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{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Prelude.Lists.MapMaybe where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open Nat.Ord
open L.Mem
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Maybes
open import Prelude.Nats
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Split
open import Prelude.Null

open import Prelude.Lists.Empty
open import Prelude.Lists.Indexed
open import Prelude.Lists.Count
open import Prelude.Lists.Membership

private variable
  a b : Level; A : Type a; B : Type b
  x x′ y : A; xs ys : List A

-- ** mapMaybe
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₁ : (xs : List A)  mapMaybe (isInj₁ {B = B}) (map inj₁ xs)  xs
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₁ = λ where
  []  refl
  (x  xs)  cong (x ∷_) (mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₁ xs)

mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₂ : (xs : List B)  mapMaybe (isInj₁ {A = A}) (map inj₂ xs)  []
mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₂ = λ where
  []  refl
  (x  xs)  mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₂ xs

mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ : (xs : List B)  mapMaybe (isInj₂ {A = A}) (map inj₂ xs)  xs
mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ = λ where
  []  refl
  (x  xs)  cong (x ∷_) (mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ xs)

mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ : (xs : List A)  mapMaybe (isInj₂ {B = B}) (map inj₁ xs)  []
mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ = λ where
  []  refl
  (x  xs)  mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ xs

-- ** catMaybes
catMaybes : List (Maybe A)  List A
catMaybes [] = []
catMaybes (nothing  xs) = catMaybes xs
catMaybes (just x  xs)  = x  catMaybes xs

Any-catMaybes⁺ :  {P : Pred A } {xs : List (Maybe A)}
   Any (M.Any.Any P) xs  Any P (catMaybes xs)
Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = nothing  xs} (there x∈) = Any-catMaybes⁺ x∈
Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = just x  xs} = λ where
  (here (M.Any.just px))  here px
  (there x∈)              there $ Any-catMaybes⁺ x∈

catMaybes-↭ : xs  ys  catMaybes xs  catMaybes ys
catMaybes-↭ ↭-refl = ↭-refl
catMaybes-↭ (↭-trans xs↭ ↭ys) = ↭-trans (catMaybes-↭ xs↭) (catMaybes-↭ ↭ys)
catMaybes-↭ {xs = .(mx  _)} {.(mx  _)} (↭-prep mx xs↭)
  with mx
... | nothing = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
... | just x  = ↭-prep x $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ {xs = .(mx  my  _)} {.(my  mx  _)} (↭-swap mx my xs↭)
  with mx | my
... | nothing | nothing = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
... | nothing | just y  = ↭-prep y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
... | just x  | nothing = ↭-prep x $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
... | just x  | just y  = ↭-swap x y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭

-- mapMaybe′: a simpler definition than the one found in stdlib
-- NB: does not use a `with` statement and is therefore much easier to reason about
mapMaybe′ : (A  Maybe B)  List A  List B
mapMaybe′ f = catMaybes  map f

module _ (f : A  Maybe B) where
  mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ :
    mapMaybe′ f  mapMaybe f
  mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ [] = refl
  mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ (x  xs) with f x
  ... | nothing = mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ xs
  ... | just _  = cong (_ ∷_) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ xs)

  mapMaybe′-↭ : xs  ys  mapMaybe′ f xs  mapMaybe′ f ys
  mapMaybe′-↭ = catMaybes-↭⁺ f

  mapMaybe-↭ : xs  ys  mapMaybe f xs  mapMaybe f ys
  mapMaybe-↭ {xs}{ys} xs↭ =
    subst (_↭ _) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ xs) $
    subst (_ ↭_) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ ys) $
    mapMaybe′-↭ xs↭

module MapMaybeDSL (f : A  Maybe B) where

  module _ {P : Pred A ℓ′} where
    ⊥⋯_ _⋯⊥ ⊤⋯_ _⋯⊤ : Any P xs  
    ⊥⋯ x∈ = countNothing f (x∈ ∙left)
    ⊤⋯ x∈ = countJust    f (x∈ ∙left)
    x∈ ⋯⊥ = countNothing f (x∈ ∙right)
    x∈ ⋯⊤ = countJust    f (x∈ ∙right)

    countNothing≤ : (x∈ : Any P xs)  ⊥⋯ x∈  suc (indexℕ x∈)
    countNothing≤ {xs = xs} x∈ =
      begin ⊥⋯ x∈                     ≡⟨⟩
            countNothing f (x∈ ∙left) ≤⟨ length-count (is-nothing?  f) {xs = x∈ ∙left} 
            length (x∈ ∙left)         ≡⟨ length-∈∙left x∈ 
            suc (indexℕ x∈)            where open ≤-Reasoning

