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{-# OPTIONS --auto-inline #-}
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties using (∈-filter⁻)

open import Prelude.Init
open import Prelude.General
open import Prelude.Lists using (enumerate)
open import Prelude.Maybes
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Applicative
open import Prelude.Monad

open import UTxO.Hashing
open import UTxO.Value
open import UTxO.Types hiding (I)
open import UTxO.TxUtilities
open import UTxO.Validity
open import StateMachine.Base

module StateMachine.Properties
  {S I : Set} {{_ : IsData S}} {{_ : IsData I}} {sm : StateMachine S I}

open CEM {sm = sm}

T-propagates :  {ptx}
   propagates threadₛₘ ptx  true
   ((valueAtⁱ (thisValidator ptx) (txInfo ptx) ≥ᶜ threadₛₘ)  true)
  × ((valueAtᵒ (thisValidator ptx) (txInfo ptx) ≥ᶜ threadₛₘ)  true)
T-propagates {ptx} eq = bimap T⇒true T⇒true (T-∧ $ true⇒T eq)

T-outputsOK :  {l tx di ds s′} {txIn : TxInput} {txIn∈ : txIn  inputs tx}
   let ptx = toPendingTx l tx (L.Any.index txIn∈) in
    outputsOK ptx di ds s′  true
   ∃[ o ] ( (o  outputs tx)
           × (getContinuingOutputs ptx  [ o ])
           × (datumHash o  toData s′ ♯ᵈ)
           × (value o  valueAtᵒ (thisValidator ptx) (txInfo ptx))
           × (address o  validator txIn )
T-outputsOK {l} {tx} {di} {ds} {s′} {txIn} {txIn∈} eq
  with getContinuingOutputs (toPendingTx l tx (L.Any.index txIn∈))
     | inspect getContinuingOutputs (toPendingTx l tx (L.Any.index txIn∈))
... | (o  []) | ≡[ out≡ ]
  rewrite ptx-‼ {l = l} {tx = tx} {i∈ = txIn∈}
  with ∈-filter⁻ (((validator txIn)  ≟_)  address)
                  {v = o} {xs = outputs tx} (singleton→∈ (_ , out≡))
... | o∈ , refl
  with datumHash o  toData s′ ♯ᵈ | eq
... | no ¬p    | ()
... | yes refl | _
    = o , o∈ , refl , refl , sym (sum-single {v = value o}) , refl

T-validator :  {di s ptx} 
    ds   = toData s
    txi  = txInfo ptx
    outs = getContinuingOutputs ptx
    T (validatorₛₘ ptx di ds)
   ∃[ i ] ∃[ s′ ] ∃[ tx≡ ]
      ( (stepₛₘ s i  pure (s′ , tx≡))
      × (outputsOK ptx di ds s′  true)
      × (verifyTxInfo txi tx≡  true)
      × (propagates threadₛₘ ptx  true)
T-validator {di} {s} {ptx} eq
  rewrite from∘to s
  with  stepₛₘ (pure s) (fromData di) 
      | inspect  x   stepₛₘ (pure s) x ⦈) (fromData di)
      | eq
... | nothing | _        | ()
... | just r  | ≡[ eq′ ] | _
  with fromData {A = I} di
... | nothing = ⊥-elim (ap-nothing {m = maybe′ (pure  stepₛₘ) nothing (pure s)} eq′)
... | just i
  with stepₛₘ s i | inspect (stepₛₘ s) i | eq
... | nothing         | _          | ()
... | just (s′ , tx≡) | ≡[ step≡ ] | _
  rewrite step≡
  with outputsOK ptx di (toData s) s′ | inspect (outputsOK ptx di (toData s)) s′ | eq
... | false | _            | ()
... | true  | ≡[ outsOK≡ ] | _
  rewrite outsOK≡
  with verifyTxInfo (txInfo ptx) tx≡ | inspect (verifyTxInfo (txInfo ptx)) tx≡ | eq
-- ... | false | _            | ()
... | false | ≡[ verify≡ ] | absurd
  = {!!}
... | true  | ≡[ verify≡ ] | _
  rewrite verify≡
  with propagates threadₛₘ ptx | eq
... | false | ()
... | true  | _
    = i , s′ , tx≡ , step≡ , outsOK≡ , verify≡ , {!refl!} -- refl