Source code on Githubopen import Prelude.Init; open SetAsType
open import Prelude.DecEq
open import Prelude.Membership
open import Prelude.Setoid
open import Prelude.ToList
open import Prelude.Lists
open import Prelude.General hiding (_⊢_)
open import Prelude.Nary
open import Prelude.Bifunctor
open import Prelude.Lists.Collections
open import Prelude.Measurable
open import Prelude.ToN
open import Prelude.InferenceRules
open import Prelude.Decidable
open import Prelude.Coercions
open import BitML.BasicTypes
module BitML.Properties.Helpers (⋯ : ⋯) (let open ⋯ ⋯) where
open import BitML.Contracts ⋯
open import BitML.Semantics ⋯
_∙head : (tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) → Cfgᵗ
_∙head = λ where
(Γₜ ∎) → Γₜ
(Γₜ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ _) → Γₜ
allStatesᵗ⁺ : (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) → List⁺ Cfgᵗ
allStatesᵗ⁺ {Γₜ} Γ↠ = Γₜ ∷ (case Γ↠ of λ where
(.Γₜ ∎) → []
(.Γₜ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ tr) → allStatesᵗ tr)
allStatesᵗ : (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) → List Cfgᵗ
allStatesᵗ = toList ∘ allStatesᵗ⁺
module _ (Γ↠ : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) where
allStates⁺ : List⁺ Cfg
allStates⁺ = cfg $ allStatesᵗ⁺ Γ↠
allStates : List Cfg
allStates = toList allStates⁺
allTransitionsᵗ : List (Cfgᵗ × Cfgᵗ)
allTransitionsᵗ = pairs $ allStatesᵗ Γ↠
allTransitions : List (Cfg × Cfg)
allTransitions = map (map₁₂ cfg) allTransitionsᵗ
∈⇒∈ᵗ :
(tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ Γ ∈ allStates tr
→ ∃ λ t → Γ at t ∈ allStatesᵗ tr
∈⇒∈ᵗ tr Γ∈ with _ , Γₜ∈ , refl ← ∈⁺-map⁻ cfg {xs = allStatesᵗ⁺ tr} Γ∈ = -, Γₜ∈
∈ᵗ⇒∈ :
(tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ Γ at t ∈ allStatesᵗ tr
→ Γ ∈ allStates tr
∈ᵗ⇒∈ tr = ∈⁺-map⁺ cfg {xs = allStatesᵗ⁺ tr}
×∈⇒×∈ᵗ :
(tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ (Γ , Γ′) ∈ allTransitions tr
→ ∃ λ t → ∃ λ t′ → (Γ at t , Γ′ at t′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr
×∈⇒×∈ᵗ tr ×∈
with _ , xy∈ᵗ , refl ← L.Mem.∈-map⁻ (map₁₂ cfg) {xs = allTransitionsᵗ tr} ×∈
= -, -, xy∈ᵗ
×∈ᵗ⇒×∈ :
(tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ (Γ at t , Γ′ at t′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr
→ (Γ , Γ′) ∈ allTransitions tr
×∈ᵗ⇒×∈ tr = L.Mem.∈-map⁺ (map₁₂ cfg) {xs = allTransitionsᵗ tr}
∈-allTransitionsᵗ⁻ :
(tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″)
→ (Γₜ , Γₜ′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr
→ (Γₜ ∈ allStatesᵗ tr)
× (Γₜ′ ∈ allStatesᵗ tr)
∈-allTransitionsᵗ⁻ (_ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ tr) = λ where
(here refl) → here refl , there (here refl)
(there xy∈) → let x∈ , y∈ = ∈-allTransitionsᵗ⁻ tr xy∈ in there x∈ , there y∈
∈-allTransitions⁻ :
(tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ (Γ , Γ′) ∈ allTransitions tr
