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{-# OPTIONS -v DecEq:100 #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
module Prelude.DecEq.Derive where

open import Prelude.Init
open Meta
import Reflection.Argument as RArg
open import Reflection.Name renaming (_≟_ to _≟ₙ_)
open import Reflection.Term renaming (_≟_ to _≟ₜ_)
open import Reflection.Argument.Visibility renaming (_≟_ to _≟ᵥ_)

open import Prelude.Generics using (DERIVE) public
open import Prelude.Generics
open Debug ("DecEq" , 100)
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Show
open import Prelude.Semigroup
open import Prelude.Monoid
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Monad
open import Prelude.ToN

open import Prelude.DecEq.Core
open import Prelude.DecEq.WithK

-- ** Generic deriving of DecEq

pattern `yes x  = quote _because_ ◆⟦ quote true    quote ofʸ ◆⟦ x  
pattern ``yes x = quote _because_ ◇⟦ quote true    quote ofʸ ◇⟦ x  
pattern `no x   = quote _because_ ◆⟦ quote false   quote ofⁿ ◆⟦ x  
pattern ``no x  = quote _because_ ◇⟦ quote false   quote ofⁿ ◇⟦ x  

compatible? : Type  Type  TC Bool
compatible? ty ty′ = do
  -- print $ show ty ◇ " ≈? " ◇ show ty′
  b  runSpeculative $ (_, false) <$>
    catchTC (unify (varsToUnknown ty) (varsToUnknown ty′) >> return true)
            (return false)
  -- print $ "  ——→ " ◇ show b
  return b

`λ∅∅ = `λ⦅ [ "()" , vArg? ] ⦆∅

module _ (toDrop : ) {- module context -} where
  derive-DecEq : Definition  TC Term
  derive-DecEq (data-type _  []) = return `λ∅∅
  derive-DecEq (data-type ps cs) = do
    print $ "DATATYPE {pars = "  show ps  "; cs = "  show cs  "}"
    cls  concatMap L.fromMaybe <$> mapM f (allPairs cs)
    return $ pat-lam cls []
      go :   List ( × Arg Type)  Term
      go _ []              = `yes (quote refl )
      go n ((x , _)  xs) =
        let i = n  suc x in
        quote case_of_
          ∙⟦ quote _≟_ ∙⟦  (i + n)   i 
           `λ⟦ ``no (Pattern.var 0 {-"¬p"-})
                 [ "¬p" , vArg? ] ⦆⇒
                `no (`λ⟦ (quote refl )
                           [] ⦆⇒ ( 0  quote refl  )
               ``yes (quote refl )
                 [] ⦆⇒ go n xs

      bumpFreeVars : (  )  List ( × Arg Type)  List ( × Arg Type)
      bumpFreeVars bump = go′ 0
          go′ :   List ( × Arg Type)  List ( × Arg Type)
          go′ _ []            = []
          go′ x ((i , p)  ps) = (bump i , fmap (mapFreeVars bump x) p)  go′ (suc x) ps

      f : Name × Name  TC (Maybe Clause)
      f (c , c′) = do
        _ , n , pvs , pc   mkPattern toDrop c
        -- print $ "pvs: " ◇ show pvs
        _ , n′ , pvs′ , pc′  mkPattern toDrop c′
        -- print $ "pvs′: " ◇ show pvs′
          tel = map  (i , argTy)  ("v"  show i) , argTy) (pvs ++ bumpFreeVars (_+ n) pvs′)
          PC  = mapVariables  i  n + n′  suc i) pc
          PC′ = mapVariables  i  n′  suc i) pc′
        -- print $ "tel: " ◇ show tel
        -- print $ "pc: " ◇ show PC
        -- print $ "pc′: " ◇ show PC′
        ty   getType c
        ty′  getType c′
        b    compatible? (resultTy ty) (resultTy ty′)
        return $
          if b then just ( PC  PC′  tel ⦆⇒ if c == c′ then go n (filter (isVisible?  proj₂) pvs)
                                                        else `no `λ∅∅ )
              else nothing
  derive-DecEq (record-type rn fs) = do
    print $ "RECORD {name = "  show rn  "; fs = "  show fs  "}"
    return $ `λ⟦ "r"  "r′"  go fs 
      go : List (Arg Name)  Term
      go [] = `yes (quote refl )
      go (arg (arg-info _ (modality relevant _)) n  args) =
        quote case_of_
          ∙⟦ quote _≟_ ∙⟦ n ∙⟦  1   n ∙⟦  0  
           `λ⟦ ``no (Pattern.var 0 {-"¬p"-})
               [ "¬p" , vArg? ] ⦆⇒
                  `no (`λ⟦ (quote refl )
                           [] ⦆⇒ ( 0  quote refl  )
               ``yes (quote refl )
               [] ⦆⇒ go args
      go (arg (arg-info _ _) _  args) = go args
  derive-DecEq _ = error "[not supported] not a data type or record"

