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{-# OPTIONS --with-K #-}
module Prelude.Sets.AsUniqueLists.Extra where

open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open L.Mem using (∈-++⁻; ∈-++⁺ˡ; ∈-++⁺ʳ)
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.ToList
open import Prelude.FromList
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Setoid
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Foldable
open import Prelude.Traversable
open import Prelude.Monad
open import Prelude.Indexable
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.Null
open import Prelude.General

open import Prelude.Lists.Core
open import Prelude.Lists.MapMaybe
open import Prelude.Lists.SetEquality
open import Prelude.Lists.Concat

open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional.Properties using (Any-resp-⊆)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as BinSetoid
open ≈-Reasoning

open import Prelude.Sets.AsUniqueLists.Core

private to = toList; from = fromList

module _ {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  where

  Nullˢ = Null {A = Set⟨ A }
  Null?ˢ = Null? {A = Set⟨ A }
  Nullᵇˢ = Nullᵇ {A = Set⟨ A }

  private variable x : A; xs ys zs : Set⟨ A 

  toList∘singleton : toList (singleton x)  [ x ]
  toList∘singleton = refl

  fromList∘singleton : fromList [ x ]  singleton x
  fromList∘singleton = refl

  ∈ˢ-toList⁻ : x ∈ˢ xs  x  toList xs
  ∈ˢ-toList⁻ = id
  ∈ˢ-toList⁺ : x  toList xs  x ∈ˢ xs
  ∈ˢ-toList⁺ = id

  ∪-congˡ : ys  zs  xs  ys  xs  zs
  ∪-congˡ {ys = ys}{zs}{xs} (ys⊆ , zs⊆) = xs∪ys⊆ , xs∪zs⊆
      xs∪ys⊆ : xs  ys ⊆ˢ xs  zs
      xs∪ys⊆ = ∈-∪⁻ _ xs ys >≡> λ where
        (inj₁ ∈xs)  ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ xs zs ∈xs
        (inj₂ ∈ys)  ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ xs zs (ys⊆ ∈ys)

      xs∪zs⊆ : xs  zs ⊆ˢ xs  ys
      xs∪zs⊆ = ∈-∪⁻ _ xs zs >≡> λ where
        (inj₁ ∈xs)  ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ xs ys ∈xs
        (inj₂ ∈zs)  ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ xs ys (zs⊆ ∈zs)

  ∪-congʳ : xs  ys  xs  zs  ys  zs
  ∪-congʳ {xs = xs}{ys}{zs} (xs⊆ , ys⊆) = xs∪zs⊆ , ys∪zs⊆
      xs∪zs⊆ : xs  zs ⊆ˢ ys  zs
      xs∪zs⊆ = ∈-∪⁻ _ xs zs >≡> λ where
        (inj₁ ∈xs)  ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ ys zs (xs⊆ ∈xs)
        (inj₂ ∈zs)  ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ ys zs ∈zs

      ys∪zs⊆ : ys  zs ⊆ˢ xs  zs
      ys∪zs⊆ = ∈-∪⁻ _ ys zs >≡> λ where
        (inj₁ ∈ys)  ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ xs zs (ys⊆ ∈ys)
        (inj₂ ∈zs)  ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ xs zs ∈zs

module _ {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  where
  private variable
    x x′ : A; xs xs′ ys zs : Set⟨ A 
    B : Type; P : Pred₀ A

  ∈ˢ-singleton : x ∈ˢ singleton x
  ∈ˢ-singleton = singleton∈ˢ .proj₂ refl

  infixr 5 _∷ˢ_
  _∷ˢ_ : A  Set⟨ A   Set⟨ A 
  x ∷ˢ xs = singleton x  xs

  ∈ˢ-∷⁺ˡ hereˢ : x ∈ˢ x ∷ˢ xs
  ∈ˢ-∷⁺ˡ {xs = xs} = ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ (singleton _) xs ∈ˢ-singleton
  hereˢ  {xs = xs} = ∈ˢ-∷⁺ˡ {xs = xs}

  ∈ˢ-∷⁺ʳ thereˢ : x ∈ˢ xs  x ∈ˢ x′ ∷ˢ xs
  ∈ˢ-∷⁺ʳ {xs = xs} = ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ (singleton _) xs
  thereˢ {xs = xs} = ∈ˢ-∷⁺ʳ {xs = xs}