→ (Γ ∈ allStates tr)
× (Γ′ ∈ allStates tr)
∈-allTransitions⁻ tr xy∈ =
_ , _ , xy∈ᵗ = ×∈⇒×∈ᵗ tr xy∈
x∈ᵗ , y∈ᵗ = ∈-allTransitionsᵗ⁻ tr xy∈ᵗ
∈ᵗ⇒∈ tr x∈ᵗ , ∈ᵗ⇒∈ tr y∈ᵗ
allStatesᵗ⁺-∷ : ∀ {x′ y y′ z}
→ (Γ→ : x′ —[ α ]→ₜ y′)
→ (eq : Γₜ ≈ x′ × y ≈ y′)
→ (Γ↠ : y —[ αs ]↠ₜ z)
→ allStatesᵗ⁺ (Γₜ —→ₜ⟨ Γ→ ⟩ eq ⊢ Γ↠) ≡ (Γₜ ∷⁺ allStatesᵗ⁺ Γ↠)
allStatesᵗ⁺-∷ Γ→ eq Γ↠ = refl
allStatesᵗ⁺-∷ʳ : ∀ {x y y′}
→ (Γ↞ : x —[ αs ]↠ₜ y)
→ (Γ← : y′ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)
→ (eq : Γₜ ≈ Γₜ′ × y ≈ y′)
→ allStatesᵗ⁺ (Γₜ `⟨ Γ← ⟩←—ₜ eq ⊢ Γ↞) ≡ (allStatesᵗ⁺ Γ↞ ⁺∷ʳ Γₜ)
allStatesᵗ⁺-∷ʳ (_ ∎) _ _ = refl
allStatesᵗ⁺-∷ʳ {Γₜ = Γₜ} (x —→⟨ Γ←′ ⟩ eq′ ⊢ Γ↞) Γ← eq =
allStatesᵗ⁺ (Γₜ `⟨ Γ← ⟩←—ₜ eq ⊢ x —→ₜ⟨ Γ←′ ⟩ eq′ ⊢ Γ↞)
allStatesᵗ⁺ (x —→ₜ⟨ Γ←′ ⟩ eq′ ⊢ (Γₜ `⟨ Γ← ⟩←—ₜ eq ⊢ Γ↞))
x ∷⁺ allStatesᵗ⁺ (Γₜ `⟨ Γ← ⟩←—ₜ eq ⊢ Γ↞)
≡⟨ cong (x ∷⁺_) (allStatesᵗ⁺-∷ʳ Γ↞ Γ← eq) ⟩
(x ∷⁺ allStatesᵗ⁺ Γ↞) ⁺∷ʳ Γₜ
allStatesᵗ⁺ (x —→ₜ⟨ Γ←′ ⟩ eq′ ⊢ Γ↞) ⁺∷ʳ Γₜ
where open ≡-Reasoning renaming (begin_ to begin≡_; _∎ to _∎≡)
_~[_]→ₜ_ : Cfgᵗ → Label → Cfgᵗ → Type
x ~[ α ]→ₜ y =
∃ λ x′ → ∃ λ y′ →
(x ≈ x′ × y ≈ y′)
× (x′ —[ α ]→ₜ y′)
∃[_∋_]′ : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → Rel₀ Cfg) → Type
∃[ Γ↠ ∋ P ]′
= ∃ λ x → ∃ λ x′ → ∃ λ y → ∃ λ y′
→ ((x , y) ∈ allTransitions Γ↠)
× (x ≈ x′ × y ≈ y′)
× P Γ↠ x′ y′
∃[_∋_] : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → Rel₀ Cfg → Type
∃[ Γ↠ ∋ P ] = ∃[ Γ↠ ∋ const P ]′
∃[_∋ᵗ_]′ : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → Rel₀ Cfgᵗ) → Type
∃[ Γ↠ ∋ᵗ P ]′
= ∃ λ x → ∃ λ x′ → ∃ λ y → ∃ λ y′
→ ((x , y) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ Γ↠)
× (x ≈ x′ × y ≈ y′)
× P Γ↠ x′ y′
∃[_∋ᵗ_] : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → Rel₀ Cfgᵗ → Type
∃[ Γ↠ ∋ᵗ P ] = ∃[ Γ↠ ∋ᵗ const P ]′
zoomP : ∀ {P : Pred₀ Label}
→ (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ Any P αs
→ ∃[ tr ∋ᵗ (λ Γₜ Γₜ′ → ∃ λ α → P α × (Γₜ —[ α ]→ₜ Γₜ′)) ]
zoomP (_—→⟨_⟩_⊢_ x {x′}{y}{y′} Γ→ eq Γ↠) (here Pα)
rewrite allStatesᵗ⁺-∷ {Γₜ = x} Γ→ eq Γ↠
= -, -, -, -, here refl , eq , (-, Pα , Γ→)
zoomP (_ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ Γ↠) (there α∈)
with _ , _ , _ , _ , xy∈ , ≈Γ→ ← zoomP Γ↠ α∈
= -, -, -, -, there xy∈ , ≈Γ→
zoom :
(tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ α ∈ αs
→ ∃[ tr ∋ᵗ _—[ α ]→ₜ_ ]
zoom {α = α} Γ↠ α∈
with _ , _ , _ , _ , xy∈ , x≈ , .α , refl , Γ→ ← zoomP Γ↠ α∈
= -, -, -, -, xy∈ , x≈ , Γ→
namesʳ⊆deposits :
x ∈ namesʳ g
→ Σ Participant λ A → Σ Value λ v →
(A , v , x) ∈ deposits g
namesʳ⊆deposits {x} {A :? v at x} (here refl) = A , v , here refl
namesʳ⊆deposits {x} {A :! v at x} (here refl) = A , v , here refl
namesʳ⊆deposits {x} {l ∣ r} x∈
rewrite mapMaybe-++ isInj₂ (names l) (names r)
with L.Mem.∈-++⁻ (namesʳ l) x∈
namesʳ⊆deposits {x} {l ∣ r} x∈ | inj₁ x∈ˡ
with A , v , d∈ ← namesʳ⊆deposits {g = l} x∈ˡ
