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open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Nats.Postulates
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Postulates
open import Prelude.Null
open import Prelude.ToN
open import Prelude.Ord
-- open import Prelude.Membership
open L.Mem

open import UTxO.Hashing.Base
open import UTxO.Hashing.Types
open import UTxO.Value
open import UTxO.Types hiding (I)
open import UTxO.TxUtilities
open import UTxO.Validity
open import UTxO.GlobalPreservation

module UTxO.TokenProvenanceNF (nft : TokenClass) where

open FocusTokenClass nft
open import UTxO.TokenProvenance nft

nf-prevs :  {tx l} {vl : ValidLedger l} {vtx : IsValidTx tx l}
   NonFungible (_ , vl  tx ∶- vtx) nft
   count (◆∈?_  resValue) (prevs vl vtx) + forge tx   1
nf-prevs {tx} {l} {vl} {vtx} nf
  = qed
    rs  = prevs vl vtx

    ∑utxo =  (utxo l) (value  out)
    ∑frg  =  l forge

    frg≥utxo : T $ ∑frg ≥ᶜ ∑utxo
    frg≥utxo = ≥ᶜ-refl′ $ globalPreservation {l} {vl}

    lookup≤ₗ : ∑frg   ∑utxo 
    lookup≤ₗ = ≥ᶜ-◆ {x = ∑frg} {y = ∑utxo} frg≥utxo

    count≤ₗ : count ◆∈?_ (map resValue rs)  count ◆∈?_ (map (value  out) (utxo l))
    count≤ₗ = ⊆⇒count≤ ◆∈?_ (prevs⊆utxo {tx} {l} {vl} {vtx})

    frg≤1 : forge tx   1
    frg≤1 = ≤-+ˡ {x = forge tx } {y =  l forge } {z = 1}
               $ subst (_≤ 1) (+ᶜ-◆ {x = forge tx} {y =  l forge}) nf

    qed : count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs + (forge tx )  1
      with ◆∈? forge tx
    ... | no ¬p
        rewrite ¬x>0⇒x≡0 ¬p | Nat.+-identityʳ $ count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs
        = subst (_≤ 1) (sym $ count-map⁺ ◆∈?_ {xs = rs} {resValue}) qed′
        lookup≤ᵣ : ∑frg   1
        lookup≤ᵣ = subst (_≤ 1) (◆-+ᶜ-reject {v = forge tx} {vs = ∑frg} ¬p) nf

        lookup≤ : ∑utxo   1
        lookup≤ = ≤-trans lookup≤ₗ lookup≤ᵣ

        count≤ᵣ : count ◆∈?_ (map (value  out) (utxo l))  1
        count≤ᵣ = ∑◆≤1⇒count≤1 {vs = map (value  out) (utxo l)} lookup≤

        qed′ : count ◆∈?_ (map resValue rs)  1
        qed′ = ≤-trans count≤ₗ count≤ᵣ

    ... | yes p = qed′
        ∑frg≤0 : ∑frg   0
        ∑frg≤0 = ◆-≤-weaken {v = forge tx} {vs = ∑frg} {n = 0} nf p

        ∑utxo≡0 : ∑utxo   0
        ∑utxo≡0 = x≤0⇒x≡0 $ ≤-trans lookup≤ₗ ∑frg≤0

        count≡0″ : count ◆∈?_ (map (value  out) (utxo l))  0
        count≡0″ = ∑◆≡0⇒count≡0 {vs = map (value  out) (utxo l)} ∑utxo≡0

        count≡0′ : count ◆∈?_ (map resValue rs)  0
        count≡0′ = x≤0⇒x≡0′ count≡0″ count≤ₗ

        count≡0 : count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs  0
        count≡0 = subst (_≡ 0) (sym $ count-map⁺ ◆∈?_ {xs = rs} {resValue}) count≡0′

        qed′ : count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs + forge tx   1
        qed′ rewrite count≡0 | Nat.+-identityˡ (forge tx ) = frg≤1

    L  :  ValidLedger
    tx : Tx
    n  : Quantity

Singletonᵖ : Provenance L tx n  Set
Singletonᵖ = Singleton  traces

Singletonᵖ² : List ( $ Provenance L tx)  Set
Singletonᵖ² xs = Singleton xs × All (Singletonᵖ  proj₂) xs

singleton-combine :  {xs : List ( $ Provenance L tx)} {∑≥ : ∑₁ xs  n}
   Singletonᵖ² xs
   Singletonᵖ (combine xs ∑≥)
singleton-combine {xs = []}            (() , _)
singleton-combine {xs = (n , pr)  []} (tt , s-pr  [])
  rewrite L.++-identityʳ (traces pr)
        = s-pr
singleton-combine {xs = _  _  _}     (() , _)

provenanceNF :  {tx l} (vl : ValidLedger (tx  l)) {o} (o∈ : o  outputs tx)
   (◆∈v : ◆∈ value o)
   NonFungible (_ , vl) nft
    provenance vl o∈   1
provenanceNF vl = go′ vl (≺′-wf (_ , vl))
    open Provenance₀ vl