  countNothing≡⊥⋯⊥ : (x∈ : x  xs)  countNothing f xs  ⊥⋯ x∈ + x∈ ⋯⊥
  countNothing≡⊥⋯⊥ {xs = x  xs} (here refl)
    with f x
  ... | nothing = refl
  ... | just _  = refl
  countNothing≡⊥⋯⊥ {xs = x  xs} (there x∈)
    with f x
  ... | nothing = cong suc (countNothing≡⊥⋯⊥ x∈)
  ... | just _  = countNothing≡⊥⋯⊥ x∈

module _ (f : A  Maybe B) where
  open MapMaybeDSL f

  mapMaybe-++ :  xs ys  mapMaybe f (xs ++ ys)  mapMaybe f xs ++ mapMaybe f ys
  mapMaybe-++ []       ys = refl
  mapMaybe-++ (x  xs) ys with f x
  ... | just _  = cong (_ ∷_) (mapMaybe-++ xs ys)
  ... | nothing = mapMaybe-++ xs ys

  mapMaybe-skip : f x  nothing  mapMaybe f (x  xs)  mapMaybe f xs
  mapMaybe-skip {x = x} _ with nothingf x = refl

  mapMaybe-here : (eq : f x  just y)
     mapMaybe f (x  xs)  y  mapMaybe f xs
  mapMaybe-here {x = x} eq with just _f x = cong (_∷ _) (M.just-injective eq)

  All-nothing⇒mapMaybe≡[] :  {xs}  All Is-nothing (map f xs)  Null (mapMaybe f xs)
  All-nothing⇒mapMaybe≡[] {xs = []}     [] = refl
  All-nothing⇒mapMaybe≡[] {xs = x  xs} (px  pxs) with f x | px
  ... | just _  | M.All.just ()
  ... | nothing | _ = All-nothing⇒mapMaybe≡[] {xs = xs} pxs

  mapMaybe≡[]⇒All-nothing :  {xs}  Null (mapMaybe f xs)  All (Is-nothing  f) xs
  mapMaybe≡[]⇒All-nothing {xs = []}     p = []
  mapMaybe≡[]⇒All-nothing {xs = x  xs} p
    with nothingf x in fx≡
    = subst (M.All.All _) (sym fx≡) M.All.nothing
     mapMaybe≡[]⇒All-nothing {xs = xs} p

  -- ** mapMaybe⁻

  module _ {P : Pred B } where
    Any-mapMaybe′⁺ : Any (M.Any.Any P  f) xs  Any P (mapMaybe′ f xs)
    Any-mapMaybe′⁺ = Any-catMaybes⁺⁺

    -- private
    Any[_]⇒_ :  xs  Any P (mapMaybe′ f xs)  Any P (mapMaybe f xs)
    Any[ xs ]⇒ x∈ = subst (Any P) (mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs) x∈

    Any-mapMaybe⁺ : Any (M.Any.Any P  f) xs  Any P (mapMaybe f xs)
    Any-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs} x∈ = Any[ xs ]⇒ Any-mapMaybe′⁺ x∈


    Any-mapMaybe′⁺-here : (Px : M.Any.Any P (f x))
       Is-here $ Any-mapMaybe′⁺ (here {xs = xs} Px)
    Any-mapMaybe′⁺-here {x = x} Px
      with f x      | Px
    ... | .(just _) | M.Any.just _ = tt

    Is-here∘Any⇒ :  xs 
      (p : Any P (mapMaybe′ f xs)) 
      Is-here p 
      Is-here (Any[ xs ]⇒ p)
    Is-here∘Any⇒ (x  xs) p hp with f x
    ... | nothing = Is-here∘Any⇒ xs p hp
    ... | just _ rewrite mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs = hp

    Any-mapMaybe⁺-here : (Px : M.Any.Any P (f x))
       Is-here $ Any-mapMaybe⁺ (here {xs = xs} Px)
    Any-mapMaybe⁺-here {x = x} {xs = xs} Px =
      Is-here∘Any⇒ _ (Any-mapMaybe′⁺ (here Px)) (Any-mapMaybe′⁺-here Px)


    Is-here⇒indexℕ≡0 : (p : Any P xs) 
      Is-here p
      indexℕ p  0
    Is-here⇒indexℕ≡0 (here _) _ = refl

    indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe≡0 :  {y : B} (Px : M.Any.Any P (f x))
       indexℕ (Any-mapMaybe⁺ (here {x = x} {xs = xs} Px))  0
    indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe≡0 {x = x} {xs = xs} Px = Is-here⇒indexℕ≡0 _ (Any-mapMaybe⁺-here Px)


    indexℕ∘Any⇒ : (p : Any P (mapMaybe′ f xs)) 
       indexℕ (Any[ xs ]⇒ p)  indexℕ p
    indexℕ∘Any⇒ {xs = xs} p rewrite mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs = refl

