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-- Validity of advertisements.
open import Function using (id)

open import Prelude.Init hiding (_⊆_); open SetAsType
open import Prelude.Lists.Subsets renaming (_⊆′_ to _⊆_)
open import Prelude.Lists.Dec hiding (_⊆?_) renaming (_⊆′?_ to _⊆?_)
open import Prelude.Lists.Sums
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Functor
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Foldable
open import Prelude.Traversable
open import Prelude.Monad
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.Validity

open import BitML.BasicTypes
open import BitML.Predicate

module BitML.Contracts.Validity ( : ) where

open import BitML.Contracts.Types  hiding (B)
open import BitML.Contracts.Collections 

splitsOK : Precondition  Contract  Bool
splitsOK G C₀ = goᶜ C₀ (persistentValue G)
    goᵈ  : Branch  Value  Bool
    goᶜ  : Contract  Value  Bool
    goᵛᶜ : VContracts  Bool

    goᵛᶜ [] = true
    goᵛᶜ ((v , cs)  vcs) = goᶜ cs v

    goᶜ [] _ = true
    goᶜ (c  cs) v = goᵈ c v  goᶜ cs v

    goᵈ c₀@(put xs &reveal as if p  c) v =
      case sequenceM $ map  x  checkDeposit volatile x G) xs of λ where
        nothing    false
        (just vs)  goᶜ c (v + ∑ℕ vs)
    goᵈ (split vcs)   v = (∑₁ vcs == v)  goᵛᶜ vcs
    goᵈ (after _  c) v = goᵈ c v
    goᵈ (_  c)       v = goᵈ c v
    goᵈ (withdraw _)  _ = true

module _ (ad : Ad) (let  G  C = ad) where
  record ValidAd : Type where
      -- (i) names in G are distinct
      names-uniq :
        Unique $ names G

      -- (ii) each name in C appears in G
      names-⊆ :
        names C  names G

      -- (iii) names in `put&reveal` are distinct and secrets in `if` appear in `reveal`
      names-put :
        All  (xs , as , p)  Unique xs × secrets p  as) (putComponents C)

      -- (iv) each participant has a persistent deposit in G
      parts-⊆ :
        participants G ++ participants C  persistentParticipants G

      -- (extra) split commands are valid
      splits-OK :
        T $ splitsOK G C

    _∙names-⊆   = names-⊆ .unmk⊆
    _∙names-put = (map₂ unmk⊆) names-put
    _∙parts-⊆   = parts-⊆ .unmk⊆

open ValidAd public

  𝕍Ad : Validable Ad
  𝕍Ad .Valid = ValidAd

  Dec-𝕍Ad : Valid ⁇¹
  Dec-𝕍Ad {x =  G  C} .dec
    with unique? $ names G
       | names C ⊆? names G
       | all?  (xs , as , p)  unique? xs ×-dec secrets p ⊆? as) (putComponents C)
       | participants G ++ participants C ⊆? persistentParticipants G
       | T? $ splitsOK G C
  ... | no ¬names-uniq | _ | _ | _ | _             = no $ ¬names-uniq  names-uniq
  ... | _ | no ¬names-⊆ | _ | _ | _                = no $ ¬names-⊆     names-⊆
  ... | _ | _ | no ¬names-put | _ | _              = no $ ¬names-put   names-put
  ... | _ | _ | _ | no ¬parts-⊆ | _                = no $ ¬parts-⊆     parts-⊆
  ... | _ | _ | _ | _ | no ¬splits-OK              = no $ ¬splits-OK   splits-OK
  ... | yes p₁ | yes p₂ | yes p₃ | yes p₄ | yes p₅ = yes λ where
    .names-uniq  p₁; .names-⊆  p₂; .names-put  p₃; .parts-⊆  p₄; .splits-OK  p₅

Valid⇒part⊆ : let  G  C = ad in
  Valid ad  participants C L.SubS.⊆ participants G
Valid⇒part⊆ { G  C} vad
  = persistentParticipants⊆ {g = G}
   vad ∙parts-⊆
   L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ (participants G)