  ∈ˢ-∷⁻ : x ∈ˢ x′ ∷ˢ xs  (x  x′)  (x ∈ˢ xs)
  ∈ˢ-∷⁻ {xs = xs} x∈ with ∈-∪⁻ _ (singleton _) xs x∈
  ... | inj₁ (here refl) = inj₁ refl
  ... | inj₂ x∈          = inj₂ x∈

  from-∷ˢ :  {xs}  from (x  xs)  (x ∷ˢ from xs)
  from-∷ˢ {x = x}{xs} =
     x∈  case ∈ˢ-fromList⁻ {xs = x  xs} x∈ of λ where
      (here refl)  hereˢ {xs = from xs}
      (there x∈)   thereˢ {xs = from xs} $ ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ x∈
     x∈  ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ {xs = x  xs} $ case ∈ˢ-∷⁻ {xs = from xs} x∈ of λ where
      (inj₁ refl)  here refl
      (inj₂ x∈)    there $ ∈ˢ-fromList⁻ {xs = xs} x∈

  from-++ˢ :  {xs ys : List A}  from (xs ++ ys)  (from xs  from ys)
  from-++ˢ {xs = xs}{ys} =
      case L.Mem.∈-++⁻ xs (∈ˢ-fromList⁻ x∈) of λ where
         (inj₁ x∈ˡ)  ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ (from xs) (from ys) $ ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ x∈ˡ
         (inj₂ x∈ʳ)  ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ (from xs) (from ys) $ ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ x∈ʳ
      ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ $ case ∈-∪⁻ _ (from xs) (from ys) x∈ of λ where
        (inj₁ x∈ˡ)  L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ {xs = xs}{ys} $ ∈ˢ-fromList⁻ x∈ˡ
        (inj₂ x∈ʳ)  L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ xs $ ∈ˢ-fromList⁻ x∈ʳ

  from-≈ :  {xs ys : List A} 
    xs ∼[set] ys
    from xs  from ys
  from-≈ {xs}{ys} eq =
    ( ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ {xs = ys}
     eq .Fun.Eq._⟨$⟩_
    ) ,
    ( ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ {xs = xs}
     eq .Fun.Equiv.Equivalence.from .Fun.Eq._⟨$⟩_

  from-≈˘ :  {xs ys : List A} 
    from xs  from ys
    xs ∼[set] ys
  from-≈˘ {xs}{ys} eq = ⊆⊇⇒∼set $
    ( ∈ˢ-fromList⁻
     eq .proj₁
     ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ {xs = xs}
    ) ,
    ( ∈ˢ-fromList⁻
     eq .proj₂
     ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ {xs = ys}

  to-∷ˢ : (to $ x ∷ˢ xs) ∼[set] (x  to xs)
  to-∷ˢ {x = x} = ⊆⊇⇒∼set $
      𝟘  𝟘
      (there {x = x} x∈)  there $′ L.Mem.∈-filter⁻ p? x∈ .proj₁
    ) ,
      𝟘  𝟘
      {x′} (there {x = x} x∈) 
        case x′  x of λ where
          (yes x≡)  here x≡
          (no  x≢)  there $′ L.Mem.∈-filter⁺ p? x∈ λ where 𝟘  x≢ refl
    where p? = _∉? [ x ]
          pattern 𝟘 = here refl

  to-++ˢ : (to $ xs  ys) ∼[set] (to xs ++ to ys)
  to-++ˢ {xs}{ys} = ⊆⊇⇒∼set $
    (∈-++⁻ (to xs) >≡> λ where
      (inj₁ x∈ˡ)  ∈-++⁺ˡ x∈ˡ
      (inj₂ x∈ʳ)  ∈-++⁺ʳ (to xs) (L.Mem.∈-filter⁻ (_∉ˢ? xs) x∈ʳ .proj₁)
    ) ,
    (∈-++⁻ (to xs) >≡> λ where
      (inj₁ x∈ˡ)  ∈-++⁺ˡ x∈ˡ
      (inj₂ x∈ʳ)  case _ ∈ˢ? xs of λ where
        (yes x∈ˡ)  ∈-++⁺ˡ x∈ˡ
        (no  x∉ˡ)  ∈-++⁺ʳ (to xs) (L.Mem.∈-filter⁺ (_∉ˢ? xs) x∈ʳ x∉ˡ))

  to-≈ :
    xs  ys
    to xs ∼[set] to ys
  to-≈ = ⊆⊇⇒∼set

  headˢ : Set⟨ A   Maybe A
  headˢ = L.head  to

  filterˢ :  {P : Pred₀ A}  Decidable¹ P  Set⟨ A   Set⟨ A 
  filterˢ P? = from  filter P?  to

