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open import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open L.Mem
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.Lists.Collections
open import Prelude.Validity
open import BitML.BasicTypes
open import BitML.Predicate
module BitML.Contracts.Subterms ⋯ (let open ⋯ ⋯) where
open import BitML.Contracts.Types ⋯ hiding (C)
open import BitML.Contracts.Collections ⋯
open import BitML.Contracts.Induction ⋯
open import BitML.Contracts.Validity ⋯
subterms subterms⁺ : ∀ {X} → ⦃ Toℂ X ⦄ → X → List Branch
subterms = go ∘ toℂ
go : ℂ → List Branch
go = λ where
(D d) → case d of λ where
(_ ∶ d) → go (D d)
(after _ ∶ d) → go (D d)
(split vcs) → go (V vcs)
(put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ c) → go (C c)
(withdraw _) → []
(C []) → []
(C (d ∷ c)) → d ∷ go (D d) ++ go (C c)
(V []) → []
(V ((_ , c) ∷ vcs)) → go (C c) ++ go (V vcs)
subterms⁺ = mkCollect′ go
go : ∀ d → (∀ d′ → d′ ≺ D d → List Branch) → List Branch
go d f with d
... | _ ∶ d = f (D d) ≺-auth
... | after _ ∶ d = f (D d) ≺-after
... | split vcs = d ∷ f (V vcs) ≺-split
... | put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ c = d ∷ f (C c) ≺-put
... | withdraw _ = d ∷ []
_ : subterms ( A ∶ withdraw B
⊕ B ∶ split ( v ⊸ withdraw A
⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B))
≡ [ A ∶ withdraw B
⨾ B ∶ split (v ⊸ withdraw A ⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B)
⨾ withdraw A
⨾ after t ∶ withdraw B
_ = refl
_ : subterms⁺ ( A ∶ withdraw B
⊕ B ∶ split ( v ⊸ withdraw A
⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B))
≡ [ withdraw B
⨾ split (v ⊸ withdraw A ⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B)
⨾ withdraw A
⨾ withdraw B
_ = refl
_ : subterms (A ∶ after t ∶ split (v ⊸ withdraw A ⊗ v ⊸ withdraw B))
≡ [ withdraw A
⨾ withdraw B
_ = refl
_ : subterms⁺ (A ∶ after t ∶ split (v ⊸ withdraw A ⊗ v ⊸ withdraw B))
≡ [ split (v ⊸ withdraw A ⊗ v ⊸ withdraw B)
⨾ withdraw A
⨾ withdraw B
_ = refl
_ : subterms (put xs . ( A ∶ withdraw B
⊕ B ∶ split ( v ⊸ withdraw A
⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B)))
≡ [ A ∶ withdraw B
⨾ B ∶ split (v ⊸ withdraw A ⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B)
⨾ withdraw A
⨾ after t ∶ withdraw B
_ = refl
_ : subterms⁺ (put xs . ( A ∶ withdraw B
⊕ B ∶ split ( v ⊸ withdraw A
⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B)))
≡ [ put xs . (A ∶ _ ⊕ B ∶ _)
⨾ withdraw B
⨾ split (v ⊸ withdraw A ⊗ v ⊸ after t ∶ withdraw B)
⨾ withdraw A
⨾ withdraw B
_ = refl
h-subᵈ :
d ∈ subterms d′
→ removeTopDecorations d ∈ subterms⁺ d′
h-subᶜ :
d ∈ subterms ds
→ removeTopDecorations d ∈ subterms⁺ ds
h-subᵛ :
d ∈ subterms vcs
→ removeTopDecorations d ∈ subterms⁺ vcs
h-subᵈ {d} {put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ cs} d∈ = there $ h-subᶜ {ds = cs} d∈
h-subᵈ {d} {split vcs} d∈ = there $ h-subᵛ {vcs = vcs} d∈
h-subᵈ {d} {_ ∶ d′} d∈ = h-subᵈ {d′ = d′} d∈
h-subᵈ {d} {after _ ∶ d′} d∈ = h-subᵈ {d′ = d′} d∈
h-subᶜ {.d} {d ∷ ds} (here refl)
with d
... | put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ _ = here refl
... | withdraw _ = here refl
... | split _ = here refl
... | _ ∶ d′ = h-subᶜ {ds = d′ ∷ ds} (here refl)
... | after _ ∶ d′ = h-subᶜ {ds = d′ ∷ ds} (here refl)
h-subᶜ {d} {d′ ∷ ds} (there d∈)
with ∈-++⁻ (subterms d′) d∈
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (subterms⁺ d′) (h-subᶜ {ds = ds} d∈ʳ)
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ
with d′ | d∈ˡ
... | put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ cs | d∈ˡ′ = there $ ∈-++⁺ˡ $ h-subᶜ {ds = cs} d∈ˡ′