    go′ :  {tx l} (vl : ValidLedger (tx  l)) (ac : Acc _≺′_ (_ , vl)) {o} (o∈ : o  outputs tx)
         (◆∈v : ◆∈ value o)
         NonFungible (_ , vl) nft
          go {o} vl ac {o} o∈   1
    go′ {l = l} vl₀@(vl  tx ∶- vtx) (acc a) {o} o∈ ◆∈v nf
      = comb≡
        open Provenance₁ {o} vl vtx a {o} o∈

        s-allPrevs₂ :  {pr}  pr  allPrevs  Singletonᵖ (proj₂ pr)
        s-allPrevs₂ {pr} pr∈ with ∈-++⁻ fromForge pr∈

        s-allPrevs₂ {pr} pr∈ | inj₁ pr∈ˡ
          with ◆∈? forge tx | pr∈ˡ
        ... | no  _ | ()
        ... | yes _ | here refl = tt

        s-allPrevs₂ {pr} pr∈ | inj₂ pr∈ʳ
          with r@(record {prevTx = tx′; vl′ = vl′; prevOut = o′; prevOut∈ = o∈′; vl′≺vl = vl′≺vl})
             , r∈ , rj∈-mapMaybe⁻ res→traces {xs = rs} pr∈ʳ
          with ◆∈? resValue r | rj
        ... | no  _ | ()
        ... | yes p | refl = singleton-map $ singleton-map len≡1
            nf′ : NonFungible (_ , vl′) nft
            nf′ = NF-weaken {l = _ , vl₀}{_ , vl′} vl′≺vl nf

            pr′ : Provenance (_ , vl′) tx′ (resValue r )
            pr′ = go {o′} vl′ (a _ vl′≺vl) o∈′

            len≡1 : Singletonᵖ pr′
            len≡1 = len≡⇒Singleton {xs = traces pr′} $ go′ vl′ (a _ vl′≺vl) o∈′ p nf′

        nf′ : count (◆∈?_  resValue) (prevs vl vtx) + forge tx   1
        nf′ = nf-prevs {tx}{l}{vl}{vtx} nf

        allPrevs≢[] : ¬Null allPrevs
        allPrevs≢[] ap≡ = ≡0⇒◆∉ {v = value o} (x≤0⇒x≡0 v≤0) ◆∈v
            v≤0 : 0  v
            v≤0 = subst  x  ∑₁ x  v) ap≡ ∑≥

        s-allPrevs₁ : Singleton allPrevs
          with ◆∈? forge tx | allPrevs≢[]
        ... | yes p | _ = fin
            fromForge′ = [ _ , singleton-Provenance {tx = tx}{l}{vl₀} ]

            frg≤1 : forge tx   1
            frg≤1 = ≤-+ˡ {x = forge tx } {y =  l forge } {z = 1}
                       $ subst (_≤ 1) (+ᶜ-◆ {x = forge tx} {y =  l forge}) nf

            frg≡1 : forge tx   1
            frg≡1 = x>0,x≤1⇒x≡1 p frg≤1

            count≡0 : count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs  0
            count≡0 = x+y≤y⇒x≡0 {x = count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs} {y = 1}
                              $ subst  x  count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs + x  1) frg≡1 nf′

            p₁ : All (¬_  ◆∈_  resValue) rs
            p₁ = count≡0⇒All¬ (◆∈?_  resValue) {xs = rs} count≡0

            p₂ : All Is-nothing (map res→traces rs)
            p₂ =⁺ $ All-map {P = ¬_  ◆∈_  resValue} {Q = Is-nothing  res→traces} P⇒Q p₁
                P⇒Q :  r  ¬ ◆∈ (resValue r)  Is-nothing (res→traces r)
                P⇒Q r ◆∉r with ◆∈? resValue r
                ... | yes ◆∈r = ⊥-elim $ ◆∉r ◆∈r
                ... | no  _   = M.All.nothing

            fromPrevs≡[] : Null fromPrevs
            fromPrevs≡[] = All-nothing⇒mapMaybe≡[] res→traces p₂

            fin : Singleton $ fromForge′ ++ fromPrevs
            fin rewrite fromPrevs≡[] | L.++-identityʳ fromForge′ = tt

        ... | no ¬p | ¬n rewrite L.++-identityˡ fromPrevs = s-fromPrevs
            count≤ : count (◆∈?_  resValue) rs  1
            count≤ = ≤-+ˡ {y = forge tx } {z = 1} nf′

            r>0⇒just :  r  ◆∈ resValue r  Is-just (res→traces r)
            r>0⇒just r r>0 with ◆∈? resValue r
            ... | yes _   = M.Any.just tt
            ... | no ¬r>0 = ⊥-elim $ ¬r>0 r>0

            ams-fromPrevs : AtMostSingleton fromPrevs
            ams-fromPrevs = ams-count (◆∈?_  resValue) {xs = rs} {f = res→traces}
                                      r>0⇒just count≤

            s-fromPrevs : Singleton fromPrevs
            s-fromPrevs = am-¬null⇒singleton ams-fromPrevs ¬n

        s-allPrevs : Singletonᵖ² allPrevs
        s-allPrevs = s-allPrevs₁ , L.All.tabulate s-allPrevs₂

        s-comb : Singletonᵖ (combine allPrevs ∑≥)
        s-comb = singleton-combine s-allPrevs

        comb≡ :  combine allPrevs ∑≥   1
        comb≡ = Singleton⇒len≡ {xs = traces $ combine allPrevs ∑≥} s-comb