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open import Prelude.Init

open import UTxO.Hashing
open import UTxO.Value
open import UTxO.Types

open import StateMachine.Base

module StateMachine.Inductive.Combinators
  {S I : Set} {{_ : IsData S}} {{_ : IsData I}} {sm : StateMachine S I}

open CEM {sm = sm}
open import StateMachine.Inductive.Core {sm = sm}

-- *** All ***

-- the predicate P holds for all states in the run
data AllS (P : S  Set) : ∀{s s'}  s ↝⋆ s'  Set where
  root :  {s} (p : Init s)
     P s
     AllS P (root p)
  snoc :  {s s' s''} (p : s ↝⋆ s')(q : s'  s'')
     P s''
     AllS P p  AllS P (snoc p q)

-- the property holds in the end
end :  P {s s'}{p : s ↝⋆ s'}  AllS P p  P s'
end P (root p q) = q
end P (snoc p q r s) = r

all-lem : (P : S  Set)
         (∀{s}  Init s  P s)
         (∀{s s'}  s  s'  P s  P s')
          {s s'}(p : s ↝⋆ s')  AllS P p
all-lem P base step (root p) = root p (base p)
all-lem P base step (snoc p q) =
  snoc p q (step q (end P h)) h
  where h = all-lem P base step p

-- properties of inputs (which may refer to the other stuff)
data AllI (P₀ : S  Set) (P : S  I  TxConstraints  S  Set) :  {s s'}  s ↝⋆ s'  Set where
  root :  {s} (p : Init s)
     P₀ s
     AllI P₀ P (root p)
  snoc :  {s s' s'' } (p : s ↝⋆ s')(q : s'  s'')
     P s' (proj₁ q) (proj₁ $ proj₂ q) s''
     AllI P₀ P p  AllI P₀ P (snoc p q)

-- *** Any ***

data AnyS (P : S  Set) : ∀{s s'}  s ↝⋆ s'  Set where

  root :  {s} (p : Init s)
     P s
     AnyS P (root p)

  here :  {s s' s''} (p : s ↝⋆ s')(q : s'  s'')
     P s''
     AnyS P (snoc p q)

  there :  {s s' s''} (p : s ↝⋆ s')(q : s'  s'')
     AnyS P p
     AnyS P (snoc p q)
-- TODO: this isn't right, it needs two snoctructors for root

-- *** Until ***

-- P+Q*
-- P holds and then Q holds

-- * P has to hold at least at the initial state, it can hold forever
-- and then Q doesn't need to hold at all

-- * if Q takes over then P does not need to hold anymore. There is no
-- enforced overlap

data UntilS (P Q : S  Set) : ∀{s s'}  s ↝⋆ s'  Set where
  prefix : ∀{s s'}(xs : s ↝⋆ s')
     AllS P xs
     UntilS P Q xs

  suffix : ∀{s s' s''}(xs : s ↝⋆ s')
     UntilS P Q xs
     (x : s'  s'')
     Q s''
     UntilS P Q (snoc xs x)