with _ , td∈ , refl ← L.Mem.∈-map⁻ proj₂ d∈
= A , v , L.Mem.∈-map⁺ proj₂ (L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ td∈)
namesʳ⊆deposits {x} {l ∣ r} x∈ | inj₂ x∈ʳ
with A , v , d∈ ← namesʳ⊆deposits {g = r} x∈ʳ
with _ , td∈ , refl ← L.Mem.∈-map⁻ proj₂ d∈
= A , v , L.Mem.∈-map⁺ proj₂ (L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ _ td∈)
deposits⊆namesʳ :
(A , v , x) ∈ deposits Γ
→ x ∈ namesʳ Γ
deposits⊆namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {⟨ A has v ⟩at x} (here refl) = here refl
deposits⊆namesʳ {A} {v} {x} {l ∣ r} d∈
rewrite mapMaybe∘collectFromBase-++ {X = Name} isInj₂ l r
rewrite collectFromBase-++ {X = DepositRef} l r
with L.Mem.∈-++⁻ (deposits l) d∈
... | inj₁ x∈ˡ = L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ $ deposits⊆namesʳ {Γ = l} x∈ˡ
... | inj₂ x∈ʳ = L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ _ $ deposits⊆namesʳ {Γ = r} x∈ʳ
deposits⊆⇒namesʳ⊆ :
deposits ad ⊆ deposits Γ
→ namesʳ ad ⊆ namesʳ Γ
deposits⊆⇒namesʳ⊆ {ad}{Γ} d⊆
= deposits⊆namesʳ {Γ = Γ}
∘ d⊆
∘ (proj₂ ∘ proj₂)
∘ namesʳ⊆deposits {g = ad .G}
¬Delay : Γ —[ delay⦅ δ ⦆ ]↛ Γ′
¬Delay ([C-Control] _ _ _ ())
cvDestroys :
x ∉ ids Γ
→ ⟨ [ d ] , v ⟩at x ∣ Γ —[ α ]→ Γ′
→ cv α ≡ just x
→ x ∉ ids Γ′
c⇒x : ∀ {Γ : BaseCfg} → ⌞ ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ⌟ ≡ Γ → inj₂ x ∈ names Γ
c⇒x refl = here refl
c∈⇒x∈ : ∀ Γ →
⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ
x ∈ ids Γ
c∈⇒x∈ Γ = flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl
∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ names
∘ c⇒x
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ
x∉⇒c∉ : x ∉ ids Γ → ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∉ᶜ Γ
x∉⇒c∉ {Γ = Γ} = _∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ
module _ {c}{v}{x} where
c∈⇒x∈∘∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ : (c∈ : ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ)
→ ( c∈⇒x∈ (Γ ∣ Γ′)
∘ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ˡ Γ Γ′
) c∈
≡ ( ∈-ids-++⁺ˡ Γ Γ′
∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ
) c∈
c∈⇒x∈∘∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ : (c∈ : ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ′)
→ ( c∈⇒x∈ (Γ ∣ Γ′)
∘ ∈ᶜ-++⁺ʳ Γ Γ′
) c∈
≡ ( ∈-ids-++⁺ʳ Γ Γ′
∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ′
) c∈
open L.Perm
open import Prelude.Lists.PermutationsMeta
∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈ : ∀ Γ Γ′
→ (Γ≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′)
→ (c∈ : ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ)
→ ( ∈-resp-↭ (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ
) c∈
≡ ( c∈⇒x∈ Γ′
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) c∈
∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈ Γ Γ′ Γ≈ c∈ =
