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{-# OPTIONS --auto-inline #-}
A State Machine library for smart contracts, based on very similar
library for Plutus Smart contracts

Specification of a state machine, consisting of a transition
function that determines the next state from the current state and
an input, and a checking function that checks the validity of the
transition in the context of the current transaction.
module StateMachine.Base where

open import Data.Maybe using (fromMaybe)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise using (≡⇒Pointwise-≡)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-identityˡ; <⇒≢; ≤⇒pred≤)

open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Lists using (enumerate)
open import Prelude.Maybes
open import Prelude.Nats.Postulates
open import Prelude.Default
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Sets
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.Applicative
open import Prelude.Monad
open import Prelude.Ord

open import UTxO.Hashing
open import UTxO.Value
open import UTxO.Types hiding (I)
open import UTxO.TxUtilities
open import UTxO.Validity
open import UTxO.Defaults

-- Transaction constraints

record TxConstraints : Set where
    forge≡ : Maybe ValueS
    range≡ : Maybe SlotRange
    spent≥ : Maybe Value

open TxConstraints public

  Default-TxConstraints : Default TxConstraints
  Default-TxConstraints =  record
    { forge≡ = def
    ; range≡ = def
    ; spent≥ = def } 

_>>=ₜ_ :  {a : Set}  Maybe a  (a  Bool)  Bool
ma >>=ₜ f = fromMaybe true (ma >>= pure  f)

verifyTxInfo : TxInfo  TxConstraints  Bool
verifyTxInfo tx tx≡ =
  (forge≡ tx≡ >>=ₜ λ v   TxInfo.forge tx  toValue v ) 
  (range≡ tx≡ >>=ₜ λ r   TxInfo.range tx  r ) 
  (spent≥ tx≡ >>=ₜ λ v  valueSpent tx ≥ᶜ v)

verifyTx : Ledger  Tx  TxConstraints  Bool
verifyTx l tx = verifyTxInfo (mkTxInfo l tx)

-- Constraint Emitting Machines (CEM)

record StateMachine (S I : Set) {{_ : IsData S}} {{_ : IsData I}} : Set where
  constructor SM[_,_,_]
    isInitial : S  Bool
    step      : S  I  Maybe (S × TxConstraints)
    origin    : Maybe TxOutputRef

open StateMachine public

module CEM
  {S I : Set} {{_ : IsData S}} {{_ : IsData I}} {sm : StateMachine S I}

  initₛₘ   = isInitial sm
  stepₛₘ   = step sm
  originₛₘ = origin sm

  Init : Pred S 0ℓ
  Init = T  initₛₘ

  spentsOrigin : TxInfo  Bool
  spentsOrigin txi =
    originₛₘ >>=ₜ λ o   o ∈? map InputInfo.outputRef (TxInfo.inputInfo txi) 

    policyₛₘ : MonetaryPolicy
    policyₛₘ pti@(record {thisTx = c; txInfo = txi}) =
      let 𝕋 = fromMaybe c  originₛₘ ♯ₒᵣ  in
         lookupQuantity (c , 𝕋) (TxInfo.forge txi)  1 
       spentsOrigin txi
       (case outputsOf (c , 𝕋) pti of λ where
          (record {value = v; address = v♯; datumHash = d♯}  [])
              v♯  𝕍 
             (fromMaybe false $ lookupDatumPtx d♯ pti >>= fromData >>= pure  initₛₘ)
          _  false)

     : CurrencySymbol
     = policyₛₘ 

    𝕋 : TokenName
    𝕋 = fromMaybe   originₛₘ ♯ₒᵣ 

    nftₛₘ : TokenClass
    nftₛₘ =  , 𝕋

    threadₛₘ : Value
    threadₛₘ = [  , [ 𝕋 , 1 ] ]

    validatorₛₘ : Validator
    validatorₛₘ ptx di ds
      = fromMaybe false do (s′ , tx≡)  join  stepₛₘ (fromData ds) (fromData di) 
                           pure $ outputsOK s′
                                 verifyTxInfo (txInfo ptx) tx≡
                                 propagates threadₛₘ ptx
      module _ where
        outputsOK : S  Bool
        outputsOK st = case getContinuingOutputs ptx of λ where
          (o  [])   datumHash o  toData st ♯ᵈ 
          _         false

