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-- {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Prelude.Lists.Postulates where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open L.Mem
open Nat
open import Prelude.Null
open import Prelude.Bifunctor

private variable
  A B C : Type 
  x : A; xs : List A
  y : B; ys : List B
  P : Pred A 

open Alg≡

open import Prelude.Lists.Combinatorics
  cartesianProduct-∈ : x  xs  y  ys  (x , y)  cartesianProduct xs ys

open import Prelude.Lists.Permutations
  ↭⇒≡ :  {x₀ : A} {xs ys : List A} {_⊕_ : Op₂ A}
     Identity x₀ _⊕_
     Commutative _⊕_
     xs  ys
     foldr _⊕_ x₀ xs  foldr _⊕_ x₀ ys

open import Prelude.Lists.Count
module _ {P : Pred A } (P? : Decidable¹ P) where postulate
  ⊆⇒count≤ : xs  ys  count P? xs  count P? ys
  count≡0⇒null-filter : count P? xs  0  Null $ filter P? xs
  count≡0⇒All¬ : count P? xs  0  All (¬_  P) xs
  count-map⁺ :  {f : B  A}
     count (P?  f) xs
     count P? (map f xs)
  count-single :  {x xs}
     count P? (x  xs)  1
     P x
     All (x ≢_) xs
  -- count-single {x} {xs} count≡1 px
  --   with P? x
  -- ... | no ¬px = ⊥-elim $ ¬px px
  -- ... | yes _  = L.All.¬Any⇒All¬ xs h
  --   where
  --     h : x ∉ xs
  --     h x∈ = {!!}

open import Prelude.Lists.Sums
private variable
  X Y : Pred₀ 
  n : ; ns : List 
  ∑₁-limit :  {lim} {xs : List ( X)}
    {k₁ :  {n}  lim  n  X n  Y lim} {k₂ :  {n}  n  lim  X n  Y n}
     ∑₁ xs  lim
     ∑₁ (limit lim k₁ k₂ xs)  lim

  ∑₁-++ :  {xs ys : List ( X)}
     ∑₁ (xs ++ ys)
     ∑₁ xs + ∑₁ ys

  ∑ℕ-∀≡0 :  {xs}
     All (_≡ 0) xs
     ∑ℕ xs  0

  ∑ℕ-⊆ :  {xs ys}  xs  ys  ∑ℕ xs  ∑ℕ ys

  ∑₁-map₂ :  {xs : List ( X)} {f :  {n}  X n  Y n}
     ∑₁ (map (map₂′ f) xs)
     ∑₁ xs

  ∑₁-single :  {x :  X}  ∑₁ [ n , x ]  n

  x∈∑ℕ : n L.Mem.∈ ns  n  ∑ℕ ns

open import Prelude.Lists.Singletons
  ams-filter-map :  {xs : List A} {f : A  B} {P : Pred₀ B} {P? : Decidable¹ P}
     AtMostSingleton $ filter P? (map f xs)
     AtMostSingleton $ filter (P?  f) xs

  ams-filter-reject :  {x : A} {xs : List A} {P : Pred₀ A}
     (P? : Decidable¹ P)
     ¬ P x
     AtMostSingleton $ filter P? xs
     AtMostSingleton $ filter P? (x  xs)

  ams-filter-accept :  {x : A} {xs : List A} {P : Pred₀ A}
     (P? : Decidable¹ P)
     P x
     Null $ filter P? xs
     AtMostSingleton $ filter P? (x  xs)

  length≤1⇒ams :  {xs : List A}
     length xs  1
     AtMostSingleton xs

  ams-count :  (P? : Decidable¹ P) {xs : List A} {f : A  Maybe B}
     (∀ x  P x  Is-just (f x))
     count P? xs  1
     AtMostSingleton (mapMaybe f xs)

  singleton⁺-map⁺ :  {xs : List⁺ A} {f : A  B} 
    Singleton⁺ xs  Singleton⁺ ( f xs)

open import Prelude.Lists.Membership
  lookup≡find∘map⁻ :  {xs : List A} {f : A  B} {P : Pred₀ B}
     (p : Any P (map f xs))
     L.Any.lookup p  f (proj₁ $ find $⁻ p)

  Any-lookup∘map :  {P Q : Pred₀ A}
     (P⊆Q :  {x}  P x  Q x)
     (p : Any P xs)
     L.Any.lookup ( P⊆Q p)  L.Any.lookup p

  lookup∘∈-map⁺ :  {f : A  B}
     (x∈ : x  xs)
     L.Any.lookup (∈-map⁺ f x∈)  f x

  mapWith∈-id :  mapWith∈ xs  {x} _  x)  xs

  filter-exists :  {_∈?_ :  (x : A) (xs : List A)  Dec (x  xs)} {f : B  A} {x : A} {xs : List A} {ys : List B}
     (x∈ : x  map f ys)
     Unique ys
     filter ((_∈? (x  xs))  f) ys
     (proj₁  ∈-map⁻ f) x∈  filter ((_∈? xs)  f) ys
-- filter-exists {A = A} {B = B} {_∈?_ = _∈?_} {f = f} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} x∈ uniq
--   with ∈-map⁻ f x∈
-- ... | y , y∈ , refl -- y∈  : y ∈ ys
--   with ∈-filter⁺ (_∈? (x ∷ xs) ∘ f) y∈ (here refl)
-- ... | y∈′           -- y∈′ : y ∈ filter _ ys
--     = begin
--         filter ((_∈? (x ∷ xs)) ∘ f) ys
--       ↭⟨ {!!} ⟩
--         y ∷ filter ((_∈? xs) ∘ f) ys
--       ∎ where open PermutationReasoning

mapWith∈↭filter :  {_∈?_ :  (x : A) (xs : List A)  Dec (x  xs)} {f : B  A}
                    {xs : List A} {ys : List B}
   (p⊆ : xs  map f ys)
   Unique ys
   mapWith∈ xs (proj₁  ∈-map⁻ f  p⊆)
   filter ((_∈? xs)  f) ys
mapWith∈↭filter {A = A} {B = B} {_∈?_ = _∈?_} {f = f} {xs = []}     {ys = ys} p⊆ uniq =
  ↭-sym (↭-reflexive $ L.filter-none ((_∈? [])  f) (L.All.universal  _ ()) ys))
mapWith∈↭filter {A = A} {B = B} {_∈?_ = _∈?_} {f = f} {xs = x  xs} {ys = ys} p⊆ uniq =
    mapWith∈ (x  xs) get
    get {x} _  mapWith∈ xs (proj₁  ∈-map⁻ f  p⊆  there)
  ↭⟨ ↭-prep (get {x} _) (mapWith∈↭filter {_∈?_ = _∈?_} (p⊆  there) uniq) 
    get {x} _  filter ((_∈? xs)  f) ys
  ↭⟨ ↭-sym (filter-exists {_∈?_ = _∈?_} (p⊆ (here refl)) uniq) 
    filter ((_∈? (x  xs))  f) ys
   where open PermutationReasoning
          get :  {x′}  x′  x  xs  B
          get = proj₁  ∈-map⁻ f  p⊆

open import Prelude.Lists
  Suffix⇒⊆ : Suffix≡ xs ys  xs  ys

  proj₁∘∈⇒Suffix≡ : {xs : List⁺ A} {ys zs : List A} (∀x∈ : All⁺ (_∈ ys) xs) (ys≼ : Suffix≡ ys zs)
     (proj₁  ∈⇒Suffix  All⁺-last (Suffix⇒⊆ ys≼)) ∀x∈
     (proj₁  ∈⇒Suffix  All⁺-last) ∀x∈