Source code on Githubopen import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties using (∈-map⁺; ∈-filter⁺; ∈-++⁺ʳ)
open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Sets
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.ToN
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Applicative
open import Prelude.Monad
open import UTxO.Hashing
open import UTxO.Value
open import UTxO.Types hiding (I)
open import UTxO.TxUtilities hiding (prevTx)
open import UTxO.Validity
open import StateMachine.Base
open InputInfo
module Bisimulation.Soundness
{S I : Set} {{_ : IsData S}} {{_ : IsData I}} {sm : StateMachine S I}
open CEM {sm = sm}
open import Bisimulation.Base {sm = sm}
open ≡-Reasoning
soundness : ∀ {s i s′ tx≡ l} {vl : ValidLedger l}
→ s —→[ i ] (s′ , tx≡)
→ (vl~s : vl ~ s)
→ Satisfiable {vl = vl} tx≡ vl~s
→ ∃[ tx ] ∃[ vtx ] ∃[ vl′ ]
( vl —→[ tx ∶- vtx ] vl′
× vl′ ~ s′
× (verifyTx l tx tx≡ ≡ true) )
soundness {s} {i} {s′} {tx≡} {l} {vl} s→s′ vl~s sat@(range∋ , sp≥ , apv)
= tx , vtx , vl′ , vl→vl′ , vl′~s′ , verify≡
view = view-~ {vl = vl} vl~s
prevTx = proj₁ view
v = (proj₁ ∘ proj₂) view
prevOut∈ = (proj₁ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) view
u∈ = (proj₁ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) view
prev∈ = (proj₁ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) view
prev∈utxo = (proj₁ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) view
getSpent≡ = (proj₁ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) view
threadToken≡ = (proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) view
tx′ : Σ[ tx ∈ Tx ] (verifyTx l tx tx≡ ≡ true)
tx′ = mkTx {l} {s} {s′} {i} {vl} {vl~s} tx≡ sat
tx = proj₁ tx′
verify≡ = proj₂ tx′
prevOut = s —→ v
prevTxRef = (prevTx ♯ₜₓ) indexed-at toℕ (L.Any.index prevOut∈)
txIn = prevTxRef ←— (i , s)
forge′ = forge tx
di = toData i
ds = toData s
ds′ = toData s′
txOut : TxOutput
txOut = record
{ value = forge′ +ᶜ v
; address = 𝕍
; datumHash = ds′ ♯ᵈ }
ptx = toPendingTx l tx 0F
txi = txInfo ptx
ptxIn = mkInputInfo l txIn
vtx : IsValidTx tx l
withinInterval vtx
with range≡ tx≡
... | nothing = tt
... | just _ rewrite range∋ = tt
validOutputRefs vtx (here refl) = prev∈utxo
validOutputRefs vtx (there ())
preservesValues vtx
rewrite getSpent≡
= M.Any.just (x+ᶜy+ᶜ0≡x+ᶜy+0 {x = forge′} {y = v})
noDoubleSpending vtx = [] ∷ []
allInputsValidate vtx = true⇒T validate≡ ∷ []
runStep≡ : join ⦇ stepₛₘ (fromData ds) (fromData di) ⦈ ≡ just (s′ , tx≡)
