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module UTxO.Uniqueness where

open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties using (∈-map⁻; ∈-filter⁻)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional.Properties using (++⁺; filter⁺)
import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs as AllPairs

open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Postulates
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Decidable hiding (DecEq⇒Dec)
open import Prelude.Null
open import Prelude.Sets
open import Prelude.Membership using (_∉?_)
open L.Mem

open import UTxO.Hashing.Base
open import UTxO.Hashing.Types
open import UTxO.Value
open import UTxO.Types hiding (I)
open import UTxO.TxUtilities
open import UTxO.Validity

null? :  {A : Set }  Decidable¹ (Null {A = List A})
null? = λ where
  []  yes refl
  (_  _)  no λ ()

  genesis :  {l}  ValidLedger l  ¬Null l  count (null?  inputs) l  1

Unique-ledger :  {l}  ValidLedger l  Unique l
Unique-ledger {.[]}                         = []
Unique-ledger {.tx  l} vl₀@(vl  tx ∶- vtx)
  with null? (inputs tx)
... | yes px
    = count-single (null?  inputs) (genesis vl₀ λ ()) px  Unique-ledger vl
... | no ¬px
    = L.All.¬Any⇒All¬ l tx∉  Unique-ledger vl
      tx∉ : tx  l
      tx∉ tx∈ with x , x∈¬Null⇒∃x (map≢[] {f = outputRef} ¬px)
              with l′ , suf∈⇒Suffix tx∈
              with _  _ ∶- vtx′≼⇒valid vl suf
                 = suf-utxo vl suf (validOutputRefs vtx′ x∈) x∈ (validOutputRefs vtx x∈)

u∈mkUtxo :  {u tx}
   u  mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx)
   prevTx u  tx
u∈mkUtxo {tx = tx} = mapWith∈-∀ {P = (_≡ tx)  prevTx} λ _  refl

Unique-utxo :  {l}
   ValidLedger l
   Unique (utxo l)
Unique-utxo {l = []}                          = []
Unique-utxo {l = tx  l} vl₀@(vl  .tx ∶- vtx) = ++⁺ uniqˡ uniqʳ disj
     = filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (utxo l)
     = mapWith∈ (outputs tx) (mkUtxo tx)

    uniqˡ : Unique 
    uniqˡ = filter⁺ ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) (Unique-utxo vl)

    uniqʳ : Unique 
    uniqʳ = Unique-mapWith∈ h
        h :  {x x′} {x∈ : x  outputs tx} {x∈′ : x′  outputs tx}
           mkUtxo tx x∈  mkUtxo tx x∈′
           L.Any.index x∈  L.Any.index x∈′
        h = F.toℕ-injective  cong (index  outRef)

    disj : Disjoint  
    disj (x∈ˡ , x∈ʳ)
      with ∈-filter⁻ ((_∉? outputRefs tx)  outRef) {xs = utxo l} x∈ˡ
    ... | x∈ˡ′ , _
      with ∈utxo⇒outRef≡ {l = l} x∈ˡ′
    ... | x∈ˡ″ , _
      rewrite u∈mkUtxo x∈ʳ
      with AllPairs.head (Unique-ledger vl₀)
    ... | all≢tx
        = L.All.lookup all≢tx x∈ˡ″ refl