( ∈-resp-↭ (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ
) c∈
( ∈-resp-↭ (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
∘ flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl
∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ _
∘ c⇒x
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ
) c∈
≡⟨ ∈-resp-↭∘∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂ (≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈) refl _ ⟩
( flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl
∘ ∈-resp-↭ (≈⇒names↭ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈)
∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ _
∘ c⇒x
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ
) c∈
≡⟨ cong (flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl)
(∈-resp-↭∘∈-concatMap⁺ Γ≈ _) ⟩
( flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl
∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ _
∘ Any-resp-↭ Γ≈
∘ c⇒x
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ
) c∈
≡⟨ cong (flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl ∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ _)
(Any-resp-↭∘Any-map c⇒x Γ≈ _) ⟩
( flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl
∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ _
∘ c⇒x
∘ ∈-resp-↭ Γ≈
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ
) c∈
≡⟨ sym $ cong (flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl ∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ _ ∘ c⇒x)
$ ∈-resp-↭∘∈-Cfg′ (⟨ c , v ⟩at x) Γ Γ′ Γ≈ c∈ ⟩
( flip (∈-mapMaybe⁺ isInj₂) refl
∘ ∈-concatMap⁺ _
∘ c⇒x
∘ ∈-Cfg′ _ Γ′
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) c∈
( c∈⇒x∈ Γ′
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) c∈
∎≡ where open ≡-Reasoning renaming (begin_ to begin≡_; _∎ to _∎≡)
∈ᶜ-resp-≈∘∈ᶜ-resp-≈ : ∀ Γ Γ′
→ (Γ≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′)
→ (c∈ : ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ)
→ ( ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈)
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) c∈
≡ c∈
∈ᶜ-resp-≈∘∈ᶜ-resp-≈ _ _ = ∈-map-resp-↭∘∈-map-resp-↭˘ to[ Cfg ]
∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈∘∈ᶜ-resp-≈ : ∀ Γ Γ′ (Γ≈ : Γ ≈ Γ′)
→ (c∈ : ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ)
→ ( ∈-resp-↭ (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈))
∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ′
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) c∈
≡ c∈⇒x∈ Γ c∈
∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈∘∈ᶜ-resp-≈ Γ Γ′ Γ≈ c∈ =
( ∈-resp-↭ (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈))
∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ′
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) c∈
≡⟨ ∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈ Γ′ Γ (↭-sym Γ≈) (∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈ c∈) ⟩