  module _ {B : Type}  _ : DecEq B  where
    mapˢ : (A  B)  (Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B )
    mapˢ f = from  map f  to

    mapWith∈ˢ : (xs : Set⟨ A )  (∀ {x}  x ∈ˢ xs  B)  Set⟨ B 
    mapWith∈ˢ xs f = from
                  $ L.Mem.mapWith∈ (to xs)
                  $ f  ∈-nub⁻  ∈ˢ-fromList⁺

    module _ (f : A  B) where

      module _ {P : Pred₀ B} {xs} where
        Anyˢ-map⁺ : Anyˢ (P  f) xs  Anyˢ P (mapˢ f xs)
        Anyˢ-map⁺ = Anyˢ-fromList⁺⁺

        Anyˢ-map⁻ :  Anyˢ P (mapˢ f xs)  Anyˢ (P  f) xs
        Anyˢ-map⁻ =⁻  Anyˢ-fromList⁻

        Anyˢ-map : Anyˢ (P  f) xs  Anyˢ P (mapˢ f xs)
        Anyˢ-map = Anyˢ-map⁺ , Anyˢ-map⁻

      ∈ˢ-map⁺ : x ∈ˢ xs  f x ∈ˢ mapˢ f xs
      ∈ˢ-map⁺ = ∈ˢ-fromList⁺  L.Mem.∈-map⁺ f

      ∈ˢ-map⁻ :  {y}  y ∈ˢ mapˢ f xs   λ x  x ∈ˢ xs × y  f x
      ∈ˢ-map⁻ = L.Mem.∈-map⁻ f  ∈ˢ-fromList⁻

      mapˢ-∪ : mapˢ f (xs  ys)  (mapˢ f xs  mapˢ f ys)
      mapˢ-∪ {xs}{ys} =
        let xs′ = mapˢ f xs; ys′ = mapˢ f ys; xys′ = mapˢ f (xs  ys) in
          let x , x∈ , eq = ∈ˢ-map⁻ {xs = xs  ys} y∈
          in case ∈-∪⁻ x xs ys x∈ of λ where
               (inj₁ x∈ˡ)  ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ xs′ ys′
                          $ subst (_∈ˢ xs′) (sym eq)
                          $ ∈ˢ-map⁺ {xs = xs} x∈ˡ
               (inj₂ x∈ʳ)  ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ xs′ ys′
                          $ subst (_∈ˢ ys′) (sym eq)
                          $ ∈ˢ-map⁺ {xs = ys} x∈ʳ
        ) ,
          case ∈-∪⁻ _ xs′ ys′ y∈ of λ where
            (inj₁ y∈ˡ) 
              let x , x∈ˡ , eq = ∈ˢ-map⁻ {xs = xs} y∈ˡ
              in  subst (_∈ˢ xys′) (sym eq)
                $ ∈ˢ-map⁺ {xs = xs  ys}
                $ ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ xs ys x∈ˡ
            (inj₂ y∈ʳ) 
              let x , x∈ʳ , eq = ∈ˢ-map⁻ {xs = ys} y∈ʳ
              in  subst (_∈ˢ xys′) (sym eq)
                $ ∈ˢ-map⁺ {xs = xs  ys}
                $ ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ xs ys x∈ʳ

    mapMaybeˢ : (A  Maybe B)  (Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B )
    mapMaybeˢ f = from  mapMaybe f  to

    module _ (f : A  Maybe B) where

      module _ {y} where
        ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ : x ∈ˢ xs  f x  just y  y ∈ˢ mapMaybeˢ f xs
        ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ = ∈ˢ-fromList⁺ ∘₂ ∈-mapMaybe⁺ f

        ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁻ : y ∈ˢ mapMaybeˢ f xs   λ x  (x ∈ˢ xs) × (f x  just y)
        ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁻ = ∈-mapMaybe⁻ f  ∈ˢ-fromList⁻

