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{-# OPTIONS --safe --with-K #-}
module Prelude.Lists.WithK where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open Nat
open L.Mem
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Maybes
open import Prelude.Nats
open import Prelude.ToN
open import Prelude.Split

private variable
  A B : Type ; P : A  Type 
  x y : A; xs ys : List A


open import Prelude.Lists.Indexed

indexℕ-injective :  (p q : x  xs) 
  indexℕ p  indexℕ q
  p  q
indexℕ-injective {xs = .(_  _)} (here refl) (here refl) i≡ = refl
indexℕ-injective {xs = .(_  _)} (there p) (there q) i≡
  = cong there $ indexℕ-injective p q $ Nat.suc-injective {indexℕ p} {indexℕ q} i≡

⁉→‼ :  {xs ys : List A} {ix : Index xs}
     (len≡ : length xs  length ys)
     (xs  toℕ ix)  (ys  toℕ ix)
     (xs  ix)  (ys  F.cast len≡ ix)
⁉→‼ {xs = []}     {[]}      {ix}      len≡ eq   = refl
⁉→‼ {xs = []}     {x  ys}  {ix}      () eq
⁉→‼ {xs = x  xs} {[]}      {ix}      () eq
⁉→‼ {xs = x  xs} {.x  ys} {fzero}   len≡ refl = refl
⁉→‼ {xs = x  xs} {y  ys}  {fsuc ix} len≡ eq
  rewrite ‼-suc {x = x} {xs} {ix}
        = ⁉→‼ {xs = xs} {ys} {ix} (Nat.suc-injective len≡) eq

indexℕ-++⁻ :  (y∈ : y  ys) (y∈′ : y  xs ++ ys) 
  indexℕ y∈′  length xs + indexℕ y∈
  ∈-++⁻ xs {ys} y∈′  inj₂ y∈
indexℕ-++⁻ {xs = []}     y∈ y∈′         i≡ = cong inj₂ $ indexℕ-injective y∈′ y∈ i≡
indexℕ-++⁻ {xs = x  xs} y∈ (there y∈′) i≡ = qed
    IH : ∈-++⁻ xs y∈′  inj₂ y∈
    IH = indexℕ-++⁻ {xs = xs} y∈ y∈′ (Nat.suc-injective i≡)

    qed : ∈-++⁻ (x  xs) (there y∈′)  inj₂ y∈
    qed rewrite IH = refl


open import Prelude.Lists.Membership

module _ (P? : Decidable¹ P) where
  ∈-filter⁻-injective :  {xs} (x∈ x∈′ : x  filter P? xs)
     ∈-filter⁻ P? {xs = xs} x∈  ∈-filter⁻ P? {xs = xs} x∈′
     x∈  x∈′
  ∈-filter⁻-injective {xs = x  xs} x∈ x∈′ eq
    with P? x | x∈ | x∈′ | eq
  ... | no  _ | x∈ | x∈′ | eq
    = ∈-filter⁻-injective x∈ x∈′
    $ map×-injective L.Any.there-injective id eq
  ... | yes _ | here px | here .px | refl = refl
  ... | yes _ | there x∈ | there x∈′ | eq
      = cong there
      $ ∈-filter⁻-injective x∈ x∈′
      $ map×-injective L.Any.there-injective id eq

  ∈-filter⁻∙proj₁-injective :  {xs} (x∈ x∈′ : x  filter P? xs)
     ∈-filter⁻ P? {xs = xs} x∈ .proj₁  ∈-filter⁻ P? {xs = xs} x∈′ .proj₁
     x∈  x∈′
  ∈-filter⁻∙proj₁-injective {xs = x  xs} x∈ x∈′ eq
    with P? x | x∈ | x∈′ | eq
  ... | no  _ | x∈ | x∈′ | eq
    = ∈-filter⁻∙proj₁-injective x∈ x∈′
    $ L.Any.there-injective eq
  ... | yes _ | here px | here .px | refl = refl
  ... | yes _ | there x∈ | there x∈′ | eq
    = cong there
    $ ∈-filter⁻∙proj₁-injective x∈ x∈′
    $ L.Any.there-injective eq

∈-irr : Unique xs  Irrelevant (x  xs)
∈-irr (x∉  _)  (here refl) (here refl) = refl
∈-irr (x∉  _)  (here refl) (there x∈)  = ⊥-elim $ L.All.lookup x∉ x∈ refl
∈-irr (x∉  _)  (there x∈)  (here refl) = ⊥-elim $ L.All.lookup x∉ x∈ refl
∈-irr (_   un) (there p)   (there q)   = cong there $ ∈-irr un p q


open import Prelude.Lists.Mappings

Unique⇒weaken≗ :  (f : xs ↦′ P) (p p′ : ys  xs)
   Unique xs
   weaken-↦ f p ≗↦ weaken-↦ f p′
Unique⇒weaken≗ f p p′ uniq x∈ =
  cong f $ ∈-irr uniq (p x∈) (p′ x∈)