( c∈⇒x∈ Γ
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ′}{Γ} (↭-sym Γ≈)
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} Γ≈
) c∈
≡⟨ cong (c∈⇒x∈ Γ) $ ∈-map-resp-↭∘∈-map-resp-↭˘ to[ Cfg ] Γ≈ c∈ ⟩
c∈⇒x∈ Γ c∈
∎≡ where open ≡-Reasoning renaming (begin_ to begin≡_; _∎ to _∎≡)
∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈∘∈ᶜ-resp-≈˘ : ∀ Γ Γ′ (Γ≈ : Γ′ ≈ Γ)
→ (c∈ : ⟨ c , v ⟩at x ∈ᶜ Γ)
→ ( ∈-resp-↭ (≈⇒namesʳ↭ {Γ′}{Γ} Γ≈)
∘ c∈⇒x∈ Γ′
∘ ∈ᶜ-resp-≈ {Γ}{Γ′} (↭-sym Γ≈)
) c∈
≡ c∈⇒x∈ Γ c∈
∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈∘∈ᶜ-resp-≈˘ Γ Γ′ Γ≈
with go ← ∈-resp-↭∘c∈⇒x∈∘∈ᶜ-resp-≈ Γ Γ′ (↭-sym Γ≈)
rewrite L.Perm.↭-sym-involutive Γ≈
= go
private variable X : Type ℓ
HX↠ₜ : ⦃ ∀ {αs} → (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) has X ⦄ → (Γₜ —↠ₜ Γₜ′) has X
HX↠ₜ .collect = collect ∘ proj₂
HL↠ₜ : (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) has Label
HL↠ₜ {αs = αs} .collect _ = αs
HA↠ₜ : (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) has Ad
HA↠ₜ .collect = concatMap authorizedHonAds ∘ allStates
HN↠ₜ : (Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) has Name
HN↠ₜ .collect = concatMap collect ∘ allStates
ads⊆ : (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) → Γ ∈ allStates tr → advertisements Γ ⊆ advertisements tr
ads⊆ (_ ∎) (here refl) = L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ
ads⊆ (Γ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ tr) = λ where
(here refl) → L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ
(there Γ∈) → L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ (advertisements Γ) ∘ ads⊆ tr Γ∈
labels : ∀ {X : Type} → ⦃ X has Label ⦄ → X → Labels
labels = collect
MT : Measurable (Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″)
MT {αs = αs} .∣_∣ _ = length αs
splitTraceˡ : (tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″) (xy∈ : (Γₜ , Γₜ′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr)
→ Γₜ₀ —[ take (toℕ $ L.Any.index xy∈) αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ
splitTraceˡ (_ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ _) (here refl) = _ ∎ₜ
splitTraceˡ (_ —→⟨ Γ→ ⟩ p ⊢ Γ↠) (there Γ∈) = _ —→ₜ⟨ Γ→ ⟩ p ⊢ splitTraceˡ Γ↠ Γ∈
≺-splitTraceˡ : (tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″) (xy∈ : (Γₜ , Γₜ′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr)
→ ∣ splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ ∣ ≺ ∣ tr ∣
≺-splitTraceˡ (_ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ _) (here refl) = s≤s z≤n
≺-splitTraceˡ (_ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ tr′) (there Γ∈′) = s≤s (≺-splitTraceˡ tr′ Γ∈′)
_⊆ˢ_ : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → Δₜ —[ αs′ ]↠ₜ Δₜ′ → Type
tr ⊆ˢ tr′ = allStates tr ⊆ allStates tr′