      mapMaybeˢ-∪ : mapMaybeˢ f (xs  ys)  (mapMaybeˢ f xs  mapMaybeˢ f ys)
      mapMaybeˢ-∪ {xs}{ys} =
        let xs′ = mapMaybeˢ f xs; ys′ = mapMaybeˢ f ys in
          let x , x∈ , eq = ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁻ {xs = xs  ys} y∈
          in case ∈-∪⁻ x xs ys x∈ of λ where
               (inj₁ x∈ˡ)  ∈-∪⁺ˡ _ xs′ ys′ $ ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs} x∈ˡ eq
               (inj₂ x∈ʳ)  ∈-∪⁺ʳ _ xs′ ys′ $ ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = ys} x∈ʳ eq)
          case ∈-∪⁻ _ xs′ ys′ y∈ of λ where
            (inj₁ y∈ˡ) 
              let x , x∈ˡ , eq = ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁻ {xs = xs} y∈ˡ
              in  ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs  ys} (∈-∪⁺ˡ _ xs ys x∈ˡ) eq
            (inj₂ y∈ʳ) 
              let x , x∈ʳ , eq = ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁻ {xs = ys} y∈ʳ
              in  ∈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ {xs = xs  ys} (∈-∪⁺ʳ _ xs ys x∈ʳ) eq

  module _ {F : Set↑}  _ : Foldable F   _ : Monad F   _ : DecEq (F A)  where
    sequenceMˢ : Set⟨ F A   F (Set⟨ A )
    sequenceMˢ = fmap from  sequenceM  to

-- ** concat
module _ {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  where

  concatˢ : Set⟨ Set⟨ A    Set⟨ A 
  concatˢ = from  concatMap to  to

  module _ {x} {xss} where
    ∈ˢ-concat⁺ : Anyˢ (x ∈ˢ_) xss  x ∈ˢ concatˢ xss
    ∈ˢ-concat⁺ = ∈ˢ-fromList⁺  ∈-concatMap⁺ to

    ∈ˢ-concat⁻ : x ∈ˢ concatˢ xss  Anyˢ (x ∈ˢ_) xss
    ∈ˢ-concat⁻ = ∈-concatMap⁻ to  ∈ˢ-fromList⁻

    ∈ˢ-concat : Anyˢ (x ∈ˢ_) xss  x ∈ˢ concatˢ xss
    ∈ˢ-concat = ∈ˢ-concat⁺ , ∈ˢ-concat⁻

  private variable xss yss : Set⟨ Set⟨ A  

  concatˢ-∪ : concatˢ xss  concatˢ yss  concatˢ (xss  yss)
  concatˢ-∪ {xss}{yss} =
      concatˢ xss  concatˢ yss
      from (concatMap to $ to xss)  from (concatMap to $ to yss)
    ≈˘⟨ from-++ˢ {xs = concatMap to $ to xss} 
      from (concatMap to (to xss) ++ concatMap to (to yss))
    ≡˘⟨ cong from $ concatMap-++ to (to xss) _ 
      from (concatMap to (to xss ++ to yss))
    ≈˘⟨ from-≈ $ ∼[set]-concatMap⁺ to $ to-++ˢ {xs = xss}{yss} 
      from (concatMap to $ to (xss  yss))
      concatˢ (xss  yss)

  ≈ˢ-concat⁺ :
    xss  yss
    concatˢ xss  concatˢ yss
  ≈ˢ-concat⁺ {xss}{yss} eq =
      concatˢ xss
      from (concatMap to $ to xss)
    ≈⟨ from-≈ $ ∼[set]-concatMap⁺ to $ to-≈ {xs = xss}{yss} eq 
      from (concatMap to $ to yss)
      concatˢ yss

-- ** map
module _ {A B : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B  where
  private variable xs ys : Set⟨ A 

  module _ (f : A  B) where

    ≈ˢ-map⁺ :
      xs  ys
      mapˢ f xs  mapˢ f ys
    ≈ˢ-map⁺ {xs}{ys} = from-≈  ∼[set]-map⁺ f  to-≈ {xs = xs}{ys}

    mapˢ-∪-commute : mapˢ f (xs  ys)  mapˢ f xs  mapˢ f ys
    mapˢ-∪-commute {xs}{ys} =
        mapˢ f (xs  ys)
        from (map f $ to (xs  ys))
      ≈⟨ from-≈ $ ∼[set]-map⁺ f $ to-++ˢ {xs = xs}{ys} 
        from (map f $ to xs ++ to ys)
      ≡⟨ cong from $ f (to xs) _ 
        from (map f (to xs) ++ map f (to ys))
      ≈⟨ from-++ˢ {xs = map f $ to xs} 
        from (map f $ to xs)  from (map f $ to ys)
        mapˢ f xs  mapˢ f ys

  module _ (f : A  Maybe B) where
    ≈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ :
      xs  ys
      mapMaybeˢ f xs  mapMaybeˢ f ys
    ≈ˢ-mapMaybe⁺ {xs}{ys} = from-≈  ∼[set]-mapMaybe⁺ f  to-≈ {xs = xs}{ys}