  Derivable-DecEq : DERIVABLE DecEq 1
  Derivable-DecEq .derive xs = do
    print "*************************************************************************"
    (record-type c _)  getDefinition (quote DecEq)
      where _  error "impossible"

    ys  forM xs λ (n , f)  do
      print $ "Deriving "  parens (show f  " : DecEq "  show n)
      f′  freshName (show {A = Name} f)
      T  getType n
      ctx  getContext
      print $ "  Context: "  show ctx
      print $ "  Type: "  show T
      d  getDefinition n

      let tel = tyTele T
          n′ = apply⋯ tel n
          is = argTys T
      print $ "  Parameters: "  show (parameters d)
      print $ "  Indices: "  show is
      print $ "  n′: "  show n′
      let mctx = take (parameters d  length ctx) is
          mtel = map ("_" ,_) mctx
          pc = map  where (i , _)  hArg (` toℕ i) ) (enumerate mctx)
      print $ "  Mctx: "  show mctx

      -- fᵢ′ : ∀ ⋯ → Decidable² {A = Tᵢ ⋯} _≡_
      let ty′ = ∀indices⋯ tel
              $ def (quote Decidable²) (hArg?  hArg n′  vArg (quote _≡_ )  [])
      print $ "  Ty′: "  show ty′
      declareDef (vArg f′) ty′

      -- instance fᵢ : ∀ ⋯ → DecEq (Tᵢ ⋯)
      let ty = ∀indices⋯ tel
             $ quote DecEq ∙⟦ n′ 
      print $ "  Ty: "  show ty
      declareDef (iArg f) ty
      -- fᵢ ⋯ = λ where ._≟_ → fᵢ′
      defineFun f [ clause mtel pc (c ◆⟦ f′  ) ]

      -- fᵢ′ ⋯ = λ where
      --    (c₀ x y) (c₀ x′ y′) → case x ≟ x′ of ⋯
      --    ⋯
      t  inContext (L.reverse mtel) $ do
        ctx  getContext
        print $ "  Context′: "  show ctx
        derive-DecEq (length mtel) d
      -- print $ "  Term: " ◇ show t

      return (f′ , (pc , mtel) , t)

    return⊤ $ forM ys λ (f′ , (pc , mtel) , t) 
      defineFun f′ [ clause mtel pc t ]
      -- defineFun f′ [ ⟦⇒ t ⟧ ]

-- Example


-- ** record types

  record R⁰ : Set where
  unquoteDecl r⁰ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote R⁰ , r⁰ ]

  record  : Set where
      x : 
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

  record  : Set where
      x :  × 
      y :   Bool
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

-- ** inductive datatypes

  data X⁰ : Set where
  unquoteDecl x⁰ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote X⁰ , x⁰ ]

  data  : Set where
    x : 
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

  data  : Set where
    x y : 
  unquoteDecl  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote  ,  ]

  data XX : Set where
    c₂ : List   XX
    c₁ :     XX
  unquoteDecl xx = DERIVE DecEq [ quote XX , xx ]

-- ** recursive datatypes

  data ℕ′ : Set where
    O : ℕ′
    S : ℕ′  ℕ′
  unquoteDecl DecEq-ℕ′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote ℕ′ , DecEq-ℕ′ ]

-- ** list recursion

  data Nats : Set where
    O : Nats
    S : List Nats  Nats

{- *** T0D0: figure out how to pass termination checker

  go : Decidable² {A = Nat} _≡_
    dn : DecEq Nat
    dn ._≟_ = go
  go = λ
    { O O → yes refl
    ; O (S x0) → no (λ { () })
    ; (S x0) O → no (λ { () })
    ; (S x0) (S x0′)
        → case _≟_ ⦃ DecEq-List ⦃ dn ⦄ ⦄ x0 x0′ of λ
            { (no ¬p) → no λ { refl → ¬p refl }
            ; (yes refl) → yes refl  ⦄
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Nats = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Nats , DecEq-Nats ]

-- ** mutually recursive datatypes

  data M₁ : Set
  data M₂ : Set
  data M₁ where
    m₁ : M₁
    m₂→₁ : M₂  M₁
  data M₂ where
    m₂ : M₂
    m₁→₂ : M₁  M₂
  unquoteDecl DecEq-M₁ DecEq-M₂ = DERIVE DecEq $ (quote M₁ , DecEq-M₁)  (quote M₂ , DecEq-M₂)  []

-- ** make sure all derivations were successful
  open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
  _ : All  x  Decidable² {A = x} _≡_) (R⁰      X⁰      XX  ℕ′  M₁  M₂  [])
  _ = _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  _≟_  []