  ≡just⇒MAny :
      f x  just y
     (x ≡_) ⊆¹ M.Any.Any (_≡_ y)  f
  ≡just⇒MAny eq refl = subst (M.Any.Any (_ ≡_)) (sym eq) (M.Any.just refl)

  ∈-mapMaybe⁺ : x  xs  f x  just y  y  mapMaybe f xs
  ∈-mapMaybe⁺ {x = x} {xs = xs} {y = y} x∈ eq = Any-mapMaybe⁺ $ (≡just⇒MAny eq) x∈

  Is-here∘map :  {X : Type } {P : Pred A ℓ′} {Q : Pred A ℓ″} (g : P ⊆¹ Q)
     (p : Any P xs)
     Is-here p
     Is-here $ g p
  Is-here∘map _ (here _) _ = tt

  ∈-mapMaybe⁺-here : (eq : f x  just y)
     Is-here $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ (here {xs = xs} refl) eq
  ∈-mapMaybe⁺-here {x = x} {y = y} {xs = xs} eq = Any-mapMaybe⁺-here (≡just⇒MAny eq refl)

  ∈-mapMaybe-skip : f x  nothing  y  mapMaybe f (x  xs)  y  mapMaybe f xs
  ∈-mapMaybe-skip fx≡ = subst (_ ∈_) (mapMaybe-skip fx≡)

  ∈-mapMaybe-here :  {y′}  f x  just y′  y  mapMaybe f (x  xs)  y  y′  mapMaybe f xs
  ∈-mapMaybe-here fx≡ = subst (_ ∈_) (mapMaybe-here fx≡)

  ∈-mapMaybe-++⁻ :  xs {ys} {x : B}
     x  mapMaybe f (xs ++ ys)
     x  mapMaybe f xs
     x  mapMaybe f ys
  ∈-mapMaybe-++⁻ xs {ys} rewrite mapMaybe-++ xs ys = ∈-++⁻ _

  ∈-mapMaybe-++⁺ˡ :  {xs ys} {x : B}
     x  mapMaybe f xs
     x  mapMaybe f (xs ++ ys)
  ∈-mapMaybe-++⁺ˡ {xs}{ys} rewrite mapMaybe-++ xs ys = ∈-++⁺ˡ

  ∈-mapMaybe-++⁺ʳ :  xs {ys} {y : B}
     y  mapMaybe f ys
     y  mapMaybe f (xs ++ ys)
  ∈-mapMaybe-++⁺ʳ xs {ys} rewrite mapMaybe-++ xs ys = ∈-++⁺ʳ _

  -- ** ∈-mapMaybe⁻

  ∈-mapMaybe⁻ : y  mapMaybe f xs
                λ x  (x  xs) × (f x  just y)
  ∈-mapMaybe⁻ {y = y} {xs = x  xs} y∈
  -- [BUG] `in` does not work like `inspect`...
  --   with f x in fx≡
    with f x | inspect f x
  ... | nothing | _ = map₂′ (map₁′ there) (∈-mapMaybe⁻ y∈)
  ... | just y′ | ≡[ fx≡ ]
    with y∈
  ... | here refl = x , here refl , fx≡
  ... | there y∈′ = map₂′ (map₁′ there) (∈-mapMaybe⁻ y∈′)

  ∈-mapMaybe⁻-nothing : (y∈ : y  mapMaybe f (x  xs))
     f x  nothing
     Is-there $ ∈-mapMaybe⁻ y∈ .proj₂ .proj₁
  ∈-mapMaybe⁻-nothing {x = x} {xs = xs} y∈ fx≡
    with f x | inspect f x | fx≡
  ... | nothing | _ | _ = tt
  ... | just _  | _ | ()

  ∈-mapMaybe⁻-here : (y∈ : y  mapMaybe f (x  xs))
     Is-here $ ∈-mapMaybe⁻ y∈ .proj₂ .proj₁
     Is-here y∈
  ∈-mapMaybe⁻-here {x = x} {xs = xs} y∈ y∈≡
    with f x    | inspect f x
  ... | nothing | _ = case y∈≡ of λ ()
  ... | just _  | _ with here _y∈ = tt

  mapMaybe-⊆ : xs  ys  mapMaybe f xs  mapMaybe f ys
  mapMaybe-⊆ {xs = x  xs} {ys = ys} xs⊆ fx∈ =
    let x , x∈ , fx≡ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ fx∈
    in  ∈-mapMaybe⁺ (xs⊆ x∈) fx≡