runStep≡ rewrite from∘to s | from∘to i | s→s′ = refl
thisVal≡ : thisValidator ptx ≡ 𝕍
thisVal≡ = cong InputInfo.validatorHash (ptx-‼ {l} {tx} {txIn} {here refl})
inputs≡ : inputsAt 𝕍 txi ≡ [ ptxIn ]
inputs≡ = filter-singleton {P? = (𝕍 ≟_) ∘ InputInfo.validatorHash} (≟-refl 𝕍)
outputs≡ : outputsAt 𝕍 txi ≡ [ txOut ]
outputs≡ = filter-singleton {P? = (𝕍 ≟_) ∘ address} (≟-refl 𝕍)
getCont≡ : getContinuingOutputs ptx ≡ [ txOut ]
getCont≡ =
getContinuingOutputs ptx
outputsAt (thisValidator ptx) txi
≡⟨ cong (λ x → outputsAt x txi) thisVal≡ ⟩
outputsAt 𝕍 txi
≡⟨ outputs≡ ⟩
[ txOut ]
outputsOK≡ : outputsOK ptx di ds s′ ≡ true
outputsOK≡ rewrite getCont≡ | ≟-refl (ds′ ♯ᵈ) = refl
valueAtⁱ≡ : valueAtⁱ 𝕍 txi ≡ v
valueAtⁱ≡ =
valueAtⁱ 𝕍 txi
(sumᶜ ∘ map InputInfo.value) (inputsAt 𝕍 txi)
≡⟨ cong (sumᶜ ∘ map InputInfo.value) inputs≡ ⟩
sumᶜ [ InputInfo.value ptxIn ]
≡⟨ sum-single ⟩
maybe value [] (getSpentOutput l txIn)
≡⟨ cong (maybe value []) getSpent≡ ⟩
valueAtᵒ≡ : valueAtᵒ 𝕍 txi ≡ forge′ +ᶜ v
valueAtᵒ≡ =
(sumᶜ ∘ map value ∘ outputsAt 𝕍) txi
≡⟨ cong (sumᶜ ∘ map value) outputs≡ ⟩
sumᶜ [ value txOut ]
≡⟨ sum-single ⟩
forge′ +ᶜ v
propagates≡ : propagates threadₛₘ ptx ≡ true
propagates≡ = subst P (sym valueAtⁱ≡) threadToken≡
∧-× subst P (sym valueAtᵒ≡) P_v
P : Value → Set
P = λ v → (v ≥ᶜ threadₛₘ) ≡ true
P_v : P (forge′ +ᶜ v)
P_v = T⇒true (≥ᶜ-+ᶜ {x = forge′} {y = v} {z = threadₛₘ} (true⇒T threadToken≡))
validate≡ : validatorₛₘ ptx di ds ≡ true
validate≡ = do-pure runStep≡ (outputsOK≡ ∧-× verify≡ ∧-× propagates≡)
allPoliciesValidate vtx = apv tx
validateValidHashes vtx = vvh ∷ []
vvh : M.Any.Any (λ o → (address o ≡ 𝕍) × (datumHash o ≡ ds ♯ᵈ)) (getSpentOutput l txIn)
vvh rewrite getSpent≡ = M.Any.just (refl , refl)
forging vtx with
forge≡ tx≡
... | nothing = []
... | just xs = All-Any-helper {xs = xs}
All-Any-helper : ∀ {xs : List (MonetaryPolicy × SubValue)}
→ All (λ c → Any ((c ≡_) ∘ _♯) (map proj₁ xs))
(map proj₁ (map (map₁ _♯) xs))
All-Any-helper {xs = xs}
rewrite map-proj₁-map₁ {xs = xs} {f = _♯}
=⁺ $⁺ All-Any-refl
vl′ : ValidLedger (tx ∷ l)
vl′ = vl ⊕ tx ∶- vtx
vl→vl′ : vl —→[ tx ∶- vtx ] vl′
vl→vl′ = refl
vl′~s′ : vl′ ~ s′
vl′~s′ =
∈-map⁺ (datumHash ∘ out)
(∈-filter⁺ ((_≟ true) ∘ (_≥ᶜ threadₛₘ) ∘ value ∘ out)
(∈-filter⁺ ((𝕍 ≟_) ∘ address ∘ out)
(∈-++⁺ʳ (filter ((_∉? outputRefs tx) ∘ outRef) (utxo l)) (here refl))
(T⇒true (≥ᶜ-+ᶜ {x = forge tx} {y = v} {z = threadₛₘ} (true⇒T threadToken≡))))