-- ** indexed types

  data Fin′ :   Set where
    O :  {n}  Fin′ (suc n)
    S :  {n}  Fin′ n  Fin′ (suc n)
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Fin′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Fin′ , DecEq-Fin′ ]
  _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = Fin′ n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data λExprℕ (n : ) : Set where
    ƛ_ : Fin n  λExprℕ n
  unquoteDecl DecEq-λExprℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote λExprℕ , DecEq-λExprℕ ]

  data Boolℕ : Bool    Set where
    O : Boolℕ true 0
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Boolℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Boolℕ , DecEq-Boolℕ ]
  _ :  {b n}  Decidable² {A = Boolℕ b n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data Boolℕ² : Bool    Set where
    O : Boolℕ² false 0
    I : Boolℕ² true  1
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Boolℕ² = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Boolℕ² , DecEq-Boolℕ² ]
  _ :  {b n}  Decidable² {A = Boolℕ² b n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data Wrapℕ : Set where
    Mk :   Wrapℕ
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Wrapℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Wrapℕ , DecEq-Wrapℕ ]

    n : 
    wn : Wrapℕ

  data Exprℕ : Wrapℕ  Set where
    var : Fin n  Exprℕ (Mk n)
     :  {x}    Exprℕ x
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Exprℕ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Exprℕ , DecEq-Exprℕ ]

  data Enum : Set where
    I II : Enum
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Enum = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Enum , DecEq-Enum ]

  variable en : Enum

  Time = 

  data Exprℕ′ : Wrapℕ  Enum  Set where
    var : Fin n  Exprℕ′ (Mk n) I
     :   Exprℕ′ wn II
    _`+_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II
    _`-_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II
    _`=_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn I
    _`<_ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn I

    `if_then_else_ : Exprℕ′ wn I  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en

    -- Size
    ∣_∣ : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II

    -- Hashing
    hash : Exprℕ′ wn II  Exprℕ′ wn II

    -- Signature verification
    versig : List   List (Fin n)  Exprℕ′ (Mk n) I

    -- Temporal constraints
    absAfter_⇒_ : Time  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en
    relAfter_⇒_ : Time  Exprℕ′ wn en  Exprℕ′ wn en

  unquoteDecl DecEq-Exprℕ′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Exprℕ′ , DecEq-Exprℕ′ ]

-- ** parametrized datatypes
  data Expr (A : Set) : Set where
    Con : A → Expr A
    _⊕_ : Expr A → Expr A → Expr A
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Expr  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Expr , DecEq-Expr ]
  _ : ∀ {A} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ → Decidable² {A = Expr A} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  data Exprℤ : ℤ → Set where
    Con : ∀ {n} → ℤ → Exprℤ n
    _⊕_ : ∀ {x y z} → Exprℤ x → Exprℤ y → Exprℤ z
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Exprℤ  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Exprℤ , DecEq-Exprℤ ]
  _ : ∀ {n} → Decidable² {A = Exprℤ n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

-- ** indexed records

  record Pos (n : ) : Set where
      pos : Fin n
  unquoteDecl DecEq-Pos  = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Pos , DecEq-Pos ]
  _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = Pos n} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

-- ** datatypes inside module

  module Test₁ (A : Set)  _ : DecEq A  (B : Set)  _ : DecEq B  where

    data X :   Set where
      x₀ y₀ z₀ : X 0
      x₁ y₁ z₁ : X 1
      fromA    :  {n}  A  X n
      fromB    :  {n}  B  X n
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1X = DERIVE DecEq [ quote X , DecEq-Test1X ]

    _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = X n} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

    record R : Set where
        r₁ : A
        r₂ : B
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R = DERIVE DecEq [ quote R , DecEq-Test1R ]
    _ : Decidable² {A = R} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

    record R′ : Set where
        r₁ : A × B
        r₂ : X 0
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote R′ , DecEq-Test1R′ ]
    _ : Decidable² {A = R′} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

  module _ (A : Set)  _ : DecEq A  {B : Set}  _ : DecEq B  where
    open Test₁ A B

    _ :  {n}  Decidable² {A = X n} _≡_
    _ = _≟_
    _ : Decidable² {A = R} _≡_
    _ = _≟_
    _ : Decidable² {A = R′} _≡_
    _ = _≟_

  unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Test₁.R , DecEq-Test1R ]
  _ :  {A : Set}  _ : DecEq A  {B : Set}  _ : DecEq B 
     Decidable² {A = Test₁.R A B} _≡_
  _ = _≟_

  -- unquoteDecl DecEq-Test1R′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Test₁.R′ , DecEq-Test1R′ ]
  -- _ : ∀ {A : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ {B : Set} ⦃ _ : DecEq B ⦄
  --   → Decidable² {A = Test₁.R′ A B} _≡_
  -- _ = _≟_

  data λExprℕ′ (mn : Wrapℕ) : Set where
    ƛ_ : Exprℕ′ mn II  λExprℕ′ mn
  unquoteDecl DecEq-λExprℕ′ = DERIVE DecEq [ quote λExprℕ′ , DecEq-λExprℕ′ ]

  module Test₂ (A : Set)  _ : DecEq A  where
    data Label : Set where
      auth-divide : A        Label
    unquoteDecl DecEq-Label = DERIVE DecEq [ quote Label , DecEq-Label ]