open import Prelude.Lists.MapMaybe
open import Prelude.Lists.Count

module _ (f : A  Maybe B) where
  open MapMaybeDSL f
  module _ {P : Pred B } where
    indexℕ-Any-catMaybes⁺ :  {xs : List (Maybe B)} (p : Any (M.Any.Any P) xs)
       indexℕ (Any-catMaybes⁺ p)  indexℕ p  count is-nothing? (p ∙left)
    indexℕ-Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = nothing  xs} (there p) = indexℕ-Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = xs} p
    indexℕ-Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = just x  _}   (here (M.Any.just _)) = refl
    indexℕ-Any-catMaybes⁺ {xs = just x  xs}  (there p) =
        indexℕ (there {x = x} (Any-catMaybes⁺ p))
        suc (indexℕ $ Any-catMaybes⁺ p)
      ≡⟨ cong suc $ indexℕ-Any-catMaybes⁺ p 
        suc (indexℕ p  ⊥⋯p)
      ≡⟨ ∸-suc (indexℕ p) ⊥⋯p (⊥≤ p) 
        suc (indexℕ p)  ⊥⋯p
      ≡⟨ cong (suc (indexℕ p) ∸_) $ sym $ c≡ (p ∙left) 
        suc (indexℕ p)  count is-nothing? ((there {x = just x} p) ∙left)
        indexℕ (there {x = just x} p)  (MapMaybeDSL.⊥⋯ id) (there {x = just x} p)
        open ≡-Reasoning
        ⊥⋯p = count is-nothing? (p ∙left)

        c≡ :  xs  count is-nothing? (just x  xs)  count is-nothing? xs
        c≡ xs = cong length $ L.filter-reject is-nothing? {x = just x} {xs = xs}  ())

        ⊥≤ :  {xs} (p : Any (M.Any.Any P) xs)  count is-nothing? (p ∙left)  indexℕ p
        ⊥≤ (here (M.Any.just _)) = z≤n
        ⊥≤ {xs = xs} (there {x = just x} p)
          rewrite L.filter-reject is-nothing? {x = just x} {xs = xs}  ())
          = Nat.≤-step (⊥≤ p)
        ⊥≤ {xs = xs} (there {x = nothing} p)
          rewrite L.filter-accept is-nothing? {x = nothing} {xs = xs} tt
          = s≤s (⊥≤ p)

    indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe′⁺ :  (x∈ : Any (M.Any.Any P  f) xs)
       indexℕ (Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f x∈)  indexℕ x∈  ⊥⋯ x∈
    indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe′⁺ {xs = xs} p =
        indexℕ (Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f p)
        indexℕ (Any-catMaybes⁺ $⁺ p)
      ≡⟨ indexℕ-Any-catMaybes⁺ (⁺ p) 
        indexℕ (⁺ p)  count is-nothing? ((⁺ p) ∙left)
      ≡⟨ cong (_∸ count is-nothing? ((⁺ p) ∙left)) $ indexℕ-Any-map⁺ p 
        indexℕ p  count is-nothing? ((⁺ p) ∙left)
      ≡⟨ cong (indexℕ p ∸_) $ c≡ p 
        indexℕ p  ⊥⋯ p
        open ≡-Reasoning
        c≡ :  {xs : List A} (p : Any (M.Any.Any P  f) xs)
           count is-nothing? ((⁺ {P = M.Any.Any P} p) ∙left)
           ⊥⋯ p
        c≡ {xs = x  xs} (here px) with just _f x = refl
        c≡ {xs = x  xs} (there p)
          with IHc≡ p
          with f x
        ... | nothing = cong suc IH
        ... | just _  = IH

    indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe⁺ :  (x∈ : Any (M.Any.Any P  f) xs)
       indexℕ (Any-mapMaybe⁺ f x∈)  indexℕ x∈  ⊥⋯ x∈
    indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs} p =
        indexℕ (Any-mapMaybe⁺ f p)
      ≡⟨ indexℕ∘Any⇒ f {xs = xs} _ 
        indexℕ (Any-mapMaybe′⁺ f p)
      ≡⟨ indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe′⁺ p 
        indexℕ p  ⊥⋯ p
       where open ≡-Reasoning

  indexℕ-mapMaybe⁺ :  {y : B} (x∈ : x  xs) (fx≡ : f x  just y)
     indexℕ (∈-mapMaybe⁺ f x∈ fx≡)  indexℕ x∈  ⊥⋯ x∈
  indexℕ-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs} {y = y} x∈ eq =
      indexℕ (∈-mapMaybe⁺ f x∈ eq)
      indexℕ (Any-mapMaybe⁺ f $ (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)
    ≡⟨ indexℕ-Any-mapMaybe⁺ $ (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈ 
      indexℕ ( (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)  ⊥⋯ ( (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)
    ≡⟨ cong (_∸ ⊥⋯ ( (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)) $ indexℕ-Any-map x∈ 
      indexℕ x∈  ⊥⋯ ( (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)
    ≡⟨ cong (indexℕ x∈ ∸_) $ ⊥-map eq x∈ 
      indexℕ x∈  ⊥⋯ x∈
      open ≡-Reasoning
      ⊥-map :  {x} {xs} (eq : f x  just y) (x∈ : x  xs) 
        ⊥⋯ ( (≡just⇒MAny f eq) x∈)  ⊥⋯ x∈
      ⊥-map {xs = _  _}  _  (here _)   = refl
      ⊥-map {xs = x  xs} eq (there x∈) with f x
      ... | nothing = cong suc (⊥-map eq x∈)
      ... | just _  = ⊥-map eq x∈