-- ** concatMap
module _ {A B : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B  where
  filterˢ₁ : Set⟨ A  B   Set⟨ A 
  filterˢ₁ = mapMaybeˢ isInj₁

  filterˢ₂ : Set⟨ A  B   Set⟨ B 
  filterˢ₂ = mapMaybeˢ isInj₂

  concatMapˢ : (A  Set⟨ B )  (Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B )
  concatMapˢ f = concatˢ  mapˢ f

  module _ (f : A  Set⟨ B ) {xs} where

    module _ {y} where
      ∈ˢ-concatMap⁺ : Anyˢ ((y ∈ˢ_)  f) xs  y ∈ˢ concatMapˢ f xs
      ∈ˢ-concatMap⁺ = ∈ˢ-concat⁺ {xss = mapˢ f xs}  Anyˢ-map⁺ f {xs = xs}
      ∈ˢ-concatMap⁻ : y ∈ˢ concatMapˢ f xs  Anyˢ ((y ∈ˢ_)  f) xs
      ∈ˢ-concatMap⁻ = Anyˢ-map⁻ f {xs = xs}  ∈ˢ-concat⁻ {xss = mapˢ f xs}
      ∈ˢ-concatMap : Anyˢ ((y ∈ˢ_)  f) xs  y ∈ˢ concatMapˢ f xs
      ∈ˢ-concatMap = ∈ˢ-concatMap⁺ , ∈ˢ-concatMap⁻

    module _ {ys} where
      concatMapˢ-∪ : concatMapˢ f (xs  ys)  concatMapˢ f xs  concatMapˢ f ys
      concatMapˢ-∪ =
          concatMapˢ f (xs  ys)
          concatˢ (mapˢ f (xs  ys))
        ≈⟨ ≈ˢ-concat⁺ {xss = mapˢ f (xs  ys)}{yss = mapˢ f xs  mapˢ f ys}
                    $ mapˢ-∪-commute f {xs}{ys} 
          concatˢ (mapˢ f xs  mapˢ f ys)
        ≈˘⟨ concatˢ-∪ {xss = mapˢ f xs}{mapˢ f ys} 
          concatˢ (mapˢ f xs)  concatˢ (mapˢ f ys)
          concatMapˢ f xs  concatMapˢ f ys

      ≈ˢ-concatMap⁺ :
        xs  ys
        concatMapˢ f xs  concatMapˢ f ys
      ≈ˢ-concatMap⁺ = ≈ˢ-concat⁺ {xss = mapˢ f xs}{mapˢ f ys}  ≈ˢ-map⁺ f {xs}{ys}

-- ** align/zip/partition
module _ {A B C : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B   _ : DecEq C  where
  alignWithˢ : (These A B  C)  Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B   Set⟨ C 
  alignWithˢ f xs ys = from $ L.alignWith f (to xs) (to ys)

  zipWithˢ : (A  B  C)  Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B   Set⟨ C 
  zipWithˢ f xs ys = from $ L.zipWith f (to xs) (to ys)

  unalignWithˢ : (A  These B C)  Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B  × Set⟨ C 
  unalignWithˢ f =  (xs , ys)  from xs , from ys)  L.unalignWith f  to

  unzipWithˢ : (A  B × C)  Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B  × Set⟨ C 
  unzipWithˢ f =  (xs , ys)  from xs , from ys)  L.unzipWith f  to

  partitionSumsWithˢ : (A  B  C)  Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B  × Set⟨ C 
  partitionSumsWithˢ f = unalignWithˢ (∣These∣.fromSum ∘′ f)

module _ {A B : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B  where
  alignˢ : Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B   Set⟨ These A B 
  alignˢ = alignWithˢ id

  zipˢ : Set⟨ A   Set⟨ B   Set⟨ A × B 
  zipˢ = zipWithˢ (_,_)

  unalignˢ : Set⟨ These A B   Set⟨ A  × Set⟨ B 
  unalignˢ = unalignWithˢ id

  unzipˢ : Set⟨ A × B   Set⟨ A  × Set⟨ B 
  unzipˢ = unzipWithˢ id

  -- partitionSumsˢ : Set⟨ A ⊎ B ⟩ → Set⟨ A ⟩ × Set⟨ B ⟩
  -- partitionSumsˢ = partitionSumsWithˢ id