... | split vcs | d∈ˡ′ = there $ ∈-++⁺ˡ $ h-subᵛ {vcs = vcs} d∈ˡ′
... | _ ∶ d″ | d∈ˡ′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ $ h-subᵈ {d′ = d″} d∈ˡ′
... | after _ ∶ d″ | d∈ˡ′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ $ h-subᵈ {d′ = d″} d∈ˡ′
h-subᵛ {d} {(_ , cs) ∷ vcs} d∈
with ∈-++⁻ (subterms cs) d∈
... | inj₁ d∈ˡ = ∈-++⁺ˡ $ h-subᶜ {ds = cs} d∈ˡ
... | inj₂ d∈ʳ = ∈-++⁺ʳ (subterms⁺ cs) $ h-subᵛ {vcs = vcs} d∈ʳ
h-sub∗ : subterms (removeTopDecorations d) ⊆ subterms d
h-sub∗ {_ ∶ d} = h-sub∗ {d}
h-sub∗ {after _ ∶ d} = h-sub∗ {d}
h-sub∗ {put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ _} = id
h-sub∗ {withdraw _} = id
h-sub∗ {split _} = id
h-sub‼ : ∀ {i : Index c} → subterms (removeTopDecorations $ c ‼ i) ⊆ subterms c
h-sub‼ {d ∷ _} {0F} = there ∘ ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ h-sub∗ {d}
h-sub‼ {d ∷ c} {fsuc i} = there ∘ ∈-++⁺ʳ (subterms d) ∘ h-sub‼ {c}{i}
↦-∈ : ∀ {R : Branch → Type}
→ (∀ {d} → d ∈ ds → subterms⁺ d ↦′ R)
→ subterms⁺ ds ↦′ R
↦-∈ {ds = d ∷ ds} f x∈
with ∈-++⁻ (subterms⁺ d) x∈
... | inj₁ x∈ˡ = f (here refl) x∈ˡ
... | inj₂ x∈ʳ = ↦-∈ (f ∘ there) x∈ʳ
↦-∈ᵛ : ∀ {R : Branch → Type}
→ (∀ {c} → c ∈ map proj₂ vcs → subterms⁺ c ↦′ R)
→ subterms⁺ vcs ↦′ R
↦-∈ᵛ {vcs = (_ , c) ∷ vcs} f x∈
with ∈-++⁻ (subterms⁺ c) x∈
... | inj₁ x∈ˡ = f (here refl) x∈ˡ
... | inj₂ x∈ʳ = ↦-∈ᵛ (f ∘ there) x∈ʳ
subterms⊆ᶜ : ds ⊆ subterms ds
subterms⊆ᶜ {ds = d ∷ ds} (here refl) = here refl
subterms⊆ᶜ {ds = d ∷ ds} (there d∈) = there $ ∈-++⁺ʳ (subterms d) (subterms⊆ᶜ d∈)
subterms⊆ᵛ : (v , c) ∈ vcs → c ⊆ subterms vcs
subterms⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , c) ∷ vcs} (here refl) = ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ subterms⊆ᶜ
subterms⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , c) ∷ vcs} (there p) = ∈-++⁺ʳ (subterms c) ∘ subterms⊆ᵛ p
subterms⊆ᵛ′ : c ∈ map proj₂ vcs → subterms c ⊆ subterms (split vcs)
subterms⊆ᵛ′ {vcs = (v , c) ∷ _} (here refl) = ∈-++⁺ˡ
subterms⊆ᵛ′ {vcs = (v , c) ∷ vcs} (there c∈) = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms⊆ᵛ′ {vcs = vcs} c∈
subterms⊆ᵛᶜⁱˢ : ∀ {vcis : List (Value × Contract × Id)} → let (vs , cs , ys) = unzip₃ vcis in
c ∈ cs
→ subterms c ⊆ subterms (split $ zip vs cs)
subterms⊆ᵛᶜⁱˢ {vcis = (v , c , _) ∷ _} (here refl)
= ∈-++⁺ˡ
subterms⊆ᵛᶜⁱˢ {vcis = (v , c , _) ∷ vcis} (there c∈)
= ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms⊆ᵛᶜⁱˢ {vcis = vcis} c∈
subterms-names⊆ᵈ : d ∈ subterms d′ → names d ⊆ names d′
subterms-names⊆ᵈ {d′ = d} with d
... | put xs &reveal as if _ ⇒ ds = λ x∈ → ∈-++⁺ʳ (map inj₂ xs) ∘ ∈-++⁺ʳ (map inj₁ as) ∘ subterms-names⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} x∈
... | withdraw _ = λ ()
... | split vcs = subterms-names⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs}
... | _ ∶ d′ = subterms-names⊆ᵈ {d′ = d′}
... | after _ ∶ d′ = subterms-names⊆ᵈ {d′ = d′}
subterms-names⊆ᶜ : d ∈ subterms ds → names d ⊆ names ds
subterms-names⊆ᶜ {ds = d ∷ ds} (here refl) = ∈-++⁺ˡ
subterms-names⊆ᶜ {ds = d ∷ ds} (there p)
with ∈-++⁻ _ p
... | inj₂ p′ = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-names⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} p′
... | inj₁ p′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ subterms-names⊆ᵈ {d′ = d} p′
subterms-names⊆ᵛ : d ∈ subterms vcs → names d ⊆ names vcs
subterms-names⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , []) ∷ vcs} p = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-names⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs} p