  -- ** LastAny

  module _ {P : Pred B } where
    LastAny-catMaybes⁺ : (p : Any (M.Any.Any P) xs) 
      LastAny p
      LastAny (Any-catMaybes⁺ p)
    LastAny-catMaybes⁺ {just x  .[]} (here (M.Any.just _)) refl = refl
    LastAny-catMaybes⁺ {just x   _}  (there p) lp = LastAny-catMaybes⁺ p lp
    LastAny-catMaybes⁺ {nothing  _}  (there p) lp = LastAny-catMaybes⁺ p lp

    LastAny-mapMaybe′⁺ :
       (x∈ : Any (M.Any.Any P  f) xs)
       LastAny x∈
       LastAny $ Any-mapMaybe′⁺ x∈
    LastAny-mapMaybe′⁺ {xs = xs} p lp = LastAny-catMaybes⁺ (⁺ p) (LastAny-map⁺⁺ f (M.Any.Any P) p lp)

    Last∘Any⇒ :  xs 
      (p : Any P (mapMaybe′ f xs)) 
      LastAny p 
      LastAny (Any[ xs ]⇒ p)
    Last∘Any⇒ (x  xs) p hp with f x
    ... | nothing = Last∘Any⇒ xs p hp
    ... | just _  rewrite mapMaybe≗mapMaybe′ f xs = hp

    LastAny-mapMaybe⁺ :
       (x∈ : Any (M.Any.Any P  f) xs)
       LastAny x∈
       LastAny $ Any-mapMaybe⁺ x∈
    LastAny-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs} = Last∘Any⇒ xs _ ∘₂ LastAny-mapMaybe′⁺

  -- ** Last∈

  Last∈-mapMaybe⁺ :
     (x∈ : x  xs)
     (f≡ : f x  just y)
     Last∈ x∈
     Last∈ $ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ x∈ f≡
  Last∈-mapMaybe⁺ p eq = LastAny-mapMaybe⁺ ( _ p)  LastAny-map⁺ (≡just⇒MAny eq) p

  -- ** mapMaybe˘
  mapMaybe˘ : List A  List A
  mapMaybe˘ = filter (T?  f)

  length˘f : List A  
  length˘f zs = length zs  length (mapMaybe f zs)

  length∈˘f :  {x : A}  (x  xs)  
  length∈˘f {xs = xs} x∈ =
    let xsˡ⁺ , _ , _ = splitAt⁺ʳ xs (L.Any.index x∈)
        xsˡ = L.NE.toList xsˡ⁺
    in  length˘f xsˡ

  length-mapMaybe : length (mapMaybe f xs)  length xs  length (mapMaybe˘ xs)
  length-mapMaybe {[]} = refl
  length-mapMaybe {x  xs} with f x
  ... | nothing = length-mapMaybe {xs = xs}
  ... | just _  rewrite length-mapMaybe {xs = xs}
    = ∸-suc (length xs) (length (mapMaybe˘ xs)) (length-count (T?  f) {xs = xs})

  -- ** indexℕ
  indexℕ-mapMaybe⁻ :  {y : B}
    (y∈ : y  mapMaybe f (x  xs))
     let _ , x∈ , _ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ {xs = x  xs} y∈
      in indexℕ x∈  ⊥⋯ x∈ + indexℕ y∈
  indexℕ-mapMaybe⁻ {x = x} {xs = []} {y = y} y∈
    with f x | inspect f x | y∈
  ... | nothing | _ | ()
  ... | just _ | _ | here refl = refl
  indexℕ-mapMaybe⁻ {x = x} {xs = xs@(x′  xs′)} {y = y} y∈
    with f x | inspect f x
  ... | nothing | _ =
    let _ , x∈ , _ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ y∈
    in cong suc
    $ begin
      indexℕ x∈
    ≡⟨ indexℕ-mapMaybe⁻ y∈ 
      ⊥⋯ x∈ + indexℕ y∈
     where open ≡-Reasoning
  ... | just _  | _
    with y∈
  ... | here refl = refl
  ... | there y∈′ =
    let _ , x∈ , _ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ y∈′
    in begin
      suc (indexℕ x∈)
    ≡⟨ cong suc $ indexℕ-mapMaybe⁻ y∈′ 
      suc (⊥⋯ x∈ + indexℕ y∈′)
    ≡⟨ sym $ Nat.+-suc (⊥⋯ x∈) (indexℕ y∈′) 
      ⊥⋯ x∈ + suc (indexℕ y∈′)
     where open ≡-Reasoning

  indexℕ-mapMaybe≡0 :  {y : B} (fx≡ : f x  just y)
     indexℕ (∈-mapMaybe⁺ (here {x = x} {xs = xs} refl) fx≡)  0
  indexℕ-mapMaybe≡0 {y = y} eq = indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe≡0 {y = y} (≡just⇒MAny eq refl)