  partitionSumsˢ : Set⟨ A  B   Set⟨ A  × Set⟨ B 
  partitionSumsˢ =  (as , bs)  from as , from bs)  partitionSums  to

  leftsˢ : Set⟨ A  B   Set⟨ A 
  leftsˢ = proj₁  partitionSumsˢ

  rightsˢ : Set⟨ A  B   Set⟨ B 
  rightsˢ = proj₂  partitionSumsˢ

  leftsˢ∘inj₁ :  {a : A} {abs : Set⟨ A  B }
      leftsˢ (inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs)
     (a ∷ˢ leftsˢ abs)
  leftsˢ∘inj₁ {a = a}{abs} =
      leftsˢ (inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs)
      from (lefts $ to $ inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs)
    ≈⟨ from-≈ {xs = lefts $ to $ inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs}
               {ys = lefts $ inj₁ a  to abs}
     $ lefts-seteq
     $ to-∷ˢ {x = inj₁ a} {xs = abs}
      from (lefts $ inj₁ a  to abs)
      from (a  lefts (to abs))
    ≈⟨ from-∷ˢ {xs = lefts $ to abs} 
      (a ∷ˢ from (lefts $ to abs))
      (a ∷ˢ leftsˢ abs)

  leftsˢ∘inj₂ :  {b : B} {abs : Set⟨ A  B }
      leftsˢ (inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs)
     leftsˢ abs
  leftsˢ∘inj₂ {b = b}{abs} =
      leftsˢ (inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs)
      from (lefts $ to $ inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs)
    ≈⟨ from-≈ {xs = lefts $ to $ inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs}
               {ys = lefts $ inj₂ b  to abs}
     $ lefts-seteq
     $ to-∷ˢ {x = inj₂ b} {xs = abs}
      from (lefts $ inj₂ b  to abs)
      from (lefts $ to abs)
      leftsˢ abs

  rightsˢ∘inj₁ :  {a : A} {abs : Set⟨ A  B }
      rightsˢ (inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs)
     rightsˢ abs
  rightsˢ∘inj₁ {a = a}{abs} =
      rightsˢ (inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs)
      from (rights $ to $ inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs)
    ≈⟨ from-≈ {xs = rights $ to $ inj₁ a ∷ˢ abs}
               {ys = rights $ inj₁ a  to abs}
     $ rights-seteq
     $ to-∷ˢ {x = inj₁ a} {xs = abs}
      from (rights $ inj₁ a  to abs)
      from (rights $ to abs)
      rightsˢ abs

  rightsˢ∘inj₂ :  {b : B} {abs : Set⟨ A  B }
      rightsˢ (inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs)
     (b ∷ˢ rightsˢ abs)
  rightsˢ∘inj₂ {b = b}{abs} =
      rightsˢ (inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs)
      from (rights $ to $ inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs)
    ≈⟨ from-≈ {xs = rights $ to $ inj₂ b ∷ˢ abs}
               {ys = rights $ inj₂ b  to abs}
     $ rights-seteq
     $ to-∷ˢ {x = inj₂ b} {xs = abs}
      from (rights $ inj₂ b  to abs)
      from (b  rights (to abs))
    ≈⟨ from-∷ˢ {xs = rights $ to abs} 
      (b ∷ˢ from (rights $ to abs))
      (b ∷ˢ rightsˢ abs)

module _ {A B C : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B   _ : DecEq C  where
  unzip₃ˢ : Set⟨ A × B × C   Set⟨ A  × Set⟨ B  × Set⟨ C 
  unzip₃ˢ = map₂ unzipˢ  unzipˢ

-- ** sum
sumˢ : Set⟨    
sumˢ = sum  to

-- ** bimap

module _ {A A′ B B′ : Type}
   _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq A′   _ : DecEq B   _ : DecEq B′ 

  bimapˢ : (f : A  A′) (g : B  B′)  Set⟨ A × B   Set⟨ A′ × B′ 
  bimapˢ = mapˢ ∘₂ bimap

module _ {A A′ B : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq A′   _ : DecEq B  where
  map₁ˢ  : (A  A′)  Set⟨ A × B   Set⟨ A′ × B 
  map₁ˢ = flip bimapˢ id

module _ {A B B′ : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B   _ : DecEq B′  where
  map₂ˢ : (B  B′)  Set⟨ A × B   Set⟨ A × B′ 
  map₂ˢ = bimapˢ id