    𝕍 : HashId
    𝕍 = validatorₛₘ 

  -- Create a transaction input.
  infix 5 _←—_
  _←—_ : TxOutputRef  I × S  TxInput
  outputRef (r ←— _      ) = r
  redeemer  (_ ←— (i , _)) = toData i
  validator (_ ←— _      ) = validatorₛₘ
  datum     (_ ←— (_ , d)) = toData d

  -- Create a transaction output.
  infix 5 _—→_
  _—→_ : S  Value  TxOutput
  value     (_ —→ v) = v
  address   (_ —→ _) = 𝕍
  datumHash (d —→ _) = toData d ♯ᵈ

  withOutputs : List S  Tx
  withOutputs ss = record def
    { outputs        = map (_—→ threadₛₘ) ss
    ; datumWitnesses = map  s  toData s ♯ᵈ , toData s) ss }

  -- Lemmas
  open FocusTokenClass nftₛₘ

  fromMaybe≡ : {A B : Set} {mx : Maybe A} {f : A  Maybe B} {g : B  Bool}
     fromMaybe false (mx >>= f >>= pure  g)  true
      λ y 
          ((mx >>= f)  just y)
        × T (g y)
  fromMaybe≡ {mx = just x}{f}{g} p
    with f x | inspect f x
  ... | just y | ≡[ f≡ ]
    with g y | inspect g y
  ... | true | ≡[ g≡ ]
       = y , refl , true⇒T g≡

  Tpolicy⇒ :  {tx l pti}
     thisTx pti  
     txInfo pti  mkTxInfo l tx
     T (policyₛₘ pti)
      λ v   λ s 
          (forge tx   1)
        × outputsOf nftₛₘ pti  [ record {value = v; address = 𝕍; datumHash = toData s ♯ᵈ} ]
        × Init s
  Tpolicy⇒ {tx = tx}{l}{pti@(record {thisTx = .; txInfo = txi})} refl refl h₀
    with forge tx   1 | h₀
  ... | no  _    | ()
  ... | yes frg≡ | h₁
    with spentsOrigin txi | h₁
  ... | false | ()
  ... | true  | h₂
    with outputsOf nftₛₘ pti | h₂
  ... | [] | ()
  ... | _  _  _ | ()
  ... | record {value = v; address = v♯; datumHash = d♯}  [] | h₃
    with v♯  𝕍 | h₃
  ... | no  _    | ()
  ... | yes refl | h₄
    with fromMaybe false (lookupDatumPtx d♯ pti >>= fromData >>= pure  initₛₘ)
       | inspect (fromMaybe false) (lookupDatumPtx d♯ pti >>= fromData >>= pure  initₛₘ)
       | h₄
  ... | false | _        | ()
  ... | true  | ≡[ fm≡ ] | _
    with s , fm≡′ , TinitfromMaybe≡ {mx = lookupDatumPtx d♯ pti}{fromData}{initₛₘ} fm≡
      = v , s , frg≡
      , cong  x  [ record {value = v; address = v♯; datumHash = x} ])
             (lookupDatum≡ {x = s}{d♯}{txi}{TxInfo.datumWitnesses txi} refl fm≡′)
      , Tinit

  ◆∈⇒Tpolicy :  {tx l}
     IsValidTx tx l
     ◆∈ forge tx
     T (policyₛₘ $ toPendingMPS l tx )
  ◆∈⇒Tpolicy {tx} {l} vtx ◆∈ = policy≡
      policy≡ : T (policyₛₘ $ toPendingMPS l tx )
      policy≡ = L.All.lookup (allPoliciesValidate vtx) $ ∈♯ $ L.All.lookup (forging vtx) $ ◆-currencies∈ ◆∈

  module JustOrigin (just-origin : Is-just originₛₘ) where

    𝕆 : TxOutputRef
    𝕆 = proj₁ $ destruct-Is-just just-origin

    o∈ :  {txi}  T (spentsOrigin txi)  𝕆  map InputInfo.outputRef (TxInfo.inputInfo txi)
    o∈ p with originₛₘ
    ... | nothing = ⊥-elim $ Is-just⇒≢nothing just-origin refl
    ... | just _  = toWitness p

    frg◆≤1 :  {tx} {l}  IsValidTx tx l  forge tx   1
    frg◆≤1 {tx} {l} vtx = ¬>⇒≤ ¬frg◆>1
        ¬frg◆>1 : ¬ (forge tx  > 1)
        ¬frg◆>1 frg◆>1 = Nat.<⇒≢ frg◆>1 (sym frg≡1)
            ◆∈frg : ◆∈ forge tx
            ◆∈frg = ≤⇒pred≤ frg◆>1