subterms-names⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , ds) ∷ vcs} p
with ∈-++⁻ (subterms ds) p
... | inj₁ p′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ subterms-names⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} p′
... | inj₂ p′ = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-names⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs} p′
subterms-putComponents⊆ᵈ : d ∈ subterms d′ → putComponents d ⊆ putComponents d′
subterms-putComponents⊆ᵈ {d′ = d} with d
... | put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ ds = λ x∈ → there ∘ subterms-putComponents⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} x∈
... | withdraw _ = λ ()
... | split vcs = subterms-putComponents⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs}
... | _ ∶ d′ = subterms-putComponents⊆ᵈ {d′ = d′}
... | after _ ∶ d′ = subterms-putComponents⊆ᵈ {d′ = d′}
subterms-putComponents⊆ᶜ : d ∈ subterms ds → putComponents d ⊆ putComponents ds
subterms-putComponents⊆ᶜ {ds = _ ∷ _} (here refl) = ∈-++⁺ˡ
subterms-putComponents⊆ᶜ {ds = d ∷ ds} (there p)
with ∈-++⁻ _ p
... | inj₂ p′ = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-putComponents⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} p′
... | inj₁ p′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ subterms-putComponents⊆ᵈ {d′ = d} p′
subterms-putComponents⊆ᵛ : d ∈ subterms vcs → putComponents d ⊆ putComponents vcs
subterms-putComponents⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , []) ∷ vcs} p = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-putComponents⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs} p
subterms-putComponents⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , ds) ∷ vcs} p
with ∈-++⁻ (subterms ds) p
... | inj₁ p′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ subterms-putComponents⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} p′
... | inj₂ p′ = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-putComponents⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs} p′
subterms-part⊆ᵈ : d ∈ subterms d′ → participants d ⊆ participants d′
subterms-part⊆ᵈ {d′ = d} with d
... | put _ &reveal _ if _ ⇒ ds = subterms-part⊆ᶜ {ds = ds}
... | withdraw _ = λ ()
... | split vcs = subterms-part⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs}
... | _ ∶ d′ = λ x∈ → there ∘ subterms-part⊆ᵈ {d′ = d′} x∈
... | after _ ∶ d′ = subterms-part⊆ᵈ {d′ = d′}
subterms-part⊆ᶜ : d ∈ subterms ds → participants d ⊆ participants ds
subterms-part⊆ᶜ {ds = d ∷ ds} (here refl) = ∈-++⁺ˡ
subterms-part⊆ᶜ {ds = d ∷ ds} (there p)
with ∈-++⁻ _ p
... | inj₂ p′ = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-part⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} p′
... | inj₁ p′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ subterms-part⊆ᵈ {d′ = d} p′
subterms-part⊆ᵛ : d ∈ subterms vcs → participants d ⊆ participants vcs
subterms-part⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , []) ∷ vcs} p = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-part⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs} p
subterms-part⊆ᵛ {vcs = (_ , ds) ∷ vcs} p
with ∈-++⁻ (subterms ds) p
... | inj₁ p′ = ∈-++⁺ˡ ∘ subterms-part⊆ᶜ {ds = ds} p′
... | inj₂ p′ = ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ∘ subterms-part⊆ᵛ {vcs = vcs} p′
subterms-part⊆ᵃ : Valid ad → d ∈ subterms ad →
participants d L.SubS.⊆ participants (ad .G)
subterms-part⊆ᵃ {ad}{d} vad d∈ =
Valid⇒part⊆ vad ∘ subterms-part⊆ᶜ {ds = ad .Ad.C} d∈