⊆ˢ⇒names⊆ : (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) (tr′ : Δₜ —[ αs′ ]↠ₜ Δₜ′)
→ tr ⊆ˢ tr′
→ tr ⊆⦅ names ⦆ tr′
⊆ˢ⇒names⊆ tr tr′ states⊆
= ∈-concatMap⁺ _
∘ ⊆-resp-Any states⊆
∘ ∈-concatMap⁻ names
⊆ˢ⇒ads⊆ : (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) (tr′ : Δₜ —[ αs′ ]↠ₜ Δₜ′)
→ tr ⊆ˢ tr′
→ tr ⊆⦅ advertisements ⦆ tr′
⊆ˢ⇒ads⊆ tr tr′ states⊆
= ∈-concatMap⁺ _
∘ ⊆-resp-Any states⊆
∘ ∈-concatMap⁻ advertisements
⊆ˢ-splitTraceˡ : (tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″) (xy∈ : (Γₜ , Γₜ′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr)
→ splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ ⊆ˢ tr
⊆ˢ-splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ᵗ Γ∈ with tr | xy∈ᵗ | Γ∈
... | _ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ _ | here refl | here refl = here refl
... | _ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ _ | there _ | here refl = here refl
... | _ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ Γ↠ | there Γ∈′ | there x∈′ = there $ ⊆ˢ-splitTraceˡ Γ↠ Γ∈′ x∈′
_⊆ᵗʳ_ : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′ → Δₜ —[ αs′ ]↠ₜ Δₜ′ → Type
tr ⊆ᵗʳ tr′ = allTransitions tr ⊆ allTransitions tr′
⊆ᵗʳ-splitTraceˡ : (tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″) (xy∈ : (Γₜ , Γₜ′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr)
→ splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ ⊆ᵗʳ tr
⊆ᵗʳ-splitTraceˡ tr Γ∈ x∈ with tr | Γ∈ | x∈
... | _ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ _ | here refl | ()
... | _ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ _ | there _ | here refl = here refl
... | _ —→⟨ _ ⟩ _ ⊢ Γ↠ | there Γ∈′ | there x∈′ = there $ ⊆ᵗʳ-splitTraceˡ Γ↠ Γ∈′ x∈′
∃-weaken∈ : ∀ {P : Rel₀ Cfg} (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′) (tr′ : Δₜ —[ αs′ ]↠ₜ Δₜ′)
→ tr ⊆ᵗʳ tr′
→ ∃[ tr ∋ P ]
→ ∃[ tr′ ∋ P ]
∃-weaken∈ _ _ xs⊆ (x , x′ , y , y′ , xy∈ , xy≈ , H)
= x , x′ , y , y′ , xs⊆ xy∈ , xy≈ , H
∃-weakenP : ∀ {P Q : Rel₀ Cfg} (tr : Γₜ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ′)
→ P ⇒² Q
→ ∃[ tr ∋ P ]
→ ∃[ tr ∋ Q ]
∃-weakenP _ P⇒ (x , x′ , y , y′ , xy∈ , xy≈ , H)
= x , x′ , y , y′ , xy∈ , xy≈ , P⇒ H
∃-splitTraceˡ : ∀ {X : Type} {P : X → Rel₀ Cfg} (tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″) (xy∈ : (Γₜ , Γₜ′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr) {x x′ : X}
→ P x ⇒² P x′
→ ∃[ splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ ∋ P x ]
→ ∃[ tr ∋ P x′ ]
∃-splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ P⇒ = ∃-weakenP tr P⇒
∘ ∃-weaken∈ (splitTraceˡ tr xy∈) tr (⊆ᵗʳ-splitTraceˡ tr xy∈)
∃-splitTraceˡ′ : ∀ {P Q : Rel₀ Cfg} (tr : Γₜ₀ —[ αs ]↠ₜ Γₜ″) (xy∈ : (Γₜ , Γₜ′) ∈ allTransitionsᵗ tr)
→ P ⇒² Q
→ ∃[ splitTraceˡ tr xy∈ ∋ P ]
→ ∃[ tr ∋ Q ]
∃-splitTraceˡ′ tr xy∈ P⇒ = ∃-weakenP tr P⇒
∘ ∃-weaken∈ (splitTraceˡ tr xy∈) tr (⊆ᵗʳ-splitTraceˡ tr xy∈)