            Tpolicy : T (policyₛₘ $ toPendingMPS l tx )
            Tpolicy = ◆∈⇒Tpolicy vtx ◆∈frg

            frg≡1 : forge tx   1
            frg≡1 = toWitness {Q = lookupQuantity ( , 𝕋) (forge tx)  1} (proj₁ $ T-∧ Tpolicy)

    ∃forging :  {l}
       ValidLedger l
        l forge  > 0
        λ tx   λ l′ 
          ValidLedger (tx  l′)
        × tx  l′  l
        × (◆∈ forge tx)
    ∃forging {tx  l} vl₀@(vl  .tx ∶- vtx) ∑>0
      rewrite +ᶜ-◆ {x = forge tx} {y =  l forge}
      with ◆∈? forge tx
    ... | no  ◆∉ rewrite ¬x>0⇒x≡0 ◆∉ | +-identityˡ ( l forge )
                 with tx , l′ , vl′ , l′≺ , ◆∈∃forging vl ∑>0
                    = tx , l′ , vl′ , there l′≺ , ◆∈
    ... | yes ◆∈ = tx , l , vl₀ , here (≡⇒Pointwise-≡ refl) , ◆∈

    ∃forging² :  {l}
       ValidLedger l
        l forge  > 1
        λ tx₁   λ l₁   λ tx₂   λ l₂
           ValidLedger (tx₁  l₁)
          × ValidLedger (tx₂  l₂)
          × tx₁  l₁  l₂
          × (◆∈ forge tx₁)
          × (◆∈ forge tx₂)
    ∃forging² {tx  l} vl₀@(vl  .tx ∶- vtx) ∑>1
      rewrite +ᶜ-◆ {x = forge tx} {y =  l forge}
      with ◆∈? forge tx
    ... | no  ◆∉
      rewrite ¬x>0⇒x≡0 ◆∉ | +-identityˡ ( l forge ) = ∃forging² vl ∑>1
    ... | yes ◆∈
      rewrite x>0,x≤1⇒x≡1 ◆∈ (frg◆≤1 vtx)
      with ∑>0x+y>x⇒y>0 {x = 1} {y =  l forge } ∑>1
      with tx′ , l′ , vl′ , l′≺l , ◆∈′∃forging vl ∑>0
         = tx′ , l′ , tx , l , vl′ , vl₀ , l′≺l , ◆∈′ , ◆∈

    ◆∈⇒𝕆∈ :  {tx l}
       IsValidTx tx l
       ◆∈ forge tx
       𝕆  outputRefs tx
    ◆∈⇒𝕆∈ {tx} {l} vtx ◆∈frg = outRef∈txi {tx}{l}{𝕆} $ o∈ {txi} Tspents
        txi = mkTxInfo l tx

        Tpolicy : T (policyₛₘ $ toPendingMPS l tx )
        Tpolicy = ◆∈⇒Tpolicy vtx ◆∈frg

        Tspents : T (spentsOrigin txi)
        Tspents = proj₁ $ T-∧ {l = spentsOrigin txi} $ proj₂ $ T-∧ {l =  forge tx   1 } Tpolicy

    nf :  L  NonFungible L nftₛₘ
    nf L@(l , vl) = ¬>⇒≤ nf′
        nf′ : ¬ ( l forge  > 1)
        nf′ ∑>1
          with tx₁ , l₁ , tx₂ , l₂
             , vl₁  .tx₁ ∶- vtx₁ , vl₂  .tx₂ ∶- vtx₂
             , l₁≺l₂ , ◆∈₁ , ◆∈₂∃forging² vl ∑>1
          = o∉utxo₂ o∈utxo₂
          o∈₁ : 𝕆  outputRefs tx₁
          o∈₁ = ◆∈⇒𝕆∈ vtx₁ ◆∈₁

          o∈utxo₁ : 𝕆  map outRef (utxo l₁)
          o∈utxo₁ = validOutputRefs vtx₁ o∈₁

          o∉utxo₂ : 𝕆  map outRef (utxo l₂)
          o∉utxo₂ = suf-utxo vl₂ l₁≺l₂ o∈utxo₁ o∈₁

          o∈₂ : 𝕆  outputRefs tx₂
          o∈₂ = ◆∈⇒𝕆∈ vtx₂ ◆∈₂

          o∈utxo₂ : 𝕆  map outRef (utxo l₂)
          o∈utxo₂ = validOutputRefs vtx₂ o∈₂