tx} id≡
    = refl
... | no _
    = lookup-⟨⟩ {tx}{l′}{i} getSpent≡′ id≡

lookup-⟦⟧ :  {tx l i o}
   Is-just (getSpentOutput l i)
   hid (outputRef i)  tx ♯ₜₓ
   outputs tx  index (outputRef i)   just o
   getSpentOutput l i  just o
lookup-⟦⟧ {tx = tx}{l}{i}{o} vvh id≡ p rewrite lookup-⟨⟩ {tx = tx}{l}{i} vvh id≡ = p

  -- Assume that datumWitnesses have been constructed properly.
  -- T0D0: remove datumWitnesses and keep datums immediately in outputs
  wits♯ :  {txi d♯ d}
     (d♯ , d)  TxInfo.datumWitnesses txi
     d♯  d ♯ᵈ

lookupDatum≡ :  {A : Set} {{_ : IsData A}} {x : A} {d♯ : HashId} {txi : TxInfo} {wits : List (HashId × DATA)}
   TxInfo.datumWitnesses txi  wits
   (lookupDatum d♯ wits >>= fromData)  just x
   d♯  toData x ♯ᵈ
lookupDatum≡ {x = x}{d♯}{txi}{[]}             _    ()
lookupDatum≡ {x = x}{d♯}{txi}{(h , d)  wits} wits≡ eq
  with d♯  h
... | yes p
  rewrite filter-accept ((d♯ ≟_)  proj₁) {x = h , d} {xs = wits} p
    = begin d♯          ≡⟨ p 
            h           ≡⟨ wits♯ {txi}{h}{d} (subst ((h , d) ∈_) (sym wits≡) (here refl)) 
            d ♯ᵈ        ≡⟨ cong (_♯ᵈ) (from-inj _ _ eq) 
            toData x ♯ᵈ 
... | no ¬p
  rewrite filter-reject ((d♯ ≟_)  proj₁) {x = h , d} {xs = wits} ¬p
    = lookupDatum≡ {x = x}{d♯}{record txi {datumWitnesses = wits}}{wits} refl eq